Sunday, June 16, 2019

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 70 count Tubs (Pack of 6)

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 70 count Tubs (Pack of 6)

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 70 count Tubs (Pack of 6)

Ultraviolet disinfection, water disinfection

UV water disinfection
To date, more and more enterprises in various fields of activity prefer ultraviolet disinfection of air, water, surfaces and even food. This type of disinfection has many advantages and has virtually no disadvantages, which was the reason for its popularity. The effectiveness of this method of cleaning is directly related to the principle of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on various surfaces, as well as on all sorts of microorganisms.

The principle of UV disinfection
The bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation is the basis on which such equipment is based. Electromagnetic waves in the invisible part of the spectrum, detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms. Any pollution caused by living organisms, whether bacteria, viruses, fungi or yeast, can be eliminated without any problems with the help of ultraviolet rays.

Electromagnetic waves, whose length lies in the range of 200-280 nm, have the most effective bactericidal effect. This is the range used by manufacturers of UV equipment. Penetrating into the cells of the microorganism, such radiation destroys it, preventing further activity and reproduction. Ultraviolet waves act directly on the DNA of the cell, breaking its bonds. Some microorganisms can develop radiation resistance over time, so even after installing the equipment, it is necessary to periodically monitor the composition of water or air and take appropriate measures to detect the growth of bacteria or viruses.

The effectiveness of this type of disinfection depends on which microorganisms are present in the air, water or on surfaces. Each type of microflora responds differently to UV rays, differing in greater or lesser sensitivity. In addition, many other factors affect the quality of cleaning:

humidity and dustiness of air;
room dimensions;
surface types, etc.
It is desirable to select disinfecting equipment individually and with the help of a specialist. NPO ENT is engaged in the manufacture of custom-made UV equipment tailored to the requirements of each client.

Ultraviolet affects only living microorganisms, but does not affect the chemical composition of air, water and coating of various surfaces. UV equipment does not help to remove dust from the air, change its humidity or filter water from various additives. The task of our recirculators is to conduct disinfection and disinfection procedures.

Degree of safety for humans
Ultraviolet radiation affects people. With uncontrolled doses, you can burn unprotected skin or retina. However, in the production of disinfecting equipment, it is taken into account that people work in most of the processed premises. For such cases, recirculators of the closed type are produced, which do not emit ultraviolet into space, but pass air through themselves. Thus, the air at the entrance is contaminated with microorganisms, and at the exit it is cleaned and disinfected. Such equipment can be used in the presence of people.

However, disinfection does not mean cleaning the air only. Most often, surfaces, water, or even food in food warehouses are subject to decontamination. It is impossible to pass them through a recirculator, therefore in these cases open installations are used. When operating such equipment, UV rays freely propagate through the room, falling on all surfaces. It is not safe for a person with open skin and unprotected eyes near such an installation. Therefore, most often such equipment is turned on during the absence of people. It is also convenient in such periods to combine the action of ultraviolet processing and ozonation of air, which is unacceptable in the presence of a person.

If the presence of a worker with the UV equipment on is mandatory or an extraordinary situation arises when an open recirculator is in operation, this can be easily solved with the help of a small barrier between the skin and the air. Since the wave of this spectrum does not penetrate even through the slightest obstacle, you can protect yourself from radiation with thick clothing, cream with UV filters for exposed skin, as well as ordinary sunglasses.

UV applications
Due to their versatility, ultraviolet installations are preferred in almost all areas of human activity. Equipment maintenance does not require special knowledge or the presence of a special worker, so the purchase of ultraviolet recyclers is also economically beneficial.

This method of cleaning and disinfection is widely used in areas such as:

Medicine, which became one of the first industries where they paid attention to the disinfecting properties of the ultraviolet. Quartz lamps and disinfecting devices are used for the treatment of both premises and medical instruments. In addition, special lamps are used for the direct treatment of skin diseases caused by fungi. The value of UV equipment for medicine is difficult to overestimate, because it is here that microorganisms can cause the greatest harm.
Water treatment facilities. Water is the basis of life, therefore, it is very important that the population receive it as clean as possible. At water purification plants, UV installations are sometimes used in combination with chemical treatment methods. Ultraviolet enhances and improves the disinfection provided by chemicals.
Pools. Popular chlorination fades into the background, because the active chemical is irritating to human skin and destroys not all microorganisms. While UV disinfection of water in the pools allows to achieve its maximum microbiological purity and does not affect the health of visitors.
Food industry. In order to prevent the ingress of microorganisms into food during their manufacture and packaging, it is important to disinfect surfaces, materials and products as accurately as possible. The use of ultraviolet equipment allows you to negate the damage to products due to ingress of fungi, yeast or bacteria. Thanks to this cleaning, you can guarantee the safety of products throughout the shelf life, as well as its safety for the consumer. In turn, enterprises reduce their losses due to spoiled goods.
Agriculture. Installing UV equipment in food warehouses allows you to extend the shelf life of vegetables, fruits, grains and many other products. Disinfection of air and surfaces does not allow to develop rotten and moldy processes without harm to products. In addition, the use of such cleaning in poultry farms and livestock enterprises reduces the degree of disease of poultry and livestock, which is much safer than the use of chemicals and medical preparations.
Purification of air and wastewater in enterprises not related to the food industry. The installation of UV disinfection in workshops, laboratories, and water treatment plants not only makes the work of people at these enterprises safer, but also significantly reduces harmful emissions into the environment, improving the environmental situation. It is also important to disinfect wastewater on ships.

Fisheries. To protect the population from acquiring contaminated fish, it is important to disinfect the reservoirs in which it is bred. UV installations are best suited for this purpose — by destroying pathogens, they do not affect the chemical composition of the water and the condition of the fish.
Advantages of UV disinfection
The use of ultraviolet radiation to disinfect air, water and all kinds of surfaces has become widespread. This is due to the advantages of this type of cleaning:

UV radiation has proven to be effective against most microorganisms, many of which are resistant to chemical attack. By negating the ability to multiply, ultraviolet stops the destructive activity of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.
Disinfecting equipment of this type does not change the properties and chemical composition of the treated objects. This is especially important when disinfecting food, water and air.
Due to the ultraviolet equipment installed in the food industry and food warehouses, it is possible to increase the shelf life of products. When UV processing does not change the taste and nutritional qualities of vegetables and fruits.
The equipment does not require additional maintenance staff, because in most cases it works in automatic mode.
Depending on the type of room and its purpose, you can choose different models of UV emitters, including safe for people.
The environmental friendliness of the equipment plays an important role in the use of disinfecting facilities at the sites of wastewater discharge, as well as in medicine, animal husbandry and other areas directly related to human activity and its environmental impact.
The company NPO ENT offers the manufacture of ultraviolet installations for all applications. Our specialists approach each order individually, therefore the client receives equipment developed for a specific object. For UV disinfection of water, it is necessary to know its flow rate, purpose (drinking, process, wastewater), pressure, placement conditions, etc.

When ordering UV equipment for disinfection of premises, it is necessary to know the size and volume of the object to be subjected to disinfection, its purpose (warehouse, workshop, medical institution, food industry enterprise, etc.). Also taken into account are indicators of air composition (humidity, dust).

Experts NPO ENT provide expert assistance in ordering equipment. We also guarantee quality service and provide instructions for the operation of installations.
