Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 120 Count

How do residents of SZAO relate to separate garbage collection?

Hefty Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 120 Count

The correspondent of "NW" walked around the courtyards of the district and talked to people

For three years in the courtyards of Moscow and the district establish containers for separate collection of garbage. There are two types: in one, you can only throw plastic, and in the other - even paper, metal and glass containers. And, as reported by NW in the prefecture of the district, the number of containers for separate collection of garbage will grow - over time they plan to equip each container site of the district.

Walking around the courtyards, the NW correspondent found out whether containers are popular.
Pensioners are more active

In the courtyard of the house 5 on the street. Marshal Malinovsky to the container for plastic suitable elderly woman with bottles of syrup.

- Often tenants use the container? - I ask.

- Not really. Mostly elderly go. Many plastic bottles at home in a separate package folded, - says the woman. - A young container almost does not use.

After 10 minutes, a man with a canister from under the motor oil approaches the container. I am interested in whether it can be thrown into a container

- This is not from under the poison canister! - he frowns. - I washed it thoroughly.

Plastic containers in the district put the company "Ecogroup." According to the deputy director of the company Denis Galchenko, it is possible to throw the cans out from under the motor oil into the container, they are being recycled. But trays from under the eggs, packaging from cakes and white milk bottles are useless: they are not recyclable.
At one of the container sites / Olga Chumachenko

At one of the container sites / Olga Chumachenko
Small kitchen does not bother everyone

At home 21 on the street. Berzarina set the container for glass, plastic, metal paper and cardboard. Stand for half an hour - no one is suitable. Finally, I see a young man with a white bag in his hands. Alas, he throws garbage in a common container.

- I have a kitchen of such size that barely a table with a stove enters. Where should I put four different buckets to separate the garbage? - He says irritably.

Half an hour later, a woman comes to the container for separate collection of garbage and throws cans away.

- I have been sharing garbage for a year. There really is no place in the kitchen, so bags for cans, old newspapers and plastic containers hang on the balcony, she smiles.
Build roads, sew down jackets

Separate waste collection is a big plus for the economy and for the environment. After all, waste collected in this way is recycled, not burned.

According to Denis Galchenko, plastic is used when sewing winter down jackets and in the construction of roads. Also sewage pipes are made from recycled plastic bottles. Glass is given to glass factories for the manufacture of non-food containers. The metal is melted down and used in the production of steel.

- Now there are containers for plastic in almost every yard. But we are committed to ensuring that such containers are located near each house, - says Denis Galchenko.

What about the others?

For separate collection of garbage are struggling in many countries around the world. In Australia, for a wrong sorting, you will have to pay a fine of 7,500 Australian dollars, in the US - 1,000 dollars, in Singapore - 150 Singapore dollars (almost 10,000 rubles), and in Germany for improperly disposed garbage can generally raise the rates for waste disposal throughout the area.

Creative approach to this issue in Japan . Here it is customary not only to sort garbage into packages at home, but also to write one's last name on each one. If the waste is laid out wrong, the garbage collection company will return the bags asking them to sort it all out correctly.

In Lithuania , to teach garbage sorting from childhood, containers for separate collection of garbage are installed in kindergartens.

Interestingly, in the US, recycled glass has been learned to build houses. Thus, in Las Vegas, opened a huge building on an area of ​​9150 square meters. meters, built from half a million recycled glass beer bottles.

Hefty Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 120 Count