Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Softsoap Antibacterial Hand Soap Refill, White Tea and Berry Fusion - 56 Fluid Ounce

Hand Washing Techniques and Hand Hygiene

Softsoap Antibacterial Hand Soap Refill, White Tea and Berry Fusion - 56 Fluid Ounce

Hand Washing Techniques and Hand hygiene. Protect your health with the right hand washing techniques! The importance of hand hygiene and hand washing continues in our article.

Hygiene means creating a healthy environment and protection from diseases. Hand hygiene is the most important point that we will pay attention to on our own. Because during the day, our hands touch everywhere, we do everything with our hands. If we clean our hands with the right hand washing techniques, our risk of catching the disease is considerably reduced. Hand wash is not to say. Although it is quite simple and practiced by everyone, its effects are even greater than expected.
Why Hand Washing is Important?

It is our hands that provide all kinds of connections with the environment during the day. Although it is a very easy process, we often forget to wash your hands in the daily rush. However, it should be realized that a major mistake has been made considering the possible diseases. If it is a habit to wash hands during the day, we can create healthier environments for ourselves and those around us.

Hand Washing Techniques and Hand hygiene

Diseases that can occur when hand hygiene is not provided is usually caused by bacteria. Even colds such as SARS, hepatitis A and Avian influenza can be caught because of the lack of attention to hand hygiene.

The most important thing about hand hygiene is the health personnel working in hospitals. If a patient does not have adequate hand cleaning after caring for a patient, the disease can easily pass on to another person. Nosocomial infections are also caused by insufficient cleaning. When we look at our general lives, we can easily prevent the development of food diseases, faecal diseases, parasites and fungi by hand cleaning.
When to Wash Hands

It will be useful to know when to wash hands before applying hand washing techniques. Because if you wash your hands excessively, you can cause damage to your skin.

You should wash your hands before preparing food. Wash hands before and after meals. You should wash your hands even after the pleasure cigarette burned after the meal.

Hands should be washed after changing children and leaving the toilet.

After combing the hair, loving animals, and using public transport, the hands should be made hygienic.

The Right Hand Washing Technique

Our main purpose in washing our hands is to move away from harmful microorganisms and provide the necessary cleaning to prevent the formation or spread of the disease. You cannot achieve full hygiene when you wash your hands using only water. You should wash your hands with a soap. It is more useful to use liquid soap in public places.

You can perform your hand cleaning in just 30 seconds. First of all, the water you wash your hands should be warm. You do not need to wash your hands with very hot water. Then distribute the Soap to all surfaces of your hands and rub it around your hands by frothing. You should wash every part of the hands, including the palms, wrists, fingers, between the fingers, the back of the hands, the nails. Soap your hands by rubbing for at least 30 seconds. You can then rinse your hands. If you are outside while setting up your hands, get help from disposable paper towels. Close the tap with these disposable papers. This prevents you from touching the areas that may be at risk of illness.

Softsoap Antibacterial Hand Soap Refill, White Tea and Berry Fusion - 56 Fluid Ounce

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Aquarium Series, 128 oz Refill Bottle, Pack of 2

How can we gain the habit of hand washing to society?

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Aquarium Series, 128 oz Refill Bottle, Pack of 2

As it is known, June 15th is World Hand Hygiene Day. is also on a global scale on October 15? World Hand Washing Day ?? It was determined as. creating awareness about the easiest, cheapest, most practical method, and being as important a problem as possible with infections and estimated to be almost more than cancer deaths ?? Deaths from Antibiotic Resistance to the minimum.

You may have wondered why I started writing with such an ambitious question. I wish you could say this question strongly, no teacher, we have this habit. Today, one of the most important basic habits we need to bring to our children? I think it should be.

In 1843, Oliver Wendel Holmes reported that the puerperium fever spread because the hands of the health personnel were dirty.

As it is known, there are permanent and non-harmful permanent flora (natural germ cover) in our hands and temporary flora which causes the spread of diseases. What matters is my struggle with this temporary flora. Between the fingers, palms, under the rings, nail bottoms, nail tips, etc. important risk areas. By hand washing according to the method, temporary flora germs causing diseases in these areas are significantly reduced or even disappeared. Our main goal of hand hygiene is not only cleaning hands, but keeping them clean. Soaps, which are detergent-based products, are the main products we use for this purpose. Dirt and organic residues are removed due to this feature. It should be noted that the antimicrobial properties of soaps and detergents are slightly less than those of other antimicrobial properties. They may cause skin dryness and irritation. They can infect. If you use solid soap, this soap should be personal. Here is an important point you want to specify; Liquid soap should be used if possible. Soap should not be exposed, liquid soap should be consumed according to the methods of use of the manufacturer. Here are some important things to consider when washing our hands:

* Our hands should be washed with plain soap and water if they are markedly and visibly contaminated, otherwise do not have antimicrobial properties.

* If there is no visible contamination of hands, it can be rubbed with a solution containing alcohol.

* Immediately after contact with inanimate surfaces, the hands can be rubbed in the same way (or the same process can be done with alcohol wipes).

* Our hands before and after meals and toilets or out of the rest room, door handles, paper money, cell phone, toilet seat covers, etc. In case of contact, wash with antimicrobial soap or plain soap (this should be wiped with alcohol-containing wipes) for at least thirty seconds.

* Wet wipes including antimicrobial disinfectant can be used instead of soap and non-antimicrobial washing.

* If we use an alcohol-based solution, the solution is placed in the palm of one hand, the two hands are joined by rubbing the entire surface of the hand and fingers until the hand is dry. If we are to wash our hands with soap and water, the tap is opened with a disposable paper towel, soaked our hands with enough water, the same amount of liquid defenses are handled, all hand surfaces including fingers are rubbed for at least 15 seconds and then rinsed with water. . Dry with paper towel, tap off with paper towel. It should be preferred not to use hot water (in terms of wound, beret risk). Washing and rinsing should be at least 30 seconds.

* If we do not have the possibility to use antimicrobial soap (which is not really necessary outside the hospital), we can use liquid soap, preferably plain soap in the form of mold, leaves or powder. If we prefer mold soap, it is useful to use soap containers and small soap molds where the foam can flow.

* Hanging or roll type fabric towels that can be used more than one in health units should not be used.

Conclusion and interpretation: I tried to clarify the crucial and essential points without being too technical. If we prepare handwashing, which is an important element of cleaning, in our people's brain, we will get significant distance from every direction. Here too, the media has an important duty. Our goal should be a clean nature, clean society in every way. For this, let's wash our hands without getting tired!

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Aquarium Series, 128 oz Refill Bottle, Pack of 2

Puracy Natural Liquid Hand Soap, Moisturizing Gel Hand Wash, Lavender & Vanilla, 12 Ounce (4-Pack)

World Hand Washing Day (How to do the right hand washing?)

Puracy Natural Liquid Hand Soap, Moisturizing Gel Hand Wash, Lavender & Vanilla, 12 Ounce (4-Pack)

The right handwashing method was shown at the event held in Ankara on the occasion of World Handwashing Day on 15 October.

As part of the World Hand Washing Day on October 15th, an awareness event was organized in Başkant Ankara. Water and Nutrient Transmission Unit Midwife Çiğdem Bayır, "Our hands are not cleaned properly and cause many infections, respiratory diseases and diarrhea only some of them," he said.

Lower respiratory tract infections and diarrhea are the first two distributions of death burden worldwide. It is stated that the development of hygiene education and handwashing by the World Health Organization are simple and cost-effective practices that can reduce diarrhea cases by up to 45 percent.

The General Directorate of Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health organized an event in which the importance of handwashing was explained in 11 steps by highlighting the importance of hand hygiene within the scope of World Hand Washing Day on 15 October.


Within the scope of the activity carried out in a shopping center, it was practically explained that our hands were not actually cleaned with classical washing methods, but that real hygiene could be provided if the methods determined for this application were washed. With the slogan "Health is in Our Hands uzman, the experts in the booth made scientific data on the awareness of hand hygiene to citizens, the ways of correct handwashing and the future targets of hand hygiene awareness in the society. In the shopping malls, posters related to correct handwashing were also hung in store entrances and toilet information boards. A public spot, which has been prepared for hand hygiene, was broadcasted via a screen placed on the area.

Pointing to the importance of handwashing and the correct handwashing method General Directorate of Public Health Water and Nutrient Infectious Diseases unit midwife Çiğdem Bayır, "In our daily life, we always use our hands for the most microorganisms, bacteria here. We do not wash our hands effectively and properly. The World Health Organization has designated October 15 as World Hand Washing Day to raise awareness and encourage proper handwashing. "


Stating that there is no awareness about the correct handwashing in our community, Bayır said, "We wash our hands, but if we use only the water, we can wash up to 100% germs if they are washed with the right time and technique. The right time is 30 seconds and the right technique is applied 12 steps. also do not recommend the use of solid soap in terms of hygiene, "he said.

12 steps to be applied in hand washing; wetting the hands with water, getting enough soap, rubbing the palms, rubbing the palms of the fingers, rubbing the palms with each other, rubbing the inside of the fingers with the clamping of each other, rubbing the fingers with the palm of the hand, using the towel with the towel, in the form of closing the tap with paper towels.

Puracy Natural Liquid Hand Soap, Moisturizing Gel Hand Wash, Lavender & Vanilla, 12 Ounce (4-Pack)

Method Foaming Hand Soap Refill, Sweet Water, 28 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

How to Hand Care with Lemon?

Method Foaming Hand Soap Refill, Sweet Water, 28 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

You don't need cosmetic products from outside to moisturize your hands and have soft hands. You can have well-groomed hands with lemon in your closet.
As a result of weather conditions, contact with water or the work you do, your hands may have problems such as dryness and cracking, rough appearance or even bleeding. You can prepare various exfoliations with natural methods and apply them to your hands. One of the most useful products for this is lemon!

- Ingredients to prepare hand care peeling with lemon, half lemon juice, 2 tea glasses of warm water, two teaspoons of almond oil and salt. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Then massage your hands and apply for 10 minutes. After application, this mixture should wait for 2 hours. You can wait for this by wrapping your hands with a clean cloth. At the end of the period, wash your hands and rinse with warm water. Dry with a soft towel. Apply this mask every 2-3 days.

- Another recipe we can prepare consists only of lemon and olive oil. Olive oil, which is one of the most effective products to moisturize the skin, will support this peeling. Mix half a lemon juice and half a glass of olive oil and massage your hands again. Rinse after waiting for half an hour.

- Ingredients which can be prepared by using lemon; half a teaspoon of lemon oil and lavender oil and half a lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and massage them into your hands and let them soak in your hands for half an hour. Then wash with soap and rinse with warm water. Apply this mixture 2-3 times a week regularly.

With all these mixtures, you can remove any cracks or rough surface on your hands and moisturize your hands and make them soft. Another good thing about these mixtures is that they can be used for the care of your nails. When massaging your hands, you can also include your nails, so that the nails in your nails, yellowing or nail polish stains between your nails can be removed. Moreover, with the vitamin C in lemon content, it will provide you with more powerful and unbreakable nails.

Method Foaming Hand Soap Refill, Sweet Water, 28 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap, Lavender, 32 Fluid Ounce

How do you gain your child the habit of hand washing?

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap, Lavender, 32 Fluid Ounce

Your child must wash their hands to protect them from germs and bacteria. So how should they wash their hands correctly?

Microbes, which cause various diseases to be seen, the most easily transmitted to human hands. Especially in schools where a child of education age spends almost the whole day, there is a high probability of infection with the germs that the crowd will bring.

Therefore, their hands are of great importance to protect children from diseases.

1- Keep their hands in soapy water for at least 20 seconds, tell them to wash with plenty of water.

2- When washing hands, tell them that they should be washed by wiping the palms and the outside, between the fingers, the nails and the wrist.

3-After washing his hands with a clean towel to dry hands tell.

4- If your child is not enough to reach the sink, provide a suitable environment for him / her as a parent.

5- Explain how important hand washing is to prevent diseases.

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap, Lavender, 32 Fluid Ounce

GOJO NATURAL ORANGE Pumice Industrial Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Quick Acting Lotion Hand Cleaner with Pumice Pump Bottle – 0955-04

How to wash your hands

GOJO NATURAL ORANGE Pumice Industrial Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Quick Acting Lotion Hand Cleaner with Pumice Pump Bottle – 0955-04

Today there is no need to even discuss the necessity of washing hands. However, the importance of handwashing and the failure to explain the method remains a problem. Studies show that micro organisms that cannot be removed from poorly washed hands can be carried from person to person.

The main purpose of handwashing is to reduce the microorganisms in the hand to levels that cannot cause infection.

It is well known that the correct flora of the skin on the hands can be removed by proper washing with soap and water. It is important to know the following points in hand washing.

Hand washing should be considered

1 - Hand washing should be done using soap, detergent or disinfectant. Using only Water cannot provide sufficient decontamination.
2 - Warm water should be used in hand washing. Hot water irritates the hands and prepares the ground for microorganism entry.
3 - It is convenient to remove all jewelry while hand washing.
4 - It is important to keep the soap dry. Soap container should be in a way to provide drainage. It should be noted that pathogenic microorganisms are produced in soaps that are not used under appropriate conditions. If liquid soap is used, soap containers should be cleaned and dried once they are completely empty and refilled. If these recommendations are not followed, the microorganisms that grow there will cause infection.
5 - An effective hand washing is performed in 30 minutes and 1 minute. If the hands are very dirty this time 2-5 min. It may grow up.
6 - Hands should be foamed to the wrists with soap or detergent
7 - Soap should be kept under water should be cleaned from foam. Foam can facilitate microorganism placement in soap
8 - Hands should be kept down the elbows during the whole washing process. Thus, direct flow of dirty water from the fingertips to the sink is provided.
9 - After washing the hands must be rinsed and dried thoroughly. Because if the hands remain wet or damp, bacterial contamination becomes easier.
10- After washing, fingers and palms should be thoroughly dried. The right option for hand drying is using paper towels.

Fabric towels may remain contaminated as they may remain damp. It is not recommended because Hot Air Blow Drying systems are time- consuming, cannot dry sufficiently, are noisy and cause re-settling of washed hands through contamination of the circulating air.

The average duration of hand drying with paper towels should be 7-9 sec. Paper towel continues to dry as well as Mechanical cleaning.

It should not be forgotten that doğru right hand washing 'is an inexpensive and effective method of preventing infections and preventing their spread.

How to wash hands

Acıbadem Taksim Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Sezen Özkök, in fact, can be applied in just 15-30 seconds with the right hand washing technique can be taken against many infectious and epidemic diseases, noting that the hand washing errors and told them the truth.

1. Hand washing time
One of the most common mistakes when washing hands is to keep the washing time short. In this case, germs cannot be cleaned from the hands sufficiently, and as a result, the disease continues to spread. Vigorously rub every part of your hands (wrists, palms, fingers, spacers, back and nails) for at least 15 seconds.

2. Less use of water and soap
The use of soap and water while washing hands contributes to the spread of harmful microorganisms due to insufficient removal from the hand.

3. Wash only with water
Water alone should not be used effectively to remove germs, so water should be used with soap. Washing with hot water doesn't do much well, because it can't stand the heat where the germs die. In addition, hot water irritates the hands and prepares the ground for microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to wash the palms, fingertips and tips with water and soap thoroughly to cover the wrist.

4. Is liquid soap or solid soap healthier?
Placing the solid soap in place without cleaning can cause pollution. In addition, microorganisms remain on the soap when used in common causes the spread of microbes. For this reason, it is very important to use liquid soap for hand cleaning, especially in public places.

5. Using the towel in common
The fact that the towels are damp as a result of the use of common towels creates a suitable environment for the growth of microorganisms. It also makes it easier to spread infections among people because of not washing hands well.

GOJO NATURAL ORANGE Pumice Industrial Hand Cleaner, 1 Gallon Quick Acting Lotion Hand Cleaner with Pumice Pump Bottle – 0955-04

Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash Refill, Soothing White Tea, 32 Fluid Ounces

Give Children the Handwashing Habits

Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash Refill, Soothing White Tea, 32 Fluid Ounces

Our children do not come to us with a 'manual'. Görev The task of the parents is to try to understand how the child perceives the world and how it reacts.

The child is like a gift that came to the world in a mysterious package. As time passes, that package slowly opens, grows, sprinkles, develops. We don't always know what's going to come out of this package. But in time, we can see behind the scenes. While this process doesn't know exactly what a seed will be at the beginning, we can understand what is the tree as it sprouts and grows, and we can find the best water and fertilizer according to its needs.

As Westerners say, our children do not come to us with a 'manual'. At this point, the task of the parents is to understand how the child perceives the world and how it reacts. Although we think that we are the ones who know our own child best, we cannot see certain points about our child because of some of the small blindness of being a mother and father.

We may think that they do not always observe us, or even if they do. Our children's hand washing habit is one of the best behaviors that can be taken into these samples.

Hand cleaning in our children is an important element for a healthy life. If we consider that our children do all their daily work with their hands until the elimination of toilet needs, eating or playing with toys, it will not be wrong to say that the hands that are not washed frequently constitute a complete threat to the health of our children.

About 3.5 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These deaths occur particularly in low-income communities in developing countries. Studies have shown that encouraging children to wash hands is effective in preventing infectious diseases. In the meta-analysis of studies on handwashing, diarrheal diseases were shown to decrease by 47% with handwashing.

The habit of handwashing is a behavior that is gained not only by narration but also by practice and at a young age. Apart from this education that you will be given by your parents, the school where your child attends should also be shown in practice through a guidance teacher or kindergarten teacher. The important point here is not only to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.

The right hand washing has the tricks to free the hands from germs. First the hands should be wet with water. Then the liquid poured into the hand should be rubbed thoroughly with soap. The palms, nails and wrist folds should not be forgotten during the rubbing process.

The rubbing process should be continued for at least 30 seconds. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water. After washing the toilet, the hand washing process should be repeated twice.

Now let's come to the issue of how we can bring this behavior to our children. The basis of gaining the habit of hand washing for our children is to stay away from exaggeration by acting realistic and natural. Respecting your child while presenting this behavior you want to gain, making him feel that he is valuable and most importantly presenting what you look at from his window, will lead you to gain your handwashing habit 1 - 0 ahead.

The most common mistakes in this behavior can lead to adverse reactions in your child, but can lead to stubbornness with you and your parents. To equal all of this, you must first pay attention to your tone of voice, your body language. It is very important that you make your child feel calm and clear that you do not lose control.

You should establish the principle of authority-caring with your child very well. In order to wash your child's hands, you should not speak, beg or even bargain. You must show him that this is a necessity with a compassionate but serious tone and posture.

It is a very common method to threaten our children with sentences such as 'When the father comes / you go home / you see in the evening'. You can't solve anything like this. What you parents should do is choose to play 'detective' instead of asking your child the question of 'why'. By observing your child closely, you can better understand the actual cause of his / her movements.

As a result; Do not react under the influence of your emotions, do not lose your authority rope, use severe or empty threats, observe instead of asking for accounts, and do not name and label your child.

Children copy the behavior of parents like carbon paper. Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm and positive temperament. Be an example of your behavior instead of giving advice. For them the action is much more effective than the promise. Because our children learn and apply what they see, not what they hear. Just start getting to know your children well; because you don't know them at all.

Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash Refill, Soothing White Tea, 32 Fluid Ounces

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Gold, 9.375 Ounce (Count of 4)

How to Proper Hand Wash?

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Gold, 9.375 Ounce (Count of 4)

Do we pay enough attention to clean our hands when washing hands? In fact, as a society we do not pay much attention to this. Our habit of handwashing in 10 seconds, holding the hands in a water, unfortunately we complete the process of hand washing without soap foam. So how should the right hand wash ?
How many times do we need to wash our hands to make sure our hands are clean enough? In fact, we are not very curious about these questions. Because even though the issue of hand washing is perceived as something simpler than it seems, it is not.

The right hand washing is the most important step for the health of the body, but we do not pay so much attention that the Ministry of Health, many years ago to give the community a regular hand washing habit, " Tap the soap in the water !"

How Many Seconds Should The Right Hand Wash?

What is hand washing? Proper hand washing : Washing of hands with soap and water for a certain period of time by wetting-foaming-rinsing. When using both without liquid soap and soap separation, you need to make sure that your hands are washed sufficiently. Because hand hygiene is the most important cleaning step for the protection of the body and immunity. While women wash hands 10 times on average, this number is 7 for men.

Purification of liquid soap is a few seconds longer than solid soap. In fact, this seems to oblige hand soaping for a longer period of time, but Prof. Ondokuz Mayis University Medical Faculty. Dr. Murat Günaydın, in his article HAND HYGIENE , describes the concept of hand washing as washing hands with soap without antimicrobial activity. Good morning, he calls it social handwashing. The hands should be washed at least 20 seconds to ensure adequate cleaning. This time is only soaping time, drying, etc. other transactions are excluded. Good morning, the stages of social hand washing as follows.

What are the stages of hand washing?

Before hand washing, accessories such as jewelry and jewelery are removed.
Wet hands under running water.
The wrists, palms, back and fingers of hands and the edges and ends of the nails are rubbed with soap and vigorously rubbed for at least 20 seconds.
Rinse hands thoroughly under water.
Hands are dried with paper towels starting from wrists.
The faucet is closed with the same paper towel.

Hand washing When to do?

Before and after meals, cats, dogs and so on. After contact with animals, after using public transportation, telephone, computer etc. after touching the devices, after touching the money, after sneezing and coughing, after the toilet, after touching degraded food, trash, raw, uncooked food eg meat, chicken, fish and eggs. needs to wash hands. For proper hand washing, we wash the hands with plenty of water and foam by rubbing the hands with liquid or solid soaps that are harmless to health and cleansing feature for at least 20 seconds.

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Gold, 9.375 Ounce (Count of 4)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Milk and Honey, 56 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Did You Wash Your Hands?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Milk and Honey, 56 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

It's a noon in west London. Location in a shopping mall. The center is full of students who came for lunch. Did they wash their hands? No. Why is that? Da That's where the toilets come from, Shel Shelley says. Ayn I'm washing at home, but here's no, my mother is always shouting to wash your hands, Sum says Sumayn from behind.

When I first arrived in England 15 years ago, one of the things that went to my most strange was the warning “Wash your hands now arkasında behind the door of all the toilets I went to. They didn't even settle for that, they were hanging behind the exit door like ünden You didn't forget to wash your hands, did you? ” . What was that?

Though their toilets didn't have a faucet attached to the toilet and all the toilets you used would have toilet paper, but couldn't someone wash their hands when they left the toilet? He wasn't washing. They didn't have the habit of washing hands before going to the table in our culture, leaving the toilet - and even entering.

No bathing in cultures

In their culture, there was no way to take a bath. When the Romans invaded Angles 2000 years ago, they established a city of baths in the Somerset area. This city, now known as Bath (Hot Spring) , was heated by hot water pipes passing through the underground in its time. After the Romans left the country, the baths were left to their fate. Because the Angles had no bathing history. Even during the Victorian period, they would try to remove their bad odors in layers and powders.

In the intervening 2000 years, there has been a relatively change in cleaning habits. With the introduction of running water and heaters into the houses, the habit of taking a shower in the morning began. But their relationship to water all day was limited to this shower. They weren't washing his hands outside.

5.5 million food poisoning per year

When you don't wash your hands or just keep them under cold water, the germs in your hand can easily be carried to your mouth. This prepares the ground for food poisoning. About 5.5 million food poisonings are seen in the UK in a year. It is possible to halve this figure by washing your hands with hot water and soap. But even washing your hands sometimes isn't enough. When your hands remain wet, germs in your hands can reproduce at a rate of 1000 times that they normally do.

According to the Foodlink Web site, half of men and one-quarter of women do not wash their hands when they leave the toilet. However, when you leave the toilet, the number of microbes on your fingertips is doubled.

So how do young people wash their hands? The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) last week investigated whether young people were washing their hands when they left the toilet and before eating.

According to a study conducted among 500 young people aged 11-19, 40 percent of young people did not have the habit of washing their hands, even if they did not use soap.

There was no soap, I forgot, the toilets were dirty, I didn't have time

Of course they know they have to wash their hands. And what happens if they don't wash. Two-thirds of the youth left the toilet and 40 percent said they had to wash their hands before preparing food or sitting down.

They know the general hygiene rules, but they don't have such deep knowledge. For example, only a quarter of young people know that they should wash their hands after handling raw meat. The ratio of those who know that they should wash their hands after handling animals is one third.

The apologies of young people who say that they do not wash their hands are very diverse. “School toilets are so dirty that even if I wash my hands, it will still get dirty when I touch the doors, birisi says someone. Another said, zaten We are waiting in line for the world for lunch. If we go to the toilet and wash our hands, we lose time. We don't have time for dinner. ” One of the most common apologies was yok There was no soap ”. Liquid soaps in the toilets run out quickly during the day. Soaplessness is shown as a leading problem in narrow budget schools. What about outside of school? The biggest apology is that the toilets are paid.

F Children's habit of not washing their hands is an invitation to disaster , Jud said Martin Pateson, FDF Executive Vice President, Food Standards Agency (FSA) Food Safety Department President Judith Hilton. many problems will be eliminated, he says.

Chefs don't pay attention

However, even food industry employees do not pay attention to this basic rule. According to an FSA study in 2002, 39 percent of kitchen workers are out of the toilet and 53 percent do not wash their hands before setting off for food.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) said in December that cooks on television did not comply with the hygiene rules. For example, Nigella Lawson, who admires everyone, especially male audiences, is cooking with rings on his finger while Jamie Oliver, who has become the idol of young people, has put his finger in his dishes and licked his finger. CIEH official Jenny Morris, TV cooks should be an example for everyone, saying: "Hygiene rules in the restaurant, food controllers will lift a big load," he said.

According to Hugh Pennington, professor of microbiology at the University of Aberdeen, it is odd that even this has turned into a problem. “You don't have to be an atomic engineer to know the handwashing technique. It's something that everyone knows, but somehow it doesn't do. ”

That's why there are warnings on the kitchens behind the toilet doors: ın Have you washed your hands?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Milk and Honey, 56 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Spring Water, 32 Fluid Ounces

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Spring Water, 32 Fluid Ounces

Our hands are the most important carrier factor in the transmission and spread of many infections, especially diarrhea, parasitic diseases and respiratory infections. Therefore, the habit of frequent and correct hand washing should be gained from childhood.

Disease-causing microbes can easily spread after ordinary behaviors of everyday life, such as handshaking, using public transport or eating. The most important way of protection is hand washing ... The way to maintain this as a habit during adulthood starts from childhood. For this reason, families, teachers and health workers have important duties for this important habit that should be gained to children from an early age.

Depending on the skills of the child in every age group, it may take time for them to perform this behavior. While the children who cannot walk yet need to be washed by their parents, as children grow up, it is enough to be observer and directing. Assuming the habit of hand washing is a challenging and demanding process for parents, Social Pediatrics expert Assoc. Dr. Selda Karaayvaz and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist. Dr. Necmi Aksaray lists some strategies to help our children gain the right hand washing habit…

Always use soap

Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using soap. Use liquid soaps in public areas. If solid soap is to be used, leave the soap in a container that does not accumulate water and the foam after use.
Make sure hands are cleaned

During handwashing, wipe off both palms, outside, fingers, thumbs, nails and wrist. After washing, rinse thoroughly and dry with a clean towel. Make use of paper towels in public areas.

Create suitable conditions for hand washing

Make sure that children from a very young age are familiar with this issue by hand and nail care. Start on your own lap first. While standing, raise the floor or select the appropriate sinks for the neck to provide suitable environments for washing hands with soap.
Make hand washing fun

The game is one of the easiest and most effective ways of teaching children something that reminds Assoc. Dr. Selda Karaayvaz said, siniz You can explain both the importance of hand washing and how it should be in different games, shapes or animations. For example, select a song and sing it together until you finish washing your hands. This way you can prevent him from rushing. Or you can teach him how long this process was completed by counting with him when he washes his hands. ”

Explain the importance of hand washing

Children's Infectious Diseases Specialist who stated that it is very important for children to learn how to correctly explain what they are doing and why. Dr. Necmi Aksaray said, çalış Try to draw the attention of the child who has been acquainted with the books that have been read since six months and the media since the age of two. It will be useful for cartoons, public spots, advertisements, newspaper and magazine news.

Make them role models

Remember that children have learned and experienced life from the moment they were born by watching their parents and other relatives. One of the most important things that can be done to explain the importance of hand washing is to make you see your washing hands. Provide a natural area of ​​learning and practice by displaying the right behavior models in the family in gaining the habit. It is also very useful for doctors and nurses to draw attention to handwashing during the health checks, to have the teacher stand on the subject when the school education starts, to supervise and to give positive feedback to the handwashing child.

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How is the habit of hand washing gained to children?

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About 3.5 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These deaths occur particularly in low-income communities in developing countries. Studies have shown that encouraging children to wash hands is effective in preventing infectious diseases. In the meta-analysis of studies on handwashing, diarrheal diseases were shown to decrease by 47% with handwashing.
The habit of handwashing is a behavior that is gained not only by narration but also by practice and at a young age. Apart from this education that you will be given by your parents, the school where your child attends should also be shown in practice through a guidance teacher or kindergarten teacher. The important point here is not only to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.
The right hand washing has the tricks to free the hands from germs. First the hands should be wet with water. Then the liquid poured into the hand should be rubbed thoroughly with soap. The palms, nails and wrist folds should not be forgotten during the rubbing process.

The rubbing process should be continued for at least 30 seconds. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water. After washing the toilet, the hand washing process should be repeated twice.
Now let's come to the issue of how we can bring this behavior to our children. The basis of gaining the habit of hand washing for our children is to stay away from exaggeration by acting realistic and natural. Respecting your child while presenting this behavior you want to gain, making him feel that he is valuable and most importantly presenting what you look at from his window, will lead you to gain your handwashing habit 1 - 0 ahead.
The most common mistakes in this behavior can lead to adverse reactions in your child, but can lead to stubbornness with you and your parents. To equal all of this, you must first pay attention to your tone of voice, your body language. It is very important that you make your child feel calm and clear that you do not lose control.

You should establish the principle of authority-caring with your child very well. In order to wash your child's hands, you should not speak, beg or even bargain. You must show him that this is a necessity with a compassionate but serious tone and posture.
It is a very common method to threaten our children with sentences such as 'When the father comes / you go home / you see in the evening'. You can't solve anything like this. What you parents should do is choose to play 'detective' instead of asking your child the question of 'why'. By observing your child closely, you can better understand the actual cause of his / her movements.
As a result; Do not react under the influence of your emotions, do not lose your authority rope, use severe or empty threats, observe instead of asking for accounts, and do not name and label your child.
Children copy the behavior of parents like carbon paper. Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm and positive temperament. Be an example of your behavior instead of giving advice. For them the action is much more effective than the promise. Because our children learn and apply what they see, not what they hear. Just start getting to know your children well; because you don't know them at all.

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