Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Slider Jumbo Food Storage Bags - 2.5 Gallon Size, 12 Count

Six packages in the kitchen will not be - Pavel Astashev explained the futility of separate garbage collection in Morozovsk

Hefty Slider Jumbo Food Storage Bags - 2.5 Gallon Size, 12 Count

At a meeting with the Morozovchanians on November 18, the Head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Rostov Region spoke about the past and future of waste treatment.

- Previously, we paid, the management company or a specialized organization took this garbage. Everyone is happy. And where did she carry this rubbish ... - Pavel Astashev spread his hands. - At the landfill or the nearest beam - we did not give this report to ourselves. As a result, we got the fact that in the Rostov region we have about 250 unauthorized dumps. Dumps! I'm not talking about crap beams.

He explained that now this problem will be gradually solved.

- In the Rostov region will be built eight waste-processing plant. One of them will be somewhere here, not far from you, ”Pavel Vladimirovich recalled.

- Will not be! - shouted from the audience. Morozovchane already for several years heard about this plant, but it is still not there.

- Will be! - the head of the housing inspection stated with conviction. - Will be! 2017-2018 construction should start and in 2019 it should be completed.

In the photo: Pavel Astashev tells frostmen about future waste processing plants.

But he told the most interesting thing later:

- The meaning will be this. Those who will be engaged in export and processing of waste will receive money upon delivery of garbage to this combine, - the official explained. - I brought it, put it on the scale, I passed it - and only after that I received the money. I am convinced that as a result of this, you and I will gradually get the elimination of all these natural dumps.

As an example, he cited the collection of scrap metal. Previously, scrap metal was lying everywhere, everyone went to collect it. And now even if you really want to pass it, then it will be rather difficult to find an orphaned metal.

- So, I am convinced, there will be rubbish, - assured Pavel Astashev frost. - In this part we will put things in order.

He also explained why the beginning of construction is so delayed:

- While there is a process of allocation of land. There is a complicated procedure. The conclusion of the examination, according to the meters, they see that there is nothing next to it ... So that it does not affect the ecology. And this process will take some time.

Many listened to the head of the regional housing inspection with interest. Several people even wrote down the main points of his speech.

Pavel Astashev noted that another problem would be solved in parallel.

- From January 1, 2017 for owners living in residential buildings, it will be mandatory to conclude an agreement on the export of solid waste. What do we have now? We have tanks, littered with debris from nearby houses, - he touched the most relevant and painful topic for many. - I do not want to pay money - I took the package and brought it to the apartment building in the early morning or late evening. Now, one way or another, will have to pay. Therefore, we think this problem will also be partially resolved.

Pavel Vladimirovich said that the question of whether the collection of garbage will be separate is still open:

- Of course, this will all be decided through public hearings. I think that we in Russia are not yet ready to have five or six packages in our kitchen for various garbage. Many countries refuse separate collection and are engaged in separate processing. That is, you assembled in one package, and the “smart” machine at the recycling plant itself sorted it out.

Someone from the hall sarcastically remarked:

-We know this car! Women sit and hands apart.

Astashev reacted with humor to the cry:

- This is the best car, which for hundreds of years.

Despite the fact that nothing has yet been decided as to how the garbage will be collected - in one or six packages - there will not be separate garbage collection in Morozovsk in the near future for objective reasons. Apart from the ingrained habit, our small kitchens are not designed to hold several bags of garbage in them at the same time.

Hefty Slider Jumbo Food Storage Bags - 2.5 Gallon Size, 12 Count