Monday, August 5, 2019

Ubbi Disposable Diaper Pail Plastic Bags, Made with Recyclable Material, True Value Pack, 75 Count, 13-Gallon

Green Poop Cause of Green Poop in Infants

Ubbi Disposable Diaper Pail Plastic Bags, Made with Recyclable Material, True Value Pack, 75 Count, 13-Gallon

Green poo in babies makes mothers very worried. The causes of green poo in babies are quite high. If you suspect any of these, you can consult your doctor quickly.

Green poo in babies makes mothers very worried. The causes of green poo in babies are quite high. If you suspect any of these, you can consult your doctor quickly. Sometimes in breast-fed infants, the mother herself consumes an allergic product. For example, if the mother is allergic to cow's milk and has consumed something in it, it can turn into green poop in the baby. Also in case of any infection; In the intestines of babies, they are excreted green before they turn yellow. The reason for this is that bile from the liver to the intestine turns yellow, waiting in the intestine, and is excreted in that way, but it is immediately discarded green as infants cannot wait for infection. In such cases, babies can have a poo. In addition, green feces may be seen in infants for the following reasons;
Cause of Green Poop in Infants

Foremilk -indmilk imbalance: Foremilk, the first milk in the breast during each feeding is less fat and lactose is higher.
Gastrointestinal diseases in infants
Sensitivity to a drug taken by the mother
Green poop in infants who have been vaccinated
Simple colds
In cases called stomach fever
Any inflammation of the intestine
Excessive saliva production during tooth extraction
Viral infections
In some foods that the mother eats, the poo color of infants fed with breast milk may be green
Green poop may occur as an allergic reaction to some foods
Because babies get cold from their feet
It is normal for babies to have a green poo for four days after birth. This means that she continues to remove feces
Iron drugs given to babies
Due to development in the intestines of infants receiving breast milk
The baby has started to take additional nutrients and if they consist of green foods such as broccoli and spinach, the color of the baby's poop can be green.
Fecal matter may be green in infants receiving insufficient breast milk. In such cases, take care to breastfeed your baby sufficiently regardless of the time. Unsaturated babies may have a green poop.
The wolf problem sometimes seen in infants also signals green poop
In some babies, a few germs living in the stomach may also be identified by green poop.
It happens in babies who have digestive problems. Green poop can be seen in infants who cannot digest well and healthy

Ubbi Disposable Diaper Pail Plastic Bags, Made with Recyclable Material, True Value Pack, 75 Count, 13-Gallon

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 544 Count

How to Clean Six Babies?

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 544 Count

Bottom cleaning, one of the biggest problems of many new mothers, is no longer a problem with this article. Cleaning the bottom of babies with water

Bottom cleaning, one of the biggest problems of many new mothers, is no longer a problem with this article. The infants' bottom cleaning should be done with a damp or wet cloth, cotton-like material and then dried if water cannot be found.

How should the baby be treated?

You should be able to hold the baby with one hand in a way that does not harm it and with the other hand you must be able to access the materials. If you do not hold the baby with one hand, the baby may fall and be damaged if you perform this operation on your couch. If you perform this operation on the floor, the baby may reach out to the materials and act to harm itself. Therefore, attention should be paid to this issue.
How to Change Diapers?

After you take off the clothes your baby is wearing, lift your baby's two legs calmly and gently. Perform cleaning. Then pull the dirty diaper forward and pour your cleaning material (lotion, etc.) into a cotton swab. Wipe the whole area from the abdomen with cotton. After the procedure, allow the baby's skin to breathe and relax before attaching the new diaper. Then the process is completed and the new diaper can be attached to the baby.

Baby Girls

Because of their anatomical structure, especially in the first months, it should be wiped from front to back with a soft wet material and the material should be discarded. During this process, it should be paid attention that the faeces do not touch the genital area, especially movements that result in inflammation should be avoided.


For infants, the testicular bags should be cleaned first, followed by the penis and then the stool. The use of a separate material at each stage is necessary for hygiene and the health of the baby. If the stool is exposed to skin adhesion, the baby's body should not be damaged while wiping, if necessary it should be softened and cleaned.

In addition, the foreskin of the penis should not be opened in male infants. If the foreskin is too tight, you should consult your doctor because this may cause difficulty in urinating and may harm your baby.
How Often Should Six Babies Be Cleaned?

The infants should be cleaned at least 5-6 times a day, depending on the circumstances, and this cleaning should be done very precisely if the cleaning is not done properly and as many times as necessary, the baby may have rash or the skin of the baby may be severely damaged. We should be sensitive about this issue.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 544 Count

Sassy Baby Disposable Diaper Sacks, 200 Count

Your Baby's First Poop

Sassy Baby Disposable Diaper Sacks, 200 Count

The first poo of babies is called meconium. Meconium is green-black in color and viscous. Meconium is made up of 90% of water. Babies usually poop within the first 24 hours after birth. If meconium is not made within 48 hours and pee 8-9 hours, it is considered that the baby has health problems such as obstruction in the urinary tract, intestines or kidneys.

In some cases, especially when the birth is late, the baby can do meconium while still in the mother's womb. If this is the case, the baby should be aspirated after delivery so that the baby does not draw meconium into his lungs. Inhalation of meconium may cause aspiration pneumonia (the name given to pneumonia caused by saliva or reflux material from the mouth, which cannot be swallowed and escaped into the lungs).

Babies poop 6-10 times a day when they are born. This amount decreases over time. If a newborn baby poo 3 times a day and his poo is thick, the baby is getting enough breast milk. Sometimes babies who take breast milk may not poop for a few days. This is not something to worry about. Breast milk is easy to digest and can prolong the baby's poo time.

If the poo of the newborn baby is green; In this case, the baby may have caught a cold. When babies get cold, bowel movements increase. Bile stools occur, which can change the color of the poop to green. At the same time, in breast-fed infants, the foods the mother eats can also change the baby's poo color. For example, if the mother eats spinach, her baby's poo can be green.

If the poo of the newborn baby is black; It is not true that the newborn baby has a black poop. However, if the baby is taking iron supplements from the outside, it is normal to have a black poo.

If the baby's poo is solid; In addition to breastmilk, it is normal for infants to switch to supplementary food or to switch to formula to have a more rigid poo.

The baby has poop food pieces; The intestines of babies begin to digest only after 6 months like adults. It is normal to see food pieces in the baby's poo when solid foods are given before this time.

In case of vaginal discharge; Vaginal discharge is seen in infants after birth. A small amount of blood can also be seen in this discharge. This is the first menstrual-like condition caused by hormones from the mother. There is nothing to worry about.

Sassy Baby Disposable Diaper Sacks, 200 Count

Playtex Diaper Genie Carbon Filter, Ideal for Use with Diaper Genie Complete, Odor Eliminator, 4 Pack

4 common digestive system problems in infants

Playtex Diaper Genie Carbon Filter, Ideal for Use with Diaper Genie Complete, Odor Eliminator, 4 Pack

Feeding difficulties in infants arising from the digestive system that develops over time worries families. Functional digestive system diseases will disappear as the baby grows, but some diseases can continue. For this reason, the creation of a baby-specific feeding system and system, helps to prevent future diseases.

Pediatric Health and Diseases Specialist, explaining 4 common digestive system problems in infants . Mustafa Armut gave information about the treatment of these problems and made the following suggestions to the families:


Biri One of the most common digestive problems in infants is when food and drinks return to the mouth without vomiting. Sometimes this way, it can come out of the mouth and nose. This problem, which is seen in infancy and called reflux, occurs frequently in the first year of the baby's life, mostly peaks at the 4th month and gradually decreases after the 6th month. Although the problem is thought to be permanent, the problem usually disappears completely until the 12-15th months. In infancy, the amount and consistency of nutrition will be effective rather than medication. Thickening agents can be added to breast milk and special formula (formula milk). Formula milks; rice, corn and potato starch, guar gum or carob fiber. Using the standard formula instead of milk can prevent the leakage of stomach contents. However, if there is vomiting in breast-fed infants, it is not possible to stop breast-feeding.

2- If she cries with high sound by pulling her knees to her stomach

Infants with cry bouts without an underlying organic cause are called infantile colic. Crying attacks start at 4-6 weeks after birth and usually end when the baby is 3-4 months old. The most prominent symptom of infantile colic is excessive crying seizures starting in the afternoon and evening. The baby is uncomfortable, distressed and anxious during crying attacks. The baby usually pulls his knees to his belly and his face turns red after a while. In the diagnosis of infantile colic, it is very important that the physician evaluate the baby with detailed history and physical examination. Infantile colic can be mentioned if the baby is token, silent by gently rhythmic shaking and firing, and starts crying again when left. Baby calming fennel extracts and sucrose solutions can have a positive effect on crying times. However, herbal mixtures should not be used without medical advice.


Infants may develop constipation during the first years of life due to nutritional changes. Whether the baby has constipation can be determined by monitoring the frequency of defecation. Constipation may occur if the baby's poo frequency varies and lasts longer than usual. Symptoms such as crying, stiff stomach, traces of blood in the poo and restlessness are indicative of constipation. If the baby has constipation problem; expert advice with warm baths, buttocks, oil, glycerin or vaseline, over 4 months to give babies apple, plum, pear and peach juice, the baby's legs towards the abdomen, such as exercise will help to relax. Medications that soften the stool and provide pain-free defecation are used if there is no response to nutrition and measures to comfort the baby.


The characteristics and frequency of faeces differ according to the feeding methods of the babies. The feces of the breast-fed infants are pure and yellow in color. The frequency of defecation may be higher than those fed by formula milk. The number of defecation decreases with the start of complementary feeding in the sixth month. Number of defecation; In the 4th week, the average is 3 days and in the 4th year, the average is 1-3. In 97% of children aged 1-4 years, the frequency of defecation decreases up to 1-3 per day. Functional diarrhea occurs in infancy or painless defecation in infancy or preschoolers for 3 weeks or more daily for 4 weeks or more. In functional diarrhea, if the baby is consuming sufficient calories, there is no developmental delay, the only finding is frequent and soft stools. Diarrhea usually disappears spontaneously until school age. Regulation of the child's feeding system is the most effective solution to the problem. Diet and defecation diary should be kept, if the baby has a caregiver should be informed about the diet.

How do you clean your baby's things?

The health of your little pup may come first for you. Remember that his immune system is not as developed as yours. Therefore, diseases can be more dangerous for your baby. Diseases in infants can result in serious permanent damage or death. Take care of your baby's cleansing by considering the weak immune system. Used in bottles, plates, clothes, carpets, armchairs in many items such as germs affect your baby seriously. It is possible for babies to grow in a healthier and more peaceful way with simple and easy to apply hygiene rules. However, sterile environments do not seem to be beneficial for babies except basic health and hygiene rules. Any exaggerated protection prevents adequate development of the immune system of infants. Information on cleaning of baby goods ...

Bottle cleaning boiling

There are different methods to clean the bottles that bacteria can easily breed. At the beginning of the boiling method is recommended. By adding an organic cleanser to the boiled bottles for at least 10 minutes, it is necessary to soak in hot water for 10 minutes and rinse. The second method of bottle cleaning is the use of microwave. In this method, the bottles are washed with water and organic dishwashing detergent or soap, rinsed and then left in pieces in the microwave for 1.5 minutes and allowed to cool. Plates and glasses should be dissolved in cold water with sterilization tablets, left in water for 30 minutes, then washed and rinsed.

Rinse your laundry twice

In addition to washing and temperature of clothing that comes in contact with baby skin; detergent selection, skin creams, shampoos, emollients, clothes and diapers, wet wipes should also be carefully selected. Chemical preservatives such as naphthalene are not recommended for the storage of clothing. Dried, hardened formula, baby feces contaminated with clothing by taking the coarse toothbrush pre-treatment makes cleaning the best way to do. It is better to clean the clothes that are left for 30-60 minutes with detergent in warm water before washing. In particular, it is recommended to wash cloths and tops separately and rinse twice to ensure that there are no detergent residues.

Wash your clothes highly

Washing machines that are used for a long period of time at low temperatures are becoming a nest for infants that can cause severe infections. For this reason, it is necessary to wash at 45 or 60 degrees, increase the number of rinses, and keep in mind the machine maintenance and cleaning. It is recommended not to use soap, bleach, emollient, bleaching agent and perfume that irritates the skin when washing clothes. If there is no dirty, cold or humid air in the place, clothes need to be dried outdoors. Reducing temperatures and a fresh odor do not harm the use of dryers.

Start cleaning the room from the floor

The cleaning of the baby room needs to be started by removing the dust from the room. It is recommended to clean the curtains and bed linen after the floor is completely cleaned, including carpet and under bed. In order to use a microfiber cloth on the body of the baby bed, it is important to wipe all four ends and headgear. The table, cupboard and all items that are in direct contact with the baby need to be wiped. The baby should not be kept in the room during cleaning and not to use chemicals for cleaning. Opening the windows while dusting allows you to ventilate the room. If the floors are wiped with a cleaner, the baby should not be taken into the room for at least 2 hours.

Watch out as the baby crawls!

When the babies start crawling, the house needs to be swept every day, as it can take all kinds of waste to the mouth. When placing babies on the ground, it is important to cover the places where they can crawl, wipe the exposed areas with special chemical-free surface cleaners and then rinse with plenty of water. As far as possible, allowing your baby to move on a clean cover instead of a carpet is more health-friendly.

Don't forget to clean the toys

Standard cleaning and disinfection of your baby's toy cleaning has 2 steps. Scouring with soap and warm water under standard cleaning kills many germs by removing oil and dirt. Disinfection with solution after standard cleaning is mostly achieved by diluting the bleach. The process of adding 1 spoon of bleach to 1 liter of water is considered to be safe and non-toxic as chlorine in the diluted bleach evaporates within minutes.

Playtex Diaper Genie Carbon Filter, Ideal for Use with Diaper Genie Complete, Odor Eliminator, 4 Pack

Dekor Plus Diaper Pail Refills | Most Economical Refill System | Quick & Easy to Replace | No Preset Bag Size – Use Only What You Need | Exclusive End-of-Liner Marking | Baby Powder Scent | 2 Count

How should the consistency of poop in infants?

Dekor Plus Diaper Pail Refills | Most Economical Refill System | Quick & Easy to Replace | No Preset Bag Size – Use Only What You Need | Exclusive End-of-Liner Marking | Baby Powder Scent | 2 Count

How should the consistency of poop in infants?

The poo color can give you general information about your baby, but the poo consistency is also important. The combination of color and consistency can say a lot about your baby's health, where often color alone may not make sense.

The poo color can give you general information about your baby, but the poo consistency is also important. The combination of color and consistency can say a lot about your baby's health, where often color alone may not make sense.

Poo consistency of newborn babies
The poop of newborn babies has a thick, tary poop consistency. This is normal and the color and texture of the poop of a newborn will change within the first few days of life. Talk to your pediatrician if your baby's poo does not become loose and yellow within a few days after birth. This may be a sign that they are not getting enough milk.

Infants who are breastfed may have seed-like substances in their poop. This does not necessarily mean that your baby has diarrhea.

Nutrition with formula (formula milk nutrition)
Feeding infants; green, yellow and brown color tend to make more solid poop. If your baby is forced during defecation and has infrequent, hard stools, she may be constipated.

After switching to additional food ; Once you've added solid foods to your baby's diet, their cocoa will start to look like normal adult cocoa.

Constipation ; An extremely hard poo consistency, which is difficult to pass, may indicate that babies have constipation. Inside the poop may be small pebble-like images of dark brown color. You can contact your doctor.

Dekor Plus Diaper Pail Refills | Most Economical Refill System | Quick & Easy to Replace | No Preset Bag Size – Use Only What You Need | Exclusive End-of-Liner Marking | Baby Powder Scent | 2 Count

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Dispenser, Colors May Vary

Infant Bottom Change, Cleaning and Preventing Rash Methods

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Dispenser, Colors May Vary

How and at what intervals should the subchange be performed?

A baby's gold should be changed at least 6-7 times a day on average. Sometimes, even in the first months, he may poop more often, if so, we should change his diapers every time he gets dirty. Six clean babies become more comfortable and peaceful and have less diaper rash. Causes such as the airless environment of the diaper, moisture, contact with the skin of urine and feces cause irritation of sensitive baby skin.

How to clean the bottom?

Baby skin is more sensitive than adult skin. Parents need to be careful not to irritate the skin of infants who frequently poo, especially in the newborn period. The products that you will use for cleaning your baby's bottom should be free from chemicals, fragrance and color synthetic materials, allergies and irritating preservatives. Therefore, the most suitable cleaning agent is cotton soaked with boiled warm water. Sometimes it is also preferable to clean the butt by running under running water.

Are there any different considerations in boys and girls? What?

The risk of developing urinary tract infection is high in girls. Therefore, when cleaning this area in girls, wiping from front to back and lying on the back should be done from top to bottom. This reduces the risk of contamination of the poo into the urinary tract. During cleaning, the baby's legs should be slightly raised and opened, starting from the top of the genital area with wet cotton, gently wiping down to the anus area below and discarded for further use. For male infants, first clean the area around the anus, then gently lift the underside of the penis and remove the testicles. A piece of cotton smeared with poop should never be applied to the skin again. After cleaning the butt, gently clean between the legs and between the curves formed on the legs.

What is diaper rash? How does it occur? What kind of problems does it create?

Redness and irritation in the area where the skin comes into contact with the diaper is called diaper rash. The main reason for the crust is wetness. The rubbing of the diaper on sensitive baby skin and the irritation of urine and feces in the closed diaper area are the most important causes of redness and rash.

The fact that the gland stays on the skin for a long time, is attached too tightly or the baby's skin is extremely sensitive or allergic is one of the reasons that accelerate the rash. During baby's transition from breast milk to food or supplements, there is an increase in rash formation during the teething period and the duration of antibiotic treatment.

Precautions to avoid rash

Preventing rash formation is easier than treatment. The diaper rash feels burning, stinging and itching in the diaper rash. This can cause a constant crying and restlessness. In untreated diaper rashes, new infections occur in that area in a very short time. Therefore, it should be prevented from occurring before the treatment of the rash.

Keep the baby's bottom clean, dry and cool. Use diaper rash cream every time you change the bottom. You should apply a thin layer of diaper rash cream, especially taking care to penetrate between the baby's skin folds. It is best to leave the baby's diaper open frequently and allow the baby to breathe.

Things to do for the treatment of rash

If your baby has rash, change the diaper more often. Change the type of diaper you are using. If you are using ready-made wet wipes, leave them. Consult your pediatrician because of the development of fungal and infection in later rashes that do not improve with these precautions.

Other topics you want to add

It is very important to prepare the materials you will use during the baby's bottom cleaning in advance and be ready immediately. It is a good idea that the materials are close enough to reach the other hand without pulling one hand over the baby. If you put it in a high place, be very careful not to fall, if you are not in a safe place, do not turn your back even for a short time without holding the baby with one hand.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Dispenser, Colors May Vary

Playtex Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail, Fully Assembled, with Odor Lock Technology, Includes 1 Pail & 1 Refill, White

What is anyum swallowing the baby's poo Mek?

Playtex Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail, Fully Assembled, with Odor Lock Technology, Includes 1 Pail & 1 Refill, White

This situation, which is described as' swallowing the baby's poo arasında among the people, is in fact the stool escaping to the trachea or lungs, so it does not eat the baby poo. We have focused on the signs and treatment of what is a risky condition, Mecan Aspiration .

When the baby's stool, which is described as mek mecanium mek in the medical literature, is swallowed in the uterus and reaches the lungs, it appears as mek mecanium aspiration syndrome.. The feces in the intestines are dark green in color and will be the first stool the baby will have after birth. Therefore, the first stool is called mecanium. Accumulation of feces in the womb for a long time and eating it will cause serious respiratory problems after birth.

While the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac that the baby is in is normally colorless, the liquid becomes colored to yellow, green and brown when pooping into it. This can be seen when the amniotic sac is opened.


Fecal problems may occur in babies who are stranded during labor, entering labor later than expected, prolonged labor, and infants who do not develop adequately. The risk of caesarean section increases in deliveries with mecanium.


When the baby's feces reach the lungs, the area should be cleaned first and then supplemented with sulfa. Poo parts found in the larynx and trachea are pulled with a vacuum tool. Detailed screening tests are performed.

Playtex Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail, Fully Assembled, with Odor Lock Technology, Includes 1 Pail & 1 Refill, White

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, 72 Count

Baby poop needs to be considered

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, 72 Count

The frequency and color of your baby's poop can give you clues about your health. Watch out for

If there is no intense sputum and blood in the baby's poo, there is no need to see this as a problem only if there is a color change. In infants fed with food, poop can be seen in any color. Depending on the content of the food, especially green, brown, yellow poops can be seen.

Black and pasty consistency
The first few days of newborns will have black poo. This is called meconium poop. Usually the first 1 week poop happens this way.

If an iron supplement is used for the baby, it may cause black color in the stool. In addition, if the poo color is close to light gray, this may be due to insufficient bile acids, ie, digestive problems. In this case, consult a doctor.

Gold and mud consistency
After a black and paste-like poop, as the mother suckles, the baby's poop always gets the usual golden and mud consistency. These poops don't smell much.

Although the green-colored poo usually makes the baby think that it is cold, it is actually related to the speed at which the intestines work. When the baby is absorbed too much, it can be green colored because it is thrown away without processing in the intestines. This is considered normal unless there is diarrhea.

Families should not see the problem of changing the color of the poo in the baby. However, bloody, sputum poops are situations where the poop color is really important. If the baby who doesn't take iron supplements comes with a really black, coffee-colored poop, this may indicate a problem. At this point, it is appropriate for families to consult a pediatrician.

Why does baby poop change color?
- With the baby growing, the ballast rate increases. This affects the color change.
- Changes in the mother's diet during breastfeeding affect the baby's poo.
- When the baby's poop frequency decreases, the increase in the duration of the stool's stay in the intestine affects the poop's turning to green.
- The type of nutrients the baby receives except breast milk affects the color of the poo.

What should be the frequency of poo in babies?

The average number of poo is around 4 - 6 in 1 day. However, this number can be 8-10. Some babies may occasionally poop after each suction. This is seen as extremely normal.

Mothers often think that milk is not enough when the number of babies poop decreases. However, it is not right to start additional food with this concern. Because this does not indicate that breast milk is not enough.

Babies 3 - 6 months
As babies grow, decreases in the number of poops occur. On average, 4 may be normal, but may be more.

Decreased number of poop does not disturb the baby's pleasure, the baby's growth continues in a healthy way, the baby vomiting, and so on. this is considered normal if there is no problem, and it regularly releases gas.

Babies 6 - 12 months
Approximately 1-year-old and a 1-year-old baby's average number of 24-hour poo falls to around 2-3.

If a baby pooing 8 times a day starts pooing 15 times at a time, it could be a harbinger of a problem. Such conditions may be caused by infection or cow's allergy. In this case, the doctor must be informed.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, 72 Count

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Diaper Pail Refills for Diaper Genie Pails, 1080 Count (Pack of 4)

Baby Poop Types and Meanings

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Diaper Pail Refills for Diaper Genie Pails, 1080 Count (Pack of 4)

In this article, I will perform a great public service  I will give various baby poop types, their meanings, whether they are normal or not, and the diseases they can point to with their photos. Warning! Baby poop to see the photo of my stomach does not remove my spelling. Look, “We didn't know, we got a good stomach, but what an inscription! ”. The truth is, these are life friends. When we become parents, we clean that poop 8 times a day, if necessary, we examine the inside of the poop with our index finger, we also look for beads in the poop, ( I'm serious, see I called ), sometimes we smell our baby's poop, even after long-term constipation. When we poop, we even have a feast at home, right? It is not from us who did not do at least one of them 

After these warnings, let's get into the poop. Some of the letters I received include questions about the infant excretion system. Just as we care about our baby's nutrition, the excretion which is an extension of nutrition is also a matter of interest. These are very natural parts of life, need to be discussed.

When it comes to baby poop, diarrhea, constipation, as well as the usual issues that concern families, there are different types of poop. In fact, the little babies have a little bit of poop than the adult poop. Families who face an unexpected situation are panicking. I consider these questions quite normal. When such a question reaches me, if the message is not detailed enough, I ask a few questions to understand the situation and try to understand the baby's feeding and excretion habits. I want them to send me photos of the wadded cloth if necessary.

I absolutely do not disgust to see the diapers in the poo. There are two reasons for this: First, babies are very innocent beings. I want all babies to grow up with health. I'm happy that I can help them and their families, albeit to some extent. Secondly, I had similar issues with my own son Can. For example, he did not poop for a few days, we had a mucus poop, diarrhea. Especially once we saw a bloody poop that scared us the most. So I understand the feelings of the families very well.

The poop is still a taboo. Most people don't like to see it. When you search on the internet for baby poop, you can either come out in cartoon-style drawings or make polite narratives such as “humus, mash olur. However, when a child is really sick, he wants to get real information instead of polite definitions. The most helpful information for families is that they contain real photographs bence At least until they go to a doctor, they give families an idea. In this article, I will discuss the types and meanings of poo commonly seen in small babies with real photographs. Of course, I would like to remind you that you should consult your doctor if your baby's poo is something that you think of.

Baby Poop Types and Meanings
1- Meconium and Black Poop

Your baby's first poo is called meconium. The color of meconium containing bilirubin is between dark green and black. Its consistency is solid and lightly sticky, just like the motor oil used in cars. The amniotic fluid that your baby grows in consists of mucus, dead skin cells. It is not very fragrant. Meconium observed in the diaper is completely normal. Within two to four days, the color of the baby begins to lighten according to the feeding type (breast milk or continuation milk).

If your baby is older than 3-4 days, that is, if you have already thrown out meconium and started the normal baby poop I gave below in Articles 2 and 3 and the color of the poop turns dark green or black, consult your doctor urgently.

I meconium

2- Breastfed Baby

Breastfed babies are light yellow (mustard) in color and liquid in consistency. Small yellowish particles can sometimes be seen in the poo. These are completely normal and indicate the fat of mother's milk which cannot be digested by the baby. Babies who only feed on breast milk do not smell bad, but have a slightly sour and sweet smell. If the baby's poop is bright green, the mother may be taking too much forearm.

Lactose-rich, low-calorie, low-fat milk forearm (foremilk) from the first moment of breastfeeding
The milk that follows the forearm is high-fat and high in saturation.

Breastfed Baby Poop

3- Baby Feeding with Formula (Formula)

Infants fed with continuation milk (formula) are more rigid than infants fed with breast milk. Its color is slightly darker and its consistency is close to humus. The smell of infants who are fed with continuum milk is slightly closer to the smell of normal poop.

Continue Milk-fed (formula) baby poop

4- Solid Food

When babies move to solid food, the color and consistency of their poop becomes darker. The color slowly changes from greenish brown to brown. However, even if solid food is passed, the consistency of the baby is relatively fluid and viscous as compared to adult poop as long as the baby's feed consists of breast milk or continuum milk. As the variety of solid foods and the weight of the baby increases, the smell of poop approaches the smell of poop that we know and begins to harden.

Solid food baby poop
5- Undigested Food

Sometimes you can see orange or green pieces in the baby poop. Then you should first think about what food you have given your baby for the last few meals. Especially in the early days of the transition to solid food , the baby's digestive system is not ready for some foods. When these foods are not digested, they appear as non-digestible particles in the poo. In this case, it is better to postpone the food for a while and continue with the food it can digest. During the transition to solid food, it is necessary to introduce new foods to your baby one at a time and wait at least 1 week to see if the baby's body can tolerate it or not, and if there is an allergic reaction.

Baby poop with undigested food
6- Constipation

Only breast-fed infants have very little constipation. Constipation is more common in infants fed continuation milk or solid food. In addition, babies who are not allergic to certain substances in the composition of breastmilk and soy protein in continuation milk, who do not take enough fluids during the day, may be constipated. If your baby's poo is solid and ball-like, he's constipated. If you feed your baby with both breast milk and follow-up milk, you can concentrate only on breast milk for a while to resolve constipation.

If constipation is caused by a solid food that has just begun, your baby's digestive system is not yet ready for it. You must postpone the purchase of that food. Consult your doctor if your baby makes 2-3 strokes in a row or cannot come out at all. Occasionally, babies who are constipated try to pull their poop out, but their butt is cracked, and a little bright / light blood may appear on the poop. If there is blood in the baby's poo, first check for a crack in the butt. If plenty of blood and / or dark blood comes with the poop, consult a physician.

Constipated baby poop
7- Diarrhea

Diarrhea may occur if your baby makes very watery poops with no particles in them, and if the poops are carried through the diapers. Diarrhea poops can be yellow, green or brown. Diarrhea can have many causes such as rotavirus, food allergy, cold, antibiotic use, food poisoning. In addition to diarrhea, there may be symptoms such as vomiting and fever. Especially if your baby's skin and lips are dry with diarrhea, sluggish, tears do not come out when you cry, your hands and feet are colorless, pee less than before, and if the pee color is dark, vomiting and fever lasts more than 24 hours, the stomach does not want to eat, and the doctor began to swell. . Continuous diarrhea is a condition that should be solved in infants. Therefore consult a doctor.

Diarrhea baby poop
8- Green Poop

Infants receiving iron supplementation may have a dark green poop. In addition, foods such as spinach and pea puree can turn baby's poop green in newborns who are new to solid food. If you are not supplementing your baby with iron, if you haven't recently switched to solid green food, or if your baby has already passed the meconium period (the first few days of the newborn) and the poo is dark green or black, consult a doctor.
Baby poop with excess iron
9- Mucus

Mucus poop may be caused by excessive breast milk ( excess milk intake), excess baby drooling and swallowing, or different food allergies. If the mucus poop lasts more than 2 days, you should consult your doctor.

Mucus Baby Diaper

10- Blood

Sometimes the inability to digest foods like tomatoes can create red-like redness in the poop and stir up families. Therefore, first make sure that the red substance is blood. Blood in the diaper is usually seen when:

Normal infant poop, which contains small amounts of blood, usually refers to excess breast milk or milk protein allergy.
Blood in the diaper may be due to a crack in the baby's butt hole if there is a trace amount of cancer that comes with constipation.
Diarrhea can be a bacterial infection if there is blood with the poop.

However, a large amount and especially dark blood is a condition that should be consulted with a doctor. May be caused by serious disorders of the digestive system.

Blood in the diaper
11- White

White Baby Poop

White poop can be caused by liver and gallbladder problems. Your baby's poo gets its brown color from the bile produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. During digestion, this fluid is secreted into the small intestines and helps digestion. If your baby's liver does not produce edema or if it cannot reach the small intestine due to a blockage, the baby's poo will be white. In case of white poop, consult doctor immediately.
Poop Problems You Need to Consult a Doctor

If your baby is not a newborn (if the first 3-4 days have passed), does not take iron supplements, but still has a dark green or black poo
If abundant and / or dark blood comes with the poo
If your baby is pooping in white
If your baby does not have diarrhea
If your baby does not resolve constipation, consult a doctor.

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How to remove poop stain

ChoiceRefill Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails, 4-Pack, 1080 Count

Many of your friends have come to the waist and soiled clothes

what removes this poop stain?
I'm waiting for your advice

Have you tried ariel stain remover? Pour on top and leave for half a day. then wash in the machine. I've never seen a stain he's never removed

I clean the poop and put it in the basin. Adding the plunging soap powder and pouring boiling water, I keep waiting for the night. If you pour it before drying, even when soap is fenced out.

azzra to
first I wash it with hot water and white soap, then pour vanish stain remover on the machine, and then rinse the extra rinse.

Washes with white soap in cold water

I've never seen you come out, so I'm a little surprised you're worried. As soon as the poop is passed through the water, if you clean the parts of the poo, there is no stain left in washing with soap powder.

Even if you wash it with water, it will flow if you wash it. Then it passes when you wash it with dalin in the machine. It is immaculate;) what will happen to the baby poop;)


In my opinion the problem is in my boy's poo: D
I tried the mold soap and washed the machine, but still did not come out, but I'll try the advice of what we're used to

the tarantabab
If you pay attention to the barriers when changing the diaper or change your diaper brand, you can solve the problem radically.

Could the diaper come small? The other day I left a few small diapers in the hand I said I'm done, late waist, up to the back of the neck poop;)

I amway with Amway's stain remover for every kind of fabric. Then I wash it, usually it comes out.

angelwav to
I tried amway mold washed with soap before drying, I also poured kosla while washing, but again, our poop stains :(

We had the same problem until we started to eat additional food. large diapers, small diapers, tight tying ... poop pulled out 2-3 times a day each time. As soon as you make it to the bottom of the whole body while taking it to take the gold. and our stain didn't come out well about the bece poop. but ariel LIQUID stain remover and then waiting for soap rinse out.

ariel stain remover and wash with white soap rinse the last shot in the machine with dalin does not stay stain or something .. in the hands of our mothers washes in a hand beforehand .. I can not think of them ...

I spilled the bee stain remover on my son's combed blanket, had a poo stain and even poured it in my pajamas the same way we bleached as if I had poured chlorak.

Duru is plunging white soap 4 or something is sold bath soap under the corpse and then go to the bottom of the soap and soap with the soap I'm showing no stain on the name of the athletes or something kalmiyo athletes or something, sometimes without the back of the poop back to clean the white carpet to dry my hand I'm going to use my stain to make my living room I would say it's better to keep the stain anyway, but I do not use

ChoiceRefill Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails, 4-Pack, 1080 Count

Playtex Diaper Genie Refill Bags, Ideal for Diaper Genie Diaper Pails, 3 Pack, 810 Count

Newborn Baby Poop

Playtex Diaper Genie Refill Bags, Ideal for Diaper Genie Diaper Pails, 3 Pack, 810 Count

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The first few days after birth your baby's poo color is green-black and sticky. These cocoons are called meconium. Meconium is what the baby swallows while in the womb.

Breastfeeding of infants breastfed 1 week after birth in the form of soft and semi-liquid color is usually light yellow. Because they absorb a large amount of breast milk, babies often poo and have a poo.

As your baby grows, the number of poop decreases and varies from 1 to 3 per day. Depending on what you eat and your baby's digestive rate, the color and consistency change, the amount and frequency decreases.
Ready-to-feed babies have a more thick and pale color. The frequency of pooping is also less.

After 1 month, breastfed infants may decrease in frequency. It can even be seen that they do 2-3 poops a week. This is extremely normal. Because the baby digests almost all of the mother's milk, there is little poop left in the intestines. So just because the baby doesn't poop doesn't mean he's constipated.

Beyond being soft, even semi-liquid is quite common. The scent is slightly sour: this “special odor” is only present when breast-fed. The color is usually light yellow.

The baby's poo color may also change according to the mother's diet and the foods she eats. For example, foods such as spinach and purslane that the mother eats can also pass into breast milk and make the baby's poo color green.

Diarrhea can be hardly recognized, as infants who are breastfed can have very juices. Probably diarrhea if the poop count is greater than usual, smells very bad, has blood or fever. In this case, consult your doctor.

Playtex Diaper Genie Refill Bags, Ideal for Diaper Genie Diaper Pails, 3 Pack, 810 Count