Monday, August 5, 2019

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, 72 Count

Baby poop needs to be considered

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, 72 Count

The frequency and color of your baby's poop can give you clues about your health. Watch out for

If there is no intense sputum and blood in the baby's poo, there is no need to see this as a problem only if there is a color change. In infants fed with food, poop can be seen in any color. Depending on the content of the food, especially green, brown, yellow poops can be seen.

Black and pasty consistency
The first few days of newborns will have black poo. This is called meconium poop. Usually the first 1 week poop happens this way.

If an iron supplement is used for the baby, it may cause black color in the stool. In addition, if the poo color is close to light gray, this may be due to insufficient bile acids, ie, digestive problems. In this case, consult a doctor.

Gold and mud consistency
After a black and paste-like poop, as the mother suckles, the baby's poop always gets the usual golden and mud consistency. These poops don't smell much.

Although the green-colored poo usually makes the baby think that it is cold, it is actually related to the speed at which the intestines work. When the baby is absorbed too much, it can be green colored because it is thrown away without processing in the intestines. This is considered normal unless there is diarrhea.

Families should not see the problem of changing the color of the poo in the baby. However, bloody, sputum poops are situations where the poop color is really important. If the baby who doesn't take iron supplements comes with a really black, coffee-colored poop, this may indicate a problem. At this point, it is appropriate for families to consult a pediatrician.

Why does baby poop change color?
- With the baby growing, the ballast rate increases. This affects the color change.
- Changes in the mother's diet during breastfeeding affect the baby's poo.
- When the baby's poop frequency decreases, the increase in the duration of the stool's stay in the intestine affects the poop's turning to green.
- The type of nutrients the baby receives except breast milk affects the color of the poo.

What should be the frequency of poo in babies?

The average number of poo is around 4 - 6 in 1 day. However, this number can be 8-10. Some babies may occasionally poop after each suction. This is seen as extremely normal.

Mothers often think that milk is not enough when the number of babies poop decreases. However, it is not right to start additional food with this concern. Because this does not indicate that breast milk is not enough.

Babies 3 - 6 months
As babies grow, decreases in the number of poops occur. On average, 4 may be normal, but may be more.

Decreased number of poop does not disturb the baby's pleasure, the baby's growth continues in a healthy way, the baby vomiting, and so on. this is considered normal if there is no problem, and it regularly releases gas.

Babies 6 - 12 months
Approximately 1-year-old and a 1-year-old baby's average number of 24-hour poo falls to around 2-3.

If a baby pooing 8 times a day starts pooing 15 times at a time, it could be a harbinger of a problem. Such conditions may be caused by infection or cow's allergy. In this case, the doctor must be informed.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, 72 Count