Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Method Gel Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 12 Ounce (Pack 6)

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?

Method Gel Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 12 Ounce (Pack 6)

The most effective and simple way to protect children against hepatitis A, diarrhea, tuberculosis and intestinal parasites is to give them the habit of handwashing.

When children do not wash their hands frequently and correctly, they may catch many diseases, especially influenza, such as Hepatitis A, diarrhea and tuberculosis. Acıbadem Fulya Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Hülya Kuşoğlu explains how to give children the habit of yıkama hand washing olan, which is the most effective and simplest way to protect against infectious diseases.

There are 4-6 thousand harmful microorganisms in every square centimeter of hands
Hands are the most polluted organs in daily life. Although the hands appear to be clean, they can carry many disease-causing factors, such as bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs, which are invisible to them. There are about 4000-6000 bacteria in every square centimeter of the hands. These invisible microorganisms can be transmitted to children by means of moving hands to the mouth or eyes, touching, shaking hands, and sharing food or goods. The purpose of our handwash is to remove harmful microorganisms found on the hands. Because hands that are not washed frequently become susceptible to the growth of microorganisms.

The hands, especially the thumbs, fingers and fingertips are the most frequently contacted points because they contain more microorganisms.

Hand washing is the most effective method of protection from diseases
Handwashing is the simplest and most effective method to prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms, especially the common cold, influenza, diarrhea and pneumonia. For example, it is possible to protect our children from diarrhea by 53 percent, by 50 percent from pneumonia and by 43 percent from bacterial infection of the skin called impetigo, by teaching only the right hand washing method.

Parents should set an example for their children
The habit of handwashing should be given in childhood, from preschool age, and as a parent you should advise your children about washing their hands frequently. First of all, you must be a good model yourself. Washing hands with the child is the most effective way to learn the correct washing technique.

Training should be fun
Children like to learn with fun. Try to make it fun while you teach your child to wash hands. To do this, you can place reminding materials around the sink, such as fun pictures in the form of a favorite toy or cartoon character, or pictures showing when to wash your hands. While teaching your child the importance of washing hands, be careful not to put pressure on them. Tell him that he can be protected from many diseases by washing his hands in a calm tone. If you are unable to wash your hand, try another way to solve the problem.

Wash hands for at least 30 seconds
Although washing hands may seem simple, there are rules to be followed. Because according to scientific studies; microorganisms are not cleaned from hands unless they are washed with a certain time and appropriate technique. Your child should therefore wash their hands for at least 30 seconds.

Step by step correct hand washing method

• First wet their hands with water,
• Wash hands by rubbing with soap,
• Thoroughly rub the fingertips and between the fingers, thumbs, palms and wrist folds,
• Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water,
• Dry your hands with clean towels after washing.

When should children wash their hands?

• When you wake up in the morning,
• After entering the toilet,
• Before and after meals,
• When you enter the house from the street,
• When visible contamination is noticed,
• When hands are used during coughing and sneezing,
• Teach them to wash their hands in case of contact with animals.

Method Gel Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 12 Ounce (Pack 6)