Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Sanitary treatment of the population, disinfection of buildings and structures

Partial sanitization
As a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, pockets of radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological contamination may occur. Under these conditions, people, animals, as well as territory, workplaces, apartments, and other materiel may become infected. Therefore, in order to eliminate the possibility of injury, it is necessary to carry out works on disinfection and sanitization.

Disinfection - the decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of infected surfaces.

Decontamination is carried out when contaminated with radioactive substances in order to remove them from contaminated sites to acceptable standards.

Degassing consists of disinfecting poisonous substances and their removal from infected surfaces.

Disinfection refers to the destruction of pathogenic microbes and the destruction of toxins.

In the event that an adversary of carriers of infectious diseases is used by the enemy, a disinsection is organized - the extermination of infected insects, ticks or deratization is carried out - the destruction of rodents.

Sanitary treatment of people - is the removal of radioactive and toxic substances, as well as bacteriological agents from the skin and mucous membranes of humans.

When people sanitize people, decontamination, degassing and disinfection of clothes, shoes and personal protective equipment is carried out.

Depending on the conditions of holding, the availability of time and the means available, measures for decontamination and sanitization are divided into partial and complete.

Partial measures for the decontamination of materials and sanitation of people are prophylactic. They are carried out during chemical contamination directly in the lesion, and in case of radioactive contamination, after leaving the lesion.

Full disinfection is carried out at stationary washing points, clothes disinfection stations, as well as at special treatment points (pads) deployed outside the lesion focus. Partial sanitization is usually a preliminary measure before a more thorough sanitization, and it must be carried out after people leave (withdrawal) from the infected area.

When contaminated with poisonous substances, partial sanitization consists of degassing poisonous substances (OM) that have got on the skin, clothing, shoes and protective equipment.

For carrying out partial sanitization apply individual anti-chemical package (IPP). Dimensions and shape of the package are convenient for its practical application and carrying a gas mask in a pocket. The package is intended for degassing of organic matter on open skin areas (face, neck, hands) and certain parts of clothing (collar, cuffs). In addition, it is possible, in some cases, the degassing of the front part of the gas mask and small parts and objects that are dangerous. When infected with pathogenic microbes and toxins, partial sanitization should, whenever possible, be carried out immediately after the fact of infection has been established or left the infected area.

Partial sanitation when contaminated with radioactive substances is the mechanical removal of radioactive substances from the skin, clothing and shoes. It is carried out by the population independently after leaving the polluted area.

Removal of radioactive dust from clothing, footwear and protective equipment is performed by shaking, knocking out, sweeping and rubbing.

With a lack of water, wipe open skin with a wet swab. Tampons can be moistened with IPP solutions.

Radioactive substances are removed from exposed skin by washing with water or wiping with a wet tampon (towels).

In case of radioactive contamination, partial sanitization involves washing the hands, face, neck, and other open areas of the body with clean water, as well as rinsing and washing the mouth and nose.

Full sanitization
Full sanitation, as well as partial, is the removal of radioactive and toxic substances or bacterial agents, but unlike it is in the nature of the final preventive measures for the destruction of people and maintaining their efficiency. It is performed more thoroughly, while not only individual infected skin areas are treated, but also the entire surface of the body with soap and washcloth.

All people who were in the contaminated area must undergo a complete sanitary treatment. It is carried out, as a rule, in pre-equipped stationary washing stations, baths, shower pavilions, sanitary inspection rooms, or on platforms specially developed for this purpose using mobile means. Under favorable summer conditions, complete sanitization is carried out on open flowing reservoirs or on a river.

People who come in contaminated clothes and need to be fully sanitized are sent to locker rooms, where they take off and transfer their clothes to a specially equipped room to collect contaminated clothing and prepare it for decontamination. Further, all arrivals pass to the room where the medical staff examines the affected, helps them in the treatment of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth, and also provides the necessary medical care to those in need. At the entrance to the shower room people get soap and washcloths made from soft materials or rags. Each consumes about 40 g of soap and 30–35 liters of water heated to 38–40 ° C.

Sanitary processing lasts no more than 30 minutes. (undressing - 5 minutes, washing in the shower - 15 minutes and dressing - 10 minutes). After washing, people move to the dressing room, where they are subjected to repeated medical examination, and during radioactive contamination - to dosimetric control. If in this case the residual contamination of people turns out to be higher than permissible, then they are returned back to the shower room, where they undergo repeated washing.

In the dressing room, people who have undergone sanitary treatment receive their decontaminated clothes, shoes, dress and leave the stationary washing station, without meeting with the flow of people heading to the sanitary treatment center. In cases where the complexity and duration of clothing disinfection regimes exclude the possibility of its timely return to people who have undergone sanitary treatment, they give out clean linen, bathrobes, slippers and other articles of clothing from the stock of stationary washing points (exchange fund).

Sanitary treatment of people infected with radioactive and toxic substances or bacterial agents and having injuries, burns, contusions and other injuries, is organized by the medical service of civil defense in its formations.

Decontamination of clothes and shoes is made:

1. Clothing not resistant to decontamination
2. Control of complete decontamination
3. Warehouse of non-decontaminated property
4. Deactivation of protective clothing
5. Decontamination of clothes
6. Water tanks
7. Deactivation of gas masks
8. Decontamination of shoes (A - clean, B - dirty half of the site)

Decontamination of clothing and footwear is performed by knocking out, knocking over, shaking out or wiping with decontamination solutions, and in the absence, with water. After treatment, dosimetry monitoring is performed. Upon detection of contamination above the permissible rate of decontamination is repeated.

Disinfection of vehicles, buildings and territories
Decontamination of the territory

Decontamination, degassing and disinfection are only limited and the most important parts of the territory, roads, passages and certain parts of the area. During decontamination and disinfection of the territory, the site used chemical and mechanical methods. Degassing and disinfection by watering with degassing solutions is performed by filling stations, irrigation, agricultural and other machines, evenly spraying degassing solutions. Mechanical methods of degassing, disinfecting a territory, a site include: cutting and removing an infected layer of soil or snow, insulation with a layer of non-infected material, and flooring. Disinfection of a territory or certain parts of a locality is performed by spraying insecticidal preparations with solutions and emulsions, as well as by dusting these preparations with dusting.

Disinfection of buildings and structures

In assessing the amount of upcoming work on decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of administrative, household and residential buildings, various types of buildings and structures of urban and industrial nature are usually guided by the same as in the disinfection of the territory.

Ways of decontamination of surfaces of buildings and structures:

• washing with water;
• washing with detergents and formulations;
• gas-liquid method;
• vacuum decontamination;
• sandblasting;
• chipping and scraping.

It should be remembered that, under all conditions, the processes of degassing of buildings and structures are mainly superficial in nature; therefore, in the first hours after processing, it is necessary to observe precautions. The outer surfaces of the structures, which cannot be left to natural disinfection due to the danger of hitting people (radiation, evaporation, toxic substances, etc.), are processed in a certain sequence. Processing begins with the roofs and upper parts of the walls located on the windward side.

The order of processing from top to bottom and taking into account the direction of the wind are necessary in order to avoid re-infection of previously treated surfaces as a result of the spreading of sewage and solutions or the drift of spray and dust by the wind.

During decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of service and residential premises, where abundant use of water and working solutions is undesirable, the infected surfaces are moistened and sprayed with detergent or degassing (disinfectant) solutions. At the same time they are rubbed with brushes, brushes, rags. After that, the treated surfaces are washed with clean water and again wiped with a clean rag. Before disinfection, light things are taken out of the premises and processed separately, and bulky disinfects simultaneously with the room.

Disinfection of vehicles, machinery and equipment

Urban transport, cars, as well as construction, road, agricultural and other machines are disinfected in cases where the degree of contamination is so high that their further use as intended is dangerous for the maintenance personnel and the people around them.

Depending on the conditions and methods of treatment, the means used in this process, it is customary to subdivide the disinfection of transport and equipment into partial and complete.

Partial decontamination, degassing or disinfection of vehicles and equipment consist in the removal of radioactive substances or the neutralization of toxic substances and bacterial agents on the surfaces of objects with which the personnel is in contact with the process. During decontamination by a stream of water, the entire surface of an infected object is sequentially washed from top to bottom with a strong stream of water, paying particular attention to the grooves, cracks and crevices. To flush water does not flow into the cabin or body, the doors, windows and windshields are tightly closed beforehand.

Full disinfection of cars, tractors, bulldozers and other machines is produced outside the contaminated area, at the stations of disinfection of transport.
