Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap Value Pack – Lavender 32oz. (2 Pack)

How is the habit of hand washing gained to children?

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap Value Pack – Lavender 32oz. (2 Pack)

About 3.5 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These deaths occur particularly in low-income communities in developing countries. Studies have shown that encouraging children to wash hands is effective in preventing infectious diseases. In the meta-analysis of studies on handwashing, diarrheal diseases were shown to decrease by 47% with handwashing.
The habit of handwashing is a behavior that is gained not only by narration but also by practice and at a young age. Apart from this education that you will be given by your parents, the school where your child attends should also be shown in practice through a guidance teacher or kindergarten teacher. The important point here is not only to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.
The right hand washing has the tricks to free the hands from germs. First the hands should be wet with water. Then the liquid poured into the hand should be rubbed thoroughly with soap. The palms, nails and wrist folds should not be forgotten during the rubbing process.

The rubbing process should be continued for at least 30 seconds. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water. After washing the toilet, the hand washing process should be repeated twice.
Now let's come to the issue of how we can bring this behavior to our children. The basis of gaining the habit of hand washing for our children is to stay away from exaggeration by acting realistic and natural. Respecting your child while presenting this behavior you want to gain, making him feel that he is valuable and most importantly presenting what you look at from his window, will lead you to gain your handwashing habit 1 - 0 ahead.
The most common mistakes in this behavior can lead to adverse reactions in your child, but can lead to stubbornness with you and your parents. To equal all of this, you must first pay attention to your tone of voice, your body language. It is very important that you make your child feel calm and clear that you do not lose control.

You should establish the principle of authority-caring with your child very well. In order to wash your child's hands, you should not speak, beg or even bargain. You must show him that this is a necessity with a compassionate but serious tone and posture.
It is a very common method to threaten our children with sentences such as 'When the father comes / you go home / you see in the evening'. You can't solve anything like this. What you parents should do is choose to play 'detective' instead of asking your child the question of 'why'. By observing your child closely, you can better understand the actual cause of his / her movements.
As a result; Do not react under the influence of your emotions, do not lose your authority rope, use severe or empty threats, observe instead of asking for accounts, and do not name and label your child.
Children copy the behavior of parents like carbon paper. Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm and positive temperament. Be an example of your behavior instead of giving advice. For them the action is much more effective than the promise. Because our children learn and apply what they see, not what they hear. Just start getting to know your children well; because you don't know them at all.

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap Value Pack – Lavender 32oz. (2 Pack)

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Lemon Verbena Dish Soap (16 fl oz), Hand Soap (12.5 fl oz), Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner (16 fl oz)

How to wash hands?

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Lemon Verbena Dish Soap (16 fl oz), Hand Soap (12.5 fl oz), Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner (16 fl oz)

Hygiene is very important for protection against infectious diseases. So, how to wash your hands to get rid of germs and 20 sec. Do you know the rule?

Dr. Osman points out a very important issue: Hand washing. It is even more important to wash hands, especially in winter, when infectious diseases increase. How to wash hands? What is the rule of at least 20 seconds? Answers on Osman is giving ...

The “bird flu epidemic eden that kept our health agenda busy for a long time scared us all but brought up a very important issue: Hygiene!

There is no other word that expresses that the first, only and constant condition of health is “cleaning dogrudan!

Personal hygiene and cleaning are paramount, especially when it comes to protection from infectious diseases. When it comes to real personal cleaning, “hand cleaning” takes the first place. Hands are the most important means of transporting microbial and parasitic diseases, especially in “cross-contamination.. Microbes can infect hands from many different sources. It then spreads rapidly by spreading from hand to hand or from materials used.

The most important factor is the poor cleaning of the hands and the lack of habit of handwashing, especially if the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract infections are transmitted.

As a society, we have finally realized the importance of washing hands (with some fear) last year! The Ministry of Health has made an effective campaign. Soap producers insisted on a very good campaign with the slogan dokun touch the water-soap ”. Washing the hands with soap only provides the desired cleaning. The important point here is to wash according to hand technique and to continue the washing process for at least 20 seconds.

How should the hand washing technique be?

Do not say that hand washing is a technique! Here are the things to be careful when washing hands:

* For a proper hand wash, remove the jewelry, jewelry and accessories beforehand.
* Wet your hands under running water,
* Then wrists, back and inner face of your hands, between the fingers, fingernails tips and edges with plenty of soap, at least twenty seconds to rub strongly.
* After the end of this process, rinse with plenty of water and paper towel drying process if you do the job can be considered appropriate to the technique.

Please do not underestimate what you have read and say “we already know!! A recent study in the United States showed that handwashing was left incomplete in the toilets, and that a significant proportion of handwashers were not doing it properly, especially “scrubbing” and not taking into account işi 20 seconds yeterince. The results of this study in Atlanta were really annoying, and there was even an article in The Washington Post!

Handwashing is of course very important in hospitals, especially in intensive care units, pediatric departments and operating theaters, but give importance to frequent handwashing in everyday life! You do not have to use an antiseptic soap for this. Any soap can provide the desired cleaning when washing according to the technique. Hand antiseptics need to be used under certain conditions.
So a little water, a little soap and a 20-second period you can spare can protect you from many diseases.

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Lemon Verbena Dish Soap (16 fl oz), Hand Soap (12.5 fl oz), Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner (16 fl oz)

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap 6 Scent Variety Pack, 12.5 oz Each (6 CT)

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap 6 Scent Variety Pack, 12.5 oz Each (6 CT)

Most infections are transmitted from unwashed hands. Unfortunately, care is not taken in the habit of hand washing around the world. Figures are very poor in children's hand washing habits. Every year, approximately 2 million children under the age of 5 die due to infections from unwashed hands. To address these problems, UNICEF (United Nations Children's Aid Fund) celebrates World Handwashing Day every year on October 15th, and organizes a series of events to highlight the importance of handwashing, especially for children. On the occasion of this meaningful day, we will share useful information on how to gain children's hand washing habits in this week's health corner on Ofix Blog.

Why is the habit of hand washing important in children?
First of all, let's talk about the importance of hand washing and the children's hand washing habit, sir. Every day billions of microbes circulate hand in hand. Our hands, one of the organs we use most in our daily life and in our business life, lead to the spread of microorganisms easily on the surfaces we touch. In this respect, washing hands is not only important for our personal hygiene, but also for public health. As a matter of fact, the purpose of handwashing is to prevent infection of microorganisms transmitted to the hand and to protect both individual and public health.
In order for the handwashing to have positive results, it is necessary to know the correct handwashing and in which situations it is necessary to wash hands. Handwashing without sufficient care will not provide the desired result, but it is also possible to catch infections due to simple neglect. Inadequate hand hygiene threatens the health of children more than adults' health. In order to prevent this situation, the habit of hand washing must be gained to children from a young age.

However, the habit of handwashing in children is closely related to each child's own skills and learning motivation. For this reason, parents need to be very patient and manage this process correctly. Children who have not had the habit of washing hands before school age can easily get infection from school toilets. In order to develop the habit of handwashing in children, it is not enough to explain when and how to wash hands, and parents should also act as role models.

In which situations should you wash your hands?
One of the most important mistakes in the handwashing habits of children is that the handwashing should only be done before and after meals and after the toilet. Children who think hand washing is limited to these situations cannot gain enough sensitivity to other health risks. As a matter of fact, it is sufficient to touch a surface which is not clean enough to wash hands. It is also necessary to wash your hands, for example when exchanging money, contacting transport, touching uncooked food. In addition, after handshaking, coughing, and sneezing, contact with ill persons and their belongings, impaired food and rubbish, loving animals, touching someone else's personal belongings should also be washed.

What should be considered when washing hands?
Antibacterial soaps should always be your first choice about hand soaps. Ordinary soaps may be insufficient to provide hand hygiene in some cases. It is necessary to use liquid soap instead of solid soap in collective living and working environments. It is very difficult to keep solid soaps dry in such environments. In solid soaps that are not stored under suitable conditions, some microorganisms can easily propagate and spread. If you work in a job where you need to take great care of hand hygiene, you may need to use special disinfectant in addition to antibacterial soaps. As a matter of fact, it may be necessary to use different products to provide hand hygiene in some occupational groups, especially health workers.

Soaps used for hand washing should not irritate the skin. Skin cracks due to irritation create a suitable ground for microorganisms to enter the body. Do not use excessive hot or cold water when washing hands. If you wash your hands in warm water, it will be easier to continue the washing process for 30 seconds. If your hands are very dirty, you can increase this time up to 2-3 minutes. During the washing process, you should foam the soap to your wrists. Before washing your hands, if any rings, imprint, bracelets, watches such as jewelry and accessories you should remove. When cleaning and hygiene is not provided on these surfaces due to the lack of water and soap, the risks of infection are not eliminated. It is best to use paper towels instead of cotton towels to avoid contact with microorganisms after washing your hands.

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?
After briefly discussing the importance of handwashing and handwashing in children, in this part of our article, we will share useful information about how children can gain handwashing. But to make this information work, let's make it clear that you need to be a good role model for hand washing.

You must accurately explain the importance of hand washing.
When children understand what is good and useful for them, they have a natural desire to put into practice the knowledge they have learned. Especially 2-3 age range is the most appropriate time period for children to gain the desired behavior. However, if your child has not yet gained the habit of washing hands after he / she is 3 years old, you should be patient and give up the experiment. When explaining the importance of handwashing, you should be realistic rather than using analogies such as “avenger” and ort ghost hakkında about microbes. You should try to guide your child with the right information instead of forcing them into intimidation.

You must create suitable conditions for hand washing.
In order for children to develop hand washing habits, some physical and psychological conditions must be formed. In physical conditions, your child should be able to reach the sink and use soap. To facilitate physical conditions, you can use a stool when you reach the sink or get support from you. For psychological conditions, your child's awareness of personal hygiene needs to be improved. The ideal age range is 2-3 years. In this age range, your child will gain the habit of toiletry and if he / she learns to care for your mouth, hair and nails, he / she will gain the habit of hand washing easier. Since handwashing in children is a part of general cleaning habits, the learning process will become easier as they become aware of cleaning.

You should make hand washing fun.
Play for children is both a form of fun and learning. You can have fun with your child by playing games, as well as you can change the behavior you want to win. If you have a positive attitude towards your child when washing your hands, your child will have a natural desire to wash their hands depending on your interest. When you help him to overcome the physical difficulties he encounters while washing his hands, his sense of trust towards you will rise and his loyalty will increase. To make hand washing even more fun, you can use fun soaps made specifically for children.

You should teach him to wash his hands correctly.
While giving your child the habit of hand washing, you should tell them that they should not use water or soap more or less than necessary. The first leads to waste and the second leads to infection risks. Your child will understand over time what the ideal time is, 30 seconds. During the handwashing process, both the palms and the outside, fingers, nails and wrists should be washed thoroughly. In addition, water should not be wasted and hands should be in good contact with water during the rinsing process. Paper towels should be used instead of cotton towels for drying after washing hands.

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap 6 Scent Variety Pack, 12.5 oz Each (6 CT)

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Hand Soap, Geranium, 12.5 fl oz

How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning?

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Hand Soap, Geranium, 12.5 fl oz

There is a reason to wash our hands many times during the day. Washing hands is often misunderstood. We are looking for answers to the most common mistakes and frequently asked questions. What happens if the hand is not washed? Should it be washed with hot water or cold water? Should I use a towel or dryer, anti-bacterial soap or regular soap? How to wash hands properly? What is the most effective hand washing method? We will try to answer these questions with the comments of the scientific and expert people we have found.
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands?

Handwashing or hand hygiene is generally defined as the removal of dirt, bacteria, dust or soil from the hands using disinfected products using liquid soap or dry soap together with water or other liquid, or containing liquid lotions.

When they touch the functional organs of people's head, such as mouth, ear, nose or eye without cleaning their hands, they may get respiratory diseases and digestive system infections. The most striking and serious research has been done by the Health and Human Services Department in the United States, the CDC , which determines Public Health and Public Safety . In the absence of hand washing, resistance to airborne viruses cannot be provided in addition to contact diseases such as measles, influenza, tuberculosis and chickenpox. In fact, the best way to prevent impetigo, which is common in infants and children, is to keep your hands clean.

While handwashing is symbolic, especially in Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Baha'ism, and Shinto, as part of religious rituals for centuries, the most detailed cleansing is one of the requirements of the Islamic religion before the Prayer.
How to wash hands correctly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning? | Hand invasion of representative bacteria

What good is washing hands?

Washing hands is a kind of pre-protection to block the path of infections . It is an almost free way of preventing respiratory diseases and diarrhea by acquiring the habit of washing hands, including at home, at school and in public places such as workplaces.

Among the benefits of washing hands, the risk of influenza is reduced, effective in preventing conditions such as diarrhea, protection of certain diseases by touching the clean hands of the eyes, ears and nose during the day, preventing fatal respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, preventing infant deaths, After 5 years of age with the habit of hand washing with the appropriate hand washing, even if small in size growth is effective.

UNICEF emphasizes that handwashing before, after, and after a toilet is more effective than a vaccine or doctor intervention.

Pneumonia , the most dangerous of respiratory diseases, is one of the biggest causes of child deaths under 5 years worldwide. It is responsible for nearly 2 million deaths per year. If we add Diarrhea next to it, they are the causes of the deaths of nearly 4 million babies and children together . It is the parents' responsibility to teach children the correct handwashing techniques against handwashing.

However, when vaccinating this to the child, he / she should behave consciously and should be told that it should be washed at home and school, before, after, after and after the toilet and after play. otherwise it should not be misunderstood by the child and turned into a psychological state that will become an obsession in the future. As is known, excessive handwashing disease is also known as a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) .

Handwashing should always be done before touching our hands, before eating or itching. Otherwise excessive hand washing causes dryness of the hand and causes serious cracks on the skin.
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning? | Hand washing habits should definitely be gained in children

What is used in hand washing?

Some people say I just wash it with water . They say water cleans everything but it really is in the case of cannons. In other words, since we do not open the cannons, water alone is not enough for cleaning.

Soaps and detergents disrupt the structure of bacteria collected in the hands . You should never get the idea that there is no hundred percent bacteria left in the hands. Whatever you do, the bacteria remain, albeit small. But water and soap are enough to neutralize it.

Solid soaps are also unhygienic in bulk use. However, this problem can be overcome with personal soap dispenser at home, work and school. Antibacterial soaps are generally liquid, although they seem to be of great benefit in the field of mass use, in fact when compared to dry soap in terms of content, dry soap appears to be one click higher. We explained the reasons for this a little below.

Alcohol-containing colognes are severely germicidal. Especially rubbing kills HIV, herpes, RSV, rhinovirus, vaccinia, influenza, hepatitis viruses, Tuberculosis virus and fungi. When you rub your hands with a cologne containing 70 percent alcohol for half a minute, 99.97 percent rubs for one minute and results up to 99.99 percent.

Since hand antiseptics are alcohol based, they do not cause any harm in the use of hand washing in public transportation and common areas. It is recommended to use even after hand cleaning after dirty works. According to CDC data, the US public health unit recommends rubbing hands with hand antiseptics, even if the hand is cleaned as a result of serious hand contamination.

Alcohol-free, gel-free waterless disinfectants cannot have as much effect as a soap's hand effect. Because the microorganisms at hand are still there.

Some people say that ash and mud clean up very well. Wet soil or mud can be effective from water. But it can't be effective from soapy water. Although it can disinfect in the ash like alkaline in the soap, it is recommended to use when soap is not available.
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning? | Hand antiseptics, especially in hospitals

Do you wash your hands?

Many people know that after using the toilet, before eating, after getting on public transport, we need to wash our hands, and the serious illnesses that we described in the above article will be prevented. But did you know that the right and timely handwashing is only 5 percent, although it is known?

According to the latest research, according to data obtained from the observation of three thousand people, 10 percent of those who use public toilets come out without washing their hands, 35 percent of those who wash only hold water and not even use soap. As we have already mentioned, it is certain that microbes from unwashed hands are the source of entry to our body as we constantly take our hands to our face and mouth.

Researches in Brazil and the United States showed that in public areas, 3.3 times per hour, different surfaces were touched by hand, and 3.6 times were brought to our mouths and noses.

So we have to wash our hands properly. But what is the best way to do this?
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning? | European countries after toilet hand wash rates

How to clean the hands healthy and clean?

Warm water and soap, along with the wrists, fingers between the nails, palms rubbing the palms of the hands can be cleaned. Warm water cleans pores and removes pathogens, especially without removing oil from the skin.

Liquid soap can be made with one or two squeezing values ​​to cover the surface of the whole hand 5 millimeters. Do not finish rubbing this hand before 20 seconds. If you pay attention, handwashing, wrists, thumbs, fingers and nails are always forgotten. However, this is where most bacteria or microorganisms or pathogens accumulate. Particular attention should be paid to people using false nails or those with broken nails.

A nice rinsing process is done with water and the microorganisms at hand go into the mite. 100 percent does not go again, your hands will remain.

This time it's a matter of closing the tap and hand-drying. Since you open the tap with a dirty hand, it is covered with a paper towel, which should not be touched by the cleaned hand. Drying hands and arms with paper towels is very important for good hygiene.

Never use clean hands to open the door. When disposing of napkins, of course you should not touch the trash.

Using Wet Wipes does not give the expected results in Hand Cleaning. However, according to the statement made by the Ministry of Health, it was determined that bacteria produce in wet wipes.
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning? | Healthy hand cleaning

Is hot water the way to clean your hands well?

Most people believe that washing our hands with hot water is more effective. It's true that heat kills bacteria. That's why we heat food until it boils. The hot water that we wash our hands must be at the heat to burn the skin for it to be effective. For example, salmonella bacteria can survive for 10 minutes even at a temperature of 55 degrees. If you wash your hands with water at this temperature for more than 30 seconds, severe burns will occur .

After washing the hands with water at different temperatures (between 4.4 and 50 degrees), an experiment was conducted in Florida to see how much germ remains. The subjects' hands were washed with water at a certain temperature after touching the raw minced meat rich in bacteria. The hands were rubberized with gloves and a special liquid was added inside the glove to collect bacteria. One minute massage was applied to the hands to allow the bacteria to pass into the liquid. These liquids were then collected with a pipette and examined in the laboratory. Whether the hands were washed with hot or cold water, the same amount of bacteria remained.

However, a certain hand washing time was applied for this experiment. However, in real life, excessive hot or cold water may adversely affect the washing time. Therefore, warm water in public toilets can prolong the hand washing time.
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands dry? | Liquid soaps do not exaggerate

Is anti-bacterial soap better than normal dry soap?

A lot of research has been done on this subject. When their results recovered in 2007, it was found that triclosan in anti-bacterial soap was not effective in reducing the number of bacteria at hand or preventing infection. A similar study in 2015 reached the same conclusion.

Related Link: Antibacterial soaps banned in the US!

In addition, evidence that triclosan can improve bacterial resistance and affect hormone levels in animals has prohibited the use of this substance in soap in the US and the European Union .
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands dry? | The most healthy way to dry soap

Should he dry hands after washing?

When we are in a hurry, we wash our hands and leave them to dry. When leaving the toilets, we can leave the washed hands wet, not a problem, but you should not touch any objects. It should definitely be dried when you leave, as it would require cogging. It is much easier to smear bacteria in the wet hand.

In addition, during the drying process, some of the microbes that have been recovered are saved. You will also see that drying with a paper towel at the bottom just removes the remaining bacteria.
How to wash hands properly? Why wash hands dry? | We can get rid of some of the remaining bacteria in the dried hands

Dryer or towel?

There is a lot of discussion about this. Most research suggests disposable paper towels. In addition, longer drying times can be a deterrent for some.

But today, there are devices that do this job in a shorter time. However, it is pointed out that these jet dryers may spread germs to the atmosphere in the space. In a study, it was seen that these devices, which blow strong air, can blow germs up to 3 meters away. However, much of this research is financed by paper towels manufacturing companies.

In the public toilets rather than the laboratory, these researches should be repeated and the preferences of the people should be taken into consideration.

In addition, a research conducted in the United States, clean public toilets in hand washing rate was found to be much higher than the dirty.

Regardless of how we wash and dry our hands, research shows that the washing process should be carried out in a much longer and more versatile way than we thought. The hand washing process, including palms, fingers, nails, hands, wrists, should take at least 15-30 seconds.
How to wash hands correctly? Why wash hands? How to do hand cleaning?

Is Hand Dryer Useful?

A serious research conducted in 2008 explains how much damage the hand dryer does. The University of Westminster observed the effectiveness of paper towels and hand dryers.

The number of bacteria increased by 200 percent in fingers, 250 percent in palm, while the number of bacteria in paper towels decreased by 76 percent and 77 percent in palm.

There are also very fast hand dryers. When they tried them, 42 percent of the fingers, a 15 percent increase in the palm was observed again. The paper towel maintained the same figures, on the contrary, provided a decline.

The worst part is that compressed air is thrown into the hands, throwing existing bacteria at distances of almost 3 meters. Thus, it causes people to breathe directly through the mouth and nose. The devices that dry with hot air throw the viruses up to 25 cm.

However, the paper towel has not been closely related to such situations.

Therefore, in public WCs where there is a dryer, without using, if you have to take your hands with a napkin you have prepared beforehand and immediately exit. Because with each study, one-to-one convergence with viruses will increase.

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Hand Soap, Geranium, 12.5 fl oz

Everyone Hand Soap, Meyer Lemon and Mandarin, 12.75 Ounce, 3 Count

The most effective weapon in the fight against germs is hand washing

Everyone Hand Soap, Meyer Lemon and Mandarin, 12.75 Ounce, 3 Count

For daily hygiene you need to wash your hands using soap 8-10 times a day. It is stated that washing hands with clean water and quality soap is very important for preventing diseases.

The main way of protection from diseases is to take care of personal hygiene. Especially the cleanliness of the hands plays a very important role in the fight against germs. When washing your hands, we must use soap with water.

Kitchen sponges: Microwaves your sponges. The most germ in your home is your kitchen sponge. Researchers at the US Department of Agriculture, the most common methods of disinfection (bleach or lemon juice suppression, microwave and dishwasher washing) when tested for a minute in the microwave found that most of the germs killed. After washing your dishes every night, keep your sponge in the microwave for 1 minute. \ N

Kitchen sink: The second germ place after the sponge (even more than your toilet) is the sink in your kitchen. After each use, rub your sink with a cleansing spray, wipe dry and rinse with hot water. \ N

Cutting board: According to a research conducted by a microbiologist at the University of Arizona, a house cutting board contains about 200 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. To clean the board, throw it straight into the dishwasher; spray vinegar on it and let it sit all night; keep in the microwave at high temperature for about 30 seconds. \ n

Toothbrush: Place your brush upright in a closed cabinet away from the toilet. Thus, water drops will drain down the brush. Never leave the wet toothbrush in a closed container. Also, avoid the bristles of the toothbrushes coming into contact with other toothbrushes. If you are still concerned, soak your toothbrush in the mouthwash. Research shows that microbes disappear in this way.

Washing machine: Washing machine can make you sick. Do not wash your underwear and handkerchiefs in the same machine. Always wash your underwear separately. To kill germs in your machine, put vinegar in your washing machine at least once a month and let it run in a hot setting. Do not leave your laundered laundry wet, as microbes can develop very quickly in wet laundries. \ N

Shower curtains: Wipe and dry your curtains after each shower. Shower curtains get wet every day and often remain wet, so a perfect area for mildew is formed. \ N

Garbage bin in your home: There is mold in your trash bin, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. Emptying garbage does not clean them. Brush and wash the trash cans regularly to ensure that the germs inside are not destroyed. \ N

Dishwasher: Take a close look at the door edges of your dishwasher. Because microbes, molds on these edges \ n

The most effective weapon in the fight against microbes wash hands - Share.

Everyone Hand Soap, Meyer Lemon and Mandarin, 12.75 Ounce, 3 Count

simplehuman Lavender Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap Refill Pouch, 34 Fl. Oz.

What is hand hygiene? How is it provided?

simplehuman Lavender Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap Refill Pouch, 34 Fl. Oz.

Clean Hands, Healthy Generations

Hand hygiene is very important. Although hand hygiene is always on the agenda as a very important issue in our country, it unfortunately becomes a subject that we care less about. The subject of hand hygiene starts with the education in kindergartens abroad and continues with education for all ages and people in many government and private sectors. We all know how important the issue is in the health sector and food sector in our country. But we still wanted to remind and emphasize what we should do and how to do it again.

When and how often should we wash our hands?

After every toilet
If you see your hands very dirty immediately
Before eating and preparing food
After touching dirty foods, meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit
Before you get home from work, after you get home
After sneezing, coughing, mixing nose, ear
After touching any dirty area of ​​your body
After touching cuts or wounds on your body
Before touching your eyes and face, before makeup
Before any medication and application
After loving and touching animals (including cage, material)
After touching or shaking hands
After counting money and touching the trash

Her There are germs on every surface we touch, even in the air. We should always wash our hands against these invisible germs. ”

Types of hand washing
Social hand washing

With this washing, the flora of the temporary microorganism is removed. At least 15 seconds.
Hygienic hand wash

Antimicrobial soaps and self-curing alcohol-based antiseptics are used. At least 30 seconds.
Surgical hand wash

It is made with antimicrobial soaps and alcohol-based antiseptics. The temporary flora is killed and removed. Disinfectants are also used in this washing. The nails are brushed and hands are washed to the elbows. 3-5 minutes.
Skipped areas during hand washing

The most forgotten regions are red, the less forgotten regions are purple.
Importance of hand hygiene

In nature, there are many microbes in everything we touch. Our hands are our organ that provides all kinds of relations with the environment in daily life and therefore contains the most germs. These microbes, carried everywhere by our hands, can cause many undesirable conditions, from simple colds to serious illnesses.

Although we agree on the importance of 'hand washing', it is one of the most neglected issues. However, we can protect ourselves and our environment from harmful microorganisms by paying attention to very simple rules. When the stages of hand washing can be grasped together with the reasons, it is achieved in permanence.

The frequency of hand washing is important for our health. It protects us from spreading and being sick. Contamination and contamination of objects and materials we touch by hand. There are microbes on every surface we touch, even in the air. We must always wash our hands against these invisible germs.

simplehuman Lavender Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap Refill Pouch, 34 Fl. Oz.

Puracy Natural Liquid Gel Hand Soap Refill, Sulfate-Free Hand Wash, Lavender & Vanilla, 64 Ounce

Do you know the vital importance of hand washing?

Puracy Natural Liquid Gel Hand Soap Refill, Sulfate-Free Hand Wash, Lavender & Vanilla, 64 Ounce

There is no need to discuss the necessity of hand washing today ... Why is it so important?

In the transmission of all kinds of germs, the vehicle is hands that are not washed enough ...

However, the importance of handwashing and the failure to explain the method remains a problem. Studies show that micro organisms that cannot be removed from poorly washed hands can be carried from person to person. As a matter of fact, a serious study conducted in the USA showed that 41% of the health workers who do not wash their hands properly can carry a significant portion of the pathogenic microorganisms up to 7 days.

The main purpose of handwashing is to reduce the microorganisms in the hand to levels that cannot cause infection. It is well known that the correct flora of the skin on the hands can be removed by proper washing with soap and water. It is important to know the following points in hand washing.

1- Hand washing should be done using soap, detergent or disinfectant. Using only water cannot provide sufficient decontamination.

2- Warm water should be used in hand washing. Hot water irritates the hands and prepares the ground for microorganism entry.

3-It is convenient to remove all jewelry while hand washing.

Here is a rich selection of soap.

4- It is important to keep the soap dry. Soap container should be in a way to provide drainage. It should be noted that pathogenic microorganisms are produced in soaps that are not used under appropriate conditions. If liquid soap is used, soap containers should be cleaned and dried once they are completely empty and refilled. If these recommendations are not followed, the microorganisms that grow there will cause infection.

5- An effective hand washing is performed in 30 minutes and 1 minute. If the hands are very dirty this time 2-5 min. It may grow up.


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6- Hands should be foamed to the wrists with soap or detergent

7- Soap should be kept under water and cleaned from foams. Foam can facilitate microorganism placement in soap

8- The hands should be kept down the elbows during the whole washing process. Thus, direct flow of dirty water from the fingertips to the sink is provided.

9-After washing hands must be rinsed and thoroughly dried. Because if the hands remain wet or damp, bacterial contamination becomes easier.

10- After washing, fingers and palms should be thoroughly dried. The right option for hand drying is using paper towels. Fabric towels may remain contaminated as they may remain damp. Hot air spray is not recommended because most drying systems can be wasted time, cannot dry sufficiently, are noisy, and cause re-settling of the washed hands through the contamination of the circulating air. The average duration of hand drying with paper towels should be 7-9 sec. The paper towel continues to dry as well as mechanical cleaning.

Puracy Natural Liquid Gel Hand Soap Refill, Sulfate-Free Hand Wash, Lavender & Vanilla, 64 Ounce

Method Gel Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 12 Ounce (Pack 6)

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?

Method Gel Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 12 Ounce (Pack 6)

The most effective and simple way to protect children against hepatitis A, diarrhea, tuberculosis and intestinal parasites is to give them the habit of handwashing.

When children do not wash their hands frequently and correctly, they may catch many diseases, especially influenza, such as Hepatitis A, diarrhea and tuberculosis. Acıbadem Fulya Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Hülya Kuşoğlu explains how to give children the habit of yıkama hand washing olan, which is the most effective and simplest way to protect against infectious diseases.

There are 4-6 thousand harmful microorganisms in every square centimeter of hands
Hands are the most polluted organs in daily life. Although the hands appear to be clean, they can carry many disease-causing factors, such as bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs, which are invisible to them. There are about 4000-6000 bacteria in every square centimeter of the hands. These invisible microorganisms can be transmitted to children by means of moving hands to the mouth or eyes, touching, shaking hands, and sharing food or goods. The purpose of our handwash is to remove harmful microorganisms found on the hands. Because hands that are not washed frequently become susceptible to the growth of microorganisms.

The hands, especially the thumbs, fingers and fingertips are the most frequently contacted points because they contain more microorganisms.

Hand washing is the most effective method of protection from diseases
Handwashing is the simplest and most effective method to prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms, especially the common cold, influenza, diarrhea and pneumonia. For example, it is possible to protect our children from diarrhea by 53 percent, by 50 percent from pneumonia and by 43 percent from bacterial infection of the skin called impetigo, by teaching only the right hand washing method.

Parents should set an example for their children
The habit of handwashing should be given in childhood, from preschool age, and as a parent you should advise your children about washing their hands frequently. First of all, you must be a good model yourself. Washing hands with the child is the most effective way to learn the correct washing technique.

Training should be fun
Children like to learn with fun. Try to make it fun while you teach your child to wash hands. To do this, you can place reminding materials around the sink, such as fun pictures in the form of a favorite toy or cartoon character, or pictures showing when to wash your hands. While teaching your child the importance of washing hands, be careful not to put pressure on them. Tell him that he can be protected from many diseases by washing his hands in a calm tone. If you are unable to wash your hand, try another way to solve the problem.

Wash hands for at least 30 seconds
Although washing hands may seem simple, there are rules to be followed. Because according to scientific studies; microorganisms are not cleaned from hands unless they are washed with a certain time and appropriate technique. Your child should therefore wash their hands for at least 30 seconds.

Step by step correct hand washing method

• First wet their hands with water,
• Wash hands by rubbing with soap,
• Thoroughly rub the fingertips and between the fingers, thumbs, palms and wrist folds,
• Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water,
• Dry your hands with clean towels after washing.

When should children wash their hands?

• When you wake up in the morning,
• After entering the toilet,
• Before and after meals,
• When you enter the house from the street,
• When visible contamination is noticed,
• When hands are used during coughing and sneezing,
• Teach them to wash their hands in case of contact with animals.

Method Gel Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 12 Ounce (Pack 6)

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Refill, Waterfall, 28 Fl. Oz (Pack of 1)

What should be an ideal hand wash?

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Refill, Waterfall, 28 Fl. Oz (Pack of 1)

Spending more time in closed and crowded areas due to the arrival of the winter season accelerates the spread of infectious diseases. In particular, to protect against infectious infections, hand hygiene should be paid attention to experts, suggests that the hands are washed frequently. So, what should be the ideal hand wash?

General Surgery Specialist from Uskudar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Op. Dr. Şerafettin Özer emphasized the importance of hand hygiene by stating that infectious diseases become widespread in the winter.

If hand hygiene is not provided enough, an expert invites infections, Op. Dr. Şerafettin Özer said that hand washing can prevent certain infections.
Wash hands after contact

Hand hygiene should be washed whenever you have the opportunity to ensure hand hygiene Specialist Op. Dr. Şerafettin Özer stated that water and non-antimicrobial solid / liquid soap can be used for hand cleaning after all routine procedures such as shopping, using public transportation, giving and receiving money, especially in social life requiring hand contact.
What should be an ideal hand wash?

Micro-organisms transmitted to the skin during daily activities, soap and water can be removed completely from the skin in the case of washing hands with expert Op. Dr. Şerafettin Özer said: “Hands should be washed with suitable soap and wash time should be at least 30 seconds. Antimicrobial soap can also be used when there is visible contamination of the hands. Wash hands first with water. Hands should be taken 3-5 ml of soap and rub hands for at least 15 seconds. Make sure that the entire surface of the hands and fingers is covered with soap. The hands are rinsed with water and fully dried. ”

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Refill, Waterfall, 28 Fl. Oz (Pack of 1)

Everyone Hand Soap, Lavender and Coconut, 12.75 Fl Oz, Pack of 3

Why Washing Hand is Important?

Everyone Hand Soap, Lavender and Coconut, 12.75 Fl Oz, Pack of 3

Washing hands; cold, hepatitis A, meningitis, influenza and is the first line of defense against viruses that cause diarrhea . There are no reports published by the Ministry of Health in our country, but let us give a few examples from the US, where extensive statistical information about viruses and contact-transmitted microbes is published each year. In the US alone, there are 52 million cases of colds each year, and there are about 250 varieties of food-borne viruses.

There are more than 100 germs in a dog's saliva , and these germs can make you sick. It doesn't mean you'll get sick every time you love a dog or eat, but you can reduce this risk by washing your hands regularly.

Think about the surfaces you touch with your hands during the day. Toilets, hand-to-hand coins, shopping bags, bus doors, taxi seats, a pen that someone else uses …. We can reproduce such samples. As a result, it is highly probable that you take a germ from a surface and spread it unintentionally into your mouth, face or eyes. If you really want protection against illnesses, you can start by washing your hands periodically during the day.

For example, influenza virus remains active on infected surfaces for 2 to 8 hours and can be transmitted to dozens of people in contact with the surface during this time. In addition, washing hands regularly provides protection from 50% of foodborne diseases. According to a study in this area, children who wash their hands regularly are 24% less sick and 51% less likely to suffer from stomach pain.

After the toilet, you should wash your hands after changing your baby and even dealing with raw meat (raw meat has an invisible amount of animal feces). There are microbes in the faeces that can cause many serious illnesses. 1 trillion microbes can be found in 1 gram of human feces.

People touch their eyes, noses and mouths without even realizing it during the day. Microbes can enter the body through the eyes, nose and mouth and cause illness.

Microbes in unwashed hands can pass into food and drink . In certain foods and beverages, under certain conditions, these microbes may increase. This can make people sick.

Microbes in unwashed hands can be transferred to objects such as television controls, toys, telephones, and from there to other people.

Washing your hands with microbes helps prevent diarrhea, respiratory infections, and even skin and eye infections .
To Optimize Your Hands From Germs

Keeping your hands under water for 10-15 seconds does not clean the germs. To get rid of the maximum number of microbes, you should wash with warm water and soap for about 30 seconds .

Pay particular attention to these areas as the germs are more often clustered between the fingers.

Anti-bacterial liquid soaps can provide extra cleaning and protection.

When washing your hands, remember to brush the nails and between the nails .

If you can't find water during the day, you can provide hygiene until you wash your hands with antibacterial hand cleaning cloths .

How to Wash Your Hands?

In the right-hand-washing

Soak your hands with warm water.

Use enough soap for all of your hands.

Rub the palm of both hands together.

Place the palm of your right hand on the upper part of your left hand and allow the soap to penetrate thoroughly so that your fingers engage. Repeat the same procedure.

Put your fingers together.

Rub the palms of your fingers with the back of your fingers.

Rub your left thumb in the palm of your right hand and then do the opposite.

Rub the left palm of your right hand with the fingers of your right hand in a circular motion and vice versa.

Rinse hands with water.

Dry your hands with a disposable towel.

Close up of tap with towel.

Your hands are clean now!
Conditions to Wash Your Hands

After dealing with raw meat (there is an invisible amount of animal feces on the raw meat).
Before eating or cooking.
After the toilet.
After handling animals, including domestic animals.
After wiping your nose, sneezing or coughing.
Before and after visiting relatives who are sick.
When it comes to home from outside.
Before and after changing contact lenses.
With your hands visibly dirty.

Everyone Hand Soap, Lavender and Coconut, 12.75 Fl Oz, Pack of 3

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Sea Minerals, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

How to achieve hand hygiene with the right technique

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Sea Minerals, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

In crowded and crowded environments, infectious diseases such as Hepatitis-A, especially influenza, can spread rapidly due to unwashed hands.
Regular hand washing habits and hand hygiene for 30 seconds to spare, especially in public transport, touching the touch of sick people can prevent diseases that can pass.

Memorial Antalya Hospital Infectious Diseases Department. Dr. Şirin Elmi gave information about the importance of hand cleaning and hand washing habit because of Ekim 15 October World Hand Washing Day ”.

Don't let your child get the disease

Hands that meet all needs in daily life can carry many infectious diseases. Even in clean-looking hands, thousands of disease-causing microorganisms can be found. Influenza, jaundice, diarrhea causing factors, hands through the mouth, and then spread to the body. Children are more easily ill because their body resistance is weaker. In particular, not to wash hands properly after the toilet, even in the exchange of items such as erasers and pencils made between children in the school may transfer germs, coughing and sneezing infected with these items can be taken into the body through the hands of the disease-causing germs.

Fight diseases with your hands!

Personal hygiene habits play an important role in the control of many infectious diseases. The best, most effective and cheapest method to prevent diseases is hand washing habit. With the development of hand washing habit from a young age, diseases can be fought.

Especially after which conditions should the hands be washed?

Before and after dinner,
After using the toilet,
After touching raw meat, chicken, fish and eggs,
After touching spoiled food and garbage,
If the mouth is closed by hand during sneezing and coughing,
Public transport, money exchange, after the use of common telephone;
After contact with cats, dogs and other animals,
After coming home from work and school, it must be washed by hand in the right way.

Hand hygiene with the right technique

The hands are soaked with warm water, the soap is distributed to all surfaces of the hands and thoroughly foamed. Wrists, palms, fingers, between the fingers, back of the hand and nails are rubbed vigorously for at least 30 seconds. Rinse hands thoroughly. The hands are dried with disposable towel paper especially in public and bulk places. The paper towel used for drying is closed with the faucet and discarded in the trash.

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Sea Minerals, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)