Showing posts with label Bar Soap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bar Soap. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2019

BBTO 5 Pack Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver

How to clean your skin without damaging it?

With the arrival of cold, we must protect our skin. The sudden change of temperature between the one of the interior of our house, the office or a store and the one of the outside causes that our body reacts and the skin becomes more fragile, reason why it is necessary to protect it.

BBTO 5 Pack Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver
BBTO 5 Pack Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver

Generally, we usually talk a lot about hydration, but we should not forget that when it comes to removing makeup (always, even if we do not wear makeup) and washing, we must always choose appropriate products; those that do not irritate the skin, prevent dryness and allow to have neither tightness nor sensation of itching. The Laboratories Pierre-Fabre Dermo-Cosmétique propose a series of products that allow us to feel comfort while taking care of ourselves.

To cleanse the face, the most advisable in the case of sensitive or dry skins are a priori the textures in mousse or in creams; but as always, that depends on each one and what works best for you.

Avène Soothing Cleansing Milk to remove make-up and remove any impurities without drying the skin. 200 ml - € 15.90

Matting Cleansing Foam of Avène to remove face and eyes. It does not have soap. Without parabens. 150 ml - € 15

Sensifluid Micellar Milk from A-Derma to clean and remove makeup from the most sensitive skins. Without clarification. 400 ml - 14, 75 €

Argane Gelized Desmaquillarte Gellenic Oil. Oil that removes makeup from the face and eyes (even waterproof). For normal skin 125 ml - € 28

For the care of the body, dermatologists usually advise gels without soap or oils that will respect the hydrolipidic film (mixture of sebum and sweat that lines the outer part of the epidermis) of the skin.

Dermopan Ducray Liquid. Syndet (soap without soap) ideal for the whole family. It is a foam that does not dry the skin. 500 ml - 15, 55 €

Soft shower gel by Avène. It can be used for both the face and the body. With moisturizing agents. Ideal for sensitive skin. Paraben free and soap free 500 ml - 10, 50 €

Trixéra + Avène Emollient Cleansing Gel. Ideal for reactive or irritated skins. The active lipids of its formula preserve the skin barrier. 400 ml - 20, 80 €

Soap Works Coal Tar Bar Soap, 8-Count with Free Soap Works Natural Wood Soap Dish

How to properly clean the vagina

The skin of the vagina is very sensitive and to many people perfumed soaps also cause irritation or itching.

Soap Works Coal Tar Bar Soap, 8-Count with Free Soap Works Natural Wood Soap Dish
Soap Works Coal Tar Bar Soap, 8-Count with Free Soap Works Natural Wood Soap Dish

It is an area where the skin is as delicate as the face. And not taking care of it can lead to infections that are so difficult to treat that they can not be cured with medicines. But perhaps many women have never received that fundamental lesson: how to perform their intimate hygiene.

"Low genital infections and all the problems of the vulva, stool, irritation, are very frequent and are very difficult to treat," gynecologist Natalia Pérez told BBC Mundo.

These infections are alterations of the set of microorganisms called vaginal flora or microbiota, and the crucial thing, at the time of hygiene, is to preserve the delicate balance of these microorganisms.

"The skin of the vulva is very delicate, it is almost similar to that of the face and we constantly attack it, because we use daily protectors, tight clothes or underwear that is not correct," warned Dr. Pérez, assistant professor of tract genitalia in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay.

What exactly is the vaginal flora and what are the basic hygiene tips to protect it?

"Acid" flora

The vagina has an acid ph, a natural defense against infections. The vagina has a whole microsystem of defenses "because it is prepared for intercourse trauma".

The vaginal microbiota is then "the one that will defend us from all the microorganisms that are pathogenic and that cause us disease".

The problem arises when there are changes such as bacterial vaginosis, which is nothing more than the alteration of the vaginal microbiota, according to Dr. Pérez.

"Instead of being in the right amount some germs, instead of being in the normal amount, increase in quantity because it just decreases the ph or increases the ph".

Bacterial vaginosis does not produce inflammation but a white grayish medium flow.

"The characteristic is that people come and say I have a bad smell, they speak of a pungent odor, a fishy smell and what there is is an alteration of the flora".

No perfumed soaps or colored clothes

What practical advice does Dr. Pérez offer for intimate female hygiene?

1. Do not use scented soaps

"You should not use perfumed soaps because they have substances that alter the vaginal flora," says the gynecologist.

"Soap astringent soaps that have a lot of caustic soda that kills vaginal flora, such as soaps that are called laundry bars, should not be used either."


The appropriate soaps are then those of glycerin, or those soaps "specific for intimate hygiene that now are like a shampoo, especially to wash the vulva".

"There are specific soaps for intimate hygiene that do so is to increase lactobacilli, the main germ of our microbiota."

The skin of the vulva is very sensitive and to many people perfumed soaps also cause irritation or itching.

2. Only water?

Specific soaps are tested on various types of skin and generally do not cause problems.

"But when a patient already has alterations in the skin of the vulva, it is right to remove all the possible irritants of the vulva, that is why in some people any kind of soap is discouraged and the washing is indicated only with water".

"This is usually until all the symptoms have passed or in people who have a lot of allergy, not all of them."

3. Keep the skin of the vulva and vagina as ventilated as possible

Dr. Pérez recommends "do not use daily protectors, or use only those that can maintain a flow of ventilation or air.There are some that are specific for that and have a plot that is not so closed, it does not leave the vagina and the vulva, so to speak, as covered. "

The expert also advises sleeping without underwear or with very loose underwear, since the humidity and excessive heat can also be harmful.

"You have to accustom the girls to try to sleep without underwear, nobody says that you walk naked, without some short of pajamas as loose as possible so that this area is ventilated, otherwise it is like having a part of the organism permanently covered, that area suffers ".

4. Always wash from front to back

"We women have the urethra, the vagina and the anus, and from the anus to the vagina one can drag germs that also colonize the vagina and alter the vaginal flora with bugs that do not have to be there."

5. Wear cotton and white underwear

"The fabric has to be made of cotton just so as not to gather heat, so as not to leave that area covered because the cotton has a mesh that lets the air pass," Dr. Pérez explained to BBC Mundo.

The Uruguayan gynecologist also warns about the use of very tight jeans.

And he points out that "it is better that the underwear be white or beige, sometimes the colored clothes are dyed with products that do not alter the flora, but in general the anilines used to dye can also alter the flora".

The black underwear, in addition, "produces heat in that area".

6. Change tampons at least every four hours

Dr. Pérez recommends, as much as possible, not to put anything in the vagina, but if tampons are used, it is essential to make a correct replacement.

"You can not leave a lot of time because it's a reservoir of blood, it should be changed at least every four hours."

"There are people who forget and spend a day with a tampon and that causes infections."

7. Do not wash inside the vagina

"There are people who are very obsessive about hygiene and wash themselves inside the vagina, that drags all the flora, kills all its vaginal flora."

"They are people who have a lot of flow problems and will have problems of low genital infections in the future."

"There are people who go to urinate and wash, you have to wash only once a day with a suitable soap."

8. Do not use a bidet

Washing in a bidet "is bad because it helps all the germs of the anus to spread all over the perineum and to enter the vagina".

That is why it is generally said that urinary infections are genitourinary, "because they can be germs that are in the vagina and go to the urethra." As it is an area where everything is together, you have to take care of it a lot ".

"Put the flora ready"

When infections in the vagina arise, ovules are usually recommended, "some tablets that are put in the vagina that are generally antibiotics," explained the doctor.

"What they do is kill the microorganisms that we have, for example, when we have a fungus, the most frequent is candidiasis, we also send ovules, we can also send antibiotics orally, but this is continuously altering our flora, because We kill that little mushroom, we also kill others that are inside our vaginal microbiota ".

The flow is a very constant symptom that "only with drug treatment we do not cure it, because it is an alteration of your flora".

"Until you put the flora to the point and in the right state, the symptom will not be cured."

Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer

8 body parts that you always forget to wash when you bathe with soap

These are the parts of the body that you always forget to clean and this makes them the perfect broth for bacteria and infections.

Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer
Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer

When we bathe or clean, it is easy to think that with just rubbing a bar of soap more or less homogeneous on the body we will be clean. While this may be true in some cases, it also happens that very often we forget to wash some body parts that often accumulate many bacterias.

These are 8 of the areas of the body that most people forget to clean up more often, make sure you're not one of them!


Because of the difficulty of reaching some parts of the back, we usually do very superficial cleanings when we wash the back. The best thing would be to buy a special brush to wash your back or make your partner rub you with an exfoliating sponge or cloth 2 or 3 times a week to avoid developing skin infections.


You don't need to wash your hair every day, but you must pay attention to your scalp daily. It is important to rub and massage the scalp every day to prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells, a breeding ground for mites and bacteria.

Under the fingernails

The area under the fingernails accumulates a lot of germs and if you don't wash it when you bathe or clean your hands, you're not doing a very good job. As far as possible, try to clean this region with soap, warm water and a cotton swab.

Behind your Ears

It may not look like much, but the back of the ears can accumulate a lot of fat and dirt, because it is filled with glands that secrete bait. If you don't clean it every day when you wash your face, it can produce moisture and bad smell, as well as a bacerias broth.


The high temperature of the navel, as well as its corners and crevices make it an ideal place to accumulate bacteria and dirty. Clean daily with a wet swab in alcohol or warm water and soap.

The plant and the sides of your feet

The soap that drains from the rest of your body is not enough to wash your feet properly while you bathe. You need to rub the plant and the sides of your feet, as well as the inside of your fingers. You must wash and dry every time you bathe to avoid fungi.
Elbows and wrinkles

How many times have you consciously washed your elbows? Probably seldom, it's easy to ignore the elbows, but you should avoid it. The elbows are the part of the body with which we support on dirty surfaces such as worktops, desks and restaurant tables, and a dry elbow full of cracks allows the passage of bacteria to your body. Clean with sponges or towels daily.


If you live in a hot place or exercise often, the nape of the neck is a warm, moist region that attracts mites and bacteria. Wipe with soap and water when you bathe or with wet towels.

Cleaning our body properly takes a little more time and effort than most people think, but if you make it a habit you will be able to keep even the hardest corners clean without major problems.

Colloidal Silver Soap - 3 pack

Cleaning the face

Many people have problems buying a cosmetic product for the face because most of those who have tested it produce adverse reactions such as redness, itching or tightness. This is because your skin is sensitive and therefore is thinner and more delicate than normal, characteristics that lead to care in a special way.

Colloidal Silver Soap - 3 pack
Colloidal Silver Soap - 3 pack

Factors affecting sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin tends to react to nutritional disturbances, hormonal changes, stress, climatic factors and irritating products, while in some cases the problem arises from genetic factors. Whatever the cause or degree of alteration, it must be treated with products that do not attack.

The solution: the micelles as cleaning agents

Finding respectful products to clean the face is not easy, as most are soaps formulated with irritating agents. In addition, for a thorough cleaning it is necessary that every certain time the skin is exfoliate to eliminate the dead cells, something that is even more aggressive with the common products.

The solution is to use products with micelles, not soap. The micelles have a similar end to the water and a similar one to the fat, so they can attract dirt and impurities, emulsify and remove them from the skin without irritating it.

BABÉ offers you a soap-free cleaning ritual
Thinking about the characteristics and needs of sensitive skin, BABÉ has devised two special cleaning products for her:

-  Micellar Gel Soothing BABE: It is formulated in such a way that it respects even the most delicate skins, because instead of containing soap, it incorporates micelles that are those that perform the cleaning action. It also contains betaine and licorice, which help soothe the skin.

-  Hydro-exfoliating Comfort BABe: Designed with extra-fine exfoliating particles that prevent irritation. It contains more microparticles than other products, which guarantees a smooth, effective and nothing aggressive exfoliation. In addition, its formula is enriched with Jojoba oil, an ingredient that reinforces the protective barrier of the skin, therefore, besides exfoliating, also maintains the hydration and natural elasticity of the skin.

Oxygenated water as an ally of cleanliness

Hydrogen peroxide, better known as oxygenated water, provides great benefits to household maintenance thanks to its disinfectant and antiseptic properties.

We share a list of uses that you can give:

  • -Is an ally for the disinfection and cleaning of areas with minor wounds.
  • -Helps to eliminate the presence of fungi in the feet and nails.
  • -It is a whitener par excellence, even in the body as the area of the armpits and helps to combat the bad smell.
  • -Another alternative as bleach is for white linen, you only need to add a cup of oxygenated water while soaking.

As you can see, this product brings great benefits for cleaning and body health. Avoid using high amounts of this liquid to avoid causing the opposite effect.

Bamboo Charcoal, Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Bar (Set of 4) - Handmade Face wash for Oily skin Acne treatment Soap, Essential Oils by Falls River Soap Company

7 Reasons why you need Magic Soap to cleanse stains

You still don't know, but you need Dr. Beckmann's Magic stain cleaning soap. Why? Because it is the solution that everyone needs to remove stains in an efficient way without damaging the skin of the hands or the fabric of clothing.

Bamboo Charcoal, Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Bar (Set of 4) - Handmade Face wash for Oily skin Acne treatment Soap, Essential Oils by Falls River Soap Company
Bamboo Charcoal, Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Bar (Set of 4) - Handmade Face wash for Oily skin Acne treatment Soap, Essential Oils by Falls River Soap Company

People have different ways to wash clothes and remove any spots that may be on it. Dr. Beckmann has developed different solutions that fit the tastes and needs of each user.

My mom, for example, likes to wash by hand using bar soaps. He has tried many options in the market but not all the soaps work efficiently and some have even come to damage his hands.

"You need the magic soap to clean spots," I told him one day that he was teaching me his washing ritual. She stopped doing what she was doing and gave me her full attention.
Why do you need the magic soap to clean stains?

The Magic soap is responsible for removing various types of stains such as cooking oil, makeup, lipstick, blood, necks and dirty fists, fats and many more.

I recommend you read: How to clean the stains of the collars and fists of the garments? to learn about other products that can help you solve this problem.

The Magic SOAP design has the following benefits to your advantage:

  •     The formula is designed to remove heavy, hard-to-wear stains.
  •     It can be used in clothes, rugs, upholstery and other objects.
  •     Its shape is ergonomically designed to comfortably fit the hand and allow precise application in both large and small areas.
  •     It contains Aloe Vera, which makes it a gentle product with clothing fabrics and also with hands. It is also dermatologically tested to avoid allergic reactions.
  •     Its packaging is high-durability, which means it can be stored after use.
  •     It is free of dyes, fragrances and preservatives.
  •     It can be used in both washable and non-washable garments.

In addition to having all this is very easy to use. For this you must moisten the stain and the soap with abundant water. Then rub the stain with the soap and let it act for a couple of minutes. Finally you must rinse with water until the stain has disappeared and wash the garment with the rest of the clothes.

Best of all is that after rinsing the soap you can keep it in its packaging as it is of high durability. This way you will be able to continue using it for longer without any problems.

Now if you're not from the people who like to use a bar of soap to clean the stains you can also use other Dr. Beckmann options like the Prewash stain remover with applicator brush or pre-wash stain remover .

The important thing is that you have clean and shiny clothes and that you get it in the way that makes you more comfortable. What do you think of these pre-wash products to clean stains? What is your preferred solution?
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Sunday, April 28, 2019

[Certified Organic Ingredients] Vanissa Aromatherapy Handmade Organic Baby Bar Soap, Made with Organic Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Aloe & Calendula. Proudly Made In USA. (Aloe & Calendula)

Hypoallergenic Soaps

Hypo-Allergenic soaps are designed to take care of your skin. They can be used for hands, body, hair or face. You can find them in pill, liquid soap, gel or shampoo. The difference between common soaps and hypoallergenic soaps is that the latter have been tested in laboratories to ensure that they are as respectful as possible with our skin or that of our baby.

[Certified Organic Ingredients] Vanissa Aromatherapy Handmade Organic Baby Bar Soap, Made with Organic Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Aloe & Calendula. Proudly Made In USA. (Aloe & Calendula)
[Certified Organic Ingredients] Vanissa Aromatherapy Handmade Organic Baby Bar Soap, Made with Organic Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Aloe & Calendula. Proudly Made In USA. (Aloe & Calendula)

Below is detailed the properties of the hypoallergenic soaps, as well as the conditions that we may suffer from the use of an inadequate soap.
Types of hypoallergenic soaps according to their use:

What is hypoallergenic soap?

Hypoallergenic soap is a type of laboratory-tested SOAP. Cleaning efficiency is the same as a normal soap. These soaps are of neutral PH intended for people with sensitive skin. They are ideal for people with atopic skin or who suffer some type of allergy. But its use is advisable for all types of people who want to take care of their skin as the dermatitis appear from one day to the other based on exposing the skin to substances. Hypoallergenic soap is soft and neutral to the skin. Its formulation and interaction with the skin is checked in laboratories eliminating the components that statistically causes dermatitis or any alteration in the skin, thus producing fewer allergic reactions and problems in the Skin to those who use it. So it is said that they are allergy soaps oranti-allergic. Understanding as anti-allergic any adverse reaction in our skin.

What are hypoallergenic soaps for?

The hypoallergenic soaps serve to care for the skin and help it to suffer no alteration in it. The possible reasons for using hypoallergenic soap may be:

  •     Skin with few defenses: for example, the skin of a newborn baby.
  •     Skin sensitive to pH changes and dryness: people with atopic skin or irritant contact dermatitis.
  •     Skin with allergic contact dermatitis: caused by skin contact with any substance in the soap formulation that causes allergy.
  •     To prevent skin problems: Dermatitis usually does not appear in the first exposure of the product with the skin. Our skin may be prone to suffering the ailment, but it may not appear immediately. Skin problems usually appear with prolonged exposure to the substance. Without warning, and from one day to the other, develop the dermatitis and already accompanies us the rest of our days. Therefore, if we avoid exposure with anti-allergy soaps, we will greatly avoid developing the ailment.

What is soap allergy?

The skin is our protective layer against the external agents that attack us. Any alteration of the same causes a dermatitis. Symptoms of dermatitis include:

  •     Redness in the skin
  •     Inflammation in the skin
  •     Pain in that area of the skin

When our skin, by continuous contact with some material, reacts developing an allergy, then we can say that it suffers allergic contact dermatitis. This type of allergy is usually caused by:

  •     Adhesives in strips, Strappings, Peluquines, false eyelashes and stickers
  •     Antibiotics rubbed on the skin
  •     Fabrics and clothing (including temptations and materials)
  •     Fragrances in cosmetics, soaps, detergents, softeners, perfumes and creams
  •     Nail polish, hair dye and permanent curly solutions
  •     Nickel and other metals used in jewellery, lipstick cases and compact makeup powders, zippers, buttons, bras hooks,...
  •     Latex or rubber gloves and shoes

Do not confuse symptoms with irritant contact dermatitis that is not considered to be caused by an allergy. This is usually the most common and usually suffer from people with atopic skin. In other words, people with atopic skin are more likely to develop this type of dermatitis. This ailment is caused by contact with irritating substances or frictions. This irritating contact dermatitis is usually caused by:

  •     Detergents
  •     Soaps
  •     Shampoos
  •     Softeners
  •     Hair dyes

What is a neutral soap?

A neutral soap is one that does not contain dyes, perfumes, Chemicals and its ph is very Similar to the ph of the skin that is 5.5. This type of soaps with neutral pH are highly recommended for people with atopic skin, allergic or even sensitive skin. All hypoallergenic soaps have Neutral PH. Having the same pH that the skin allows us to use it daily without affecting our skin that is sensitive to Changes in ph. We'll avoid the onset of eczema and dermatitis.

Everest Soap Bars 25 Pack 42.5 grams (1.5 oz) Individually Wrapped Travel Soap Bar Amenities for Hotels & Motels,Resorts Guests Toiletries Bulk Discount Price Made of Coconut Oil(cocos nucifera oil)

Soap for the skin, how to choose it?

The skin is the barrier that prevents the passage of germs to the organism, and also contributes to the regulation of the body temperature. In addition, the sebaceous glands produce a greasy matter that waterproofs the skin.

Everest Soap Bars 25 Pack 42.5 grams (1.5 oz) Individually Wrapped Travel Soap Bar Amenities for Hotels & Motels,Resorts Guests Toiletries Bulk Discount Price Made of Coconut Oil(cocos nucifera oil)
Everest Soap Bars 25 Pack 42.5 grams (1.5 oz) Individually Wrapped Travel Soap Bar Amenities for Hotels & Motels,Resorts Guests Toiletries Bulk Discount Price Made of Coconut Oil(cocos nucifera oil)

On the other hand, the remains of flaking of skin, dust and outer dirt; They become a favorable terrain for the emergence of diseases. It is therefore really important to ensure that the skin is groomed daily. And to achieve the desired cleaning it is necessary to know which soap or cleaner to use.
Types of Soaps

Conventional: They are characterized by being solid, sparkling and made with animal fat, sodium and potassium.

Moisturizers: They contain plant oils, cream or fats extracted from nuts.

Glycerine: with neutral components, they are recommended for oily skins, as glycerin can dry the skin.

With aroma: They contain floral or fruity aromas and depending on the extract they have, they can become relaxing. But they should not be used by people with sensitive skins.

Liquids: They look similar to a cleansing lotion.

Soft: They are suitable for sensitive skins, as they are composed of natural ingredients.

Medicinal: They are often advised by physicians for various skin alterations.

Dermatological: Its components are very soft, because they are made with natural extracts. They help to close the pores and relieve irritated skins; In addition, they avoid the production of pimples.

Choose the right Soap

In the market there is a wide variety of soaps; Different sizes, shapes, aromas and colors. However, these factors do not determine the quality of the soap. This is why you don't have to choose a product because of its appearance. On the contrary, when acquiring a soap, it is essential to know its components or ingredients; These should be consistent with the characteristics of your skin type (there is a soap for each type of skin). Do not forget that some soaps can even be harmful, as they generate effects on the skin against the desired.

Another aspect to consider is that most of the soaps are obtained from the animal fat; This way they have a longer duration and are more economical. But this type of soap can dry the skin and irritate it. Therefore, try to choose a neutral soap; And so you manage to maintain the pH balance without altering it.

General recommendations for the use of soap

  •     Do not use body soaps to clean your face, as they dry the skin and alter the pH. You can purchase liquid soaps or cleaning creams that thoroughly cleanse the skin of your face.
  •     The use of SOAP generates well-being for the skin and the organism in general. Remember to shower daily and clean your face at least twice a day, in the morning and at night.
  •     It is important to know the components of the soap you are going to use, some may not be suitable for your skin type.
  •     Be sure to buy a soap of excellent quality and if possible, made with natural components.
  •     Do not abuse the use of perfumed colonies and soaps, they make it easier for you to lose your characteristic natural scent.

How to clean the face?

  •     Remove the makeup from your skin, using a cotton swab moistened with makeup remover, oil or cleansing milk.
  •     Moisten your skin with warm water.
  •     Take a quantity of soap or cleaning cream with your hands, and proceed to wash your face doing a slight massage in ascending direction.
  •     Rinse all areas with warm water, ensuring there are no remaining soaps.
  •     Gently dry your skin with a facial towel.

CBD Infused Skin Soap Bar Collection (Eucalyptus)

The best way to clean your face is with soap and water

We find ourselves facing another very popular myth. Water and soap to clean the face. Understanding "Soap" as the one we use for our body hygiene. This popular concept is also completely untrue. I'll tell you why.

CBD Infused Skin Soap Bar Collection (Eucalyptus)
CBD Infused Skin Soap Bar Collection (Eucalyptus)

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There are five issues that we should keep in mind when choosing how to clean our face .


One. The skin of the body is not the same as the face. It's thinner and more delicate, so we can't take care of our whole body with the same product .

Two of them. Body soaps, although cleaned, usually cause dryness and irritation to the face.

Three of them. The ideal is to use a cleaning product suitable for our skintype. Either:

  •     Cleaning Gel for oily skins.
  •     Cleaning foam for mixed skins.
  •     Cleansing milk for dry skins.

    After cleaning the face we must apply a tonic to balance the ph of the skin

Four of them. The soaps usually meet the ¨ outdoors ¨ 24/7 in contact with the microbes and bacteria around us. Unlike packaged products that open only to use the product .

Five. Finally, although clean water is not enough because it does not work on the PH of the skin, IE does not correct those problems of dryness or oilyness.

A properly clean skin is the first step for a healthy face.

Authentic French Soap - Shea Butter Enriched (2 Soap Bar pack) (Creamy Milk, 8.8 oz)

Why should you wash your face with a cleaner

At some point in life, we have all felt frustrated by the condition of our skin. Dry, Descarapelada, sensitive, very greasy, with a tendency to pimples or acne. Does that sound familiar?

Authentic French Soap - Shea Butter Enriched (2 Soap Bar pack) (Creamy Milk, 8.8 oz)
Authentic French Soap - Shea Butter Enriched (2 Soap Bar pack) (Creamy Milk, 8.8 oz)

The interesting fact is that the health of your skin is directly linked to the balance between acidity and its alkalinity, which is measured with the pH scale.

All soaps, lotions, cleansers and other skin care products have an effect on the pH level of your skin.

How does the pH work?

The pH level of a substance is measured with a scale from 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acid, 14 is the most alkaline and 7 is neutral, which is the PH of pure water.

The normal surface of an adult skin is covered by a combination of tallow (natural skin oil) and perspiration. This coating is called the acidic mantle, which protects the skin and saves moisture. (2) Normal adult skin is slightly acidic with a pH level in a range of 5.4 – 5.9. 1

There is a very delicate balance when the pH of the skin is very alkaline. The skin becomes very dry and sensitive, which can lead us to have signs of aging on the skin, such as fine lines of expression and wrinkles. 3

What is the pH level of my skin?

Normally you can determine relatively easy which is the pH of your skin, simply observing the behavior of it. For example, if your skin is oily and acne-resistant it can be very acidic. If it tends to be dry, sensitive or descarapelarse, it can be very alkaline

The most accurate way to know this is by consulting a dermatologist.

Then why use a cleaner instead of soap?

The soap has a pH level between 9 and 10, which can make your skin feel very clean, but it is too aggressive. Remove all the natural oils from your skin, making the pH level very alkaline. This may cause new problems – the skin becomes dry, scaly, and prone to inflammation. This may cause the sebaceous glands to have overproduction of fat to compensate for dryness, causing clogged pores and acne outbreaks (3) When the skin is excessively dry and flaky can also lead to producing lines of expression and wrinkles.

Cleaners usually have a much lower pH level than soaps and are kinder to the skin.

Different cleansers have been developed for different types of skin

Oily skin can benefit from an "active" cleaner, such as skin M. D® Daily Care Foaming Cleanser. This particular cleanser contains 2% salicylic acid to unclog the pores and clean the dead cells, leaving the skin feeling clean and refreshed. It also includes menthol that is soothing to help irritated skin.

The Obagi360® Exfoliating Cleanser works chemically and mechanically to help unclog pores that can cause opaque, uneven skin in shades. It cleans the skin deeply to reveal a soft, couple and radiant complexion.

Dry, sensitive skin will benefit from a gentle cleanser. The Obagi Nu-Derm® Gentle Cleanser is specifically formulated to clean delicately while soothing, rinsing and leaving your skin feeling soft and clean.

The skin that begins to show signs of age, can benefit from a cleanser containing vitamin C, such as the Obagi-c® Rx C-Cleansing Gel, which is designed to clarify the skin and prepare it for other products, while removing the Makeup and oils.

Remember that a good cleaner will work with your skin, without stripping it of its natural oils and without leaving it dry.

Avoid using soaps on your skin, such as bar soap, that have a alkalinity level between 9 and 10. It uses facial cleaners, which have a lower pH level and are specifically designed to clean the face.

And in a separate note (but important): eat healthily, a balanced diet to regulate the pH of your body. (4) Avoid processed foods and eat lots of fruits and vegetables that will help keep your skin healthy and radiant!

Luxury Vegan All Natural Soap Bar Handmade – Rejuvenate with Lemongrass Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil & Cocoa Butter -Dry Skin Care Bath Soap by Wild Wash Soap

Natural soap for a good facial cleansing

For years, bar soap has received a bad reputation. Critics claim that it dries out and that it is inferior to traditional liquid soaps. And while it is true that some soaps contain ingredients that can dry out the skin, there is a new generation of natural and organic soaps, both for the face and for the body, which can make you reconsider your liquid cleanser.

Luxury Vegan All Natural Soap Bar Handmade – Rejuvenate with Lemongrass Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil & Cocoa Butter -Dry Skin Care Bath Soap by Wild Wash Soap
Luxury Vegan All Natural Soap Bar Handmade – Rejuvenate with Lemongrass Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil & Cocoa Butter -Dry Skin Care Bath Soap by Wild Wash Soap

Many people have stopped using soaps in pill, but really, what they should consider for a good facial, are the ingredients of the gels, creams, liquid or solid soaps that we apply to clean our skin, (think there are fragrances and irritating chemicals).

And where do you most often find these unwanted ingredients? Usually in many liquid soaps.

Although not all liquid cleaners are bad, but there are many brands that put unsuitable ingredients, and that's where things get a bit dubious. You should look carefully at the INCI, and learn to recognize the ingredients that can harm you. Many liquid soaps, even natural brands, are full of chemicals like surfactants and preservatives that it would be best to avoid.

The bar soap is made with sodium or potassium hydroxide, but when the formulation is made correctly, the hydroxide disappears and only the soap molecules and the glycerin hydrating remain. Great, huh? "Formulating in a bar allows you to add a greater concentration of pure ingredients and good for the skin and leave aside all the" bad "substances that your skin does not need.

Among its other benefits, bar soaps are more environmentally friendly due to their packaging and are much easier to transport. In addition, some of the newer natural bar soaps are specially formulated for the face and body, so investing in one can also simplify your routine.

If you decide to make the change, simply try to have the right formula for your skin type.

As a tip, we recommend not passing the bar directly on your face or body. Instead, you should moisten your hands and face, and then rub the bar of soap with your hands for about 10 seconds before using the foam to gently cleanse your complexion. The same goes for washing your body in the shower.

Do you feel inspired to give bar soap a second chance?

If you dare to try Abeelium we have three types of soap:

Abeelium - Creamy facial soap - Shea Butter and Honey
It is a natural soap, ideal for the daily routine of facial cleansing, you can apply it both on the face and on the body. You will feel the skin clean in depth without feeling dry. You can also use it to remove make-up.

This natural and ecological soap is rich in coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter and honey. Clean the skin gently and is suitable for all skin types, it can be used by both men and women.

Abeelium - Detox Facial Soap - Clay and Honey
It is a natural black soap, ideal for mixed or oily skin, formulated to clean in depth.

It can be applied both on the face and on the body. Its active ingredients are coconut oil, olive oil, black clay, shea butter and honey.

Due to the detox action of clay, it is especially suitable for acne-prone skin, does not dry out the skin, leaves it fresh and hydrated but with a clean sensation.

Black Facial Soap Detox - Exfoliating, Clay and Honey
Deep cleanses and exfoliates gently. The black facial soap Detox can be applied both on the face and on the body, it is recommended not to apply directly on the skin.

Due to the exfoliating powder that it contains, it is necessary to moisten the hands and rub the soap, so that the exfoliating powder remains on the hands and thus be able to apply it gently on the skin of the face or body.

Its main ingredients are coconut oil, olive oil, black clay, shea butter, honey and volcanic stone dust.

For its detox action and facial exfoliating, it is especially indicated for oily skin and with acne. It is recommended to use it twice a week.

We hope you like them !!

Caswell-Massey Triple Milled Almond Luxury Bath Soap - Year of Soap Boxed Set – 5.8 Ounce Each, 12

How to clean your hands of grease

From time to time in the life of every cyclist, it is time to prick their hands with the bicycle. After fixing a puncture, adjusting that brake shoe that rubbed or that change that does not stop jumping between two pine nuts usually our hands usually finish more dirty than the chimney sweep of Mary Poppins.

Caswell-Massey Triple Milled Almond Luxury Bath Soap - Year of Soap Boxed Set – 5.8 Ounce Each, 12
Caswell-Massey Triple Milled Almond Luxury Bath Soap - Year of Soap Boxed Set – 5.8 Ounce Each, 12

That mixture of grease and charcoal from the road is quite difficult to remove by traditional methods (see the soap bar of a lifetime). However, not everything is lost as there are several effective ways to clean your hands after an intense mechanics session:

The first and most professional is to use a product specifically designed for these tasks, that is, a degreasing paste for hands like those used in mechanical workshops. They can be found in industrial supply stores. My only experience with this type of cleaner is the Loctite Fast Orange and the truth is that it is amazing how well it works.

Another option is to use dish soap (Fairy type) and a little sand and scrub. The soap only does not remove all the grease and it is necessary to use sand to keep the hands very clean. In this case you have to be careful where you rinse your hands since the sand can get to clog the drain pipes.

Finally, the technique that I like the most because it is easy, cheap and effective: powder laundry soap. This soap is a little rough and it is also very concentrated so it removes the fat a thousand times. It is also very cheap and you can even take a little on the bike to wash clothes and gift, clean your hands.

Cedarwood - Handmade Goats Milk Soap

Body hygiene: how to clean properly

The heat, sweat and secretions of the organism favor the presence of germs that can cause the development of infectious, cutaneous and allergic diseases.

Cedarwood - Handmade Goats Milk Soap
Cedarwood - Handmade Goats Milk Soap

The daily cleaning has become a healthy habit to eliminate bad body odor, prevent infections and other health problems, but always if it is done properly. Hygiene can be a double-edged sword, an enemy of health if the toilet habits are incorrect. In this case, it can decrease the body's defenses and make it more vulnerable to certain diseases. But how should proper hygiene be carried out? The following explains in detail how to use the soap and how to wash each of the body parts .

Use soap, but with moderation

In Latin countries such as Spain, where it is often hot and more perspiring, the daily shower has become an established habit. However, guidelines must be followed since, although showering is not harmful, "it is lathering a lot". "If a person has already showered once, the same day, when leaving the gym or when they get home, it is enough to do it again only with water," says Àlex Camps, dermatologist at the Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona. Above all, it is essential not to use an aggressive soap , but with a PH of moderate acidity.

It is also correct and very healthy to wash a mitten without soap , since this is a solvent for the fat and, if it is used frequently, the fatty layer of the skin that confers protection is lost. Since in general the dirt is minimal, it is enough to rub the skin with a glove.

Regarding the grooming of the scalp, it should be light and discreet . As in the case of the shower, you do not have to clean it aggressively, just soak it once. If you have a pathology or a problem such as dandruff, you should wash it for at least three minutes. In any case, hair hygiene depends on several factors, such as having it short or long, since in the latter case it is more difficult to handle, dry and comb.

Washing hands to keep infections at bay

Hand washing is essential to avoid the spread of numerous infections, such as the common cold , conjunctivitis , common flu and influenza A , as well as infections in hospitals ( nosocomial ).

The World Health Organization (WHO), the World Agency for Patient Safety and, in Spain, the Quality Agency of the National Health System established May 5 as World Hand Hygiene Day to raise awareness the population of the whole world about the importance of this simple gesture.

During the months of the influenza A pandemic, the health authorities emphasized the importance of washing this part of the body to avoid infection, which could be transmitted by a simple clash of hands or by touching a dirty surface .

    Older people should use moisturizers rich in oils frequently

Apart from these health campaigns, this measure should be a healthy habit on a daily basis and repeated several times, at least before each meal or when handling food that could be contaminated with microbes that any person can carry, after touching an animal or dirty object , when blowing his nose and after going to the bathroom .

In this way, pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated and transmission to another person is avoided. But how should you wash your hands to achieve both purposes? It is not enough to let the cold water run. To eliminate the microbes you also have to remove the rings (if you have them), wash with warm water, soaping well - for one minute, according to the health authorities during the time of influenza A - and dry properly.

This measure was effective at a specific time and its application always depends on the type of work performed. A person who works in contact with the public, who shakes hands frequently or who explores someone - more if he is susceptible to being sick - should lather his hands lightly frequently. This is the case of health professionals and those who dispense food, especially if they are ready to consume, such as bread. A taxi driver, for his part, limits himself to driving and does not greet his clients with a clash of hands, so in principle he should not wash his hands with the same frequency.

"Our culture sins of excess hygiene , sometimes it's compulsive," says the dermatologist. Some people wash their hands between 20 and 30 times a day, which can lead to dermatitis. If they also always use soap, "it can be even more irritating." It is advisable, after washing your hands, to apply a suitable moisturizer for atopic skin, enriched with omega 3, borage or olive oils .

Nails and feet without fungi

The nails and the feet are two zones vulnerable to fungal infections (caused by fungi). When they affect the nails, they are called onychomycosis . To avoid them, they should be kept clean, cut and not bite . Most of the health problems related to the nails are due to the manicures carried out incorrectly and the abuse of the elements (stick) to remove the skins from the proximal fold. " Trimming the cuticle is a mistake, " warns Camps. "You have to let the nail finish its journey," he adds. You also have to apply oils to nourish them .

The fungal infection affecting the feet is the Tinea pedis , ringworm or athlete's foot , which begins between the fourth and fifth finger. The heat and humidity at the same time, which in the feet translates into sweat , along with the use of athletic shoes or footwear that does not allow the foot to perspire, is an explosive breeding ground to favor the development of these infections. To maintain good hygiene and avoid these problems, it is necessary to wash the feet daily , especially after each sporting activity, and have a special impact on the interdigital spaces and make sure to dry them well . In addition, you should avoid walking without shoes , both in a gym or in any other situation, such as in the house of a friend or a relative.

Genitals with special attention

The genitals are delicate body parts. The woman should wash with products of intimate hygiene, without abusing the soaps designed for this use. Neither do you have to obsess about cleaning , but groom yourself in a reasonable way. Some women generate more secretions and fermentation by sweating in the areas of the armpits and English, where the sweat glands are found.

The man must also use a soap suitable for his genital hygiene. In addition, those who are not operated on for phimosis, should remove the glans to clean the foreskin area with soap and water once a day . It is necessary to repeat the cleaning of the genitals -like women- each time the sexual act is performed.
Older people and swimmers: special skin care

Two groups that tend to forget in the recommendations regarding body hygiene are the elderly and those who love swimming . Changes in the skin of the elderly cause it to become dry and develop spots and seborrheic keratosis , a benign form of a skin tumor that causes itching. When washing, older people should avoid rubbing with soap, as it worsens dry skin. In addition, they need more moisturizing cream , "better if it's an evening primrose oil emulsion, up to 10%, or an O / W emulsion (oil and water mixture) standard," explains Àlex Camps.

The problem of people who practice swimming is chlorinated water. The chlorine used to disinfect is irritating to the skin and, in addition, eliminates the lipid mantle . To avoid this, before bathing it would be convenient, especially for athletes who plan to spend two or three hours in the pool, "apply barrier creams (protection) so that chlorinated water does not exert such a strong effect." When finished, a moisturizer enriched with lipids or dissolved cholesterol is recommended, "to return to the skin what the water has removed".

Duke Cannon Big Brick of Soap for Men - Smells Like Accomplishment, 10 oz (Pack of 2)

Beauty secrets on how to use baking soda

Baking soda, or baking soda, is a common product in most homes. People regularly use it to bake, clean and absorb odors in refrigerators and sandboxes. It also has many cosmetic uses, and can be as effective as commercial products for only a fraction of the cost.

Duke Cannon Big Brick of Soap for Men - Smells Like Accomplishment, 10 oz (Pack of 2)
Duke Cannon Big Brick of Soap for Men - Smells Like Accomplishment, 10 oz (Pack of 2)


Exfoliate and soften your skin with a paste of baking soda. Mix 3 parts of baking soda with 1 part of water. Rub the paste over any area of ​​skin that feels dry and rough, such as the knees, elbows, feet and hands. This will make your skin feel as soft and fresh as a baby's.

Mix a small spoonful of baking soda with your regular shampoo. Wash your hair as usual, but let the shampoo stand for several minutes before rinsing. Baking soda removes soap residue and debris that makes your hair look greasy.

Sprinkle some baking soda on the greasy areas of your hair like a dry shampoo, if you do not have time to wash it with regular shampoo. Brush the bicarbonate through your hair gently to avoid lumps, and then dry it with cold air for several seconds.

Rub the nails of your hands with baking soda and water to remove stains and dirt. For a complete nail exfoliation, use an old toothbrush. This will leave your nails brighter and cleaner, and the cuticles will feel smooth and even.

Whiten your teeth with a mixture of baking soda, water and a little salt. Brush your teeth with this mixture to remove stains and light up your smile. You can also gargle to eliminate bad breath. Rinse your mouth with water to remove any bicarbonate residue.

Add a half cup of baking soda to a hot tub for a relaxing bath. The bicarbonate neutralizes the smell of the body, eliminates any perspiration and softens your skin. Soaking in baking soda is particularly good for skin with scrapes, sores or itching areas.

  • Clean the tools for styling your hair in a small container that contains approximately four small tablespoons of baking soda in one quart of water (950 ml). Immerse your combs and brushes in the mixture for several minutes to eliminate germs and product residues. Rinse your tools and allow them to dry naturally.
  • Bicarbonate can also relieve sunburned skin; A mixture of baking soda and water will help alleviate peeling and reddening.

Luxury Vegan All Natural Soap Bar Handmade – Rejuvenate with Lemongrass Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil & Cocoa Butter -Dry Skin Care Bath Soap by Wild Wash Soap

How to take a shower without soap

Soap is not necessary to cleanse your body. In fact, most of the products we use today are not soaps at all but detergents, according to the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. Real soap is made of alkali and fat and does not cleanse your body much. If you find out that you are allergic to soap, you are bathing in a nature reserve in a camp or you just run out of soap, you can still be clean and smell fresh with simple bathing techniques.

Luxury Vegan All Natural Soap Bar Handmade – Rejuvenate with Lemongrass Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil & Cocoa Butter -Dry Skin Care Bath Soap by Wild Wash Soap
Luxury Vegan All Natural Soap Bar Handmade – Rejuvenate with Lemongrass Essential Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil & Cocoa Butter -Dry Skin Care Bath Soap by Wild Wash Soap


Fill your bathtub or your sink with a little warm water, as you need it. Keep the water level less than 5 inches (12.7 cm) in a bathtub to conserve water, advises the University of Kentucky School of Agriculture.

Use a damp cloth to wash your body in the same way you would if you had soap. In most cases, this is enough to clean the dirt, dirt and bad smell.

Sprinkle some baking soda on your rag to help scrub particularly dirty areas. Add baking soda to your bath before you bathe if you wish as it helps clean and deodorize your skin, according to Mother Earth News. If you're not very dirty keep the baking for your hair.

Add a few heaping tablespoons of baking soda to the water if you need to wash without soap. If you are clean, rinsing your hair is sufficient but if your hair is greasy or loaded with product, the baking soda will neutralize dirt and grease, according to Mother Earth News.

Rinse your hair and your body under a stream of clean water. If you do not have access to a stream of water, rinse your body by squeezing the cloth over the areas that need to be rinsed or scrubbed in the nearby outdoor water source. Bicarbonate is not harmful to the environment, according to Mother Earth News.

You will need to

  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Cloth

Duke Cannon Big Ass Beer Soap for Men 10 oz. (Pack of 2)

How to Clean Wounds: Hydrogen Peroxide or Soap and Water


Hydrogen peroxide (or hydrogen peroxide) is an effective antibacterial solution that should never be used in your cuts and wounds. Interrupts healthy tissue and prolongs healing
Antibacterial soaps are full of antiseptics and toxic chemicals; these will also not improve your healing time.

Duke Cannon Big Ass Beer Soap for Men 10 oz. (Pack of 2)
Duke Cannon Big Ass Beer Soap for Men 10 oz. (Pack of 2)

All you need to clean your wounds and start the healing process is water and mild soap, without triclosan, or triclocarban or fragrances By Dr. Mercola.

Cutting or scraping, both inside and outside your home, is common. These cutaneous openings produce an opportunity for bacterial growth and infections. The first cleaning of the wound will help to eliminate the unwanted bacteria and create an environment to help the open area to heal.

Most people turn to either soap and water, or hydrogen peroxide to clean the area before bandaging it. You should use the most effective cleanser without disturbing the tissue to stimulate the area to recover. Undoubtedly, one of these materials is better than the other.

Why is Hydrogen Peroxide an Excellent Option?
Hydrogen peroxide is used since the 1920s as an antiseptic, since it is effective in killing bacteria. An antiseptic is a substance that prevents the growth of microorganisms that cause diseases, such as bacteria.

Probably his mother used the brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide as a child and cut or scraped.

You may remember that it hurt to be applied to your cut. That pain or discomfort was the result of the peroxide activating the pain receptors in its cut or scrape, as it destroyed the bacteria in the area. This is much safer and more effective than the rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) that is commonly used, and stains less than iodine.1

Your Wound Needs Oxygen to Heal
Healing of wounds is a normal process that your body performs whether the wound is a very thin cut or a large incision after surgery. In any case, their cuts, scrapes and wounds heal faster, better and with fewer scars when there is a lot of oxygen available.2

The chemical composition of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, which contains an additional oxygen molecule compared to water whose composition is H2O. When you pour hydrogen peroxide into a cut or scrape, you will notice the bubbling in the area, since hydrogen peroxide releases an oxygen molecule and turns it into water.

How Does It Destroy Hydrogen Peroxide to Bacteria?

Hydrogen peroxide acts against bacteria, breaks open cell membranes by attracting electrons. Within the bacteria is an enzyme called catalase, which produces the effervescence observed when hydrogen peroxide reacts with the enzyme and releases the oxygen molecule.3

Hydrogen peroxide is a very good antiseptic, but it is not able to distinguish between healthy cells and those of the bacteria in the wound. The peroxide attracts electrons from their healthy cell membranes, destroying them, and reacts with catalase in their cells, producing the same effervescence.

Actually, low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are produced by your body after metabolizing sugar or carbohydrates, by stimulating the healing of wounds.

Their cells have catalase to inactivate the hydrogen peroxide produced inside the cells, but they are powerful against the hydrogen peroxide that is applied to a cut from the outside.

Excessive oxidative damage to the cells caused by external hydrogen peroxide will slow wound healing and increase your risk of scarring.4 Your cells use catalase to inactivate the hydrogen peroxide produced by the body for oxygen and water afterwards. that insulin metabolizes sugar inside cells.

This link between insulin, metabolized sugar, oxygenation, and hydrogen peroxide produced by your body may be one reason why people with insulin-resistant diabetes heal more slowly.

At present, most doctors do not recommend using antiseptic solutions of any kind to clean wounds or injuries for the same reason, hydrogen peroxide is not recommended. Often, this antiseptic destroys healthy cells, heals slowly and increases your risk of forming scar tissue.5

However, if you need a powerful and effective antiseptic, peroxide is my first choice, since it is much safer than iodine or rubbing alcohol (isopropyl). I always travel with a bottle of peroxide spray, as it is also useful for cleaning stains from clothes, especially when used with soap.

The Truth About Antibacterial Soap

Although the first patent for antibacterial soap was presented in 1984 by David Poshi and Peter Divone, which was a bar of soap Dial that made its first claim in the 1940s. Dial did not put "antibacterial" in its advertising , but he announced his soap as a way to make his body "super clean" by destroying bacteria and germs.

Dial uses a chemical, hexachlorophene, an antibacterial agent that has been shown to cause brain damage in newborns. In 1970, the company was ordered to remove the chemical substance from its soap.

Once Poshi and Divone tested their chemical, triclosan, against bacteria and received the patent, Dial was the first to add it to their products, stating that "the germs were dead on contact" .6

Currently, antibacterial soaps contain the chemical triclosan, despite the immense amount of research that demonstrates the negative health problems that this triggers.

The companies of antibacterial soaps have mounted large advertising campaigns, stating that soaps would make their environment safer and provide an additional layer of protection against diseases.7

In December 2013, after 40 years of study, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States announced that it would review the safety of triclosan, citing studies that suggest that it may interfere with levels. hormones in laboratory animals and increase the growth of drug-resistant bacteria.8,9

On December 16, 2013, the FDA expressed concern that antibacterial soap would increase the amount of drug-resistant bacteria. Another statement, published only three days earlier by Dr. Colleen Rogers, the lead Microbiologist at the FDA, indicated that antibacterial soaps were not effective against bacteria:

"In fact, there is currently no evidence that over-the-counter antibacterial soaps (OTCs) are more effective in preventing disease than washing with soap and water."

In any case, in September 2016 a decision of the FDA is expected to be issued, following a lawsuit filed by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), in response to decades of delays by part of the FDA to regulate for or against triclosan and other antibacterial substances.10

The Dangers of Triclosan

Triclosan is an antiseptic substance, and is not recommended for cleaning cuts and scrapes, as it prolongs wound healing and increases the risk of scarring. However, there are also other reasons why you should not use antibacterial soaps in your home.

In June 2015, the agency responsible for monitoring the use of chemicals in the European Union announced that triclosan would be eliminated from hygiene products because the risks of using the product exceeded any perceived benefits.11 The research has related to the chemical products used to make antibacterial soaps with:

How to properly wash wounds?
The best way to clean a cut, scrape or wound is with a soft and safe soap, and plenty of water. Choose a soap without triclosan, triclocarban or fragrance.17 Before cleaning your cut, you should wash your hands. This helps reduce the potential to transfer bacteria from the hand to the wound.

While bleeding the wound, mild to moderate bleeding may occur. After cleaning, apply direct pressure to stop bleeding and if possible raise the area above the level of the heart. This helps reduce the amount of blood to the area, to help stop bleeding.

Rinse the wound with water for five to ten minutes. This helps eliminate dirt and debris from the area. You may feel more comfortable cold water than warm water, but either is adequate. If you have a sprayer in the kitchen sink, you can try to use it to help clean the wound.18

After rinsing thoroughly between five to ten minutes to remove dirt and debris, use a mild soap with a clean cloth or gauze to wash the area, and press gently.

Scrubbing with force can alter the area and prolong the healing time without any additional benefit by cleaning it. Cover the area to keep it moist and clean. Wounds that remain moist and crusty are healed better and are less prone to scarring.19,20

Why Should Silver Be in Your Medicine Cabinet?
The antimicrobial properties of silver are known since 400 BC, and until the early twentieth century, silver was commonly used as an antimicrobial agent to treat wounds. Modern science has not only confirmed the antimicrobial effects of silver, 21,22,23,24,25 it has even been shown to be effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria.26,27

Tests like these reveal that silver destabilizes the structure of the cell membranes of bacteria, which makes them more porous, and allows silver to enter the bacterial cell and destroy it.

Also, a hydrofiber gauze containing silver has been shown to offer effective protection against the proliferation of a wide range of aerobic, anaerobic and antibiotic resistant microorganisms.28 In addition, the nanoparticles of the silver incorporated in a thermo-sensitive gel have been shown to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus.29

A study in 2010 found that colloidal silver effectively destroyed drug-resistant Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Pseudomonas aregnosa, 30 the latter of which occurs normally in hospitals and in people with weak immune systems.31

When considering the risk of getting a drug-resistant infection, it seems reasonable to conclude that keeping a high quality silver bottle in your medicine cabinet would be a prudent strategy to use every time you have a cut, scrape or other topical wound.

Tips to Accelerate Healing

Once the wound is clean, there are several steps you can take to increase the speed of healing and reduce the potential for scarring.

1. Honey

Honey was used to fight infections until the 20th century. However, generally processed A-grade honey found in the grocery store is nothing more than high fructose syrup and may actually increase the risk of infection. Instead of this, use unpasteurized Manuka honey. This honey is produced by bees that release Manuka flowers and could be more effective than antibiotics against some types of bacteria.32

2. Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil has a double benefit since it keeps your skin moist and improves its proliferation of fibroblasts, as well as wound healing.33 Only, use virgin coconut oil in the area, twice a day.

3. DuoDERM

The DuoDERM is a brand of hydrocolloid gauze34 that covers the wound, protects it from bacteria and keeps it moist to improve the healing time. In addition, they reduce pain in the area while providing a protective cover.

4. Avoid Smoking

Avoid smoking Wound healing requires a good blood supply and smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin through vasoconstriction, and decreases the absorption of vitamin A, necessary for skin health and healing.35

5. Food
There are several options you can take each day that will reduce your healing time and improve your overall health.36

Beta-carotene or vitamin A

Often, foods rich in vitamin A or beta-carotene are orange, such as sweet potatoes, carrots and winter squashes. Do not take a vitamin A supplement if you are pregnant, nursing or trying to get pregnant.

Vitamin C

Your body uses it to make collagen and form new tissue. It is soluble in water. It can take up to 3,000 milligrams (mg) per day. Decrease its amount in case of presenting diarrhea.

Vitamin C interacts with some medications, including chemotherapy, estrogen, warfarin and others. If you take medication consult your pharmacist about known interactions. Foods that are rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, broccoli and berries.


Stimulates wound healing and can be used as an oral supplement through zinc tablets or applied directly on the wound in the form of cream. DO NOT apply on open wounds and do not take a long-term supplement. Foods that are rich in zinc are pumpkin seeds, oysters, veal, beef, cashews and mushrooms.

Vitamins B

They can accelerate wound healing and improve skin health. Foods that are rich in many of the B vitamins include spinach, broccoli, veal liver, lentils, parsley and bell pepper.


It is an enzyme that is found in pineapple, it could reduce inflammation, bruising and improve healing time.


It is used after surgery to improve healing. Foods that are rich in arginine include chocolate, peanuts, chicken meat, beef, lamb, milk, and cheese.

When to Go with a Doctor
You may need to see a doctor to treat a cut or wound, either immediately after the injury or at some time after an infection. The following signs and symptoms usually require medical attention.37

Do you feel motivated to make healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle this year? Commit yourself to your health goals and achieve lasting success with the help of my 30 best health tips of all time.

These strategies to achieve optimal wellness are ideal for everyone - from healthy people with good physical fitness who want to stay in top shape, to those who have recently embarked on their journey to optimal health. These tips, which were compiled from some of the most viewed Mercola articles in history, include:

The importance of vitamin D and magnesium (and how to increase the levels of these nutrients)
The secrets to regulate your blood pressure levels (in just 15 minutes!)
The benefits of avoiding aspartame, the most dangerous substance added to the
And much more! Every January day you will receive a new advice, so you will have something to look forward to!

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Seaweed Bath Co. Exfoliating Detox Body Soap, Unscented, Natural Organic Seaweed, Coconut Oil, Vegan, Paraben Free, 3.75 oz.

The 'abc' of cleansing the skin

Which product is the best depending on each type of skin? What should be the cleaning routine? We answer your questions about the care of your skin.

The Seaweed Bath Co. Exfoliating Detox Body Soap, Unscented, Natural Organic Seaweed, Coconut Oil, Vegan, Paraben Free, 3.75 oz.
The Seaweed Bath Co. Exfoliating Detox Body Soap, Unscented, Natural Organic Seaweed, Coconut Oil, Vegan, Paraben Free, 3.75 oz.

The cleaning of the skin is the first step and the most important one for your care, as explained by our collaborator Meritxell Martí. And there is no doubt that to boast a healthy skin, you have to start with a clean skin. Let's try to summarize, in a clear and simple way, the keys about cleaning your skin. Point!

Why should we clean the skin?

The skin is the organ that is most exposed to the outside and, consequently, its function is to act as a barrier against external agents.

  • -External substances (from the environment), in addition to dirtying the skin, can attack it, which will give older skin appearance.
  • -It must be cleaned for pure hygiene. Especially if the skin has a tendency to injury such as acne or eczema we should be more strict, since dirt can infect them.
  • -It is important the hygiene before going to bed, since during the night is when the skin repair occurs, it is when the DNA is repaired, when the biggest quantity of collagen is produced and when the skin is purified. If we go to bed with dirty skin, both polluting agents, as the makeup itself or the remains of cosmetics that we have been applying during the day, they will block the oxygenation of the skin, which will hinder the process of purification.
  • -When cleaning the skin, we allow the products that we apply later to be more effective, it will not work like a cosmetic on top of a layer of dirt that directly on the skin.
  • -It is essential to clean the skin to reduce the size of the pore, since it dilates due to excess fat, dead cells and external dirt, which includes cosmetics, makeup and external dust. The pore also becomes greater when the skin is dehydrated, it is as if it wanted to absorb the water from the outside and when the production of collagen is diminished, as it also happens with the passage of time.
  • - A dirty skin will sweat much more and this will cause dehydration of the skin. That is why sometimes when we go to bed with a dirty face or make-up, the next day it feels much drier and dehydrated.
  • -In the morning it is also important to wash your face, because while we sleep, especially in oily skin, more lipids are produced, which we will need to remove. In addition, with the natural renewal of the skin that has occurred at night, there is a greater number of dead cells that we must eliminate with the morning cleaning.

When should we clean the skin?

  • -We should clean the skin at night before going to bed and in the morning when we get up on a routine basis.
  • -Also in the case that we have exercised and sweated.
  • -After having been in an environment with a lot of pollution or dust we must also clean the skin.
  • - Before any specific beauty treatment including makeup, the skin should also be cleaned.

How should we clean the skin?

We must clean the skin in a different way depending on its type, which is influenced by age, the thinness of the skin, its fragility or sensitivity and the contribution of natural lipids that it has.

Whatever the type of skin, we should clean it tomorrow and night and all the other times indicated by Meritxell Martí in the previous question. However, we should take into account the type of skin the amount of lipids that segregates or assaulted that this skin is normally doing when doing it.
It is clear that if a skin has a pore much closer, the dirt is much more superficial and therefore much easier to drag with a softer product.

However, in a skin that is fat, the same lipids will form a film with dirt, so it will cost much more to drag it and in that moment we need a product or a much more astringent and effective method.

1. The first step for cleaning the skin in all types is to remove makeup from the eyes (if we do not make up, obviously we can skip it). I advise to do it with a specific product for it, with a cotton, first remove the mascara, this should be removed depending on the mask used, but in general with a cotton carefully from the bottom up not rubbing the eyelashes. Once eliminated, with a cotton and circular, until dragging it to the end of the eye, do it several times until there is no trace of makeup.

2. Dry skin. Although we must clean it equally, at night it is the moment that must be cleaned more thoroughly and a product that is rinsed with water can be used. In the morning, the lipids secreted during the night are very precious and will protect the skin, so it is preferable to clean it gently, without needing to rinse with water. Micellar water for sensitive and dry skin is a good product.

In this group of skin we can include atopic skin, which is very devoid of natural lipids and skin with eczema, which will irritate easily. The micellar water should always be applied with a cotton ball and not with a tissue.

The pore of this skin is very closed and easily irritated, so we must be very careful and not assault it, do it gently, with the cotton in continuous strokes from the inside out.

3. Mixed or normal skin. The mixed skin allows to use products that are rinsed with water, although we do not need to be very astringent, since this skin is normalized, we must not break the balance of it. If we used a very astringent product, we could cause an increase in fat and irritation of the skin in the drier areas. However, if we use a very soft product, too much, we will not be able to clean the skin properly.
That is why the ideal is a cleaning foam that is emulsified with water, massage in a circular way and then rinse in water.

If we notice the drier skin in a punctual way someday, it is preferable in the morning to also alternate punctually with micellar water for normal skin.

4. Oily skin. It is the one that needs more cleaning. If we do not do it deeply, it thickens and dulls the tone, it is essential to wash your face as many times as necessary and always with a soap or cleansing gel for oily skin, clearing it with plenty of water later.
We should apply the soap mixed with water and in a circular way until foam comes out, repeat the operation twice and rinse abundantly. If the skin is acne, it is preferable to try to do so without the acne lesions breaking to prevent them from being reinfected.

What products should we use for good skin hygiene?

The cleaning products we use must be appropriate according to the type of skin and when it is used.

-Demaking or cleansing milk and tonic. These products are not removed with water. They are lotions with a high water content and with an aqueous exterior finish so that it does not give a feeling of fat on the skin. They carry in their composition soothing, moisturizing and nutrients to keep the skin hydrated and to be as soft as possible with the natural lipid mantle of dry skin, which is very fine. It is usually necessary to use a tonic to remove the remains of this lotion and for the skin to feel clean and fresh.

Apply with a tissue across the face, massage and remove with a clean tissue paper again dragging the dirt that has been attached to the lotion. Some may have a high content of oils or be itself oils, when massaging with the dirt the skin is emulsified, so when dragging it we eliminate it.

These are ideal for dry skin, sensitive or with problems, they can even be useful for baby's skin.

-Microlar water. As the name itself indicates, they are waters with micelles. These have two poles and ability to attract excess fat from the skin and substances external to it (dirt), in its composition depending on what type of skin is designed will carry one or another component. They have a PH physiological and do not contain soaps or aggressive surfactants with the skin, they are very soft.

The micelles or particles in suspension are responsible for cleaning the skin, and since they are very respectful with the epidermis, they can be used on very dry or problem skin, before and after medical treatment.

It can be used as a make-up remover as a first step in the cleaning of combination and oily skin. It is important to apply them with a cotton ball, massage in a circle and repeat the operation changing the cotton as many times as necessary. Since they contain a lot of water in themselves, it is not necessary to clarify them.

-Washing foam with rinse in water. The cleaning foam is the product that should be rinsed in water. However, due to its composition, very little quantity is required and it is much softer than a soap or cleaning gel, which will form the foam once it comes into contact with water.

In fact, some cleaning foams are soft like micellar water. However, these should be rinsed with water. I advise them as an alternative between micellar water and cleaning gel. "Personally, it's the cleaning product that I like the most," explains Meritxell Martí.

-Gel or cleaning soap. It is the most powerful cleaner that we have and it is the one that will clean in more depth. It is the necessary product when the skin is oily, the pore is dilated or when there are acne problems.

We must bear in mind that not all soaps are the same, some are more aggressive than others and this has nothing to do with whether they are natural or not. For example, a glycerin soap can be very natural, but if it is high in sodium or potassium hydroxide, it will be very astringent and may even be too aggressive on the skin. The ideal is when they also contain moisturizing agents. like some oil, or components like oats, which will compensate for its strength. When these soaps have been buffered or decreased, they are usually much more liquid.

In acne, these soaps can also contain antiseptics and anti-inflammatories, many of them contain triclosan or tea tree oil, which has natural antiseptic properties. If the PH is very acidic, it will also have an exfoliating action.

These are used mixing with water, emulsifying until forming the foam, finish massaging again forming circles and rinsing abundantly with water.

-Syndet. These cleansers are eliminated with water, foam but nevertheless they do not carry detergents, they are soaps in which instead of natural soap they carry other synthetic ones that do not attack the skin, they are very soft with the lipid mantle of the skin.

These have a PH similar to the physiological, so they are very compatible with our skin. We usually advise on skin with problems such as atopic, or eczema that need to be cleaned more thoroughly and in which the water drag is necessary for proper hygiene. The floors advise more as body cleansers than facials.

-Cleansing wipes. They are great for cleaning the skin, but only as a matter of urgency and not as a daily routine, since they can not clean in depth. These wipes are impregnated with cleansing milk or micellar lotion which, when in contact with the skin, acts as a dragging agent, but can not be emulsified as a product applied directly to the skin.

Depending on the brands they contain more or less astringent properties for the skin and even some are exfoliants. They are a good option if we are going on a trip, or if we want to use them as a first step to remove make-up, even the eyes, but later it is preferable to use another method of deeper cleaning.

- Lotion to remove makeup from eyes. For proper skin hygiene if we wear our makeup, it is best to eliminate this makeup with these specific lotions. Depending on the type of makeup, especially if it is water resistant, you will need to contain more fatty components, such as an oil or if it is softer, the lotion can be more watery.

Some make-up removers for eyes are biphasic, and with them the makeup is more easily removed. They may contain azulene or chamomile to soothe and not irritate the eyes if they enter by mistake inside. They should be used with a cotton and not with a tissue.

And the cleaning brushes?

Lately all or almost all brands have a cleaning brush, depending on each will be more or less powerful or the bristles more or less smooth. It is essential to follow some guidelines so that this is effective:

  • -We must keep it clean, after each use you have to rinse it and let it air dry.
  • -Preferably not sharing, if it is for personal use is ideal, otherwise we must be very strict in its cleanliness, as there may always be some small remainder. I would consider it as the toothbrush.
  • -It must be used without pressing too much, the brushes have already a fair power so that it is effective cleaning and therefore it is not necessary to press. With this we will only manage to cleanse worse and spoil it before.
  • -The time that is programmed must be used, an abuse of time can attack the skin.
  • -Use the appropriate bristles for each type of skin.
  • -If it is used very often, it should be very soft. If we use it too often, it is as if we daily exfoliate the skin and if it is too intense, it can provoke a resistance of the skin, and it will become stronger, as if it were acting defending itself. So it is preferable to do it in the right way, I prefer to use it every other day.
  • -Use them with damp skin and you can also use cleaning products that later clarify.

What mistakes do we make?

Some of the mistakes we should try to avoid to keep the skin clean, which will always look younger and brighter.

  • -Do not wipe your hands before wiping your face.
  • -Do not remove the makeup before washing the skin.
  • -Over exfoliate the skin, too much will attack the skin.
  • -Use very hot water, it will eliminate too much the layer of natural lipids and it will dry more easily.
  • -Do not rinse the skin well, the remains of soap or make-up removing dirt again on the skin.
  • - Drag the rest of the makeup with the towel, it will not be cleaned well, the towel will be dirty and the skin can attack.
  • - Do not wash your skin morning and night.
  • -Use the inappropriate product.

Blue Agave Bar Soap with Mexican Lime, Vegan, All Natural with Organic Ingredients, Handmade by A Wild Soap Bar

Salt baths: how to purify your body with salt?

When you feel your body charged with discordant energies that threaten to break your harmonious state, making you feel exhausted, worn out and without the courage to continue, nothing better than performing one of the many salt baths to restore the natural energy field.

Blue Agave Bar Soap with Mexican Lime, Vegan, All Natural with Organic Ingredients, Handmade by A Wild Soap Bar
Blue Agave Bar Soap with Mexican Lime, Vegan, All Natural with Organic Ingredients, Handmade by A Wild Soap Bar

Salt is an energy cleaner par excellence, recognized throughout the centuries. Its multiple properties go beyond the modest use it is given in modern kitchens.

Dealing with people in convalescence, working in conflictive environments or with high traffic of people, situations of high stress and even the envy of others, can charge you with negative energy.

Here we show you how to cancel that sensation using salt baths.


For the two types of salt baths that we will recommend in this article, you can use prepared salts that are easy to buy in any store in the esoteric branch, or simply a little sea salt.

For those who have a bathtub or tub in the toilet of their residence, it is recommended first to bathe regularly. After that point, clean the bathtub, add the salts (prepared or natural) and then water.

The water must be hot and then add cold water little by little, until it reaches a comfortable temperature for you. The prepared salts tend to dissolve, the natural one is more difficult to integrate.

To avoid accidents or discomfort, we recommend placing the salt on the lower end of the tub, opposite the side where you will sit. The measure of natural salt, for tub baths, can be half a kilo and up to a full one.

Prepared the salt bath, enter the bathtub and let the water run through your body. Visualize how negative energy is dragged away from you, by the action of water and salt. You can also visualize a white light that covers your body and help with the process.

Leave the bathtub when the water is cold. Let the water and salt residues come out through the drain, in its entirety (the bathtub should be clean when finished). Dry yourself with a cotton towel or preferably let your body dry in the air, unless the weather is cold.

Light a small white candle in gratitude to your guides and protectors, for acting in the ritual and offering your protection.


salt baths in the shower

You can also do salt baths in the shower, otherwise you have a bathtub in your home. For this case, you only need the amount of salt you can hold in the closed fist of your dominant hand (the one you write with).

Again it can be natural sea salt or prepared in esoteric houses. You perform your normal cleaning routine, and at the end you take a fist of salt. Proceed to run your hand through your body, as if holding the soap.

Important: what will touch your body will be the closed hand. Salt will never touch your skin. While performing the movements, as if you were applying soap, visualize the salt absorbing all the negativity that afflicts you.

When you finish tracing your body, drop the salt down the drain. Stand under the open shower, one minute, and go. As in the baths in the tub, you can dry in the air or with a natural fiber towel. We recommend ending the ritual, lighting a thank-you candle for your guides and protectors.

Yardley London English Lavender with Essential Oils Soap Bar, 4.25 oz Bar (Pack of 2)

How to choose the perfect Asepxia soap according to your skin type

Because our skin is bombarded daily with external factors such as UV rays from the sun, dry wind, cold, bacteria and dirt, our distant ancestors quickly learned that preserving the health of the skin is a better way of life and longer. "As our civilization slowly evolved from the Stone Age to modern times, advances in technology, chemistry and medicine allowed the emergence of soap, a multipurpose cleaning tool for skin, clothing and the most exposed areas" .

Yardley London English Lavender with Essential Oils Soap Bar, 4.25 oz Bar (Pack of 2)
Yardley London English Lavender with Essential Oils Soap Bar, 4.25 oz Bar (Pack of 2)

Asepxia has a whole line specially designed to prevent the formation of acne according to the type of skin you have.

Asepxia Astringent Moisturizing Soap, which has glycolic acid that moisturizes the epidermis and provides luminocity while salicylic acid works as a cellular renewal of the skin.

Asepxia Neutral Soap is the best since it sweeps all imperfections without drying or irritating. Hypoallergenic, provides special care for this type of skin.

Asepxia Soap Sulfur is ideal to attack those imperfections found in the most common areas of the face (around the nose, chin and forehead) and eliminate excess fat. It refines the pores, restores the luminosity and renews the appearance of the skin softening it. Another alternative is Asepxia Natural Soap that cleans the clogged pores without drying the skin. It has Vitamin E that moisturizes the skin.

Asepxia Soap Forte. Perfect for a deep cleansing treatment that not only removes dead cells, but also removes grease and keeps it clean and free of imperfections. We also recommend Asepxia Herbal Soap because it has an exact combination of assets to achieve a unique complexion.

Asepxia Exfoliating Soap contains exfoliating microparticles to eliminate dead skin cells and provides a fresh and healthy appearance. It is essential to take a complete exfoliation once or twice a week.

Kirk's Natural Castile Soap Original - 4 oz Each/Pack of 3

How to clean the penis, 6 easy steps!

Hello my loves, how are you? For those who do not know, my name is Raquel Graña. I invite you to follow me on my social networks so you can find out everything. Above all you should be aware of my Instagram since I ask questions to know what interests you for the next videos. Today we are going to talk about how to clean the penis correctly to help you every day of your life.

Kirk's Natural Castile Soap Original - 4 oz Each/Pack of 3
Kirk's Natural Castile Soap Original - 4 oz Each/Pack of 3

 Steps to know how to clean the penis

Let's start with these 6 very interesting steps to know how to clean the penis.

1. Buy a neutral PH soap or a mild soap
It is very important that you do not use a strong soap with an exaggerated smell, because this area is very sensitive. If you use a common soap you can irritate the parts of the penis, so if you want to avoid these things please use a neutral or very mild PH soap.

2. Cut the beauty of this area

I have a video if you want to learn different types of male hair removal where I advise you to use. If you do not want to shave this area, you can trim it simply so that there is no wild jungle mode. You must know that nobody likes those things.

So that the area of ​​the penis is taken care of, in good condition, and with a good hygiene, the best thing is that you have the beautiful short, in addition I also advise you keep it uniform.

3. Take a shower or a bath
how to clean the penis

To know how to clean your penis this step is essential. You must regulate the temperature of the water to which you usually use. However keep in mind that the genitals do not want the extremes neither too cold nor too hot.

4. Wash the rest of the body first
Soap with the soap that you want the rest of the body, especially the area of ​​the armpits. You should also focus on the feet, those two parts accumulate many bad smells apart from the genitals.

5. Wash the genitals
This part should be washed with neutral pH soap or a very mild soap so as not to irritate it as I mentioned before. From here the steps will describe how to clean the penis in the right way.

6. Wash the glans penis first
The glans is the head of the penis that is at the top. Then in the trunk of the penis you have the foreskin which is the skin that moves up and down. To wash the penis correctly you must move the foreskin down and clean the glans very well. You should also clean the base of the glans very well, since in that part many secretions accumulate.

Another tip that you should take into account to know how to clean the penis is that if your foreskin does not lower do not force it. Just go a little below the head of the glans or a little more. If you have questions or your foreskin is not low, see your doctor, this issue do not know because we do not see sexologists genitals.

You should know that only doctors see genitals, not sexologist psychologists like me.