Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Operation of chlorine disinfection plants

For disinfection of water is used chlorine in a gaseous state and in the form of compounds (bleach, hypochlorites, etc.). Chlorination of drinking water with a daily consumption of up to 50 kg, as a rule, is allowed to produce only from cylinders. With a chlorine consumption of more than 50 kg / day, both cylinders and drums-containers with a capacity of 1000 liters can be used.

The piping from cylinders or barrels is connected to vacuum chlorinators in series through a coil evaporator and a mud tank with a capacity of 50-70 liters with a siphon tube. On the collector collector between the cylinders (or barrel) on the scales and the evaporator, an eyeliner-spiral is arranged for the free operation of the scales.

Maintenance of the chlorination plant in this case consists in changing the cylinders, starting and stopping the chlorinators, and identifying and rectifying faults.

Preparation and replacement of cylinders must be carried out in a specific sequence. Before attaching the cylinder to the chlorinator, you must make sure that there is chlorine gas in the cylinder, clean the discharge tube and the valve channel from contaminants that could get there when the cylinder was filled at the factory, turn on the fan (you can turn it off only after replacing the cylinder gas leakage), put a gas mask on and put chlorine from the spare bottle into the chlorinator by opening the stop valve in the cylinder head. Without removing the gas mask, close the stop valves in the cylinder head and on the inlet tube, then release the collar at the head, remove the cylinder and transport it to the designated storage space. Without removing the gas mask, carefully transport the fresh bottle into the chlorinators room and replace the removed bottle.

When preparing the cylinder, the tightness of the connection of the supply pipe to the cylinder should be checked and the detected gas leakage eliminated. It is better to use klingerite boiled in oil as a gasket (lead gaskets break down the pipes and break up).

With several cylinders working simultaneously, the actuated cylinder can be detected by the temperature of its walls, which in this case becomes close to the room temperature; cylinders containing gas, much colder (to the touch). With one cylinder in operation, the moment of its emptying is easy to install using a pressure gauge (which in this case should show 1.5-2.0 atm).

The start and stop of the chlorinator are also carried out in a specific sequence according to the instructions for this chlorinator.

1. When starting the chlorinator, turn on the fan in the chlorinators, put on the gas mask and, after entering the room, check for gas leaks. To do this, a piece of cotton (or cloth) moistened with ammonia should be brought to those places where gas leakage is possible. The appearance of white haze, which is the result of the reaction of chlorine and ammonia vapors, will indicate the leakage of chlorine in this place.
2. Making sure that the regulator and bleed valves of the chlorinator are closed, slowly open the stop valve in the cylinder head, and then slowly open the valve on the supply pipe; as a result, the gas in the tube will flow through the filter into the pressure reducing valve. The high-pressure gauge should show in this case the pressure in the cylinder about 6 atm at 15 ° C.
3. Check for chlorine leakage from the cylinder to the chlorinator.
4. Open the shut-off valve (if any) on the pipeline that discharges the chlorine water and the shut-off valve on the pipe that supplies water to the chlorinator. Smoothly opening the starting valve at the water pressure reducing valve, let it through the mixer into the pipeline draining the chlorine water. Smoothly opening the starting valve at the pressure reducing valve for chlorine, let the chlorine flow, which, passing the gauge and non-return valve, will flow into the mixer and through it into the pipeline discharging the chlorine water.
5. When the chlorinator is momentarily stopped, it is sufficient to close the regulating valve. If the chlorinator stops for a long time, close the cylinder valve, the stop valve on the supply pipe and the regulating valve and open the drain valve. Also close the water tap.

The required intensity of chlorine gas extraction directly from the vessel should be provided by the influx of heat from the ambient air through the container wall due to natural convection or forced blowing and justified by calculations agreed with the specialized organization. It is forbidden to heat the walls of vessels with open fire and pour water. Frosting of the vessel walls is not allowed. The number of simultaneously operating vessels should not be more than two per line.

Chlorine sampling should be carried out with constant monitoring of the chlorine consumption, the end of the emptying of the tank, the pressure in the system on the lines of liquid and gaseous chlorine and to exclude the possibility of water entering the process pipelines and chlorine containers.

During the operation of water and wastewater disinfection systems, the staff must:

a) maintain the specified mode of operation of the main and auxiliary equipment, ensure their trouble-free operation;
b) monitor compliance with the prescribed consumption of disinfectant;
c) control the concentration of residual chlorine in water (waste water) in the prescribed time interval;
d) carry out an audit of chlorinators and stop valves at least once a quarter (with replacement of stuffing box), an audit of mud collectors - at least once every 2 years with two chlorinators and annually with a greater number of chlorinators;
e) in time for the schedule to carry out the outage of equipment;
e) periodically take samples of water after disinfection for microbiological analysis;
g) follow the indications of instrumentation and the functioning of automation equipment;
h) take steps to troubleshoot installations;
i) monitor the operation of ventilation systems, including emergency;
j) follow the monitoring system for chlorine content in the air of the working area;
l) keep records of the consumption of reagents, electricity, water for the own needs of disinfection facilities;
m) comply with safety requirements.
Chlorination (chlorine storage) should be equipped with systems for localizing and neutralizing accidental release. These systems should ensure the elimination of the consequences of accidents caused by the release of chlorine from one vessel of maximum capacity (container - 1000 kg, cylinder - 50 kg).

During the operation of electrolysis plants for the production of chlorine agents, in addition to the listed rules, one should be guided by the manufacturer’s instructions.
