Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Spring Water, 32 Fluid Ounces

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Spring Water, 32 Fluid Ounces

Our hands are the most important carrier factor in the transmission and spread of many infections, especially diarrhea, parasitic diseases and respiratory infections. Therefore, the habit of frequent and correct hand washing should be gained from childhood.

Disease-causing microbes can easily spread after ordinary behaviors of everyday life, such as handshaking, using public transport or eating. The most important way of protection is hand washing ... The way to maintain this as a habit during adulthood starts from childhood. For this reason, families, teachers and health workers have important duties for this important habit that should be gained to children from an early age.

Depending on the skills of the child in every age group, it may take time for them to perform this behavior. While the children who cannot walk yet need to be washed by their parents, as children grow up, it is enough to be observer and directing. Assuming the habit of hand washing is a challenging and demanding process for parents, Social Pediatrics expert Assoc. Dr. Selda Karaayvaz and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist. Dr. Necmi Aksaray lists some strategies to help our children gain the right hand washing habit…

Always use soap

Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using soap. Use liquid soaps in public areas. If solid soap is to be used, leave the soap in a container that does not accumulate water and the foam after use.
Make sure hands are cleaned

During handwashing, wipe off both palms, outside, fingers, thumbs, nails and wrist. After washing, rinse thoroughly and dry with a clean towel. Make use of paper towels in public areas.

Create suitable conditions for hand washing

Make sure that children from a very young age are familiar with this issue by hand and nail care. Start on your own lap first. While standing, raise the floor or select the appropriate sinks for the neck to provide suitable environments for washing hands with soap.
Make hand washing fun

The game is one of the easiest and most effective ways of teaching children something that reminds Assoc. Dr. Selda Karaayvaz said, siniz You can explain both the importance of hand washing and how it should be in different games, shapes or animations. For example, select a song and sing it together until you finish washing your hands. This way you can prevent him from rushing. Or you can teach him how long this process was completed by counting with him when he washes his hands. ”

Explain the importance of hand washing

Children's Infectious Diseases Specialist who stated that it is very important for children to learn how to correctly explain what they are doing and why. Dr. Necmi Aksaray said, çalış Try to draw the attention of the child who has been acquainted with the books that have been read since six months and the media since the age of two. It will be useful for cartoons, public spots, advertisements, newspaper and magazine news.

Make them role models

Remember that children have learned and experienced life from the moment they were born by watching their parents and other relatives. One of the most important things that can be done to explain the importance of hand washing is to make you see your washing hands. Provide a natural area of ​​learning and practice by displaying the right behavior models in the family in gaining the habit. It is also very useful for doctors and nurses to draw attention to handwashing during the health checks, to have the teacher stand on the subject when the school education starts, to supervise and to give positive feedback to the handwashing child.

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, Spring Water, 32 Fluid Ounces