Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2019

Peet's Coffee Espresso Capsules Variety Pack 10 Each (40 Count) Compatible with Nespresso Original Brewers Single Cup Coffee Pods

Caffeine May Prevent Cataracts

Caffeine and Eye Health

Caffeine may prove useful in the prevention of cataract formation as well as be ok for eye health in general.

Chalk another one up for the possible positive health benefits of caffeine !

Cataracts are responsible for nearly half of the world wide cases of blindness and can be removed with surgery, but this new study may soon make surgeries unnecessary.

Peet's Coffee Espresso Capsules Variety Pack 10 Each (40 Count) Compatible with Nespresso Original Brewers Single Cup Coffee Pods
Peet's Coffee Espresso Capsules Variety Pack 10 Each (40 Count) Compatible with Nespresso Original Brewers Single Cup Coffee Pods

A recent study showed that caffeine eye drops prevented cataracts from forming in the eyes of rats.

The Cataract and Caffeine Research

The study was conducted by Shambhu D. Varma, Svitlana Kovtun, Kavita Hegde at the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University Of Maryland School of Medicine .

The study involved baby rats that were feed to diet high in galactose, which causes cataracts to form in the eyes.

One group of rats was given eye drops containing caffeine, the other group was given to placebo eye drop. The rats given the caffeine had greatly reduced cataract formation compared to the placebo group.

Researchers say that the therapy now needs to be adapted so it can be compatible with the human eye. Humans would have to consume over 6 cups of coffee (more than 600mg) daily to equal the cataract stopping properties the rats experienced.

Further testing will be required and work will be needed to develop caffeine eye drops suitable for the human eye.

We should note that this study focused on the type of cataracts that usually develop in those with diabetes .

Studies Focusing on Caffeine and Eye Health

1. Coffee and Caffeine Intakes and Intraocular Pressure

The Blue Mountains Eye Study examined 3654 people older than 49 years of age and found that more than 200mg of caffeine did increase IOP. However, after adjusting for age, sex and systolic blood pressure, the association did not reach statistical significance. Src .

It is unclear if those with glaucoma should avoid caffeine entirely, but having less than 200mg daily would be the safest bet.

2. Caffeine and Tunnel Vision

A study from The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics found that caffeine had no effect on tunnel vision, thus did not increase risk while on the supplement. Src .

3. Too Much Caffeine Causes Dim Vision, Transitory Blindness, and Eye Flickering.

A 1913 study found that caffeine overdose can cause vision problems. (Lewin, L., and H. Guillery. "The Effects of Drugs and Poisons on the Eye." Hirschwald, Berlin (1913): 150.)

Overall, it looks like moderate caffeine is safe for those concerned with eye health. This is especially good news for caffeine lovers as well as those who have a family history of developing cataracts and / or diabetes.

Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 64 Count

Caffeine: A Cure for Baldness?

caffeine and baldness

Caffeine may help balding men and women regrow some hair.

Research published in the International Journal of Dermatology concludes that caffeine is " a stimulator of human hair growth "

Hair restoration is a multi-billion dollar industry and this research could eventually lead to safer, more effective cures for baldness.

Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 64 Count
Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 64 Count

Caffeine and Baldness Research

The researchers who worked on this project were TW Fischer MD, UC Hipler PhD and P. Elsner MD.

  •     They took biopsies from the scalps of 14 men in the early stages of hair loss.
  •     They then exposed the hair follicles to solutions containing different levels of caffeine.
  •     They also exposed some of the follicles to DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss.
  •     After 8 days, even the hair follicles exposed to the DHT showed growth.
  •     Growth was greatest in follicles that were placed in solutions of caffeine only .

See the full journal abstract here.

How Much Caffeine Are We Talking About?

Before you brew yet another cup of coffee, unfortunately, a few extra cups of coffee are not going to do much.

  •     Scientists estimate up to 60 cups a day would be needed for significant amounts to reach follicles in the scalp. (via Daily Mail )

So that's only about 6000mg of caffeine, which might regrow your hair after stopping your heart .

Instead of drinking it - it seems you need to rub a caffeine-rich solution into the scalp.

Fortunately there are some caffeinated shampoos on the market.

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (32 Count)

Caffeine Withdrawal & Diarrhea

If a cup of coffee is part of your morning or afternoon routine, you might notice changes as an awake feeling once the caffeinated drink enters your body. Over time, it's possible to develop a dependency on caffeine that can lead to uncomfortable symptoms if you suddenly stop consuming it. Diarrhea is associated with caffeine, but it is not a typical side effect of caffeine withdrawal.

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (32 Count)
Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (32 Count)

Caffeine Withdrawal

Caffeine withdrawal is problematic enough that Johns Hopkins recommended it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a leading journal on mental health. Typical symptoms of withdrawal can include drowsy feeling, headaches and irritability. More extreme withdrawal symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea is not a typical side effect of stopping caffeine suddenly, according to MedlinePlus.

Caffeine and Diarrhea

If you consume a caffeinated product such as coffee and diarrhea, this gastrointestinal issue might be the result of your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help stimulate your bowels to improve your regularity and even cause your stools to be looser than normal. Although caffeine does not affect everyone in the same way, consuming six to eight cups might lead to side effects such as diarrhea.

Causes of Diarrhea

If you experience diarrhea around the same time you cease your caffeine, the diarrhea is not necessarily a symptom of withdrawal. Common causes of diarrhea include bacterial infections such as salmonella or E. coli, viral infections such as rotavirus and norovirus, intolerances to foods such as lactose or sugar, intestinal illnesses or adverse reactions to medicine. If you have diarrhea, avoid caffeinated products, which might be the condition.

Reducing Your Caffeine Intake

Because of the difficult symptoms of caffeine withdrawal, it can be easier to reduce your intake of this stimulant over a period of time rather than stop suddenly. Slowly reducing your caffeine intake lessens the withdrawal symptoms, but the exact amount of time needed to get through the symptoms varies by individual. If coffee is your caffeine-containing choice, avoid the temptation to replace it with other sources of caffeine, such as tea or chocolate.

Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Coffee, K-CUP Pods, 84 Count

Side Effects of Caffeine on Men

Caffeine is a stimulant found in some beverages, including many different sodas, coffee and certain teas. Caffeine is also available in tablet form and may be purchased over the counter. Although caffeine is easily obtainable, this compound does have different side effects that may cause serious health problems.

Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Coffee, K-CUP Pods, 84 Count
Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Coffee, K-CUP Pods, 84 Count


Caffeine may cause irritation of the gastrointestinal system in men. In large quantities, caffeine can irritate the stomach, possibly resulting in nausea and vomiting. In some men, this irritation may also cause diarrhea. These side effects are usually temporary, however, and go away once the caffeine has been metabolized or excreted from the body.


Caffeine acts as a stimulant, which means it increases activity within the central nervous system. In men, caffeine may cause feelings of increased energy and concentration. In higher doses, caffeine may also cause a "jittery" feeling and result in muscle tremors. Moderately high quantities of caffeine may also lead to a condition known as caffeinism, reports. Caffeinism is marked by restlessness, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. This condition resembles anxiety disorder, and in the restlessness may take the form of agitation or increased aggressive behavior. Men who have problems with anxiety or panic attacks may have their symptoms exacerbated by caffeine. In addition, chronic heavy use of caffeine has been linked to depression. In high doses, caffeine may cause confusion, convulsions, hallucinations and difficulty breathing, according to MedlinePlus.


Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which means that it increases to man's urine production. The urine is often diluted and may be clear due to the increase in volume. The increased urine output may cause a brief decrease in a man's body weight, according to, although this weight loss is temporary and will disappear once the body is able to correct its fluid balance. Because caffeine increases urine output, it may exacerbate dehydration, resulting in feelings of increased thirst and, in severe cases, fatigue or dizziness.

Cardiovascular reports that the caffeine in about 2 to 3 cups of coffee increases systolic blood pressure 3 to 14 mm Hg and increases diastolic blood pressure 4 to 13 mm Hg. According to RxList, caffeine causes other cardiovascular side effects such as tachycardia, which is an increased heart rate, and an increased stroke volume, which means that the heart pumps are unusually hard.

Donut Shop Blend for K-Cup Keurig 2.0 Brewers, 80 Count, Victor Allen’s Coffee Medium Roast Single Serve Coffee Pods

Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Intoxication

Caffeine is the world's most popular psychoactive drug. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the average American consumes approximately 300 mg of caffeine daily, mostly in the form of coffee and soft drinks. While many people enjoy the effects of caffeine, too much can result in a state known as caffeine intoxication.

Donut Shop Blend for K-Cup Keurig 2.0 Brewers, 80 Count, Victor Allen’s Coffee Medium Roast Single Serve Coffee Pods
Donut Shop Blend for K-Cup Keurig 2.0 Brewers, 80 Count, Victor Allen’s Coffee Medium Roast Single Serve Coffee Pods

Caffeine Intoxication

Caffeine intoxication is a condition with signs and symptoms that are directly related to the ingestion of caffeine. The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" published by the American Psychiatric Association defines caffeine intoxication as the demonstration of 5 or more characteristic signs of distress or impaired function associated with the of caffeine.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of caffeine intoxication vary, depending on the individual and how much caffeine is ingested. Caffeine is a stimulant, and its greatest effect is on the brain. Intoxication often creates feelings of restlessness, nervousness, excitement and insomnia. Incoherent flow of thought and speech, periods of inexhaustibility and agitation are also common. Common physical symptoms include increased urination, stomach upset or pain, nausea and vomiting, muscle twitching and a fast heart rate. Caffeine intoxication can lead to potentially life-threatening signs and symptoms, such as irregular heartbeat, severe electrolyte imbalances and seizures. Immediate medical evaluation and treatment are needed in these situations.

Common Sources of Caffeine

Beverages are some of the most common sources of caffeine. The "Journal of Analytical Toxicology" and US Department of Agriculture report that an 8 oz. serving of coffee contains approximately 95 mg of caffeine and a 12 oz. can of cola-flavored soda contains roughly 30 mg. Other common caffeine sources include espresso, with 64 mg per ounce; black tea, with 47 mg per 8 oz. serving; and energy drinks, with 66 to 77 mg per 8 oz. dog. Over-the-counter caffeine pills typically contain 100 mg each. Additionally, some headache remedies and other over-the-counter medications contain caffeine.


Medical treatment is needed for severe or life-threatening symptoms of caffeine intoxication. Medications may be used to manage symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea and anxiety. A 2012 case study published in the "Clinical Kidney Journal" asserts that hemodialysis - mechanical filtering of blood - may be of benefit in cases of severe caffeine intoxication from a massive overdose.

Bestpresso Coffee for Nespresso OriginalLine Machine 120 pods Certified Genuine Espresso Variety Pack, Pods Compatible with Nespresso OriginalLine

Does Caffeine Make People Hungry?

Rather than induce hunger, caffeine actually suppresses the appetite and may cause you to skip meals. While it may seem that the caffeine is to blame if you suddenly experience hunger pangs after a long period of drinking caffeinated beverages, your food cravings are probably due to having skipped or delayed a meal. Monitor your eating habits while consuming caffeine to maintain a steady intake of food throughout the day.

Bestpresso Coffee for Nespresso OriginalLine Machine 120 pods Certified Genuine Espresso Variety Pack, Pods Compatible with Nespresso OriginalLine
Bestpresso Coffee for Nespresso OriginalLine Machine 120 pods Certified Genuine Espresso Variety Pack, Pods Compatible with Nespresso OriginalLine

Caffeine and the Body

Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant that is absorbed and distributed very quickly through the body. After digestion, the caffeine passes into the brain, where it begins to stimulate the central nervous system, blocking fatigue-inducers called adenosine receptors. As a result, your neurons begin firing at an accelerated rate, as your heart rate increases and your hunger cravings become delayed.

Suppressing the Appetite

Your blood sugar levels gradually decline anytime you delay or skip a meal. According to, caffeine can reduce your desire to eat for a period of time, causing you to consume fewer calories during the course of a day. By consuming caffeine, your energy levels remain at an artificial peak, while your blood sugar steadily declines. After the caffeine has reached its highest concentration in your blood, you may experience a crash or sudden energy drop that is accompanied by hunger pangs, if you have forgotten to eat.

Other Factors

One possible correlation between caffeine and hunger involves craving comfort foods. As your central nervous system becomes stimulated, your pituitary and hypothalamus glands release stress hormones such as ephinedrine and cortisol, enabling a fight-or-flight response in your body. Because the neural control of your gastrointestinal tract is highly affected by emotions and stress, your caffeine may cause you to crave certain comfort foods to help cope with the increased sensations of anxiety and stress.

Safety Concerns

Always keep your caffeine intake below the 300 milligrams recommended for most healthy adults. Consuming caffeine in excess of 500 milligrams a day may result in unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, anxiousness, irritability, upset stomach, increased heart rate and muscle tremors. Talk to your doctor if you routinely experience hunger pangs after consuming caffeine, and try to adopt a regular eating pattern to prevent dips in blood sugar.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Dark Magic Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Dark Roast Coffee, 12 Count, Pack of 6

Caffeine Allergy Testing

Most people use caffeine to stimulate their physical and mental performance, but for some people it can cause severe adverse reactions. You may have a caffeine allergy if you develop symptoms after ingesting the substance. In order for a reaction to be classified as an allergy, your body must produce certain chemicals called by your immune system. Some people are intolerant or have sensitivity to caffeine, which causes similar symptoms. Allergy testing can determine which condition is causing your symptoms.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Dark Magic Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Dark Roast Coffee, 12 Count, Pack of 6
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Dark Magic Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Dark Roast Coffee, 12 Count, Pack of 6

Caffeine Allergy

A genuine allergy must be caused by the production of immunoglobulin E antibodies, or IgE antibodies, created by the immune system. An allergic reaction occurs when your immune system causes cancer to a harmful substance that could pose a threat to your body. In order to defend the body, IgE antibodies are released to attack the caffeine. This chemical action triggers the production of other chemicals that help defend the body. One of the most significant chemicals is histamine, which, when released in soft tissue, causes inflammation.

Distinctive Difference

Caffeine can have negative effects that are unrelated to an allergic reaction. Ingesting too much caffeine can cause headaches, nausea and diarrhea in anyone, but these effects are unrelated to an allergic reaction. Caffeine intolerance or sensitivity is another condition that can cause symptoms that are similar to an allergy, but does not involve the immune system. Caffeine intolerance is condition that triggers an adverse reaction in the digestive system that can cause symptoms in the body. Caffeine intolerance does not cause the production of IgE antibodies and is therefore not an allergic reaction.


In order to diagnose your condition, an allergist will perform various tests to determine if your body is creating IgE antibodies when caffeine is introduced into your body. The most common tests used to diagnose an allergy are a skin-prick test and a blood test. A tiny amount of caffeine is placed under your skin to see if it causes irritation or inflammation within 15 minutes. Blood tests require a sample of your blood to be sent to the lab where it is observed under a microscope when caffeine is introduced to it. If IgE antibodies form the caffeine, you will be diagnosed with a caffeine allergy.


If you are allergic to caffeine, you are at risk of having an allergic reaction during allergy testing. You need to remain under a doctor's supervision for an hour after the testing is completed. If you develop shortness of breath, facial swelling, dizziness or the feeling of a lump in your throat during the testing, inform your doctor immediately.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Breakfast Blend, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Light Roast, 12 Count, Pack of 6

Does Caffeine Decrease Breast Milk Supply?

Because you probably kept careful track of your diet during pregnancy to avoid exposing your fetus to anything that could cause harm, you might wonder if you need to maintain the same level of vigilance while you're breastfeeding. Thankfully for fans of coffee and tea, caffeine use during breastfeeding does not appear to decrease milk supply, although drinking too much caffeine can have an impact on some babies.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Breakfast Blend, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Light Roast, 12 Count, Pack of 6
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Breakfast Blend, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Light Roast, 12 Count, Pack of 6


The distinguishing, unifying feature of mammals - a category of animals that includes humans - is that they all produce milk to feed their babies. Like all mammals, your breasts begin to produce milk after you give birth, and your milk is affected by the quality of your diet. Some medications and chemicals that you consume - including caffeine - can pass to your baby as you breastfeed.

Caffeine and Supply

There is a common misconception that caffeine decreases milk supply, but according to - a website run by a nurse and lactation consultant - there is no evidence to support this notion. In fact, one study by Dr. A. Nehlig and colleagues in a 1994 edition of the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" found that caffeine may even stimulate milk production.


If you choose to consume caffeine while you're breastfeeding, however, you should be aware that this is a small-scale milk, and some babies are very sensitive to caffeine. The American Academy of Pediatrics considers caffeine a substance that is compatible with breastfeeding, but cautions that in excess - more than two cups of coffee per day - caffeine can lead to poor sleep patterns in your baby. This is particularly true of younger infants.

General Guidelines

Generally speaking, it's safe for you to use caffeine in moderation while you're breastfeeding, and being a coffee drinker is not a reason to wean your baby early. The World Health Organization urges mothers to breastfeed as the sole source of infant nutrition until 6 months of age.

Starbucks Pike Place Roast Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 4 boxes of 24 (96 total K-Cup pods)

The Effect of Caffeine on an Unborn Baby

Most doctors recommend limiting your caffeine intake during pregnancy. According to, there has been no determination on how much caffeine is safe during pregnancy; However, caffeine may put you at an increased risk of miscarriage. Consult your doctor about caffeine if you are pregnant.

Starbucks Pike Place Roast Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 4 boxes of 24 (96 total K-Cup pods)
Starbucks Pike Place Roast Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 4 boxes of 24 (96 total K-Cup pods)


Caffeine is a drug that is naturally found in the beans, fruit and leaves of some plants and added to certain foods and drinks such coffees, teas, sodas and chocolate. In addition, certain medications may use it as an ingredient. According to, caffeine is defined as a drug because of its stimulating effects on the nervous system.


In addition to caffeine being added to teas, coffees and chocolates, it may also be used medicinally. It may be used as a diuretic to increase urine production or it may be used as a cardiac stimulant. When used in coffees and teas, caffeine may ward off drowsiness and restore alertness. However, excess caffeine may lead to jitters and dehydration.


When you consume caffeine during pregnancy, the caffeine passes through the placenta for absorption by the fetus. A fetus is not able to metabolize caffeine at the same rate of an adult; therefore, the caffeine may be stored in the fetal bloodstream and reach alarming levels. During pregnancy, caffeine affects your ability to absorb essential minerals such as calcium. This decrease of absorption can cause your baby to be born with weak bones. In addition, it may lead to your baby having caffeine withdrawal at birth and increased breathing rates.

Expert Insight

According to Vanderbilt University, studies have shown that an intake of more than 300 mg of caffeine each day may increase your chance for miscarriage. In addition, the University says that based on animal studies, excess levels of caffeine can cause birth defects, low birth weight and preterm delivery.


SIDS is the sudden death of an infant younger than 1 year old that goes unexplained after autopsy. According to the American SIDS Institute, to a nonprofit health organization, a study showed that infants of mothers who consumed excessive amounts of caffeine throughout their pregnancy had a significantly increased risk of SIDS.

Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Melozio, 30 Count

Can Too Much Caffeine Cause Anger & Confusion?

Caffeine has its benefits: It reduces fatigue, stimulates your nervous system and helps you stay alert. However, consuming it in excess has drawbacks; if you drink too much caffeine, you may experience side effects like irritability, nervousness and even anger and confusion. Talk to your doctor about reducing your caffeine intake, and cut back if your is causing you more harm than good.

Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Melozio, 30 Count
Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Melozio, 30 Count

Side Effects of Caffeine

Your body absorbs and distributes caffeine rapidly after you consume it, and it does not continually circulate in your bloodstream but is excreted through your urine, explains the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Caffeine provides temporary relief from drowsiness, but it also has some negative side effects. These include feelings of anxiety and restlessness, as well as irritability and anger. If these feelings get in the way of your ability to function and pay attention, you may then experience confusion as well. Too much caffeine can also cause a rapid heart rate, digestive upset and muscle tremors.

How Much Is Too Much?

A moderate dose of caffeine is defined as 200 to 300 milligrams a day, and this translates to 2 to 3 cups of coffee, according to For most people, this amount is unlikely to cause harm. Heavy consumption is defined as more than 500 to 600 milligrams a day, and it is this amount of intake that is most likely to cause anger, confusion and other adverse symptoms. But some people are more sensitive to caffeine and its effects than others. So even if your is within the moderate range, you should still consider cutting back if you are experiencing negative effects.

Caffeine Content and Ways to Reduce

Caffeine may be in more items than you think - coffee, caffeinated tea, chocolate, cocoa and some sodas all contain caffeine. Certain pain relievers, cold medicines and appetite suppressants may also contain caffeine. If you need to cut back on your caffeine intake, do this over the course of several days or weeks. For example, try lessening your intake of coffee by 1 cup each day, or less if you find that you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Reducing your intake too quickly can cause negative effects as well, which may make you feel even angrier and more confused than when you consume caffeine.

Additional Considerations

Keep in mind that certain medications, such as antibiotics, as well as herbal supplements like echinacea can increase caffeine's concentration in your blood, resulting in negative side effects like anger and confusion. Never stop taking your medications or otherwise altering your diet without first discussing these changes with your health-care provider. People with coronary heart disease or peptic ulcers may have to limit or eliminate their caffeine intake to avoid potential patients' health, according to

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (75 Count)

Caffeine's Effect on Memory, Cognition, and Alzheimer's

Does caffeine help or harm memory?

Caffeine affects brain function and researchers have been investigating whether caffeine improves memory and learning retention or hinders it.

Here are just some of the scientific studies that have investigated caffeine's influence on memory and diseases like Alzheimer's.

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (75 Count)
Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (75 Count)

Caffeine's Effect on Cognition

Studies have explored how consuming caffeine can influence a person's memory and cognition. Here are just a few.

  •     One study published in the Physiology & Behavior Journal looked at caffeine's effect on the memory of word lists. The researchers found that they had caffeine, had no effect, but in females, caffeine worsened cognition slightly. Src.
  •     Another study published by Nature Neuroscience found that caffeine administered post-studying students with memory consolidation.
  •     The University of Arizona has not looked at whether caffeine helps during periods when they are not in their optimal periods of arousal. Basically, caffeine given to kids in the morning helped with memory, while caffeine given to kids in the afternoon (a kids optimal arousal time) had no effect.
  •     A similar study found the same phenomenon in adults, but only when caffeine was administered in the afternoon, which is an adult's period of lowest level of arousal.
  •     Another study published in Neuropharmacology found that moderate levels of caffeine seemed to help with some types of memory problems, but excessive caffeine had a negative effect on certain types of memory.
  •     Yet another study published in the Journals of Gerontology showed that women who consumed more than the median daily amount of coffee (261 mg per day) had a reduced risk of developing dementia or memory impairment.

Caffeine, Coffee, and Alzheimer's

1. A team of scientists has studied folks with Alzheimer's and found that "the group that drank the most coffee had the best memories" ( source ).

In a later study, they applied some Alzheimer's inflicted mice with 500mg of caffeine (where do they find these poor rodents?). With 500mg of caffeine the memories of the mice were protected (how do they test that?).

The study author recommended caffeine from coffee as the best source:

  •     Arendash said coffee provides the best source of concentrated caffeine because it also provides antioxidants also known to provide protection against memory loss.
  •     Caffeinated soft drinks do not deliver the same benefit because they lack those antioxidants and also contain sugars , increasing the risk for hypertension or high blood pressure.
  •     While chocolate also is a source of caffeine, one would have to eat 5 pounds of milk chocolate to get the same effects of drinking five cups of caffeinated coffee, Arendash noted.

2. Other research published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation has also shown evidence that caffeine helps prevent this disease.

Basically, they found that caffeine protects the blood-brain barrier, which helps prevent the brain damage responsible for Alzheimer's.

You can read more about the study at BBC News .

3. A study conducted by Alzheimer's Europe and the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee found that 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day is the optimal amount to protect the brain from degenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's.

The study also cited a Mediterranean Diet as another factor that lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

More about this study here.

4. Researchers from the Krembil Brain Institute believe that they have isolated the compound in roasted coffee that is responsible for coffee's protective effect against Alzheimer's disease. This compound is produced when coffee beans are roasted and the darker the roast, the more compound is produced.

  • New research from Barcelona, ​​Spain showed that caffeine may worsen Alzheimer's symptoms in those that already have the disease. This study was conducted using mice but may have similar applications in humans.
  • Natural and Moderate Caffeine Seems Best

From the above research, we conclude that caffeine does show some benefit to memory. There is evidence that it helps prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and helps improve certain types of memory.

However, to get the most memory-boosting benefits, we recommend the following:

  •     Consuming caffeine from natural sources such as coffee and tea.
  •     Consuming a moderate amount of caffeine that is considered safe for your age and health profile.
  •     Consuming caffeine during your non-optimal period of arousal during your work or school day.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, French Roast, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

Prevent a Stroke By Drinking Caffeine

Drinking caffeinated coffee may reduces stroke risk in some people.

This is especially interesting since caffeine is known to raise blood pressure , which is a significant risk factor for having a stroke.

However, it is likely that the caffeine is not the chemical responsible for this, but the antioxidants naturally occurring in coffee.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, French Roast, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers
Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, French Roast, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

The Coffee and Stroke Risk Research

A research study out of Sweden revealed that women who consumed more than a cup of caffeinated coffee daily reduced their risk of stroke by 22 to 25 percent.

In the study, researchers followed 34,670 women (ages 49 to 83) for an average of 10.4 years. Those that drank little or no caffeinated coffee had an increased instance of stroke. Src.

This study looked at caffeine naturally found in coffee, so to say that energy drinks or other artificially caffeinated products would prevent a stroke as well, would not be accurate.

Sweden was the 6th most caffeinated country last year so it's a great place to conduct caffeine research.

Another similar study out of Spain followed 80,036 women who participated in the Nurses' Health Study and found that coffee reduced the risk of stroke among this group of women as well. Src .

These studies give some new insight into the health benefits of coffee and some evidence that women can prevent a stroke by making caffeinated coffee a big part of their healthy diet.

What about Men?

There are a few studies that have also explored coffee and caffeine's relationship to stroke risk among men.

One study looked at male smokers, their coffee, and risk of stroke. With this study, brain infarction risk was reduced but other forms of stroke were not. Src .

A study out of Honolulu looked at 499 hypertensive men over a 25 year period and if they increased their risk for stroke. This study concluded that menopause with high blood pressure increased their risk of thromboembolic stroke by consuming caffeinated coffee. Src .

A meta-analysis of prospective studies involving coffee and stroke was conducted in 2011 by Swedish researchers by looking at research conducted between 1966 and 2011. Src .

Coffee, Stroke, Caffeine Bottom Line

It seems like the research would tell us, that people with high blood pressure should keep caffeine to a minimum , but for those with normal blood pressure, caffeinated coffee may offer some protection against stroke.

People can even further reduce their risk of stroke by consuming a healthy diet loaded with colorful vegetables and fruit with very little processed food and added oils added in.

Coffee is just one way to get more antioxidants in your diet for increased health and less risk of stroke.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

The Disadvantages of Caffeine

Caffeine is a bitter substance that stimulates your central nervous system. This means it can help boost your alertness and eliminate your drowsiness, according to Chances are you consume some caffeine on a regular basis if you drink coffee or tea, drink soda or eat chocolate. And although caffeine is widely consumed, it is still considered a drug and it comes with some potential disadvantages.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers
Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

Side Effects

You are at a higher risk of undesirable side effects from caffeine if you have more than 500 to 600 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is contained in more than 4 cups of brewed coffee. Some immediate side effects of high caffeine are nervousness, restlessness, upset stomach, rapid heartbeat, muscle tremors and irritability, according to In the long term, drinking a lot of caffeine throughout the day might lead to a vicious cycle of insomnia and fatigue, wherein you consistently lose sleep because of caffeine's effects, but then you need to drink caffeine to be alert during the day.


Your body should be able to tolerate about 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine a day - equivalent to about 2 to 4 cups of brewed coffee - unless you are sensitive to caffeine. You might be more sensitive to caffeine if you are prone to stress, have high blood pressure, have headaches often, have an irregular heart beat and stomach ulcers or acid reflux, according to If you are extra-sensitive to caffeine, a single cup of coffee could prompt undesirable effects, such as restlessness.

Pregnancy Risks
You may increase your risk of fertility problems if you are a woman who has a lot of caffeine. Caffeine reduces muscle activity in your fallopian tubes, which are responsible for delivering eggs from your ovaries to your womb, according to the May 26, 2011 issue of the "British Journal of Pharmacology." Caffeine can also increase breastfeeding because it crosses the placenta and reaches the fetus. Because the fetus has an immature metabolism, caffeine may linger in its system and build up to toxic levels. You may be at a higher risk of miscarriage and delivery of a low birthweight weight if your caffeine intake exceeds 200 to 300 milligrams per day.

Addictive Properties

Caffeine dependence can occur, according to 1994 study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. In the study, researchers determined that caffeine drinkers had an average of 357 milligrams of caffeine per day showed classic drug dependence signs and symptoms such as a higher tolerance for caffeine with frequent use, a persistent desire or unsuccessful attempt at limiting their intake, withdrawal symptoms when they cut back on their intake and choosing to continue consuming caffeine in spite of the knowledge that caffeine might cause them psychological and physical problems. Common caffeine withdrawal symptoms - headache, fatigue, irritability, trouble concentrating and depression - have been observed at persistent intakes as low as 100 milligrams per day, but they are more common with higher levels, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.

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Caffeine and its influence on personalities withdrawn

Caffeine is one of the most widely used stimulants in the world due to the ease of consumption, as it is found in various alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, as in chocolates, tea, coffee and a multitude of medicines.

While its invigorating and energizing property is well known, caffeine could also accentuate sensitive personality traits , causing greater states of shyness, anxiety or irritability. Therefore, it is appropriate to know the influence that this nutrient could have on people since they are in the womb until adulthood.

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Nespresso Vertuoline Best Seller Assortment, 10 Count (Pack of 3)

Prenatal exposure

It is very common for pregnant women to avoid caffeine consumption during this period and for good reasons, otherwise it could be causing stress in the baby, in addition to causing long-term effects that would be reflected in a set of features such as fear, withdrawal, anxiety or shyness in the child's personality .

Although the professionals do not have certainty on this point, it is estimated that these negative effects of caffeine on the pregnant child may be due to the interference that occurs in neuronal development and the release of neurotransmitters.


These sensibility traits , which could be resolved both in withdrawn attitudes, shyness or inhibition, as well as in cases of irritation and easy anger, are estimated to be found in more than 20% of people, who upon receiving certain stimuli respond with different forms of behavior. One of these stimulants is caffeine , which could trigger and settle these traits in sensitive people.

Intensity trait

Caffeine can even intensify the sensitive features of people, may cause greater states of withdrawal in naturally shy individuals as situations of anger in irritable people.

For this, according to the Spanish journal of psychology, the intake of 2 cups of coffee per day would suffice, so it is very important to identify if any of these sensitive features integrate our personality to, if so, avoid or reduce to the maximum the consumption of foods with caffeine .

Attention and reaction

Caffeine could also have "positive" effects, such as an increase in concentration and a stimulating effect for the whole organism, that's why caffeine is consumed willingly by timid or introverted people.

If several American studies are considered, the consumption of about 7 milligrams of caffeine daily is a good stimulant to improve performance without leading to major complications.

The last word will be given by a medical professional, who will recommend if the consumption of caffeine is the most recommended for your personality or mood. Anyway, a good advice is always to govern moderation.

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What Are the Dangers of Caffeine Abuse?

Many people drink caffeinated drinks as coffee, tea and energy drinks for a boost of energy to start the day or stay awake and focused throughout the day or evening. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, so it can make you feel more alert and energized, but excess use of caffeine can result in a variety of negative side effects.

Keurig Coffee Lovers' Collection Sampler Pack, Single Serve K-Cup Pods, Compatible with all Keurig 1.0/Classic, 2.0 and K-Caf? Coffee Makers, Variety Pack, 40 Count
Keurig Coffee Lovers' Collection Sampler Pack, Single Serve K-Cup Pods, Compatible with all Keurig 1.0/Classic, 2.0 and K-Caf? Coffee Makers, Variety Pack, 40 Count

Caffeine Intake

Most individuals can consume 300 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is considered moderate intake, without experiencing serious side effects. Caffeine content for beverages can vary depending on the size and brand of the drink, but in general you can drink approximately three 6-ounce cups of coffee, which equal 300 milligrams of caffeine. Tea, cocoa, soda, and energy drinks may also contain caffeine, and intake of these beverages should also be limited. Non-prescription medications containing caffeine include Excedrin, 65 milligrams, Anacin, 32 milligrams and maximum strength Midol, 60 milligrams, according to the University of Michigan.

Physical Effects of Excess Caffeine

Ingesting large amounts of caffeine, 1,000 milligrams or 6 cups of coffee per day, may lead to physical side effects caused by habitual use and the stimulating effects of caffeine. Heavy use and abuse may result in restlessness, rapid heart rate, nausea, muscle tremors, insomnia, and, according to the University of Michigan, problems with conception. Lack of sleep from caffeine use can lead to ongoing sleep disturbances, fatigue, and a decline in physical performance and energy levels.

Habitual Caffeine Abuse and Mood

Caffeine abuse can be habit forming. If you abruptly stop caffeine intake, you may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and mood changes. Caffeine abuse lead to psychological symptoms such as anxiety and irritability, and withdrawal from caffeine causes marked nervousness and depression leading to reduced motivation and sleeplessness.

Expert Insights

McKinley Health Center recommends, if you are consuming large amounts of caffeine and suffering from symptoms, you should gradually reduce your daily consumption by selecting beverages with a lower caffeine content and alternating coffee or teas with decaffeinated or caffeine-free options such as decaf coffee , herbal teas or water.

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How to have more energy: sources of caffeine

Does fatigue not allow you to enjoy the things you like most? Do you feel that you lack energy to complete the routine? Do you find it increasingly difficult to get up in the morning to start the day? Not to despair, there are many sources of energy and caffeine that can give you that necessary boost.

You probably did not know some of the elements that today in energy sources that you did not know .

MCCAFE Premium Roast Coffee, K-CUP PODS, 84 Count
MCCAFE Premium Roast Coffee, K-CUP PODS, 84 Count

Caffeine consumption: what you should know

250 milligrams of caffeine a day awakens the brain, helps in concentration, relieves excess stress and can even help you live longer.

In any case, it is very important that you bear in mind that, like all things in this life, excessive consumption is always harmful. You should always control your caffeine intake and know when you should stop, otherwise you will have a counterproductive effect.

Caffeine is addictive , and if your consumption is becoming an addiction, do not hesitate to stop using it. In this case you will recognize the side effects easily, such as dehydration, problems falling asleep, anxiety, upset stomach, etc. You should not consume caffeine during pregnancy .

Decaffeinated coffee

Although it seems very obvious and you think decaffeinated coffee has no caffeine, this is a hoax. The idea of ​​a coffee with the flavor that you like so much but without the effects of caffeine sounds good. However, decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine. Of course to a lesser extent, but it does.

Soft drinks that are not cola

The secret of cola soft drinks and their caffeine content is something we all know. On the other hand, did you know that almost all soft drinks and sodas in other flavors have caffeine? Well that's the way it is, and even in other beverages like some root beer brands, there is a high content of caffeine .


You already know that cocoa has many health benefits and that chocolate is made from cocoa. However, chocolates are another source of caffeine that can also help you with some extra energy. Caffeine is mostly found naturally in cocoa beans and combining it with a soft drink will keep you more awake and active.


Who does not like ice cream? It is ideal for summer, it is soft and delicious but, in addition, it has caffeine. You can even order a chocolate ice cream to add, and even many brands of ice cream also offer coffee flavor, so you can keep adding and make an energizer even more powerful.

Weight Loss Pills

While caffeine will not help you in anything to lose weight, strangely the manufacturers of diet pills add certain caffeine content to their products. So if you are looking to lose weight and are taking pills to lose weight, keep this in mind. Whether you want a boost of energy or if you are having trouble sleeping, you can find something interesting by looking at the ingredients in the leaflet of your pills.

Medications to relieve pain and flu

Many medications to relieve pain, like a large number of flu shots or flu pills, have certain caffeine content. A little of it can alleviate the pain and remove a discomfort. However, excessive consumption of caffeine can generate your own discomfort and, for example, a headache .

Energy drinks

Energy drinks have high caffeine content and it is quite obvious. There are even some brands that are prohibited from selling in several countries for that reason. The vast majority of energy drinks are based on guarana, and if you did not know the guarana is also a fruit with a high concentration of natural caffeine , especially those grown in Brazil.

Refrescantes buccal

Mouth fresheners in aerosols and some chewing gums have a certain caffeine content. It's actually a strange thing, but some brands of chewing gum and other mouth fresheners add caffeine to their products. Maybe it's a sales strategy (remember that caffeine is addictive) but the truth is that this substance is present there, so always control the ingredients of what you consume.

Sunflower seeds

That's right, sunflower seeds are a natural source of caffeine . They are delicious, nutritious and very healthy so they can be easily used in many meals. In addition to caffeine, they contain several proteins such as taurine and lysine, as well as vitamin E and B6. What are you waiting for?

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Top 25+ Caffeine Health Benefits

Caffeine is the most widely used substance on the planet and it is also one of the most researched in regards to how it affects the human body.

We've dug through many of those scientific studies and compiled to list of the possible caffeine health benefits people may experience from using caffeine.
27 Possible Caffeine Health Benefits

Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee for K-cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 60 Count
Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee for K-cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 60 Count

  1.     In Japan, researchers have shown that caffeine increases memory . Also, a newer study out of Johns Hopkins University showed that at 200 mg caffeine pill helped boost memory consolidation.
  2.     Caffeine mixed with carbs replenishes muscle glycogen concentrations faster after exercise.
  3.     Caffeine detoxes the liver and cleanses the colon when taken as a caffeine enema .
  4.     Caffeine helps keep you alert while driving during periods of sleep restriction. Here's the research
  5.     Caffeine can stimulate hair growth on balding men and women.
  6.     Caffeine relieves post-workout muscle pain by up to 48%.
  7.     Caffeine relieves pain associated with sleep loss better than analgesics. The study
  8.     Caffeine may protect against Parkinson's disease . Research shows that those who consume coffee at the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and it even reduces the risk of those genetically more likely to develop the condition. Here's the study .
  9.     Caffeine may help ward off Alzheimer's .
  10.     Caffeine increases stamina during exercise .
  11.     Caffeine through coffee may protect against eyelid spasm .
  12.     Caffeine may protect against Cataracts .
  13.     Caffeine may prevent skin cancer. A new study out of Rutgers University found that caffeine prevented skin cancer in hairless mice. Another study showed that caffeinated coffee drinkers have less risk of developing melanoma.
  14.     People who consume caffeine have a lower risk of suicide. Src .
  15.     Caffeine may reduces fatty liver in those with non-alcohol related fatty liver disease. This study comes out of Duke University.
  16.     Caffeine is shown to reduce liver fibrosis risk in patients with hepatitis C. As little as 100 mg per day is believed to have protective benefits. Src .
  17.     Caffeine consuming men showed increased semen volume and significantly less sperm DNA fragmentation than non-caffeine consuming men. Src .
  18.     Men who consume 250-375 mg of caffeine per day have a much lower risk of developing ED (erectile dysfunction). Reduced risk was even observed among men consuming as little as 85 mg of caffeine daily. This research was conducted by The University of Texas Medical School. Src .
  19.     Caffeine may prevent ringing in the ears (tinnitus) in women : A study published in The American Journal of Medicine followed a group of 65,085 nurses since 1991. The women who consumed the most caffeine had the lowest incidences of tinnitus reported. Src .
  20.     Caffeine Reduces Kidney Stone Risk . In a large 217,883 person study, those that consumed caffeine from any source had less kidney stone formation than those that did not consume caffeine. The authors believe that this is because caffeine makes urine more dilute. Src . Caffeine has been shown to reduce the mortality rate in those with chronic kidney disease . Caffeine appears to have a protective effect on the progression of the disease. Here's the study. Another study (2018) also confirmed that caffeine reduces the mortality rate for those living with kidney disease. Study link .
  21.     Caffeine improves reaction time and logical reasoning during times when sleep is not possible or restricted. See the study here .
  22.     Caffeine helps those with asthma . A study published in the US National Library of Medicine said that it seems to open airways and help asthmatics to breathe easier similarly to the drug's drug used and that it's a close cousin to caffeine. The study
  23.     Reduces driver error : A recent study conducted by the Australian Department of Defense found that caffeine driver improves performance and reduces driver error. Caffeinated gum was used in the study on soldiers that had been sleep-deprived for 50 hours.
  24.     Caffeine may prevent weight gain : Research out of Germany showed that weight loss study participants who drank 2-4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day were more likely to be successful at keeping the weight off than those who did not consume caffeine. The study
  25.     Caffeine reduces chronic inflammation . Researchers from Stanford University found that caffeine blocks the expression of a gene responsible for low-grade chronic inflammation as we age. This inflammation eventually leads to high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and heart disease. Caffeine seems to help reduce this age-related inflammation in those that are regular consumers of the drug.
  26.     Caffeine is good for the heart. A study out of Germany found that the amount of caffeine typically in 4 cups of coffee daily helps strengthen heart muscle cell function and prolongs the life of heart muscle cells. You can read the study's abstract here .
  27.     Caffeine helps premature infants : A few doses of caffeine given to premature babies drastically improves lung function and overall survival rate. Newer research found that this therapy produces no long-term side effects as the children age. Src .

There can be negative health consequences from consuming too much caffeine , so do not go too crazy. Also, some of the benefits of caffeine have only been researched within the context of caffeinated coffee.

Here are some further health benefits when the caffeine is consumed via coffee. It is also interesting that some of these benefits did not carry over to those that decaffeinated coffee drank.

Caffeinated Coffee Health Benefits

  •     Caffeinated coffee cuts mouth and throat cancer risk by 50%.
  •     Coffee can reduce the risk of stroke as much as 22%.
  •     Shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer .
  •     Heart rhythm disturbance hospitalizations decrease with coffee drinkers.
  •     Coffee decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes .
  •     People who drink at least 4 coffees or teas have lower blood pressure according to a new study out of Paris. Tea drinkers had the most blood pressure benefit, while coffee drinkers had just slightly less.
  •     Research out of Greece shows that Greek boiled coffee may increase longevity and heart health.
  •     Those who drink coffee after a heart attack are less likely to die from the incident. Research shows that heart attack victims who consumes more than 2 cups of coffee daily have the least risk of mortality from the heart attack.

While this list might seem like a green light for caffeine, it does come with a few caveats. In most cases, the caffeine health benefits were realized by those who consumed moderate coffee / caffeine amounts. Also in some of the studies above, the caffeine is concentrated and applied directly to the body area being researched, ie cataracts and baldness etc. Therefore, dietary caffeine would not produce the same results.

The British Medical Journal published a study that reviewed 201 studies concerning coffee and caffeine. The scientists concluded that there was no evidence of the health benefits of consuming coffee outweigh any risk involved.

We can conclude that caffeine consumed via natural sources is probably the best since many of the benefits of caffeine are probably largely due to the high antioxidant levels found in regular coffee and tea.

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Benefits and dangers of caffeine

Caffeine is a substance that can be found in several products, especially liquids, that we consume every day. Among these drinks that contain caffeine we can find coffee , tea, cola , chocolate and some medicines. Caffeine is the most used stimulant on the planet, so we must know what are the benefits of caffeine on our health and the damage it can cause.

The Original Donut Shop Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Regular Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count
The Original Donut Shop Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Regular Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count

Overview of caffeine consumption

This substance is usually used as a stimulant. For example, coffee consumption is very typical in people who have to study or work at night, so that, through the caffeine it contains, the nervous system is stimulated, helping people to stay awake and focused .

Some people are more sensitive than others to the effects of caffeine , to the point that some people drink coffee and keep them awake and there are other people who, despite taking several, do not have the same effect.

But caffeine has, in addition to many advantages also has dangers and disadvantages, as it is terribly addictive. We are going to detail a little more the subject of the c afein and its effects on our health.

Benefits of caffeine

Among the benefits of caffeine we mentioned, apart from how nice it is to have a coffee or a tea in the morning, the following:

  •     It seems that caffeine is a memory enhancer, as well as a great help when we have to be alert. For example, when driving at night, to study for hours, when we get up and go to work, etc.
  •     Caffeine stimulates hair growth and evidence has also been found that it detoxifies the liver and cleanses the colon.
  •     After intense exercise, caffeine relieves muscle pain or the famous stiffness. It also helps alleviate the effects of depression through an increase in dopamine in the brain.

Damages of caffeine

Among the most obvious detriments of caffeine is that it is a very addictive substance and can create quite important withdrawal syndromes, causing irritability and nervousness.

It is considered as an excess of caffeine that can produce undesirable effects on health take more than 500 or 600 mg of this substance daily. The effects of this excess can be insomnia , increased heart rate, nausea, muscle cramps . Excess can also have emotional and psychological effects such as anxiety, irritability, nervousness, etc.

If you are suffering from these symptoms, observe the amount of caffeinated liquids you drink per day, not only coffee, but tea, cola drinks or any medication that carries this substance among its ingredients. Go reduce the consumption of these drinks until you can balance and avoid these undesirable effects on physical and mental health.

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Does caffeine harm our health?

    It helps us to be more alert and some studies relate their consumption with a better intellectual performance. However, caffeine can also raise blood pressure or cause insomnia. Know what food is present and how much we can eat a day so that its effect is not harmful to health.

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Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Caffeine is an alkaloid that is obtained from the seeds and leaves of coffee, tea and other vegetables. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system that makes us feel more energetic and alert, relieves fatigue and drowsiness. According to the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) , the adult population of Europe consumes an average of 200 mg daily (100-400 mg) of caffeine.

Where can we find it?

Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, some soft drinks and chocolate. The amount of caffeine in these products varies according to the size of the portion, the type of food and the method of preparation.

The approximate amounts per serving are:

  •     Coffee (per 150 ml cup) toasted and ground-instant: 80-60 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Decaffeinated coffee (per 150 ml cup) both roasted and ground and instant: 3 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Tea (per 150 ml cup): 40 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Cola (per can of 330 ml): 30 mg of caffeine / serving
  •     Chocolate in pill (50 g): 20 mg caffeine / serving

Caffeine and cardiovascular health

Caffeine causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, therefore it is advisable to limit its intake in patients with cardiovascular diseases and / or hypertension. In addition, according to the EUFIC, a high consumption of caffeine is often closely linked to an excessive consumption of coffee, which in many cases is linked to other factors that influence the possibility of developing these diseases, for example, smoking, inactivity physical, the consumption of saturated fats and the abuse of alcohol.

On the other hand, some studies have analyzed the effect of caffeine intake and the increase in cholesterol levels without finding a direct relationship.

How much quantity should we take?

A moderate daily consumption of caffeine (up to 300 mg, the equivalent of two cups of coffee) is recommended by experts. Control the amounts we consume is important because an excess of caffeine can cause:

  •     Increased heart rate
  •     Arrhythmia
  •     Increase in blood pressure
  •     Irritability
  •     Insomnia
  •     Restlessness
  •     Nervousness
  •     Diuresis and / or diarrhea
  •     Sickness

Stop taking caffeine in high amounts can cause withdrawal syndrome, which can manifest in headache and loss of mood, although this usually exceeds in a few days.

In addition, those with difficulty sleeping should limit the consumption of caffeine to normal amounts and avoid ingesting any product that contains it in the previous hours the sleep period.

Caffeine and intellectual performance

Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental has published a study, carried out by members of the University of Barcelona and the Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, ​​which shows that the combined consumption of caffeine and sugar has certain effects on the system human cognitive, as the improvement in attention, in learning and the consolidation of verbal memory.

In summary, moderate caffeine intake in healthy people is not harmful to health. Now, if you have cardiovascular disease or suffer from hypertension, you should limit your consumption. In any case, do not forget to always take a balanced diet and exercise!