Sunday, June 16, 2019

Saalfeld 30824 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV, Poly-Bag Protected, 6.75" x 9", X-Large Wipe (Pack of 95)

Saalfeld 30824 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV, Poly-Bag Protected, 6.75" x 9", X-Large Wipe (Pack of 95)

Means and methods of disinfection of premises from viruses

With the onset of cold weather begins an epidemic of viral and infectious diseases . Anyone can catch the virus and get sick. But if, nevertheless, someone from the household became ill, then, so that the others would not get infected, it is necessary to carry out disinfection in the apartment. To get rid of viruses and bacteria in various ways and methods.

The need for housing processing

There are many reasons for disinfection . The main ones include:

The outbreak in the region of epidemics of viral and infectious diseases and at the same time weakened immunity in family members.
Contact of adults and children with patients with scabies, tuberculosis, pediculosis and other diseases.
Allergic diseases of unknown origin.
The appearance of fungus in the room.
The presence in the family of a person with a serious illness.
Infestation of an apartment with cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other pests.
Animals living in the house and constantly walking on the street.

The treatment of the premises in these cases can be carried out with the help of professionals or do the disinfection of the rooms with your own hands.

Professionally SES disinfect the apartment. They have special equipment and professional special chemicals. Used mainly chemicals with low levels of toxicity.

But experts can not attract, and do disinfection yourself.
Disinfection of the apartment

Regardless of the chosen method and means of cleaning should be carried out sequentially. To make it easier to carry out the procedure, you need to decide where to start, and carefully prepare .

When applying chemicals, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment and wear a respirator, rubber gloves, a protective robe and goggles. If it is stipulated in the instructions of the preparation, then households and animals should be taken out of the room. After that you can start disinfection:

Wipe the floor, other horizontal surfaces and corners in the living room with special means.
Make a thorough cleaning in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
The solution that disinfected the room, you need to regularly change.
With the help of special aerosols to handle upholstered furniture.
To wash children's soft toys, and to plastic and various souvenirs to process an aerosol.
Clean the carpet and various coatings .
Wash curtains, curtains and curtains, adding a disinfectant to the water.
Be sure to move the furniture and wash the floor and walls under it.
Treat fungus-damaged floors, walls, or other surfaces with a special agent.
Do not forget to process everything the patient touched - the TV remote control, the keyboard from the computer, the computer mouse.

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After disinfection, thoroughly ventilate the area . The following procedure can be carried out in three months.
Folk methods

There are popular recipes for disinfection , which can be prepared with your own hands:

Ammonia will help get rid of germs. By adding a few drops of sal ammoniac to a glass of water, you will get a solution with which you can get rid of the spores of the fungus and sterilize the house.
Ideal cleaning can be done with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 cup per 10 liters).
Vinegar is considered the most effective disinfectant. He is able to defeat viruses and various microbes. To do this, a solution of vinegar and water is poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and sprayed surfaces in the rooms. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice.
Destroy the infection and germs solution of salt. In addition, it does not have an unpleasant smell and will not cause allergic reactions. Preparing a solution of a pack of salt and 3 liters of water. They are treated with a variety of surfaces, including sinks and tables in the kitchen.
The toilet and the bathroom are recommended to be sanitized by means that contain bleach.

Fumigation room

Even in ancient times, they knew that bacteria and viruses could be frightened away by fumigation. For this, dry leaves of juniper, lavender, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus are set on fire. To make it more convenient, you can use incense or use incense sticks. Essential oils of lavender, juniper, fir, cedar, eucalyptus, ginger, myrrh, sandalwood, lemon, cloves, tangerine, rose, orange, jasmine will help to get rid of viruses. But they can be used only in a house where people who are prone to allergic reactions do not live.
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Disinfection Instruments

It is convenient to disinfect the apartment with the help of technical devices. They are compact, do not dissolve dirt and do not emit odors.

The humidifier is especially popular in homes where small children live. The device increases the humidity in the rooms and cleans the air from pathogenic microbes. It just needs to be regularly filled with fresh water.
Air recirculator

The device can be of different power. It can be used to disinfect both the room and the entire apartment at once. With ultraviolet rays, it cleans the contaminated air trapped in it and discharges it back clean. The recirculator is hidden inside the device, so during its operation, people can safely be in the room.
Salt lamp

The principle of operation of this device is as follows:

from salt crystals form ions that enter the air and destroy all viruses and microbes;
rooms are saturated with elements of sea salt.

As a result of the work of the salt lamp, the air becomes beneficial to the body. However, it can only be used indoors up to 10 square meters.
UV lamp

The device is used for disinfection of treatment rooms, wards and other rooms in hospitals. Effective ultraviolet rays clean the air from germs.

And if stationary devices are used in hospitals, then an inexpensive portable ultraviolet lamp can be purchased to disinfect the apartment. It should work only in rooms where there are no people, animals and plants. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. After this, the room is ventilated.
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Household chemicals stores, pharmacies and hardware stores sell various disinfectants of domestic production. With their help you can disinfect not only surfaces, toilets and sinks, but also laundry.

The most effective are:

"Monochloromein". Means for processing premises, children's toys, dishes, sinks, white linen. Children's toys are soaked for 30 minutes, and dishes and linens - for 60 minutes. After that, all you need to rinse well and dry. In case of tuberculosis and fungal diseases, plumbing fixtures and premises are disinfected with a solution of 100 grams of the preparation and 2 liters of water.
Sanita is a paste-like product that is applied to dishes, sinks, and baths. Processing by this means should be made twice.
“Svetly” is a powder for disinfecting enameled products, refrigerators, gas stoves, and dishes.
"Dezinolis" - the drug in the form of a solution is used for the treatment of toilet bowls, sinks, baths. It is necessary to wipe surfaces twice, using for this purpose cloths or sponges.
"Sanitary" and "Sanitary-2" - powder and liquid preparations, respectively. Used for disinfection and cleaning of toilet bowls. For one toilet bowl enough two tablespoons of powder or solution. Contaminated plumbing is wiped twice.
"Surzha" - disinfecting paste for cleaning toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs. On one sink or bath enough 1-2 tablespoons of pasta.
"Gloss" - a preparation in the form of a powder for disinfection and cleaning of sanitary equipment. 1-2 tablespoons of "Glitter" are enough for one treatment.
“Whiteness” is a well-known tool that perfectly disinfects toilet bowls, sinks, baths, as well as linen and cotton underwear. Plumbing is treated with a solution of "Whiteness" and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. The linen is soaked for half an hour in a solution prepared from one liter of water and 1-2 tablespoons of the product.
"Belka" - powder for disinfection and bleaching of linen. Use a solution of 2 tablespoons of the drug and 10 liters of hot water. Soaking time is 15 minutes.
"Ural" - the drug in the form of a powder is dissolved in water (1 tbsp of product per 3 liters of water) and is used for disinfection and bleaching of linen. For cleaning sanitary products powder is used in its pure form.
“Chloric lime” - white powder is recommended for disinfecting procedures in toilets and for bleaching fabrics. Not used for the processing of synthetics, wool and colored fabrics. Apply only the clarified part of the solution, which is obtained after sludge, diluted in 40 liters of water and 1 kg of bleach. Infuse the solution for at least two hours.

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During the epidemic of influenza and various viral infections, you and all households can be saved from disease by careful and timely disinfection of your house or apartment. Use for processing can be suitable and convenient for you methods and means. And do not forget that preventive measures are always easier, cheaper and more efficient than eliminating the consequences.
