Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Trash Bags for the Recycling Bin - Clear, 13 Gallon, 60 Count

Experts told why separate garbage collection does not take root in the capital

Hefty Trash Bags for the Recycling Bin - Clear, 13 Gallon, 60 Count

Experts have named the reasons why separate collection of garbage is still not taking root in Russia and even in Moscow. In addition to the negligence of scavengers who have been repeatedly mentioned, dumping all the waste into a common pile on export, there are other explanations for this. So, the capital waste chutes are simply not adapted for separate collection, as well as apartments: there are simply no places to keep several buckets in the kitchen for different types of garbage. About this writes "Moskovsky Komsomolets" .

One of the reasons for the problems with separate waste collection is the presence of garbage chutes in the houses, which are obviously unsuitable for waste sorting, as well as foreign vacuum waste disposal systems of the 1970s that were advanced for their time. One way to solve the problem is to dismantle the garbage chutes, besides, a centralized solution to the problem allows freeing up the rooms of the garbage rooms and adapting them to storage of wheelchairs, a concierge booth or rooms for collecting different categories of recyclables. You can also pay attention to foreign experience: in the houses of Sweden, the so-called environment rooms are equipped - airtight rooms on the lower floors of buildings or in separate buildings, where containers are installed for separate collection of waste, including food.

Another way - to make sorting out of the apartment on a specially equipped site. The garbage chute and the room for them on the first floor are saved, everything goes there, except for food waste. Sorting is done manually or automatically, leaving about 10% of solid household waste that cannot be recycled. In addition, theoretically, the garbage chute can be adapted to separate collection of waste, if you throw in it sorted garbage in bags of different colors. However, it is impossible to do without checking and additional sorting in this case, therefore experts recognize it as unrealistic.

The second and much more common reason is disinterest and non-disregard for separate collection as such. If in the West, sorting garbage is taught from childhood, in Russia it is “mixed” already at the collection stage. In the West, there are more interesting "incentives": for the removal of unsorted garbage has to pay significantly more than sorted. On the other hand, the closeness of Moscow apartments and kitchens simply does not allow keeping several buckets for different types of garbage. In addition, if the points for separate collection will be outside the house, many will prefer not to waste time trying to reach them.

Recall that in the beginning of the year, the Minister of Ecology of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, said that the authorities of the Moscow Region, together with public organizations, would ask residents to refuse to use the garbage chutes and to work on switching to separate collection of garbage from owners of private houses and residents of SNT. He also said that in order to introduce the system of separate collection of garbage in the Moscow region, it is necessary to introduce increased administrative responsibility and create a “institute of garbage detective”: for management companies engaged in garbage collection, it is necessary to introduce a differentiated tariff and reduce the rate if the system of separate collection is used.

Meanwhile, the city authorities acknowledged that there is no company in the capital that could take out the waste collected by the residents. At the same time in the new projects of residential buildings, including those under construction under the renovation program, rooms for separate waste collection are provided, which should become an alternative to the garbage disposal.

Hefty Trash Bags for the Recycling Bin - Clear, 13 Gallon, 60 Count