Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash Refill, Soothing White Tea, 32 Fluid Ounces

Give Children the Handwashing Habits

Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash Refill, Soothing White Tea, 32 Fluid Ounces

Our children do not come to us with a 'manual'. Görev The task of the parents is to try to understand how the child perceives the world and how it reacts.

The child is like a gift that came to the world in a mysterious package. As time passes, that package slowly opens, grows, sprinkles, develops. We don't always know what's going to come out of this package. But in time, we can see behind the scenes. While this process doesn't know exactly what a seed will be at the beginning, we can understand what is the tree as it sprouts and grows, and we can find the best water and fertilizer according to its needs.

As Westerners say, our children do not come to us with a 'manual'. At this point, the task of the parents is to understand how the child perceives the world and how it reacts. Although we think that we are the ones who know our own child best, we cannot see certain points about our child because of some of the small blindness of being a mother and father.

We may think that they do not always observe us, or even if they do. Our children's hand washing habit is one of the best behaviors that can be taken into these samples.

Hand cleaning in our children is an important element for a healthy life. If we consider that our children do all their daily work with their hands until the elimination of toilet needs, eating or playing with toys, it will not be wrong to say that the hands that are not washed frequently constitute a complete threat to the health of our children.

About 3.5 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These deaths occur particularly in low-income communities in developing countries. Studies have shown that encouraging children to wash hands is effective in preventing infectious diseases. In the meta-analysis of studies on handwashing, diarrheal diseases were shown to decrease by 47% with handwashing.

The habit of handwashing is a behavior that is gained not only by narration but also by practice and at a young age. Apart from this education that you will be given by your parents, the school where your child attends should also be shown in practice through a guidance teacher or kindergarten teacher. The important point here is not only to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.

The right hand washing has the tricks to free the hands from germs. First the hands should be wet with water. Then the liquid poured into the hand should be rubbed thoroughly with soap. The palms, nails and wrist folds should not be forgotten during the rubbing process.

The rubbing process should be continued for at least 30 seconds. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water. After washing the toilet, the hand washing process should be repeated twice.

Now let's come to the issue of how we can bring this behavior to our children. The basis of gaining the habit of hand washing for our children is to stay away from exaggeration by acting realistic and natural. Respecting your child while presenting this behavior you want to gain, making him feel that he is valuable and most importantly presenting what you look at from his window, will lead you to gain your handwashing habit 1 - 0 ahead.

The most common mistakes in this behavior can lead to adverse reactions in your child, but can lead to stubbornness with you and your parents. To equal all of this, you must first pay attention to your tone of voice, your body language. It is very important that you make your child feel calm and clear that you do not lose control.

You should establish the principle of authority-caring with your child very well. In order to wash your child's hands, you should not speak, beg or even bargain. You must show him that this is a necessity with a compassionate but serious tone and posture.

It is a very common method to threaten our children with sentences such as 'When the father comes / you go home / you see in the evening'. You can't solve anything like this. What you parents should do is choose to play 'detective' instead of asking your child the question of 'why'. By observing your child closely, you can better understand the actual cause of his / her movements.

As a result; Do not react under the influence of your emotions, do not lose your authority rope, use severe or empty threats, observe instead of asking for accounts, and do not name and label your child.

Children copy the behavior of parents like carbon paper. Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm and positive temperament. Be an example of your behavior instead of giving advice. For them the action is much more effective than the promise. Because our children learn and apply what they see, not what they hear. Just start getting to know your children well; because you don't know them at all.

Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash Refill, Soothing White Tea, 32 Fluid Ounces