Showing posts with label Disinfectant-Wipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disinfectant-Wipes. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Tropical Scent

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Tropical Scent

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Tropical Scent

Surface disinfection

Means "Bacillol Plus" is a ready-to-use agent in the form of a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor. As active ingredients contains propanol-1 40%. propanol-2 20%, glutaraldehyde 0.1%.
Means "Bacillol Plus" has antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses (acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, polio, hepatitis of all kinds, including hepatitis A. B and C, HIV infection, adenovirus), Candida fungi, Trichophyton .

Means "Bacillol Plus" is used to disinfect surfaces from any materials, with the exception of spoiling from the effects of alcohols, and various objects by means of irrigation.
The surfaces are irrigated with a means until they are completely wetted from a distance of 30 cm. The consumption of the product is no more than 50 ml (30-40 ml on average) per 1 m2 of surface. Means quickly dries (on average in 10 minutes), without leaving marks on surfaces. Surfaces are ready for use immediately after drying.

If necessary, the surface can be wiped with sterile gauze wipes after disinfection exposure, without waiting for them to dry. Means "Bacillol plus" is intended for use: in public catering and trade, in public facilities (hairdressing salons, hotels, dormitories, social welfare institutions, baths, swimming pools, etc.) in enterprises of the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, in veterinary institutions with cleaning and disinfection of various solid non-porous surfaces or objects, incl. contaminated with blood:

small in size premises such as an operating room, reception room, an insulator, boxes, etc .;
hard-to-reach surfaces in rooms;
optical instruments and equipment permitted by the manufacturer to be treated with alcohol:
lighting equipment, blinds, etc .:
tables (including operating, handling, changing, delivery rooms), gynecological and dental chairs, beds, reanimation mattresses, etc. hard furniture.
telephone sets, monitors, computer keyboard and other office equipment.

Concentrate for the preparation of solutions "Mikrobak forte"
Micro Tank Plus “Micro Tack Forte” is a clear, light yellow liquid that mixes well with water.
As active ingredients contains: benzalkonium chloride (QAS, alkyldyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride) - 20.0%, dodecylbispropylenetriamine - 5.0%. Expiration date means 2.5 years in unopened packaging of the manufacturer. The shelf life of the working solutions of the tool is 14 days.

Solutions of the product have bactericidal activity (including against pathogens of nosocomial infections, tuberculosis), virucidal activity (against hepatitis B, HIV infection, polio, respiratory and enterovirus infections); fungicidal activity (including against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophytes, mold fungi).

Solutions of the products have detergent, deodorizing, anti-corrosion properties, do not spoil and discolor the processed objects, do not have a fixing effect on blood and other biological contaminants.

You can process products from the following materials: stainless steel, aluminum, copper, bronze, polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyurethane, PVC, acryl-butadiene-styrene, silicone, rubber, latex, acrylic glass, teflon, etc., surfaces, painted with oil paints.

The tool has a residual antimicrobial effect and prevents the formation of secondary aerosols. The product must not be mixed with soaps and anionic surfactants.

Preparation of working solution:

Place the tissues by pulling the tip into the dispenser slot
1 sachet Mikrobak forte dilute in 2 lvoda and pour into container


Saalfeld 30824 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV, Poly-Bag Protected, 6.75" x 9", X-Large Wipe (Pack of 95)

Saalfeld 30824 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV, Poly-Bag Protected, 6.75" x 9", X-Large Wipe (Pack of 95)

Means and methods of disinfection of premises from viruses

With the onset of cold weather begins an epidemic of viral and infectious diseases . Anyone can catch the virus and get sick. But if, nevertheless, someone from the household became ill, then, so that the others would not get infected, it is necessary to carry out disinfection in the apartment. To get rid of viruses and bacteria in various ways and methods.

The need for housing processing

There are many reasons for disinfection . The main ones include:

The outbreak in the region of epidemics of viral and infectious diseases and at the same time weakened immunity in family members.
Contact of adults and children with patients with scabies, tuberculosis, pediculosis and other diseases.
Allergic diseases of unknown origin.
The appearance of fungus in the room.
The presence in the family of a person with a serious illness.
Infestation of an apartment with cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other pests.
Animals living in the house and constantly walking on the street.

The treatment of the premises in these cases can be carried out with the help of professionals or do the disinfection of the rooms with your own hands.

Professionally SES disinfect the apartment. They have special equipment and professional special chemicals. Used mainly chemicals with low levels of toxicity.

But experts can not attract, and do disinfection yourself.
Disinfection of the apartment

Regardless of the chosen method and means of cleaning should be carried out sequentially. To make it easier to carry out the procedure, you need to decide where to start, and carefully prepare .

When applying chemicals, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment and wear a respirator, rubber gloves, a protective robe and goggles. If it is stipulated in the instructions of the preparation, then households and animals should be taken out of the room. After that you can start disinfection:

Wipe the floor, other horizontal surfaces and corners in the living room with special means.
Make a thorough cleaning in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
The solution that disinfected the room, you need to regularly change.
With the help of special aerosols to handle upholstered furniture.
To wash children's soft toys, and to plastic and various souvenirs to process an aerosol.
Clean the carpet and various coatings .
Wash curtains, curtains and curtains, adding a disinfectant to the water.
Be sure to move the furniture and wash the floor and walls under it.
Treat fungus-damaged floors, walls, or other surfaces with a special agent.
Do not forget to process everything the patient touched - the TV remote control, the keyboard from the computer, the computer mouse.

How to clean the pan from the scale at home

After disinfection, thoroughly ventilate the area . The following procedure can be carried out in three months.
Folk methods

There are popular recipes for disinfection , which can be prepared with your own hands:

Ammonia will help get rid of germs. By adding a few drops of sal ammoniac to a glass of water, you will get a solution with which you can get rid of the spores of the fungus and sterilize the house.
Ideal cleaning can be done with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 cup per 10 liters).
Vinegar is considered the most effective disinfectant. He is able to defeat viruses and various microbes. To do this, a solution of vinegar and water is poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and sprayed surfaces in the rooms. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice.
Destroy the infection and germs solution of salt. In addition, it does not have an unpleasant smell and will not cause allergic reactions. Preparing a solution of a pack of salt and 3 liters of water. They are treated with a variety of surfaces, including sinks and tables in the kitchen.
The toilet and the bathroom are recommended to be sanitized by means that contain bleach.

Fumigation room

Even in ancient times, they knew that bacteria and viruses could be frightened away by fumigation. For this, dry leaves of juniper, lavender, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus are set on fire. To make it more convenient, you can use incense or use incense sticks. Essential oils of lavender, juniper, fir, cedar, eucalyptus, ginger, myrrh, sandalwood, lemon, cloves, tangerine, rose, orange, jasmine will help to get rid of viruses. But they can be used only in a house where people who are prone to allergic reactions do not live.
Cleaning and washing down jacket at home
Disinfection Instruments

It is convenient to disinfect the apartment with the help of technical devices. They are compact, do not dissolve dirt and do not emit odors.

The humidifier is especially popular in homes where small children live. The device increases the humidity in the rooms and cleans the air from pathogenic microbes. It just needs to be regularly filled with fresh water.
Air recirculator

The device can be of different power. It can be used to disinfect both the room and the entire apartment at once. With ultraviolet rays, it cleans the contaminated air trapped in it and discharges it back clean. The recirculator is hidden inside the device, so during its operation, people can safely be in the room.
Salt lamp

The principle of operation of this device is as follows:

from salt crystals form ions that enter the air and destroy all viruses and microbes;
rooms are saturated with elements of sea salt.

As a result of the work of the salt lamp, the air becomes beneficial to the body. However, it can only be used indoors up to 10 square meters.
UV lamp

The device is used for disinfection of treatment rooms, wards and other rooms in hospitals. Effective ultraviolet rays clean the air from germs.

And if stationary devices are used in hospitals, then an inexpensive portable ultraviolet lamp can be purchased to disinfect the apartment. It should work only in rooms where there are no people, animals and plants. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. After this, the room is ventilated.
How and what to remove paint stains from clothes

Household chemicals stores, pharmacies and hardware stores sell various disinfectants of domestic production. With their help you can disinfect not only surfaces, toilets and sinks, but also laundry.

The most effective are:

"Monochloromein". Means for processing premises, children's toys, dishes, sinks, white linen. Children's toys are soaked for 30 minutes, and dishes and linens - for 60 minutes. After that, all you need to rinse well and dry. In case of tuberculosis and fungal diseases, plumbing fixtures and premises are disinfected with a solution of 100 grams of the preparation and 2 liters of water.
Sanita is a paste-like product that is applied to dishes, sinks, and baths. Processing by this means should be made twice.
“Svetly” is a powder for disinfecting enameled products, refrigerators, gas stoves, and dishes.
"Dezinolis" - the drug in the form of a solution is used for the treatment of toilet bowls, sinks, baths. It is necessary to wipe surfaces twice, using for this purpose cloths or sponges.
"Sanitary" and "Sanitary-2" - powder and liquid preparations, respectively. Used for disinfection and cleaning of toilet bowls. For one toilet bowl enough two tablespoons of powder or solution. Contaminated plumbing is wiped twice.
"Surzha" - disinfecting paste for cleaning toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs. On one sink or bath enough 1-2 tablespoons of pasta.
"Gloss" - a preparation in the form of a powder for disinfection and cleaning of sanitary equipment. 1-2 tablespoons of "Glitter" are enough for one treatment.
“Whiteness” is a well-known tool that perfectly disinfects toilet bowls, sinks, baths, as well as linen and cotton underwear. Plumbing is treated with a solution of "Whiteness" and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. The linen is soaked for half an hour in a solution prepared from one liter of water and 1-2 tablespoons of the product.
"Belka" - powder for disinfection and bleaching of linen. Use a solution of 2 tablespoons of the drug and 10 liters of hot water. Soaking time is 15 minutes.
"Ural" - the drug in the form of a powder is dissolved in water (1 tbsp of product per 3 liters of water) and is used for disinfection and bleaching of linen. For cleaning sanitary products powder is used in its pure form.
“Chloric lime” - white powder is recommended for disinfecting procedures in toilets and for bleaching fabrics. Not used for the processing of synthetics, wool and colored fabrics. Apply only the clarified part of the solution, which is obtained after sludge, diluted in 40 liters of water and 1 kg of bleach. Infuse the solution for at least two hours.

How to clean the microwave inside of fat

During the epidemic of influenza and various viral infections, you and all households can be saved from disease by careful and timely disinfection of your house or apartment. Use for processing can be suitable and convenient for you methods and means. And do not forget that preventive measures are always easier, cheaper and more efficient than eliminating the consequences.


Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs (Pack of 3)

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs (Pack of 3)

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs (Pack of 3)

Disinfection methods ᐉ What methods are used for disinfection

Earlier we considered the types of disinfection . Recall that disinfection is prophylactic and focal. The latter, in turn, is divided into current and final.

Preventive disinfection is carried out in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of the pathogen in the environment. Focal disinfection is carried out in the environment of the infected patient (current) and after its isolation, discharge or transfer to another department (final).

What methods are used for disinfection?

There are five main methods of disinfection: chemical, physical, mechanical, biological and combined . Each of these methods is used in practice, both separately and in combination with others.
Chemical disinfection method

Chemical - the main method of disinfection, which is the use of various chemicals and their compounds for the destruction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms on surfaces, inside objects and environmental objects, as well as in air and various substrates.

The main methods of disinfection with the use of chemical disinfectants:

irrigation of treatment facilities using special disinfection technology;
applying an aerosol disinfectant to the treatment objects with a spray;
immersion in the working solution of the disinfectant of dishes, medical devices, manicure tools, patient care products, equipment, etc .;
wiping various surfaces with a cloth moistened with a disinfectant working solution.

Preparations that are used for disinfection must meet a number of requirements, including: a wide range of antimicrobial activity, safety for humans and the environment, good water solubility, effectiveness when interacting with organic pollutants, neutral odor and others
Physical method

Disinfection by the physical method is carried out with the help of the impact on the object of disinfection of various physical factors: boiling, piercing, burning, using the action of ultraviolet radiation, etc.

The basis of the physical method is heat treatment. Most pathogens die at 60-70 ° C, but their spores are able to withstand higher temperatures.

Selection of a specific method, be it boiling or exposure to ultraviolet, depends on many factors, including the purpose of disinfection, the type of object being treated, the type of pathogen, the conditions in which disinfection and others take place.
Mechanical disinfection method

Mechanical disinfection is carried out in order to reduce the concentration of microorganisms in environmental objects. Mechanical methods include wet cleaning, washing hands, removing the contaminated soil layer, filtering the water, cleaning the rooms with a vacuum cleaner, etc.

It should be noted that mechanical disinfection does not destroy microbes, but only partially removes them from the objects of disinfection, performing auxiliary function. This method is also used for sanitizing people, filtering air, water and other liquids, etc.

All mechanical techniques are aimed at:

cleansing the treated objects from dirt, grease and protein particles;
removal of a certain number of microorganisms on the surface of human hands, objects, in the air and in water.

The quality of mechanical disinfection directly depends on the device used for this purpose. For example, wet cleaning with rags and brushes gives significantly better results than dry.
Biological and combined methods

The biological method of disinfection consists in the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases by antagonist microbes.

Antagonism of microorganisms - the type of relationship of microorganisms, in which one strain completely destroys or slows the growth of another.

In modern disinfection, this method is no longer used because of its complexity.

The combined method is based on a combination of several of the above disinfection methods.


Lysol Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Lemon and Lime Blossom, 35 Count Canister, Pack of 3,Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Lemon and Lime Blossom, 35 Count Canister, Pack of 3,Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Lemon and Lime Blossom, 35 Count Canister, Pack of 3,Packaging May Vary

Modern methods of disinfecting indoor air

The incidence rate due to microbiological pollution of the indoor air environment remains high today. Most pathogens are transmitted by air and airborne droplets. This problem is especially acute in places with large concentrations of people and poorly ventilated indoor areas, as well as in rooms with air recirculation. Preventing the spread of disease - the main task of the process of air disinfection. The article discusses modern methods of combating pathogenic microflora in the premises.

Modern methods of disinfecting indoor air
The incidence rate due to microbiological pollution of the indoor air environment remains high today. Most pathogens are transmitted by air and airborne droplets. This problem is especially acute in places with large concentrations of people and poorly ventilated indoor areas, as well as in rooms with air recirculation. Preventing the spread of disease - the main task of the process of air disinfection. The article discusses modern methods of combating pathogenic microflora in the premises.

Ultraviolet radiation (ultraviolet, UV, UV) is electromagnetic radiation covering the wavelength range from 100 to 400 nm of the optical spectrum of electromagnetic waves, that is, between visible and X-ray radiation. Types of ultraviolet radiation are presented in table. one.

The use of ultraviolet energy at the present time is becoming increasingly relevant, since it is one of the main methods for inactivating viruses, bacteria and fungi. Under the inactivation of microorganisms understand the loss of their ability to reproduce after sterilization or disinfection [2].

Ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength range of 205–315 nm has a bactericidal effect; it causes destructive-modifying photochemical damage to the DNA of the microorganism cell nucleus. Changes in the DNA of microorganisms accumulate and lead to a slowdown in their reproduction rates and further extinction in the first and subsequent generations. As a result of a number of observations, it was noted that the impact of energy in the range of the UVC spectrum is most effective from a bactericidal point of view at a wavelength of 254 nm.

Live microbial cells respond differently to ultraviolet radiation, depending on wavelengths (Table 2).

Ultraviolet radiation equipment
Ultraviolet bactericidal exposure to air is effected using ultraviolet radiation equipment, the principle of which is based on passing an electrical discharge through a rarefied gas (including mercury vapor) inside the sealed enclosure, resulting in radiation.

Radiating equipment is bactericidal lamps, irradiators and installations. A bactericidal lamp is an artificial source of radiation, in the spectrum of which there is predominantly bactericidal radiation in the wavelength range of 205–315 nm. The most widespread, due to the highly efficient conversion of electrical energy into radiation, were low-pressure discharge mercury lamps, in which the process of electrical discharge in an argon-mercury mixture turns into radiation with a wavelength of 253.7 nm. These lamps have a long service life - 5 000– 8 000 hours. Known high-pressure mercury lamps, which, with small overall dimensions, have a large unit capacity - from 100 to 1,000 W, which allows in some cases to reduce the number of irradiators in a bactericidal installation. On the other hand, they are not very economical, have low bactericidal efficacy with a service life of 10 times less than low-pressure lamps, and therefore have not found wide application.

A number of the largest electric-bulb companies (Philips, Osram, Radium, Sylvania, etc.) are currently engaged in the development and production of UV lamps for photobiological installations.

In Russia, manufacturers are known: OJSC Lisma-VNIIIS (Saransk), NPO LIT (Moscow), OJSC SKB Xenon (Zelenograd), OOO VNISI (Moscow). The nomenclature of lamps is quite wide and varied. UV lamps are used to sterilize water, air and surfaces.

For a more rational use in practice of bactericidal lamps, it is advisable to embed them in bactericidal irradiators. A bactericidal irradiator is an electrical device consisting of a bactericidal lamp (s), a control gear, a reflective armature and a number of other auxiliary elements. By design, irradiators are divided into three groups: open, combined and closed. Open feeds are usually attached to the ceiling or wall, combined - to the wall and can be with or without reflectors. In open feeds, a direct bactericidal stream covers a wide zone in space up to the solid angle. They are intended for the process of disinfection of premises only in the absence of people or during their short-term stay. In closed irradiators, they are sometimes called recirculators, the lamps are located in a small closed enclosure of the irradiator and the bactericidal stream has no outlet outside the enclosure, therefore irradiators can be used when people are in the room. Bactericidal energy deactivates the majority of viruses and bacteria entering the indoor unit along with the air flow. Diffusers are provided in the irradiator housing, through which the air enters the device with the help of the built-in fan, where it falls under the source of UV radiation in the closed space of the indoor unit, and then returns to the room. Closed irradiators are placed, as a rule, on the walls of rooms, evenly around the perimeter, in the direction of the main air flow (often near heating devices) at a height of 1.5–2.0 m from the floor level.

Combined feeds are usually supplied with two bactericidal lamps, separated by a screen so that the flow from one lamp is directed only to the lower zone of the room, from the other - into the upper zone. Lamps can be switched on together and separately.

Bactericidal installation includes a group of bactericidal irradiators. It can also be a system of forced-air ventilation, the elements of which include germicidal lamps for supplying decontaminated air to the room. The level of bactericidal efficiency of the installation is set in accordance with the medical and technical tasks for its design.

The duration of the bactericidal installation, at which the required level of bactericidal efficiency is achieved, varies depending on the type of feed: for closed feeds, 1–2 hours; for open and combined 0.25–0.5 hours; for supply and exhaust ventilation systems for 1 hour or more.

A separate class of devices is bactericidal equipment as part of the installation of forced ventilation (air conditioning), which allows not to install devices in separate rooms, but to serve entire floors. These are the so-called air disinfection units. They are issued as a part of conditioners of common industrial, medical and hygienic execution. An air disinfection module consisting of a specific number of germicidal lamps and an air filter are usually included in the package of the disinfection unit.

For certain rooms there are requirements for the need for air disinfection. In tab. 3 lists the types of premises to be equipped with bactericidal installations for air disinfection, with an indication of bactericidal efficacy [3]. The most important objects from this position are hospitals, in which the need for air disinfection is strictly regulated [4]. Also issues of air disinfection in the premises of medical institutions are consecrated in [10].

The premises in which they place bactericidal plants are divided into two groups:

- in which the disinfection of air is carried out in the presence of people during the working day by ultraviolet installations with closed irradiators, excluding the possibility of exposure to people in the room;

- in which air disinfection is carried out in the absence of people with bactericidal installations with open or combined irradiators, and the limiting time of people in the room is determined by calculation.

The work of germicidal lamps may be accompanied by the release of ozone. The presence of ozone in the air in high concentrations is dangerous to human health, therefore the rooms where the facilities are located should be ventilated with either general exchange ventilation and exhaust ventilation, or through window openings with an air exchange rate of at least one krat in 15 minutes.

Table 3
Levels of bactericidal efficiency and bulk bactericidal dose (exposure) of Hv for S. aureus, depending on the categories of premises to be equipped with bactericidal installations for air disinfection

Bactericidal dose and bactericidal (antimicrobial) efficacy
The work of germicidal lamps is characterized by radiometric values. The main ones are bactericidal dose and bactericidal efficacy. The degree of disinfection of air or surfaces depends on the bactericidal dose. The bactericidal dose (ultraviolet radiation dose) or exposure should be understood as the density of the bactericidal radiation energy, or the ratio of the bactericidal radiation energy to the area of ​​the irradiated surface (surface dose, J / m2) or the volume of the irradiated object (volume dose, J / m3) [3].

The effectiveness of microbial irradiation, or bactericidal (antimicrobial) efficiency, is the level of microbial contamination of the air environment or on any surface as a result of ultraviolet radiation. This value is estimated in percent - as the ratio of the number of dead microorganisms to their initial number before irradiation. The bactericidal efficiency of lamps depends mainly on the radiation dose (DUV, J / m2) supplied to microorganisms:

DUV = It, (1)

where I is the average intensity or dose of radiation, J / cm2;

t is the exposure time, s.

The application of this simple-looking equation is rather difficult when taking into account the dose for a particle passing through a device with a variable flux density. The equation describes the process of irradiating a particle with a dose received in a single pass through the device. With repeated exposure to microorganisms (recycling) bactericidal efficiency is doubled.

The survival rate of a microbial or colony forming unit (CFU) exposed to bactericidal exposure depends exponentially on the dose:


where k is the constant deactivation (inactivation), depending on the specific type of CFU m2 / J;

The resulting coefficient of inactivation of a particle in one pass (η) through the radiation field is used as an indicator of the overall radiation efficiency and shows the percentage or proportion of CFUs that are inactivated after one pass through the irradiation field, and also depends on S and is always less than 1:

η = 1 − S. (3)

The values ​​of the parameter k for many species of bacteria, fungi, and mold have been experimentally obtained and may differ from each other by several orders of magnitude. This is due to the methods and conditions of measurement: they are produced in the air stream, in water or on the surface. The reading k is strongly influenced by the error in measuring the survival rate of the microbial culture. In this regard, it is very difficult to choose the right k values ​​for the design conditions of bactericidal systems, and, as a rule, the average or maximum known k values ​​are used for applying equation 2 depending on the goals of disinfection.

Standards for the design and maintenance of germicidal lamps
Despite the fact that the field of application of UV-irradiation technologies is constantly expanding and modern efficient systems are being developed, industry standards for the installation and maintenance of systems do not yet exist. In 2003, ASHRAE created a special group on ultraviolet treatment of air and surfaces, transformed in 2007 into a Technical Committee. In addition, a Standardization Committee was established to develop standards for testing air and surface disinfection systems. To date, two standards for the treatment of air and surfaces by UV radiation and the testing of air disinfection systems are under development. Also this year, a new section on disinfection with ultraviolet radiation has appeared in the ASHRAE manual for building systems and climate control equipment.

In our country in the early 1990s, a number of documents were developed on the rationing of technical requirements for medical equipment [5, 6, 7], and two documents were put into effect: in 2004, “Guidelines on the use of ultraviolet germicidal radiation for air disinfection in premises ”[3] and in 2002“ Guidelines for the design of ultraviolet germicidal plants for disinfecting air ”[8]. In 2004, the Ministry of Health of Russia adopted a Resolution “On the organization and conduct of cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems” [9]. One of its main provisions is the requirement for equipping ventilation and air conditioning systems with bactericidal equipment based on modern ultraviolet technologies.

Duct air disinfection systems
Built-in bactericidal systems are recommended to be installed inside the air ducts or the casing of the air handling units for disinfection of internal surfaces and air supplied to the room (Fig. 1). In this case, there is either instantaneous inactivation of microorganisms, or a slowdown in the growth of their number. The zones of formation and accumulation of moisture, for example, drain pallets, are particularly dangerous. The use of ultra-fine filters is recommended (GOST R 51252-99. Air purification filters. Classification. Marking), despite the fact that they have high hydraulic resistance, cost and short service life.

Surface disinfection systems
Before starting the operation of the disinfection systems, surfaces should be cleaned, especially those that come into contact with moisture, from mold or microbial deposits. It is recommended to install germicidal lamps in close proximity to the cooling circuits in increments that allow even distribution of UV energy. To improve the efficiency of the lamps, reflecting devices are used (Fig. 2). The methods of installing the lamps can be different: before or after the cooling circuit and at any angle, it is only important that the UV energy penetrates to all points of the fins of the air coolers. The second method is often used because of the presence, firstly, of the available free space, and secondly, because of the possibility of open irradiation of the drain pan.

The principle of operation of a bactericidal installation with reflectors installed inside the duct
Figure 2.

The principle of operation of a bactericidal installation with reflectors installed inside the duct

Places for placement of lamps depend on the design of the air handling unit and the type of lamps used, the most common is the installation of lamps at a distance of 0.9–1.0 m from the cooling circuit during round-the-clock operation. Continuous exposure to UV irradiation provides a dose of ultraviolet radiation needed to prevent the development of microorganisms at low radiation intensity.

Air disinfection
The work of bactericidal systems, sufficient for disinfecting surfaces, is not always effective in the case of air disinfection. Although properly designed systems can handle both air and surfaces at the same time. They are usually not equipped with reflective devices that block the flow of ultraviolet energy (Fig. 3). It is possible to increase system performance by improving the overall reflectivity of the internal surfaces of ducts or inlet installations. This leads to an enhanced reflection of UV energy in the irradiation zone and an increase in the UV dose. The main purpose of using lamps is to evenly distribute the UV energy in all directions of engineering structures, regardless of their type.

The principle of operation of a bactericidal installation without reflectors
Figure 3.

The principle of operation of a bactericidal installation without reflectors

When designing bactericidal systems, the velocity of air in the ducts should be taken at a rate of 2.5 m / s. Under these conditions, the duration of exposure to UV radiation on the air flow is 1 s. Interestingly, the required dose of UV irradiation for the inactivation of microorganisms contained both on the surface and in the air flow is the same. To achieve the process of inactivation in a shorter time, higher levels of exposure are required. To do this, increase the reflectivity of the internal surfaces of the air ducts and (or) take to install a larger number of high-power lamps.

Air velocity of 2.5 m / s corresponds to the length of the irradiation zone not less than 0.6 m or the exposure time of the irradiation of microorganisms equal to 0.25 s. Usually bactericidal irradiators are placed in the inlet installations after the heating (cooling) circuits. There are cases of installation of lamps in front of the air heater (cooler), which leads to a decrease in the air flow rate or an increase in the exposure time of the irradiators, and the disinfection of the drain pan is also hampered.

Bactericidal systems with the joint operation of supply and exhaust ventilation systems are recommended to be used in premises with a constant stay of a large number of people or groups of people with a reduced immune barrier (hospitals, prisons, shelters) to prevent the spread of airborne infections (for example, staphylococcus, streptococcus, tuberculosis , flu, etc.) in the mode of permanent work. In rooms with no people at night, for example, in office buildings, shopping centers, etc., it is possible to use such systems in periodic mode, with switching off during off-hours to save energy and increase lamp life. Periodic operation should be foreseen at the design stage of the systems when equipment capacities are determined.

Systems for air disinfection of the upper zone of the premises
Radiation systems designed to disinfect the air in the upper zone of the room are attached to the ceiling or on the walls of the room at a height of at least 2.1 m above the floor level (Fig. 4).

Bactericidal plants for air treatment of the upper zone of the room
Figure 4.

Bactericidal plants for air treatment of the upper zone of the room

In this case, the lamps are equipped with screens to reflect the radiation upwards in order to intensify the UV irradiation of the upper zone of the room, while maintaining minimal levels of exposure in the working area (Fig. 5). Inactivation of microorganisms occurs during the irradiation of air passing above the lamps. There are bactericidal systems with built-in fans to improve the mixing of air, which greatly increases the overall efficiency of the systems.

The principle of operation of wall bactericidal installations for the treatment of air in the upper zone of the room
Figure 5.

The principle of operation of wall-mounted bactericidal installations for the treatment of air in the upper zone of the room. Depending on the height of the room, open-type lamps or with screens that prevent radiation from entering the upper zone are used. Open-type lamps provide intensive irradiation of the upper zone of the room, while maintaining a safe level of UV irradiation in the working area. The mechanical ventilation system mixes air in the irradiation zone. Ceiling type irradiators can also be used. 1 - disinfection system with indoor screens, 2.4–2.7 m high; 2 - disinfection system for rooms higher than 2.7 m

Ceiling or wall-type air disinfection systems should be used either independently in the absence of supply and exhaust ventilation systems with built-in irradiators, or in conjunction with it for more effective inactivation of microorganisms. Rules for the use and placement of UV lamps should be consistent with the passport of the equipment manufacturers. As the experience of using irradiators showed, the use of one lamp with a nominal power of 30 watts on average for every 18.6 m2 of the irradiated surface is sufficient, although it is known that lamps of such power do not always have the same efficiency, often it depends on the type of lamp manufacturer and many factors. As a result, a number of new studies have recommendations for the installation of lamps. The main requirement is to ensure uniform distribution of radiation in the upper zone of a room with a power in the range of 30–50 W / m2, which is considered sufficient for inactivation of cells containing Mycobacterium and most viruses. The efficiency of disinfection greatly increases with air mixing in the room, for which it is desirable to use mechanical ventilation systems or at least fans installed directly in the room.

The main parameters affecting the operation of disinfection systems
Relative humidity
At a relative humidity of more than 80%, the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation decreases by 30% due to the screening effect of microorganisms. The dustiness of the flasks of lamps and reflectors of the irradiator reduces the value of the bactericidal flow by up to 10%. At room temperature and relative humidity up to 70%, these factors can be neglected. The influence of relative humidity on the behavior of microorganisms (k-value) is noted, although it is not fully substantiated, since studies do not provide permanent results. The relationship between relative humidity and susceptibility of microorganisms depends on their species, but nevertheless the best effect of inactivation is noted with an increase in relative humidity up to 70% and higher. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use these systems at a relative humidity of no higher than 60% from the condition of ensuring the required air quality and microbial seeding level. As a rule, systems for disinfecting indoor air work in conditions of low relative humidity, channel systems - at higher. The relationship between relative humidity and inactivation efficiency requires further study.

Air temperature and speed
The change in air temperature in the room affects the radiation power of the lamp and the UV dose. When the ambient temperature is less than or equal to 10 or 40 ° C or more, the value of the bactericidal flux of the lamps decreases by 10% of the nominal. As the room temperature falls below 10 ° C, ignition of the lamps becomes difficult and the sputtering of the electrodes increases, which leads to a reduction in the service life of the lamps. Also the lifetime is affected by the number of inclusions, each of which reduces the total lifetime of the lamps by 2 hours. The UV performance of duct systems varies from 100% to 60% depending on temperature changes and the air flow rate inside the duct, in particular, in systems with variable flow rates, where both parameters change simultaneously. The effect of temperature and air velocity should be considered when designing in-channel systems to maintain constant efficiency under all operating conditions. The susceptibility of microorganisms to radiation does not depend on temperature and air velocity.

The reflectivity of the irradiated surfaces
Improving the reflectivity of ducts increases the efficiency of the systems installed inside them and is a very economical way, since all the reflected energy is added to the direct energy when calculating the UV dose. Not every surface that reflects visible light reflects UV energy. For example, polished copper reflects most of the visible light, and ultraviolet - only 10%. The reflectivity of the galvanized steel from which the air ducts are made is approximately 55%. Also, to increase the efficiency of irradiation, it is advisable to veneer the air ducts with aluminum or other reflective materials.

The reflectivity of surfaces is useful for duct systems, but can be dangerous for ceilings, when applied, the surfaces of ceilings or walls should eliminate the reflection of UV rays from surfaces located at a distance of 3 m or less from the open side of the illuminator. Reflections from surfaces should be eliminated by applying low-reflective paints or coatings, but maintaining the required irradiation of the upper area of ​​the room and at the same time reducing the impact of UV on people in the working area of ​​the room.

The effect of UV rays on surface quality
Exposure to UV rays does not affect the physicochemical properties of inorganic materials, such as metal or glass, organic materials are destroyed fairly quickly. Thus, synthetic filter elements, gaskets, rubber, motor windings, electrical insulation, internal insulation of air ducts, plastic pipes located 1.8 m or less from the lamps inside the air handling units or air ducts should be protected from UV radiation in order to avoid damage. Otherwise, the safety of the entire system may be impaired.

Ceiling devices do not seriously harm the quality of building structures, with the exception of peeling paint or cracking coatings. Therefore, the irradiated surface is recommended to be made of materials resistant to UV radiation. Paper products: books, documents and various items stored in the upper part of the premises may discolor or dry out. There have been cases of negative effects of irradiators located in the upper zone of the room, on plants. These problems are completely eliminated by proper maintenance of the systems and removal of UV-sensitive objects from the irradiation zone.


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Sanitary treatment of the population, disinfection of buildings and structures

Partial sanitization
As a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, pockets of radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological contamination may occur. Under these conditions, people, animals, as well as territory, workplaces, apartments, and other materiel may become infected. Therefore, in order to eliminate the possibility of injury, it is necessary to carry out works on disinfection and sanitization.

Disinfection - the decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of infected surfaces.

Decontamination is carried out when contaminated with radioactive substances in order to remove them from contaminated sites to acceptable standards.

Degassing consists of disinfecting poisonous substances and their removal from infected surfaces.

Disinfection refers to the destruction of pathogenic microbes and the destruction of toxins.

In the event that an adversary of carriers of infectious diseases is used by the enemy, a disinsection is organized - the extermination of infected insects, ticks or deratization is carried out - the destruction of rodents.

Sanitary treatment of people - is the removal of radioactive and toxic substances, as well as bacteriological agents from the skin and mucous membranes of humans.

When people sanitize people, decontamination, degassing and disinfection of clothes, shoes and personal protective equipment is carried out.

Depending on the conditions of holding, the availability of time and the means available, measures for decontamination and sanitization are divided into partial and complete.

Partial measures for the decontamination of materials and sanitation of people are prophylactic. They are carried out during chemical contamination directly in the lesion, and in case of radioactive contamination, after leaving the lesion.

Full disinfection is carried out at stationary washing points, clothes disinfection stations, as well as at special treatment points (pads) deployed outside the lesion focus. Partial sanitization is usually a preliminary measure before a more thorough sanitization, and it must be carried out after people leave (withdrawal) from the infected area.

When contaminated with poisonous substances, partial sanitization consists of degassing poisonous substances (OM) that have got on the skin, clothing, shoes and protective equipment.

For carrying out partial sanitization apply individual anti-chemical package (IPP). Dimensions and shape of the package are convenient for its practical application and carrying a gas mask in a pocket. The package is intended for degassing of organic matter on open skin areas (face, neck, hands) and certain parts of clothing (collar, cuffs). In addition, it is possible, in some cases, the degassing of the front part of the gas mask and small parts and objects that are dangerous. When infected with pathogenic microbes and toxins, partial sanitization should, whenever possible, be carried out immediately after the fact of infection has been established or left the infected area.

Partial sanitation when contaminated with radioactive substances is the mechanical removal of radioactive substances from the skin, clothing and shoes. It is carried out by the population independently after leaving the polluted area.

Removal of radioactive dust from clothing, footwear and protective equipment is performed by shaking, knocking out, sweeping and rubbing.

With a lack of water, wipe open skin with a wet swab. Tampons can be moistened with IPP solutions.

Radioactive substances are removed from exposed skin by washing with water or wiping with a wet tampon (towels).

In case of radioactive contamination, partial sanitization involves washing the hands, face, neck, and other open areas of the body with clean water, as well as rinsing and washing the mouth and nose.

Full sanitization
Full sanitation, as well as partial, is the removal of radioactive and toxic substances or bacterial agents, but unlike it is in the nature of the final preventive measures for the destruction of people and maintaining their efficiency. It is performed more thoroughly, while not only individual infected skin areas are treated, but also the entire surface of the body with soap and washcloth.

All people who were in the contaminated area must undergo a complete sanitary treatment. It is carried out, as a rule, in pre-equipped stationary washing stations, baths, shower pavilions, sanitary inspection rooms, or on platforms specially developed for this purpose using mobile means. Under favorable summer conditions, complete sanitization is carried out on open flowing reservoirs or on a river.

People who come in contaminated clothes and need to be fully sanitized are sent to locker rooms, where they take off and transfer their clothes to a specially equipped room to collect contaminated clothing and prepare it for decontamination. Further, all arrivals pass to the room where the medical staff examines the affected, helps them in the treatment of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth, and also provides the necessary medical care to those in need. At the entrance to the shower room people get soap and washcloths made from soft materials or rags. Each consumes about 40 g of soap and 30–35 liters of water heated to 38–40 ° C.

Sanitary processing lasts no more than 30 minutes. (undressing - 5 minutes, washing in the shower - 15 minutes and dressing - 10 minutes). After washing, people move to the dressing room, where they are subjected to repeated medical examination, and during radioactive contamination - to dosimetric control. If in this case the residual contamination of people turns out to be higher than permissible, then they are returned back to the shower room, where they undergo repeated washing.

In the dressing room, people who have undergone sanitary treatment receive their decontaminated clothes, shoes, dress and leave the stationary washing station, without meeting with the flow of people heading to the sanitary treatment center. In cases where the complexity and duration of clothing disinfection regimes exclude the possibility of its timely return to people who have undergone sanitary treatment, they give out clean linen, bathrobes, slippers and other articles of clothing from the stock of stationary washing points (exchange fund).

Sanitary treatment of people infected with radioactive and toxic substances or bacterial agents and having injuries, burns, contusions and other injuries, is organized by the medical service of civil defense in its formations.

Decontamination of clothes and shoes is made:

1. Clothing not resistant to decontamination
2. Control of complete decontamination
3. Warehouse of non-decontaminated property
4. Deactivation of protective clothing
5. Decontamination of clothes
6. Water tanks
7. Deactivation of gas masks
8. Decontamination of shoes (A - clean, B - dirty half of the site)

Decontamination of clothing and footwear is performed by knocking out, knocking over, shaking out or wiping with decontamination solutions, and in the absence, with water. After treatment, dosimetry monitoring is performed. Upon detection of contamination above the permissible rate of decontamination is repeated.

Disinfection of vehicles, buildings and territories
Decontamination of the territory

Decontamination, degassing and disinfection are only limited and the most important parts of the territory, roads, passages and certain parts of the area. During decontamination and disinfection of the territory, the site used chemical and mechanical methods. Degassing and disinfection by watering with degassing solutions is performed by filling stations, irrigation, agricultural and other machines, evenly spraying degassing solutions. Mechanical methods of degassing, disinfecting a territory, a site include: cutting and removing an infected layer of soil or snow, insulation with a layer of non-infected material, and flooring. Disinfection of a territory or certain parts of a locality is performed by spraying insecticidal preparations with solutions and emulsions, as well as by dusting these preparations with dusting.

Disinfection of buildings and structures

In assessing the amount of upcoming work on decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of administrative, household and residential buildings, various types of buildings and structures of urban and industrial nature are usually guided by the same as in the disinfection of the territory.

Ways of decontamination of surfaces of buildings and structures:

• washing with water;
• washing with detergents and formulations;
• gas-liquid method;
• vacuum decontamination;
• sandblasting;
• chipping and scraping.

It should be remembered that, under all conditions, the processes of degassing of buildings and structures are mainly superficial in nature; therefore, in the first hours after processing, it is necessary to observe precautions. The outer surfaces of the structures, which cannot be left to natural disinfection due to the danger of hitting people (radiation, evaporation, toxic substances, etc.), are processed in a certain sequence. Processing begins with the roofs and upper parts of the walls located on the windward side.

The order of processing from top to bottom and taking into account the direction of the wind are necessary in order to avoid re-infection of previously treated surfaces as a result of the spreading of sewage and solutions or the drift of spray and dust by the wind.

During decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of service and residential premises, where abundant use of water and working solutions is undesirable, the infected surfaces are moistened and sprayed with detergent or degassing (disinfectant) solutions. At the same time they are rubbed with brushes, brushes, rags. After that, the treated surfaces are washed with clean water and again wiped with a clean rag. Before disinfection, light things are taken out of the premises and processed separately, and bulky disinfects simultaneously with the room.

Disinfection of vehicles, machinery and equipment

Urban transport, cars, as well as construction, road, agricultural and other machines are disinfected in cases where the degree of contamination is so high that their further use as intended is dangerous for the maintenance personnel and the people around them.

Depending on the conditions and methods of treatment, the means used in this process, it is customary to subdivide the disinfection of transport and equipment into partial and complete.

Partial decontamination, degassing or disinfection of vehicles and equipment consist in the removal of radioactive substances or the neutralization of toxic substances and bacterial agents on the surfaces of objects with which the personnel is in contact with the process. During decontamination by a stream of water, the entire surface of an infected object is sequentially washed from top to bottom with a strong stream of water, paying particular attention to the grooves, cracks and crevices. To flush water does not flow into the cabin or body, the doors, windows and windshields are tightly closed beforehand.

Full disinfection of cars, tractors, bulldozers and other machines is produced outside the contaminated area, at the stations of disinfection of transport.


CaviWipes Metrex Disinfecting Towelettes Canister Wipes, 160 Count

CaviWipes Metrex Disinfecting Towelettes Canister Wipes, 160 Count

CaviWipes Metrex Disinfecting Towelettes Canister Wipes, 160 Count

Safe disinfection and cleaning of surfaces contaminated with biological fluids

What are dangerous surfaces contaminated with biological fluids?
Of course, the greatest danger is blood contamination. Medical personnel should always be alert to this kind of pollution, since any spilled blood can potentially contain viruses of parenteral hepatitis or HIV. In this case, contaminated surfaces can be a factor in the transmission of these dangerous infections.

Other biological fluids (saliva, sputum, vomit, feces, etc.) are not so dangerous. Surfaces contaminated with these fluids cannot cause the spread of HIV and parenteral hepatitis. However, it may well be a factor in the transmission of other infectious diseases, in particular, acute intestinal infections, tuberculosis, influenza, etc.

How is cleaning done when contaminated with biological fluids?
In medical institutions daily wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants should be carried out. When cleaning, floors, walls, doors, surfaces of equipment and hard furniture, etc. are disinfected by wiping. The best option is to use disinfectants with detergent properties, which will combine the disinfection of the surface with its washing. Of course, technicians should clean with personal protective equipment.

In general, the current cleaning in the premises of the medical institution is carried out according to the regime used for bacterial infections. However, disinfection of surfaces contaminated with biological fluids and in particular with blood must be carried out according to the regime used for parenteral hepatitis.

Before cleaning, a medical professional must inspect the premises for visible contamination with body fluids. If you detect blood spills on the floor, furniture, equipment surfaces, etc., you must first of all treat this contaminated area of ​​the room.

For small contaminants, wipe the surface contaminated with blood with a separate cloth, which is abundantly moistened in the working solution of the disinfectant. Fifteen minutes later, the manipulation is repeated.

For large spills of blood, first puddle the puddle with paper napkins or rags. After the liquid is absorbed, soiled napkins (rags) are placed in a container for hazardous waste. Then twice treated contaminated surface disinfectants. After that, they are already starting to carry out the current cleaning of the entire premises.

Effective disinfectants for surface disinfection
When choosing disinfectants, first of all, you need to pay attention to the range of their actions. So, for the treatment of surfaces contaminated with biological fluids, it is necessary to use disinfectants with a wide spectrum of action. This means that this disinfectant is effective against most microorganisms, including the HIV and hepatitis viruses.

To disinfect surfaces, we recommend using such disinfectants with a wide spectrum of action based on active chlorine, for example:


Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes - Clean Refreshing Scent, Non-Alcohol Wipes, 40 Count Canisters, 6 Pack

Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes - Clean Refreshing Scent, Non-Alcohol Wipes, 40 Count Canisters, 6 Pack

Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes - Clean Refreshing Scent, Non-Alcohol Wipes, 40 Count Canisters, 6 Pack

UV systems for air and surface disinfection

Excessive technological impact on the environment, inefficient use of resources, outdated technologies are among the main causes of widespread intensive pollution of air and various surfaces. Especially dangerous among them is microbiological, characterized by the presence of yeast, mold, microflora, viruses, spore forms of microorganisms, bacteria that are dangerous for human life.

Understanding the importance of the problem for a comfortable life and health of people, the company Ekovodstroytekh developed and began to produce special UV systems, with the help of which UV disinfection of surfaces and air from microbes has become simple, low-cost and affordable.

The equipment offered by the company UV differs in introduction of modern technologies of disinfecting. According to the characteristics, the level of disinfection of surfaces and air exceeds the proposals of competitors. Available among analogues for financial costs necessary for implementation in production.

The principle of operation of UV systems
The UV disinfection systems offered by the Ekovodstroytekh company operate on the principle of irradiating microorganisms with ultraviolet radiation. Studies conducted by specialists have shown its detrimental effect on cellular DNA of microbes. And either in the first generation, or later.

In practice, this is implemented in different instrument series in different ways. UV air disinfection is carried out inside the case. Its movement near quartz lamps is provided by built-in fans. Microorganisms on surfaces are destroyed by direct UV irradiation.

When following the rules of operation, UV disinfection of surfaces and air by these systems is not dangerous for humans and animals.

Spheres of application
The installations of UV disinfection of surfaces and air offered by the company "Ekovodstroytech" are in high demand among Customers, have positive reviews.

Among our many clients:

food industry enterprises;
health care;
pharmaceutical industry;
trade, food enterprises;
agro-industrial complexes: dairy and meat workshops, farms, poultry farms.
Range of UV disinfection systems
The company "Ekovodstroytech" offers Customers 3 different series of ultraviolet disinfection systems. These are the ODV-RB and ODV-OB series for air cleaning, the ODV-V series for surface treatment.

These systems differ in design, scope and, of course, performance. All devices are equipped with bezosonovye types of UV lamps, safer for people. When working, they do not contribute to an increase in oxygen ions in the air (ozone), and do not increase its oxidative potential.

Structurally, the irradiators are made so that the UV radiation is completely blocked by the body and does not go outside. Thanks to what the equipment can work in rooms where there are people.

Air circulators series
This series of recirculators manufactured by Ekovodstroytech has an hourly capacity from 50 to 2000 m3. Designed to disinfect the air, which is driven by a fan inside the case. It is used to kill microorganisms in the premises.

In the casing of the recirculator there are light guards covering the radiation output to the outside. Time of non-stop equipment operation is not limited. It is not dangerous for people who are in the room during the process of UV air disinfection.

The degree of UV disinfection is almost absolute (99.9%). This is achieved by using UV lamps that optimally match air recirculation.

The instrument cases are collapsible, which is convenient for servicing the devices, quick change of UV-emitting lamps.

All body parts are made entirely of stainless steel food. They are provided with a universal mount, can be placed on the wall vertically and horizontally. By agreement, the company "Ekovodstroytekh" produces suspended appliances.

UV irradiators series ODV-OB
A series of irradiators ODV-OB has hourly productivity from 30 to 200 m3. Designed to create zones free of microbiological contamination at any stage of food processing (storage, packaging, manufacturing, processing). Including in areas with conveyor jobs.

The UV irradiators of the Ekovodstroytekh company provide a 99.9 percent level of disinfection of food products surfaces. What affects the increase of shelf life and protects people from poor-quality food.

All body parts are made entirely of stainless steel food. The overall dimensions of the irradiators may not coincide with the proposed model. They are specified on the technical task.

UV ventilation sections of air disinfection series
This series of UV equipment has an hourly capacity from 500 to 30000m3. Designed for ventilation systems of residential, commercial, industrial buildings, fruit and vegetable storage facilities, medical, preventive institutions, etc.

UV-sections are selected from the company’s products by the category of premises where they are supposed to be installed. They are capable of disinfecting the air from microbiological pollution to the level of 95% ... 99.9%.

Ventilation systems equipped with UV sections improve air performance by microbiological contamination. Able to have a positive impact on the sanitary-epidemiological condition in the premises.

UV sections are manufactured by Ekovodstroytekh, taking into account the technical specifications of the Customer. Cases of devices can be made of stainless or galvanized steel.

In the company "Ekovodstroytech" order the installation of UV air disinfection is quite simple. To do this, call and get professional advice from our experts. You can also fill out a questionnaire that will allow you to choose the equipment more accurately for your specifications.


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Operation of chlorine disinfection plants

For disinfection of water is used chlorine in a gaseous state and in the form of compounds (bleach, hypochlorites, etc.). Chlorination of drinking water with a daily consumption of up to 50 kg, as a rule, is allowed to produce only from cylinders. With a chlorine consumption of more than 50 kg / day, both cylinders and drums-containers with a capacity of 1000 liters can be used.

The piping from cylinders or barrels is connected to vacuum chlorinators in series through a coil evaporator and a mud tank with a capacity of 50-70 liters with a siphon tube. On the collector collector between the cylinders (or barrel) on the scales and the evaporator, an eyeliner-spiral is arranged for the free operation of the scales.

Maintenance of the chlorination plant in this case consists in changing the cylinders, starting and stopping the chlorinators, and identifying and rectifying faults.

Preparation and replacement of cylinders must be carried out in a specific sequence. Before attaching the cylinder to the chlorinator, you must make sure that there is chlorine gas in the cylinder, clean the discharge tube and the valve channel from contaminants that could get there when the cylinder was filled at the factory, turn on the fan (you can turn it off only after replacing the cylinder gas leakage), put a gas mask on and put chlorine from the spare bottle into the chlorinator by opening the stop valve in the cylinder head. Without removing the gas mask, close the stop valves in the cylinder head and on the inlet tube, then release the collar at the head, remove the cylinder and transport it to the designated storage space. Without removing the gas mask, carefully transport the fresh bottle into the chlorinators room and replace the removed bottle.

When preparing the cylinder, the tightness of the connection of the supply pipe to the cylinder should be checked and the detected gas leakage eliminated. It is better to use klingerite boiled in oil as a gasket (lead gaskets break down the pipes and break up).

With several cylinders working simultaneously, the actuated cylinder can be detected by the temperature of its walls, which in this case becomes close to the room temperature; cylinders containing gas, much colder (to the touch). With one cylinder in operation, the moment of its emptying is easy to install using a pressure gauge (which in this case should show 1.5-2.0 atm).

The start and stop of the chlorinator are also carried out in a specific sequence according to the instructions for this chlorinator.

1. When starting the chlorinator, turn on the fan in the chlorinators, put on the gas mask and, after entering the room, check for gas leaks. To do this, a piece of cotton (or cloth) moistened with ammonia should be brought to those places where gas leakage is possible. The appearance of white haze, which is the result of the reaction of chlorine and ammonia vapors, will indicate the leakage of chlorine in this place.
2. Making sure that the regulator and bleed valves of the chlorinator are closed, slowly open the stop valve in the cylinder head, and then slowly open the valve on the supply pipe; as a result, the gas in the tube will flow through the filter into the pressure reducing valve. The high-pressure gauge should show in this case the pressure in the cylinder about 6 atm at 15 ° C.
3. Check for chlorine leakage from the cylinder to the chlorinator.
4. Open the shut-off valve (if any) on the pipeline that discharges the chlorine water and the shut-off valve on the pipe that supplies water to the chlorinator. Smoothly opening the starting valve at the water pressure reducing valve, let it through the mixer into the pipeline draining the chlorine water. Smoothly opening the starting valve at the pressure reducing valve for chlorine, let the chlorine flow, which, passing the gauge and non-return valve, will flow into the mixer and through it into the pipeline discharging the chlorine water.
5. When the chlorinator is momentarily stopped, it is sufficient to close the regulating valve. If the chlorinator stops for a long time, close the cylinder valve, the stop valve on the supply pipe and the regulating valve and open the drain valve. Also close the water tap.

The required intensity of chlorine gas extraction directly from the vessel should be provided by the influx of heat from the ambient air through the container wall due to natural convection or forced blowing and justified by calculations agreed with the specialized organization. It is forbidden to heat the walls of vessels with open fire and pour water. Frosting of the vessel walls is not allowed. The number of simultaneously operating vessels should not be more than two per line.

Chlorine sampling should be carried out with constant monitoring of the chlorine consumption, the end of the emptying of the tank, the pressure in the system on the lines of liquid and gaseous chlorine and to exclude the possibility of water entering the process pipelines and chlorine containers.

During the operation of water and wastewater disinfection systems, the staff must:

a) maintain the specified mode of operation of the main and auxiliary equipment, ensure their trouble-free operation;
b) monitor compliance with the prescribed consumption of disinfectant;
c) control the concentration of residual chlorine in water (waste water) in the prescribed time interval;
d) carry out an audit of chlorinators and stop valves at least once a quarter (with replacement of stuffing box), an audit of mud collectors - at least once every 2 years with two chlorinators and annually with a greater number of chlorinators;
e) in time for the schedule to carry out the outage of equipment;
e) periodically take samples of water after disinfection for microbiological analysis;
g) follow the indications of instrumentation and the functioning of automation equipment;
h) take steps to troubleshoot installations;
i) monitor the operation of ventilation systems, including emergency;
j) follow the monitoring system for chlorine content in the air of the working area;
l) keep records of the consumption of reagents, electricity, water for the own needs of disinfection facilities;
m) comply with safety requirements.
Chlorination (chlorine storage) should be equipped with systems for localizing and neutralizing accidental release. These systems should ensure the elimination of the consequences of accidents caused by the release of chlorine from one vessel of maximum capacity (container - 1000 kg, cylinder - 50 kg).

During the operation of electrolysis plants for the production of chlorine agents, in addition to the listed rules, one should be guided by the manufacturer’s instructions.


Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent & Fresh Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 2)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent & Fresh Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 2)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent & Fresh Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 2)


In the process of processing the surface of eggs, it is necessary to periodically monitor the effectiveness of disinfection. Samples for the study of bacterial contamination of the shell surface are taken immediately before treatment in an amount not less than

5-10 pcs. from the party, from different places, and after disinfection - in the amount of 10 pcs. from the party, pledged in the chamber or washed with disinfectants on the machine. For the examination of each egg, a sterile gauze napkin (5x5 cm), folded as a tampon, and a wide-mouth flask with 30-50 divisions with beads and with 5 ml of sterile tap water or neutralizing solution (0.1% sodium sulfite solution with 1 % solution of sodium carbonate).

The egg for the test is taken sterile (flamed) with ring-shaped ends with forceps and wiped in mutually perpendicular directions with a sterile gauze pad dipped in a flask with beads. Gauze swab with tweezers is washed in a flask, wring out and again wipe the surface of the egg shell. After re-wiping, the swab is dipped in a flask, washed with beads, and after 10 minutes they begin to examine this liquid. For this purpose, add 0.5 ml of it into two tubes with meat-peptone broth (BCH) and 6 Petri dishes, of which 3 are poured with meat-peptone agar (MPA) diluted and cooled to 40–45 ° C and 3 with Saburo agar.

The results of sowing take into account after their temperature control on BCH and MPA at 37 ° C, and on Saburo agar at 20-22 ° C after 24, 48 and 72 hours. If there is growth on MPA, after disinfection, the number of colonies is calculated and the percentage of disinfection is calculated in relation to the number of microorganisms isolated from disinfected eggs. After counting the colonies, the density of bacterial contamination is calculated on average per egg.


Green Works Compostable Cleaning Wipes, Biodegradable Cleaning Wipes - Original Fresh, 186 Count

Green Works Compostable Cleaning Wipes, Biodegradable Cleaning Wipes - Original Fresh, 186 Count

Green Works Compostable Cleaning Wipes, Biodegradable Cleaning Wipes - Original Fresh, 186 Count


To eliminate or minimize the entry of microorganisms into the egg mass (melange or white and yolk), eggs are treated with disinfectants before breaking.

For washing eggs, caustic soda (NaOH) solutions with a concentration of 0.2% or soda ash (Na 2 C0 3 ) with a concentration of 0.5%, having a temperature of 30 ° C, are used. In such a solution, the time of soaking is reduced and washing is facilitated, impurities are removed from the eggshell, even if heavily contaminated and stored for a long time.

Eggs with visually clean shells and eggs after soaking and washing are disinfected.

Disinfection is carried out by immersing eggs in a bath using a special conveyor or manually for 7-10 minutes, where the exposure to a clarified bleach solution occurs with an active chlorine content of 1-1.2% at a temperature of 18 + 2 ° C.

Solutions of detergents can be used repeatedly. The maximum allowable is a 20-fold use of the solution for 3.5 hours of continuous operation with cyclical filtration.

At low-power enterprises, the YM-3000 machine with a capacity of 3,000 eggs per hour is used for washing and drying eggs (Fig. 4.2).
Egg washing machine YM-3000

Fig. 4.2. Egg washing machine YM-3000:

1 - tray for receiving eggs; 2 - drying brush; 3 - washing brush; 4 - loading tray; 5 - washing chamber; 6 - drying chamber; 7 - water heater

It works as follows. The operator loads the eggs on the inclined loading chutes, from where they roll to the intake valves, from where they get one for each turn of the auger. On the auger the eggs are fixed with brushes and guides.

Under the action of counter-rotation of the screws and brushes, the eggs are continuously rotated around the longitudinal axis and move along the machine. In the gap between the washing and drying brushes, the eggs are held on augers by special cargo shock absorbers. The surface of the eggs passing through the washing chamber is continuously washed with water at a temperature of 40 ° C, coming from the sprinklers. In the drying chamber, heated brushes wipe the surface of the eggshell, after which they fall on the transverse conveyors of the eggs. The driving pulleys of the conveyors are the cylindrical ends of the screws.

Transporters deliver eggs to the gathering table, from where another operator takes them. Contaminated water is discharged into the sewer.

For heating water, three loop electric heaters TEN-19 with a capacity of 2360 W each are installed. The stability of the water temperature in this case provides the relay TR-200. To protect electric heaters from pressure drop in the water supply network below 0.5 kg / cm 2 , the pressure switch RD-145 is provided. Thanks to the use of a fresh air heater, the service life of nylon brushes increases, maintaining the temperature only up to 40 ° C.


RZ-FPM 208A machine for washing, drying and controlling eggs

Fig. 4.3. RZ-FPM 208A machine for washing, drying, controlling and disinfecting eggs:

7 - machine body; 2 - boot device; 3 - switchgear; 4 - conveyor; 5 - temperature regulator;
6 - nylon brush; 7 - washing chamber; 8 - spray device; 9 - control cabinet; 70 - drying fan;
7 7 - egg rinsing sprinkler; 12 - drying chamber; 13 - blackout curtain; 14 - ovoscoping cabin; 75 - collection tray for discarded eggs; 76 - carriage ovoskop; 77 - light filter; 18 - disinfection chamber; 79 - bracket; 20 - a camshaft; 27 - drawer of the ovoscope; 22 - conveyor drive; 23 - tubular electric heater; 24 - cylindrical

filters; 25 - discharge nozzle of the used solution

Electrical equipment is mounted in a special wall cabinet.

The machine of the brand RZ-FPM 208A with a capacity of 7,200 eggs per hour provides at the same time washing, drying and disinfecting eggs (Fig. 4.3).

The machine of the brand RZ-FPM 208A has a single technological conveyor, on which all operations are carried out consistently, which makes it possible to exclude the additional losses of raw materials (eggs) that are unavoidable during transfer.

In the lower part of the welded body of the machine 1 there is a tank with a washing solution, over which a longitudinal closed conveyor 4 of reinforced rubber rollers of a special profile is mounted. The profile of the rollers corresponds to the size and shape of the eggs. The actuator 22 consists of an electric motor, a gearbox, a chain drive and a ratchet-and-ratchet mechanism, which imparts a pulsating motion to the conveyor. The upper horizontal branch of the conveyor is used for sequential transportation of eggs for technological operations. Above the upper branch are sequentially arranged the cabin for the control of eggs 14, the washing chamber 7, the drying chamber 12 and the disinfection chamber 18.

For flushing the machine, two hatchways are provided in the front part of its bed. Sanitization machine lasts about 15 minutes. The machine is served by three operators.

The six-row PMSU egg washing machine can operate both autonomously and in conjunction with an egg grading machine. It is used in large poultry farms with a capacity of 300 thousand laying hens and more.

The PIT installation (fig. 4.4) is intended for washing, disinfecting and drying eggs with their manual laying in hillocky gaskets. It consists of the following main nodes:

• hand stacker L -15,
• egg washing machines MMYA-1,
• receiving table М МЯ -1 - 15,
• electric air heater SFOA-25/05 TC-M2 / 1,
• electrical equipment with the MMYA-1–31 control cabinet. Manual stacker 1 is used for laying eggs from pads

on the conveyor 2 washers. It is a welded construction made of stainless steel and includes a water box, a sump and a pan. To the bottom of the welded pipe with cork valve.

Nylon brushes 8 and the pump are driven by a single electric motor using a V-belt transmission. Brushes moistened with cleaning solution.
Egg washing plant PIT

Fig. 4.4. Egg washing plant PIT:

7 - manual egg handler; 2 - roller conveyor; 3 - wash box; 4 - drive; 5 - drying unit; 6 - reception table;
7 - electric air heater installation; 8 - brush unit; 9 - drain valve

Roller six-row conveyor moves eggs through washing and drying zones. It consists of a special stainless stub roller chain and rubber rollers.

The drying unit 5 includes an electric air heater unit, an air duct and an umbrella. The receiving table is designed to receive eggs from the conveyor of the washing machine, it is installed on a special stand in front of the machine. Electrical equipment consists of a control cabinet, a device for regulating the temperature of the washing solution, an interlocking device and an emergency stop for the actuators of the mechanisms connected by communication cables.

Contaminated eggs laid with a hand-held stacker 1 on a six-row roller conveyor 2 of the MMYA-1 machine are fed to the washing box 3. Wash the eggs with a solution heated to a temperature of 40 ... 45 ° C using brushes 8 reciprocating in the vertical plane from drive 4.

The solution on the brush is fed from the tank of the machine with a water pump. From the washing box, the eggs enter the drying unit 5, where they are blown by a stream of air heated through a duct from an electric air heater 7 heated to a temperature of 60 ... 70 ° C.

After drying, the eggs from the six-row conveyor of the installation arrive at the receiving table 6, from which the operators manually stack them into the pimples.

Before the start of the installation, the solution is heated with the help of three heating elements installed in the sump of the machine.

For operation as part of an egg grading line or in conjunction with sorting machines, the installation can be equipped with a SMYA-01 ring-trailer. In this case, the eggs from the six-row conveyor of the installation come to the annular transfer unit, which forms a two-row one from the six-row flow of eggs and delivers them to the conveyor of the egg grading machine. The transfer unit consists of a frame, which is a frame, a drive sprocket unit, a tensioning device, and a transfer chain (sleeve-roller chain with a step of 15.875 mm) with special plugs for transferring eggs. The drive chain sprocket is driven by the drive of the MMYA-1 washer using a chain transmission.

For autonomous work, a modernized YAMU-A egg- washing installation is used. The egg washing machine YMU-A differs from the PIT installation by the absence of an electric air heater unit (replaced by a fan) and the SMYA-01 ring skidder in its composition, since it operates in an autonomous mode, as well as an improved design of water nozzles and a drying unit.

In addition, a strainer was installed on the suction line of the pump, a storage area was inserted on the receiving table, electrical equipment was improved, and a tray was installed to protect the operator from the air flow generated by the fan.

In recent years, the washing machine for eggs of the brand YM-5-04 has found increasing use .

This five-row machine consists of:

1) from a welded frame;
2) housing with cover;
3) systems of rotating nylon brushes;
4) rubberized conveyor augers;
5) stops;
6) detergent sprayers;
7) pallet;
8) a set of electric heaters for drying eggs;
9) loading tray;
10) unloading belt conveyor;
11) electric dryer;
12) drive with chain and V-belt drives.

The machine works as follows. Eggs are manually laid in the loading tray, from where, along five inclined guides, they enter the cleaning zone, where they are soaked. Moving along the shaft-augers, the eggs are cleaned with wet brushes, and then pre-dried with heating elements, and, entering the conveyor belt, are finally completely dried with an EP-4 electric dryer. The consumption of tap water during the operation of the machine is 50 l / h.

Freshly laid eggs with a small degree of pollution is enough to wash with warm water. For washing eggs of medium pollution, use of an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate — baking soda at a concentration of 0.1–0.25% is allowed; its use at a temperature of 35–40 ° C gives a good effect. Eggs with a high level of contamination require pre-locking in water or the use of special detergent synthetic detergent compositions.

Synthetic detergent formulations can be used in all types of washers and installations described. Depending on the degree of contamination, the washing time is 20-180 s at an optimal temperature of 40 ± 2 ° C and a solution concentration of 0.3%. When the processing time is less than 3 minutes, the detergent practically does not penetrate into the eggs, and after washing they have a good presentation. The consumption of the washing solution of 0.3% concentration per 1000 eggs is 50 liters.

With a slight degree of contamination of eggs allowed to reduce the concentration of detergent. To prepare the solution, use drinking water with a temperature of 45 ... 50 ° C. Washed eggs are dried in a stream of warm air at a temperature of 60 ... 70 ° C and its velocity of 3-4 m / s.

The machine for cleaning eggs M-4 (Fig. 4.5) performs washing, drying and disinfecting operations in one stream, while the eggs on the screws move in opposite directions.
Machine for cleaning eggs M-4

Fig. 4.5. Machine for cleaning eggs M-4:

7 - fan; 2 - input tray; 3 - brush; 4 - feed worm; 5 - disk

The machine consists of a body, two rubber-coated augers, brushes, loading and unloading trays, a disk unloading device, a drying fan, a folding body, and a dropper for feeding disinfectant eggs to the surface of eggs.

Contaminated eggs are placed on the input inclined tray, from where they are fed one by one with a sift for each turn of the transporting auger. Upon admission to the auger, the surface of the eggs is moistened with a disinfecting solution and treated with a rotating cylindrical nylon brush, into which a cleaning solution is fed through a perforated tube. The used solution is discharged into the sewer. From the auger of the washing zone, the eggs are fed along an inclined tray to the auger of the drying zone, which is parallel, which transports the eggs under a thinner nylon brush, wiping their surface. At the same time, for the effective removal of moisture, air is supplied to this area with a small fan. The machine is served by one operator.

For the disinfection of the shell, in the production of melange, ultraviolet irradiation of eggs with the help of bactericidal lamps is also used (Fig. 4.6).
In the production of melange

Fig. 4.6. The use of UV lamps to treat the surface of eggs in the production of melange

Studies of the effectiveness of this method have shown that most microorganisms die in 5 seconds, and sterility is achieved in 20-30 seconds. The duration of irradiation depends on the degree of seeding of the eggs by microorganisms.

Exposure of 20 s is sufficient for effective exposure to putrid microflora. However, with significant contamination by spores, complete sterility is not achieved even after 20 minutes of irradiation, although most of the spores die.


Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 70 count Tubs (Pack of 6)

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 70 count Tubs (Pack of 6)

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 70 count Tubs (Pack of 6)

Ultraviolet disinfection, water disinfection

UV water disinfection
To date, more and more enterprises in various fields of activity prefer ultraviolet disinfection of air, water, surfaces and even food. This type of disinfection has many advantages and has virtually no disadvantages, which was the reason for its popularity. The effectiveness of this method of cleaning is directly related to the principle of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on various surfaces, as well as on all sorts of microorganisms.

The principle of UV disinfection
The bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation is the basis on which such equipment is based. Electromagnetic waves in the invisible part of the spectrum, detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms. Any pollution caused by living organisms, whether bacteria, viruses, fungi or yeast, can be eliminated without any problems with the help of ultraviolet rays.

Electromagnetic waves, whose length lies in the range of 200-280 nm, have the most effective bactericidal effect. This is the range used by manufacturers of UV equipment. Penetrating into the cells of the microorganism, such radiation destroys it, preventing further activity and reproduction. Ultraviolet waves act directly on the DNA of the cell, breaking its bonds. Some microorganisms can develop radiation resistance over time, so even after installing the equipment, it is necessary to periodically monitor the composition of water or air and take appropriate measures to detect the growth of bacteria or viruses.

The effectiveness of this type of disinfection depends on which microorganisms are present in the air, water or on surfaces. Each type of microflora responds differently to UV rays, differing in greater or lesser sensitivity. In addition, many other factors affect the quality of cleaning:

humidity and dustiness of air;
room dimensions;
surface types, etc.
It is desirable to select disinfecting equipment individually and with the help of a specialist. NPO ENT is engaged in the manufacture of custom-made UV equipment tailored to the requirements of each client.

Ultraviolet affects only living microorganisms, but does not affect the chemical composition of air, water and coating of various surfaces. UV equipment does not help to remove dust from the air, change its humidity or filter water from various additives. The task of our recirculators is to conduct disinfection and disinfection procedures.

Degree of safety for humans
Ultraviolet radiation affects people. With uncontrolled doses, you can burn unprotected skin or retina. However, in the production of disinfecting equipment, it is taken into account that people work in most of the processed premises. For such cases, recirculators of the closed type are produced, which do not emit ultraviolet into space, but pass air through themselves. Thus, the air at the entrance is contaminated with microorganisms, and at the exit it is cleaned and disinfected. Such equipment can be used in the presence of people.

However, disinfection does not mean cleaning the air only. Most often, surfaces, water, or even food in food warehouses are subject to decontamination. It is impossible to pass them through a recirculator, therefore in these cases open installations are used. When operating such equipment, UV rays freely propagate through the room, falling on all surfaces. It is not safe for a person with open skin and unprotected eyes near such an installation. Therefore, most often such equipment is turned on during the absence of people. It is also convenient in such periods to combine the action of ultraviolet processing and ozonation of air, which is unacceptable in the presence of a person.

If the presence of a worker with the UV equipment on is mandatory or an extraordinary situation arises when an open recirculator is in operation, this can be easily solved with the help of a small barrier between the skin and the air. Since the wave of this spectrum does not penetrate even through the slightest obstacle, you can protect yourself from radiation with thick clothing, cream with UV filters for exposed skin, as well as ordinary sunglasses.

UV applications
Due to their versatility, ultraviolet installations are preferred in almost all areas of human activity. Equipment maintenance does not require special knowledge or the presence of a special worker, so the purchase of ultraviolet recyclers is also economically beneficial.

This method of cleaning and disinfection is widely used in areas such as:

Medicine, which became one of the first industries where they paid attention to the disinfecting properties of the ultraviolet. Quartz lamps and disinfecting devices are used for the treatment of both premises and medical instruments. In addition, special lamps are used for the direct treatment of skin diseases caused by fungi. The value of UV equipment for medicine is difficult to overestimate, because it is here that microorganisms can cause the greatest harm.
Water treatment facilities. Water is the basis of life, therefore, it is very important that the population receive it as clean as possible. At water purification plants, UV installations are sometimes used in combination with chemical treatment methods. Ultraviolet enhances and improves the disinfection provided by chemicals.
Pools. Popular chlorination fades into the background, because the active chemical is irritating to human skin and destroys not all microorganisms. While UV disinfection of water in the pools allows to achieve its maximum microbiological purity and does not affect the health of visitors.
Food industry. In order to prevent the ingress of microorganisms into food during their manufacture and packaging, it is important to disinfect surfaces, materials and products as accurately as possible. The use of ultraviolet equipment allows you to negate the damage to products due to ingress of fungi, yeast or bacteria. Thanks to this cleaning, you can guarantee the safety of products throughout the shelf life, as well as its safety for the consumer. In turn, enterprises reduce their losses due to spoiled goods.
Agriculture. Installing UV equipment in food warehouses allows you to extend the shelf life of vegetables, fruits, grains and many other products. Disinfection of air and surfaces does not allow to develop rotten and moldy processes without harm to products. In addition, the use of such cleaning in poultry farms and livestock enterprises reduces the degree of disease of poultry and livestock, which is much safer than the use of chemicals and medical preparations.
Purification of air and wastewater in enterprises not related to the food industry. The installation of UV disinfection in workshops, laboratories, and water treatment plants not only makes the work of people at these enterprises safer, but also significantly reduces harmful emissions into the environment, improving the environmental situation. It is also important to disinfect wastewater on ships.

Fisheries. To protect the population from acquiring contaminated fish, it is important to disinfect the reservoirs in which it is bred. UV installations are best suited for this purpose — by destroying pathogens, they do not affect the chemical composition of the water and the condition of the fish.
Advantages of UV disinfection
The use of ultraviolet radiation to disinfect air, water and all kinds of surfaces has become widespread. This is due to the advantages of this type of cleaning:

UV radiation has proven to be effective against most microorganisms, many of which are resistant to chemical attack. By negating the ability to multiply, ultraviolet stops the destructive activity of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.
Disinfecting equipment of this type does not change the properties and chemical composition of the treated objects. This is especially important when disinfecting food, water and air.
Due to the ultraviolet equipment installed in the food industry and food warehouses, it is possible to increase the shelf life of products. When UV processing does not change the taste and nutritional qualities of vegetables and fruits.
The equipment does not require additional maintenance staff, because in most cases it works in automatic mode.
Depending on the type of room and its purpose, you can choose different models of UV emitters, including safe for people.
The environmental friendliness of the equipment plays an important role in the use of disinfecting facilities at the sites of wastewater discharge, as well as in medicine, animal husbandry and other areas directly related to human activity and its environmental impact.
The company NPO ENT offers the manufacture of ultraviolet installations for all applications. Our specialists approach each order individually, therefore the client receives equipment developed for a specific object. For UV disinfection of water, it is necessary to know its flow rate, purpose (drinking, process, wastewater), pressure, placement conditions, etc.

When ordering UV equipment for disinfection of premises, it is necessary to know the size and volume of the object to be subjected to disinfection, its purpose (warehouse, workshop, medical institution, food industry enterprise, etc.). Also taken into account are indicators of air composition (humidity, dust).

Experts NPO ENT provide expert assistance in ordering equipment. We also guarantee quality service and provide instructions for the operation of installations.
