Monday, August 5, 2019

Playtex Diaper Genie Carbon Filter, Ideal for Use with Diaper Genie Complete, Odor Eliminator, 4 Pack

4 common digestive system problems in infants

Playtex Diaper Genie Carbon Filter, Ideal for Use with Diaper Genie Complete, Odor Eliminator, 4 Pack

Feeding difficulties in infants arising from the digestive system that develops over time worries families. Functional digestive system diseases will disappear as the baby grows, but some diseases can continue. For this reason, the creation of a baby-specific feeding system and system, helps to prevent future diseases.

Pediatric Health and Diseases Specialist, explaining 4 common digestive system problems in infants . Mustafa Armut gave information about the treatment of these problems and made the following suggestions to the families:


Biri One of the most common digestive problems in infants is when food and drinks return to the mouth without vomiting. Sometimes this way, it can come out of the mouth and nose. This problem, which is seen in infancy and called reflux, occurs frequently in the first year of the baby's life, mostly peaks at the 4th month and gradually decreases after the 6th month. Although the problem is thought to be permanent, the problem usually disappears completely until the 12-15th months. In infancy, the amount and consistency of nutrition will be effective rather than medication. Thickening agents can be added to breast milk and special formula (formula milk). Formula milks; rice, corn and potato starch, guar gum or carob fiber. Using the standard formula instead of milk can prevent the leakage of stomach contents. However, if there is vomiting in breast-fed infants, it is not possible to stop breast-feeding.

2- If she cries with high sound by pulling her knees to her stomach

Infants with cry bouts without an underlying organic cause are called infantile colic. Crying attacks start at 4-6 weeks after birth and usually end when the baby is 3-4 months old. The most prominent symptom of infantile colic is excessive crying seizures starting in the afternoon and evening. The baby is uncomfortable, distressed and anxious during crying attacks. The baby usually pulls his knees to his belly and his face turns red after a while. In the diagnosis of infantile colic, it is very important that the physician evaluate the baby with detailed history and physical examination. Infantile colic can be mentioned if the baby is token, silent by gently rhythmic shaking and firing, and starts crying again when left. Baby calming fennel extracts and sucrose solutions can have a positive effect on crying times. However, herbal mixtures should not be used without medical advice.


Infants may develop constipation during the first years of life due to nutritional changes. Whether the baby has constipation can be determined by monitoring the frequency of defecation. Constipation may occur if the baby's poo frequency varies and lasts longer than usual. Symptoms such as crying, stiff stomach, traces of blood in the poo and restlessness are indicative of constipation. If the baby has constipation problem; expert advice with warm baths, buttocks, oil, glycerin or vaseline, over 4 months to give babies apple, plum, pear and peach juice, the baby's legs towards the abdomen, such as exercise will help to relax. Medications that soften the stool and provide pain-free defecation are used if there is no response to nutrition and measures to comfort the baby.


The characteristics and frequency of faeces differ according to the feeding methods of the babies. The feces of the breast-fed infants are pure and yellow in color. The frequency of defecation may be higher than those fed by formula milk. The number of defecation decreases with the start of complementary feeding in the sixth month. Number of defecation; In the 4th week, the average is 3 days and in the 4th year, the average is 1-3. In 97% of children aged 1-4 years, the frequency of defecation decreases up to 1-3 per day. Functional diarrhea occurs in infancy or painless defecation in infancy or preschoolers for 3 weeks or more daily for 4 weeks or more. In functional diarrhea, if the baby is consuming sufficient calories, there is no developmental delay, the only finding is frequent and soft stools. Diarrhea usually disappears spontaneously until school age. Regulation of the child's feeding system is the most effective solution to the problem. Diet and defecation diary should be kept, if the baby has a caregiver should be informed about the diet.

How do you clean your baby's things?

The health of your little pup may come first for you. Remember that his immune system is not as developed as yours. Therefore, diseases can be more dangerous for your baby. Diseases in infants can result in serious permanent damage or death. Take care of your baby's cleansing by considering the weak immune system. Used in bottles, plates, clothes, carpets, armchairs in many items such as germs affect your baby seriously. It is possible for babies to grow in a healthier and more peaceful way with simple and easy to apply hygiene rules. However, sterile environments do not seem to be beneficial for babies except basic health and hygiene rules. Any exaggerated protection prevents adequate development of the immune system of infants. Information on cleaning of baby goods ...

Bottle cleaning boiling

There are different methods to clean the bottles that bacteria can easily breed. At the beginning of the boiling method is recommended. By adding an organic cleanser to the boiled bottles for at least 10 minutes, it is necessary to soak in hot water for 10 minutes and rinse. The second method of bottle cleaning is the use of microwave. In this method, the bottles are washed with water and organic dishwashing detergent or soap, rinsed and then left in pieces in the microwave for 1.5 minutes and allowed to cool. Plates and glasses should be dissolved in cold water with sterilization tablets, left in water for 30 minutes, then washed and rinsed.

Rinse your laundry twice

In addition to washing and temperature of clothing that comes in contact with baby skin; detergent selection, skin creams, shampoos, emollients, clothes and diapers, wet wipes should also be carefully selected. Chemical preservatives such as naphthalene are not recommended for the storage of clothing. Dried, hardened formula, baby feces contaminated with clothing by taking the coarse toothbrush pre-treatment makes cleaning the best way to do. It is better to clean the clothes that are left for 30-60 minutes with detergent in warm water before washing. In particular, it is recommended to wash cloths and tops separately and rinse twice to ensure that there are no detergent residues.

Wash your clothes highly

Washing machines that are used for a long period of time at low temperatures are becoming a nest for infants that can cause severe infections. For this reason, it is necessary to wash at 45 or 60 degrees, increase the number of rinses, and keep in mind the machine maintenance and cleaning. It is recommended not to use soap, bleach, emollient, bleaching agent and perfume that irritates the skin when washing clothes. If there is no dirty, cold or humid air in the place, clothes need to be dried outdoors. Reducing temperatures and a fresh odor do not harm the use of dryers.

Start cleaning the room from the floor

The cleaning of the baby room needs to be started by removing the dust from the room. It is recommended to clean the curtains and bed linen after the floor is completely cleaned, including carpet and under bed. In order to use a microfiber cloth on the body of the baby bed, it is important to wipe all four ends and headgear. The table, cupboard and all items that are in direct contact with the baby need to be wiped. The baby should not be kept in the room during cleaning and not to use chemicals for cleaning. Opening the windows while dusting allows you to ventilate the room. If the floors are wiped with a cleaner, the baby should not be taken into the room for at least 2 hours.

Watch out as the baby crawls!

When the babies start crawling, the house needs to be swept every day, as it can take all kinds of waste to the mouth. When placing babies on the ground, it is important to cover the places where they can crawl, wipe the exposed areas with special chemical-free surface cleaners and then rinse with plenty of water. As far as possible, allowing your baby to move on a clean cover instead of a carpet is more health-friendly.

Don't forget to clean the toys

Standard cleaning and disinfection of your baby's toy cleaning has 2 steps. Scouring with soap and warm water under standard cleaning kills many germs by removing oil and dirt. Disinfection with solution after standard cleaning is mostly achieved by diluting the bleach. The process of adding 1 spoon of bleach to 1 liter of water is considered to be safe and non-toxic as chlorine in the diluted bleach evaporates within minutes.

Playtex Diaper Genie Carbon Filter, Ideal for Use with Diaper Genie Complete, Odor Eliminator, 4 Pack