Showing posts with label Paper Towels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paper Towels. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Scott 75143 Scott Shop Towels, Blue (3 Rolls, Pack of 165)

Scott 75143 Scott Shop Towels, Blue (3 Rolls, Pack of 165)

How to Use Paper Towel to Spread Cake Shapes

Today we are going to teach the best tip we have learned in recent times when it comes to cooking. Who then knew that there is a method of smearing forms to cook cakes or breads, USING ONLY PAPER TOWEL ?! That's right, WITHOUT USING butter or flour ... you know that ?!

This is sure to change your way of making cakes! No dirt and grease from butter and flour. It is cleaned just after unmolding, since the paper towel takes off the already roasted dough. Very practical!

At the end of the story there is a video of our collaborator Bia Melo, from Melo Dociaria, teaching step by step how to do. Check out the Melo Candy page for more videos with tips.

This weekend I made an incredible chocolate cake (this week I still put the recipe for you) and I took some little pictures to show how the paper towel technique works.

Scott 75143 Scott Shop Towels, Blue (3 Rolls, Pack of 165)
 Scott 75143 Scott Shop Towels, Blue (3 Rolls, Pack of 165)

Let's go step by step:

1. After having the cake or bread dough ready, line the shape with paper towel. No need to put many layers, just put enough to leave no gaps:

2. Place the cake or bread dough:

3. Bake in a typical oven, according to the recipe:

4. Wait for it to cool and deform normally. I turned the cake down and easily extracted the sheets of paper, one by one it takes off the already roasted dough:

You do not have to pass anything in the way before: no butter, no oil, no oil ... NADICA DE NADA !!
It's not paper butter, it's even paper towel.
Does not burn or melt in the oven, can put without fear.

SofPull 9” Paper Towel Roll by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 26610, 400 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case

SofPull 9” Paper Towel Roll by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 26610, 400 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case

Why not use so much paper towel?

There are varied reasons for restricting the use of paper towel instead of making it our ally at all hours
Just highlight one, two, three sheets of the roller and move where it is dirty or wet. And then
toss the embossed paper into the trash. But have you ever wondered if all this
Practicality of the paper towel does not charge a price too high? Well, snake, you can be sure. Was
which I concluded when I reflected on the subject.

Firstly, because the paper towel is disposable. It makes no sense to
worry about using reusable bags during shopping, and when you get home, spend
half a roll of paper wiping the products, drying the sink and such. Awareness
need to get around as well.

SofPull 9” Paper Towel Roll by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 26610, 400 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case
 SofPull 9” Paper Towel Roll by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 26610, 400 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case

Secondly, this material does not clean as well, as it leaves a trail of
on the surface. Anyone who has ever tried to clean a mirror with him knows perfectly what I am
Speaking. And when the paper towel gets a little wetter, it falls apart in the hand, which
leads to more leaves. Folks, it is much better to carry out any kind of cleaning and drying
with microfiber cloths, which are more absorbent and lint-free.

But I am not radical, so I understand that there are situations where the paper towel is
irreplaceable. One is in boxes with greens washed to absorb moisture
forms in the refrigerator. I already talked about it in a post about washing the salad.

Another good use is to remove that layer of fat from the pan before washing the
utensil. But here's the tip: reuse paper napkins used during the meal
in this task. It is also preferable to use paper towel to wipe the
poultry, meat and fish. All because these juices are full of bacteria.

Resist the temptation of the paper towel by storing it inside the closet and reserve its use for
special situations, such as those I have described above. Leave a basket on the kitchen sink
with clean microfiber cloths: in the hour of an emergency, it will be easier to extend the
arm to grab one of them than open the closet door and grab the paper towel.

Georgia-Pacific Professional Series Premium 1-Ply Multifold Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2212014, 250 Towels Per Pack, 8 Packs Per Case

Georgia-Pacific Professional Series Premium 1-Ply Multifold Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2212014, 250 Towels Per Pack, 8 Packs Per Case

Hand dryer is much worse than paper towels; know why

Drying machines can increase the risk of spreading diseases like H1N1 flu.

It's a fight to dry your hands: hot air machines have begun to spread through the bathrooms because they look like a more sustainable alternative to paper towels. But a study from the University of Westminster showed that in terms of hygiene, dryers are far behind - they spread 1,300 times more bacteria than disposable towels.

In the experiment, participants wore gloves and, with them, passed a liquid solution containing the MS2 virus. They then tested different drying methods: paper towels, hot air machines (those traditional roadside trucks that seem to take millennia to dry their hands) and air-jet dryers like Dyson's Air Blade. In this type, the user places his hands inside the apparatus and the impact of the air is much more intense.

Georgia-Pacific Professional Series Premium 1-Ply Multifold Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2212014, 250 Towels Per Pack, 8 Packs Per Case
 Georgia-Pacific Professional Series Premium 1-Ply Multifold Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2212014, 250 Towels Per Pack, 8 Packs Per Case

Whoever wore the towel spread virus up to 25 cm around where it was. The hot air machines threw the virus 75 cm away. The air-jet machines were real launchers of microorganisms, spreading the virus by 3 meters. In addition to contaminating a larger area, the equipment also spreads more viruses.

This was not the first study to mention the lack of hygiene of jet dryers. In 2005, another study said that paper towels reduced the amount of bacteria in the skin by 24%, while air jets increased by 117% the number of microorganisms. The problem is that the study was commissioned by the German paper industry association. That is, there was an incentive for the study to speak well of paper towels, and to criticize its competitors, the machines.

Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack

Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack

You've used the WRONG paper towel a lifetime!

They are much more useful than you can imagine! Find out why you used WRONG paper towel a lifetime and write down 9 trick with it.

They are even useful in the kitchen, especially when it comes to cleaning small disasters or absorbing fry oil. But, the truth is, if it's not for these ordinary things, no one pays much attention to the paper towel, does it?

From now on, however, such an iniquitous tool will stop being an "extra" to become a protagonist in your daily life, dear reader. Do you want to know why? Because it has 1001 utilities you could never imagine, but that will make your life much simpler.

For example, did you know that the paper towel can become tissue paper? And what can be a great cold compress for your bruises?

Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack
 Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack

We bet you did not know about that, did you? And these are far from the only unknown utilities of paper towels, as you will see in the list below, because even the rolls of cardboard in which they are wrapped are not dispensed. Want to see?
Check out 10 amazing uses of the paper towel you do not know:
1. Vacuum cleaner nozzle

Do you know those narrow places that your vacuum cleaner can not reach and that accumulate a lot of dirt like those little corners of the car? Save the cardboard roll when the paper towel has run out and attach to the end of your vacuum cleaner and mold the roll tip so that it fits the thickness you need. To attach, be sure to use an adhesive tape.
2. Cleaning the floor

Want to get dirt off the floor more easily? Cover the mop or a squeegee with a paper towel and do as usual. All the dirt and will adhere to the towel and then just discard it. This is also a great choice when you are going to use some wet product on the floor as it is very efficient in absorbing liquids.
3. Freeze beer

This tip you have already seen here, in the Secrets of the World, in this other matter , where you can meet other very efficient tricks to freeze your beer. With this paper towel technique, in 15 or 20 minutes your beer will already be "on the point".
4. Paper tissues

How about having a cheaper version of Kleenex to clean and disinfect your kitchen instruments and whatever else you want? Simply cut the roll of paper towels to fit into a capped container and remove the cardboard roll from the middle.

Then just prepare a mixture with half of water, half of alcohol and, if you want, an essence that you like. Then just make an "x" on the plastic lid of the container and pull the tip of the handkerchief.
5.Knife cover

Want to keep your knife sharp longer? The secret is to keep it wrapped in a hood to prevent it from contacting other knives or cutlery.

To do this, simply use the paper towel roll of the paper towel. Snap the knife and bend the remaining ends. To secure, use masking tape.

This also prevents several accidents with chipped knives, especially if it is a home with children.
6. Clean windows and mirrors

Have you seen how cloths leave lint on mirrors and glass when used for cleaning? If you use paper towel in place of the cloth, your cleaning will stay flawless and will not leave any lint behind. Paper filters are also very efficient, have you?
7. Towels always at hand

If you do not have your own holder for paper towels at home, do not worry. You can make an economical support and it will leave your paper towel always at hand.

Simply cut the bottom of a plastic hanger in half and use the opening to fit the roller. Then just hang where she can be useful.
8. Cold compress

To relieve the pains of bruises, knocks and other minor accidents, use the paper towel as a cold compress. As you've seen before, when wet it freezes quickly (so the beer gets chilled). Then, just put it on the injured part.
9. Sound amplifier

It looks too sophisticated to do with the paper towel, but the result is magnificent. All you will need is a roll of cardboard, from the middle of the towel; and two plastic cups.

Drill a hole in the middle of the roll to fit your cell phone. Then cut one side of each cup in a circular shape, the same thickness as the roll of cardboard. Then snap everything in and turn the sound on your phone.

Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)

Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)

How to Install a Paper Towel Mill

One has to get out of common sense when thinking about undertaking. Often doing so is opting for such a logical business that does not seem to yield good profits. That is why today we decide to talk about setting up a paper towel factory .

Before jumping to conclusions about the potential of this business, stop and think: where do I find paper towels? You may not use it in your home, but just walk around the city a bit and realize how common and necessary it is.

Used in large quantities in hospitals, clinics, markets, beauty salons, colleges, schools, courses, malls, museums, theaters, cinemas ... It is in such a place that it is almost impossible to mention all without leaving one out.

Demand! This is a crucial point in choosing to undertake with something. There is no point having the money to invest, good ideas, be innovative if your product has no demand. If there's no one to buy, what's the point of producing?

Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)
Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)

Dare in the manufacture of paper towels

Just for this reason, setting up a paper towel factory already needs to be considered. Only in your own neighborhood is it possible to make a lot of money from this product. Imagine if you want to expand to other districts of the city?

A great entrepreneur who has dedicated himself to teaching people to think about entrepreneurship says something very important and we should have said it another time: You have to start small and dream big.

Daring and belief in your own potential is essential. Start small, just the way you do, but do not settle. Think big, set goals, strive every day more. Run back, grow up! The paper towel mill is a great opportunity for you to start small and achieve the success you both want. We'll show you how.

Start a Paper Towel Factory at Home

Are you short on money? Do not have much resources to invest? OK! It is possible to set up a paper towel factory in your home or garage. You just need to have room to accommodate the machine that produces the papers. This is essential.

With the machine, the rest of the investment is small. You will need office supplies and packaging to store and deliver the papers. It suits to start the production in your house and as the growing thing goes to another place.

But starting a business like this with the minimum of possible costs is essential. It is to start two steps forward, saving on the one hand to be able to invest more in the quality of your product and in the forms of sale and dissemination.
Paper towel production steps

The paper will need to undergo a hygienization process where it will be mixed with other chemical compounds to become whiter and softer. Once paper fibers are obtained, it is wrapped in reels to be delivered in packages punctured by the machine. Whether it will be double-leafed or whether it will be perfumed will depend on the entrepreneur.

Although it is a simple manufacturing process, it is essential that employees working at this stage be trained enough to be familiar with the whole process. The quality of the material will also depend on how it will be handled. The amount of paper produced will also depend on the number of people working in that process.
The paper towel making machine

This is the biggest investment and the essentials to assemble the paper towel factory. Without the machine there is no way to produce this type of product. The average price of a machine like this is around R $ 55 thousand. Its production capacity is more than 1 million sheets of paper per day.

With the production of 1100 packs of paper towel per day, it is possible to bill up to R $ 200 thousand Reais per month.

The price of the paper towel bundle (which contains 1000 sheets) will vary according to the quality you present. In the cases of the best elaborated paper, type of first line, its price is around R $ 7 Reais, and the simplest, considered second line, cost R $ 3 Reais.

Paper towels market

The market, as we said earlier in the article, is quite broad. There is a very large demand for this type of product. It is necessary, however, for the small entrepreneur to understand that it is difficult to start production, already serving large supermarkets, for example.

The entrepreneur in this field will look for other ways to enter the market. The most effective ways are through partnerships with schools, kindergartens, colleges, hospitals and clinics, and other smaller establishments in your own neighborhood that need the product.

The sale of the unit product has a very low value, so the gain form with the factory will be with the sale in quantity. You can expand your sales horizons by increasing the types of papers produced, there are several: toilet paper, interleaved paper towels, paper lace towels, paper towels and many others.

Having the machine just does not work

Setting up a business goes far beyond buying a machine and starting to produce a product. Not! It takes above all else much study of the market and the product that you are willing to provide.

After this the entrepreneur needs to make business plans, prepare all the functions necessary to provide a quality product. This goes from the purchase of the materials, to the delivery of the product to the customer.

It is very important that the quality of services (product and service) is a priority. Even with the big demand on the product, catching the consumer's attention is not easy!

Disclosure of your paper towel business

It is necessary to innovate, to show something different and mainly, to invest in quality. Many people buy a much more expensive product just because of the benefits it has. Study ways of presenting the product, ways of attracting customers. Taking such care is essential to success.

Nowadays we still have the advantage of the internet that allows us a greater reach of people to show our products. Invest in this type of disclosure that will certainly have positive effects.

It is not a business for anyone who wants easy money, it is a business for those who have goals and know that it needs a lot of effort to reach them. Setting up a paper towel factory requires hard work and courage. It is a large market that can make a lot of money but is already dominated by big companies. You will need to start with the little ant job until you become one of the great ones.

Pacific Blue Basic Recycled Hardwound Paper Towel Rolls (previously branded Envision) by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), Brown, 26301, 800 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case

Pacific Blue Basic Recycled Hardwound Paper Towel Rolls (previously branded Envision) by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), Brown, 26301, 800 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case

How to replace paper towel, paper-butter, plastic-film and aluminum foil

The place where we most produce garbage is, of course, the kitchen. There, where everything happens, where we prepare the food we like, where we make breakfast, lunch and dinner, a lot of garbage is generated in leftovers, peels, remnants of vegetables. But also in paper towel, paper-butter, plastic-film and aluminum foil , very common in all Brazilian cuisines.

Producing less junk gives more work on thinking solutions than actually putting them into practice, he saw. I've been cooking since I've lived alone, so I've hardly ever had these papers since I started making rice, beans, and vegetable stews. Nothing that needed much preparation, where usually these helpers meet. But I also never felt that I needed them, and after I started paying attention to the garbage, even less. I even discovered better solutions! (I.e.

They all end up not being recyclable because they are usually dirty with too much fat and leftover food. How nobody cleans them before throwing away, no chance for recycling. In the case of papers, it could even be put in the compost , but not in excess ( see here the tips of the people of the Forest Address on what to put in the compost )! That's why it's so important to stop using, not to generate non-recyclable waste that can not be used again.

Pacific Blue Basic Recycled Hardwound Paper Towel Rolls (previously branded Envision) by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), Brown, 26301, 800 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case
 Pacific Blue Basic Recycled Hardwound Paper Towel Rolls (previously branded Envision) by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), Brown, 26301, 800 Feet Per Roll, 6 Rolls Per Case

Aluminum paper

Instead of using aluminum foil to line molds, it passes a vegetable oil smearing the shape. It helps a lot not to stick and get easier to clean. If you stick too much, leave to soak with hot water + baking soda (if it is pot I leave in the fire boiling a few minutes). Break it all down. Or, in more difficult cases, it softens enough for you to brush well afterwards. (I.e.

To bake things that you would wrap in aluminum foil at the time of baking: pan with lid straight in the oven! Just be careful, it has to be a pan of all stainless, iron, clay, that can go in the oven. I've made baked vegetables, cabotiá pumpkin, etc. It works great, just be careful when taking out the pan that gets SUPER hot. (I.e.

Cloth napkins in place of paper-towel in the kitchen
Paper towel

This is very simple: use cloth rags instead! You can reuse older, stained and spent dishcloths for this. Then just wash with the coconut soap and extend to dry. (I.e.
Silicone brush to spread the shapes well and do not need the butter paper
Parchment paper

Let's stop the laziness that unmolding cake is very easy without paper-butter: just grease the form (I use a washable silicone brush to spread the vegetable oil) and sprinkle the flour before pouring the dough. For those who use to bake cookies, you can buy a silicone mat for it, it sells in confectionery stores. For salty papillae, use banana leaf! Nham.

I discovered afterwards that I posted this post that there is a leaf of a tree that Neide Rigo (nutritionist, muse of PANCs, a marabrilous person) uses as paper butter. The leaf is seven-crowned (from the photos above), a common tree all over Brazil. Click here to read the post that Neide explains everything. I was super excited because there are many trees that close to me: only in my condo are two! I want to test and I'll tell you about it on my Instagram soon.
For what plastic-film do we have pots? Feitos Homemade banana bean and jam!

To save food in pots, just use pots with lids, huh! No difficulty. I use reused pots of palm heart, tomato sauce and also those type marinex. I try not to use plastic pots because of bisphenol. To protect fruits, cut vegetables in half, you can make or buy waxed fabrics. It is a fabric with wax all over it that you put in a pot and "molds" with the heat of the hands. Protects food and is washable. 🙂 Click here to see what I'm talking about . Or you can be oldschool like me and put everything inside pots with lid as well.

VIVA Choose-A-Sheet* Paper Towels, White, Big Plus Roll, 24 Count

VIVA Choose-A-Sheet* Paper Towels, White, Big Plus Roll, 24 Count

Why To Use Paper Towel Dispensers Is Best For Your Environment

Hand hygiene prevents several contagious diseases. Many illnesses can be avoided with the simple gesture of washing hands. But just washing your hands does not help: you have to dry them effectively and also hygienically.

The most practical, economical, hygienic and long lasting solution is the use of a paper towel dispenser, also called commercial bathroom paper.

It has several utilities and can be installed in several places depending on the customer's need.

The most commonly used dispenser in bathrooms in common areas is the stainless paper towel dispenser . Practical and elegant, just replace the absorbent paper when it finishes. Two leaves are sufficient in most cases for slightly dry hands.

Washing your hands and drying them properly is the most effective way to prevent the transmission of viruses and bacteria. The dispenser is irreplaceable in offices of dentists, hospitals, outpatient clinics and health settings, its use is mandatory by law.

They are widely used by cooks, bakers and chefs. They can be installed in kitchens, restaurants or snack bars. Where there is a need for dry and sanitized hands, there will be a paper towel dispenser.

VIVA Choose-A-Sheet* Paper Towels, White, Big Plus Roll, 24 Count
 VIVA Choose-A-Sheet* Paper Towels, White, Big Plus Roll, 24 Count

Hotels and gyms use, in most cases, the automatic paper towel dispenser : just approach the hands that the paper is presented.

The use of the wall paper towel dispenser is widely used in Pet Shops. Simply calculate the space and height for easy and efficient use.

The dispenser for commercial bathroom can be used in all trades, regardless of the active area. Hygiene and economy fit everywhere.

At home, most people use cotton towels. They are preferred among Brazilians, however, they are not practical or economical because they require a lot of water to be washed, they get wet easily and they accumulate fungi and bacteria because they remain hanging in the bathrooms all the time.

Some families have adopted the use of paper towel dispensers at home instead of the bathroom towel rack. Considered more hygienic, it does not require the use of fabric face towels. Towel paper holder in the bathrooms also generates savings in homes besides being durable and beautiful. There are several options in plastic, stainless and other materials for you to choose the one that most suits your bathroom.

In schools are also widely used paper towels for bathroom , installed within reach of students. The paper towel dispenser coil is self-healing and provides much greater savings.

In the changing rooms or stadiums, the wall paper for the towel paper is practical for those who do not have time to lose.

Paper quality also needs to be observed: paper needs to be well absorbed for hand drying and needs to be smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Install a dispenser in your business right now and start saving: we have several models, one is the right one for you!

Seventh Generation Paper Towels, 100% Recycled Paper, 2-ply, 6 Roll, 2 Pack (12 Rolls)

Seventh Generation Paper Towels, 100% Recycled Paper, 2-ply, 6 Roll, 2 Pack (12 Rolls)

Cupboards coated with paper towels for long lasting cleaning

Cleaning the kitchen cabinets is not something we do every day, and not too often. In general, they are kept with their hygiene done from time to time. We can use warm water or a cleaning product taking care that it does not mark or deteriorate the furniture material. And the best option is to use a paper towel instead of a fabric, because it will better manage the amount of water or product we incorporate, change it when it has been used a few times not to carry dirt to other parts of furniture and, especially taking into account that inside the cabinets we store food, to avoid the contamination of germs and bacteria coming from other places of the house.

For more durable cleaning, there are strategic cupboard seats that benefit if we cover them with paper towels, for example, where the jar of sugar or coffee is stored, which always spills a bit although we are very careful, or else where we put the bottle of oil. It is also important to place them above the cabinet cabinet, where dust or grease accumulate. Having paper towels in these punctual cabinet spaces will help us keep all furniture clean, with no particles moving from one place to another.

And for maintenance we only need to remove the layer of towels we put in when they are covered with spilled food or dust and replace them with a clean layer, taking these care our closet will always be like new!

Seventh Generation Paper Towels, 100% Recycled Paper, 2-ply, 6 Roll, 2 Pack (12 Rolls)
 Seventh Generation Paper Towels, 100% Recycled Paper, 2-ply, 6 Roll, 2 Pack (12 Rolls)

Bounty Paper Towels, Print, 6 Big Rolls = 8 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry

Bounty Paper Towels, Print, 6 Big Rolls = 8 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry

Understand how the paper recycling process works

Extracted from the wood, the paper is a material of strong presence in the day to day of the society, being used for hygiene, manufacture of notebooks, packaging, printing of documents and production of a wide variety of products. To obtain paper, it is necessary to perform tree cutting, as well as the application of chemicals for bleaching the leaves. All this process causes pollution and brings several negative environmental impacts.

To minimize these problems, investing in paper recycling is critical. The good news is that about 46.3% of all paper produced in Brazil is already recycled, returning to the production chain. Despite the encouraging number, it is still possible to increase this percentage through the awareness and incentive to selective collection in residences and companies throughout the country.

Bounty Paper Towels, Print, 6 Big Rolls = 8 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry
 Bounty Paper Towels, Print, 6 Big Rolls = 8 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry

How is the paper recycling process done?

After picking up the material, the paper goes through quality control. The collected material is then crushed and mixed with water so that its fibers are separated. The next step is centrifugation, which causes impurities such as sand and staples to be separated.

Then some chemicals are added for ink removal and bleaching of the paper. If the aim is to obtain a high quality product, this bleaching can be done with the application of bleach. In this step, the cellulose pulp is ready for the refining process, in which additives can be added to the dough such as aluminum sulfate, corn starch, among other products.

After obtaining the paste, the process of manufacturing the recycled paper is very similar to that of the virgin cellulose pulp, and may vary according to the product to be obtained - toilet paper, napkins, face cloth, printing paper, bags, among others.
Paper types that can not be recycled

It is worth mentioning that there are some

types of paper that can not be recycled
  • . Are they:
  •     Adhesive tapes;
  •     Photographic papers;
  •     Carbon paper;
  •     Adhesive labels;
  •     Paper cups.

Advantages of Paper Recycling

There are several benefits that paper recycling brings to the environment, such as:

  •     Reduction of water consumption;
  •     Reduction of deforestation;
  •     Economies of almost 80% of energy;
  •     Pollution reduction;
  •     Job creation.

Sparkle 2-Ply Perforated Roll Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2717714, 85 Sheets Per Roll, 15 Rolls Per Case

Sparkle 2-Ply Perforated Roll Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2717714, 85 Sheets Per Roll, 15 Rolls Per Case

See what kind of paper towel to use in your business

Whoever has a company knows the need to buy paper towels, whether for the bathroom, kitchen or kitchen, as well as to sanitize the environments.

Many should think that paper is all the same, only buy the cheapest that will have the same utility and quality as the others.

But whoever thinks so is mistaken. So, see in this article the best paper towel for your company.

A good way to save on paper towel costs is to invest in a correct dispenser.

It is no use saving money on low-quality paper, and there is no advantage in investing in a wrong dispenser.

Choosing the paper towel dispenser that fits your company is the first analysis for you to be able to meet your audience in the efficient way.

Sparkle 2-Ply Perforated Roll Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2717714, 85 Sheets Per Roll, 15 Rolls Per Case
 Sparkle 2-Ply Perforated Roll Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2717714, 85 Sheets Per Roll, 15 Rolls Per Case

In consideration of the diversity of models on sale in the market, we have paper towel interfolia, which can be ideas for offices and bars.

In addition, there is the model with the sheets of virgin paper, which is the most correct choice to maintain the refinement of establishments such as restaurants and hotels.

If your company is an office or administrative head office, the needs will be met by a paper with a higher absorbent function such as 2 folding paper towel, which is thought to dry hands easily and adds a high degree of whiteness.

In addition, it prevents from leaving waste in the hand, as it has high absorption power, is soft and provides comfort even for the most demanding users.

So with this type of paper it is possible to dry your hands with only 2 sheets. What reduces consumption lowers the cost of purchasing supplies.

When worrying about customers visiting the company, it is necessary to opt for a softer paper, which fits properly in paper towel dispenser to reduce consumption by avoiding many leave and waste when pulled.

Dispenser paper that have a sleek and sophisticated look brings more comfort and pleases anyone who uses it.

The space is more beautiful and well decorated. The visual part is always one more point that is gained when closing with a new client or materialize a new partnership.
High Traffic Locations

If your company is a place where there is a high circulation of people, such as industries, schools and clubs, one should be concerned about the degradation of paper towel dispenser.

The equipment can suffer with vandalism and breakdown, which contribute with the increase of the expenses in repair and replacement.

This problem will be reduced and controlled by installing more paper towel dispenser coil reinforced and better quality material as they will withstand overuse and will release the sheets more carefully and control.

Even for this reason, you can not lower the quality of the paper used to dry your hands, as you end up opting for papers with lower weight and lower raw material, which, in fact, only contribute to increasing consumption.

In this case, it is necessary to spend more sheets of little absorption, due to poor quality. As a way to solve this problem, it is ideal to opt for paper towel coil. Thus, the user will spend less leaves to get the same result.
Free Newsletter

As it is an environment that involves food, the hygiene care surpasses the public that frequents the space.

Customers felt safer to see a toilet or toilet with the softer white paper towel. The highest quality papers with double or even triple sheets is ideal for use in the bathroom.

In the case of toilets that cherish luxury and have a high circulation of customers, it is ideal those who offer a better appearance like drawings in the leaves and even fragrances.

After reviewing the above criteria and the technical quality of the product, now is the time to choose the supplier that has the most affordable and quality price.

Take into account some of the following specifications so that you are guaranteed to choose the best cost x benefit and ensure the safety, health and comfort of the people who work and visit your company:

  •     Absorption;
  •     Grammage;
  •     Resistance to humidity;
  •     Softness;
  •     Odor;
  •     Whiteness.

Now just choose the best paper that meets the needs of your company. And do not forget to choose the dispenser well, because it will ensure that the paper is not wasted or give problems, such as jamming the blocks of paper. Everything depends on the proposal, but the essential thing is to save and guarantee the quality.

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry

5 paper towel utilities that you did not know and that will make your life easier

Come on: what's the paper towel for? You may well think of your role in quickly packing or taking away liquid dirt from a small accident , such as a melting ice cream or a splashing juice - after all, it has great absorption power. But did you know that paper towel can be a great ally of household chores and even facilitate your job of cooking more efficiently and keeping the house in order? Here are 5 utilities that it has and you probably had no idea:

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry
 Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry

1. Leave the cold drink faster

Okay, this tip is not exactly related to cooking or cleaning, but it is still a hand on the wheel. You know that urge to have a very cold drink, but the can is hot because you just bought it? So know that this problem stayed in the past, because the paper towel comes as a great ally for these situations. To do this simply wrap it in the can or bottle and then wet everything well. Then just put it in the freezer and that's it! In a few minutes the liquid will already be cold, just the way the Brazilian likes it.
2. Coffee strainer

You come home with that urge to have a cup of coffee and relax when you realize the colander is gone. End of the world? None of this! The solution is to use the same towel paper. For this you just put some of your leaves on top of a sieve and coar the coffee normally. Believe me: this is a gambiarra that really works.
3. Increase the shelf life of some vegetables

Do you know when you buy a hard food, do not use everything in the kitchen and then get a lot of throwing the rest away because you know it will ruin ? Well, the paper towel is a good ally for anyone who wants this type of food to last longer! Just roll the vegetables onto the paper and store the contents in the refrigerator. Remembering this just keeps the leaves from spoiling fast, but if you do not use them they will rot anyway.
4. Remove lint from maize.

Those who like corn know that the only bad thing about eating their spikes is having to get rid of the flat lice that are practically stuck in the food. After all, a bite is enough to run the risk of having those wires attached to your teeth in a very irritating way. But did you know that it is possible to end this problem? Just wet the paper towel and rub it well into the spike. You will notice that the unwanted lint will get stuck in the sheet, which will end any future discomfort.
5. To give the finishing touch in the cleaning of the glasses

Maybe you've heard that old story that the newspaper is good for cleaning glasses . Well, in fact it can be more disruptive than helping, since it has paint, but the same does not apply to paper towels. Here the idea is not simply to pass the item in the window that the problem is solved, since it is necessary to yes wash everything normally with a cloth. But at the end of the cleaning, it is common for some of the threads of this fabric to stick together. Then yes you use the paper towels, which will remove these unwanted lint from the windows of your house. The tip is valid for other types of materials that may be with some unwanted thread and that you want to take.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pacific Blue Select Premium 2-Ply C-Fold Paper Towels White, 23000, 120 Towels Per Pack, 12 Packs Per Case

Pacific Blue Select Premium 2-Ply C-Fold Paper Towels White, 23000, 120 Towels Per Pack, 12 Packs Per Case

Paper towel roll method modified for the detection of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in bean seeds


The white mold of the bean, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) Of Bary, is one of the main diseases of the culture. The pathogen can be disseminated by infected seeds, which play an important role in infestation of new planting areas and establishment of disease at the beginning of the crop cycle. This paper presents an adaptation of the paper roll method, originally developed for the detection of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, with the objective of detecting the presence of S. sclerotiorum in bean seeds. In this method, the seeds were incubated for 7 days at 20 ° C in rolls of paper towel for germination and were kept under conditions of 100% relative humidity. After this period, infected seedlings and dead seeds, surrounded by mycelium characteristic of S. sclerotiorum, were transported to gerboxes on two sheets of moistened filter paper. After 3 to 4 days of incubation at 20 ºC and under a regime of 12 hours of light for 12 hours of dark, the sclerotia were observed in the seeds and seedlings. The method was relatively fast, simple and inexpensive, as well as having the advantage of simultaneous detection of S. sclerotiorum and other important pathogens transmitted by bean seeds, such as C. lindemuthianum, Macrophomina phaseolina and Rhizoctonia solani.

Pacific Blue Select Premium 2-Ply C-Fold Paper Towels White, 23000, 120 Towels Per Pack, 12 Packs Per Case
 Pacific Blue Select Premium 2-Ply C-Fold Paper Towels White, 23000, 120 Towels Per Pack, 12 Packs Per Case


White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) Is one of the most damaging diseases of beans. Dissemination of the pathogen by infected seeds is important because it can infest new planting areas and the disease may establish in the beginning of the crop cycle. The present work describes an adaptation of the seed health test using the germination paper towel method, originally developed for the detection of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, for assaying the presence of S. sclerotiorum in bean seeds. The test consisted of placing bean seeds in germination paper towels, which were rolled and placed in the germination chamber and kept at 100% relative humidity and 20 ° C for seven days. After this period, the infected seedlings and the dead seeds surrounded by a white cottony growth were collected and placed in a gerbox over two wet filter papers. The sclerotia characteristic of the pathogen appeared around the seeds after four days of incubation. This method is relatively rapid, inexpensive, and has the additional advantage of detecting simultaneously other important pathogens in bean seeds, such as Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Macrophomina phaseolina and Rhizoctonia solani.

The white mold of the bean, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) Of Bary, is one of the main diseases of the crop, causing severe damages in the winter plantations in irrigated areas (2, 6). The dissemination of the fungus can occur by ascospores, which are released from the ascas and ejected in the air, by the sclerotia transported in the irrigation water and / or associated with the seeds, and by means of infected seeds, which play an important role in the infestation of indigent areas and in establishing the disease at the beginning of the culture cycle (2, 11). Infestation of new areas is a serious problem, since sclerotia can remain viable for up to 8 years in the soil (11). Due to the important role of seeds in the spread of the disease, Machado (5) and Menten (7) proposed the zero tolerance pattern for S. sclerotiorum in bean and soybean seeds of the basic, certified and supervised classes.

The fungus S. sclerotiorum occurs at relatively low incidences of bean and soybean seeds, rarely exceeding 2% (10), therefore the methods for their detection must be sensitive, reproducible and, in seed production systems, it is also essential that they be cheap and fast . The filter paper method, with seed incubation for 30 days at temperatures between 5 and 7ºC under continuous dark, is recommended by the Rules for Seed Analysis (3) to verify the presence of the fungus in bean seeds. However, several other methods also showed sensitivity for the detection of S. sclerotiorum . Menezes (6) recommends, in addition to observation of the lot to verify the presence of sclerotia, the incubation of the seeds by the filter paper method, for a period of 10 to 15 days, time necessary for the formation of sclerotia. Koch & Menten (4) found that the filter paper method with incubation for 14 days at 15 ° C under continuous dark was also suitable for the detection of the pathogen. Peres (10) developed the semi-selective medium (NEON), on which the seeds are incubated for 7 days at temperatures between 14 and 20ºC in the dark, the pathogen being detected by the change in color of the medium, which occurs in the presence of acidic substances. S. sclerotiorum is found in seeds because it produces oxalic acid .

The paper towel roll method, originally developed by Anselme & Champion (1), is recommended for the detection of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (1, 3, 6) , a pathogen that causes easily observable spots on cotyledons, but can also detect those that affect germination, such as Macrophomina phaseolina and Rhizoctonia solani (6). This method, with a modification, has been used since 1993 in the Central Laboratory of Seeds and Seedlings (LCSM) of the Coordination of Integral Technical Assistance, with the main objective of detecting C. lindemuthianum in bean seeds, but also has evidenced the presence of S. sclerotiorum and the other pathogens mentioned above . This modification allowed the detection of S. sclerotiorum in 17 and 18 samples in 1993 and 1994, when 437 and 618 samples were analyzed, respectively (8, 9). All lots in which the pathogen was detected came from production fields in which the white mold had occurred, indicating a relation with the field history. In the other fields the disease was not observed and also the fungus was not observed in the seeds.

The method of the modified towel paper roll consisted of the distribution of seeds on two sheets of paper towel for germination, previously moistened, measuring 38 x 28 cm. Fifty seeds were distributed on two sheets of paper towel being covered by another of the same paper. The leaves were folded in the direction of the largest dimension and rolled perpendicular to the first. The paper rolls were placed vertically and incubated for 7 days in a 20 ° C chamber in plastic bags, to maintain moisture during incubation. In each sample 400 seeds (5) were analyzed. For the detection of S. sclerotiorum, seedlings with symptoms of infection ( Figure 1 ) and dead seeds, both surrounded by cotoneous mycelium , were removed from the rolls, placed in a gerbox containing two sheets of moistened filter paper, incubated under 12 hours of fluorescent light and 12 hours of dark at 20 o C for 3 to 4 days. The sclerotia characteristic of S. sclerotiorum developed on the roll itself, or more frequently were formed after incubation, confirming the presence of the pathogen in the seeds ( Figure 2 ).

The modified roller method was compared to that described by Koch & Menten (4), in order to measure its sensitivity. A bean seed sample from a moderately infested field was divided into three sub-samples. The first two were distributed in rolls of paper towel and tested according to this new proposed methodology, but the rolls were incubated in different environments, being 8 in wood germinator, which maintains 100% relative humidity, and the other 8 were conditioned in plastic bags and placed in a chamber, being periodically re-emitted. The third sub-sample was incubated in Petri dishes for 14 days in continuous dark (4). The fungus was detected in 2.24 and 2.88% of the seeds kept in the germinator and in the BOD chamber, respectively, and in 1.10% of those incubated in the plates. The statistical analysis did not show significant differences between the results, indicating that the proposed method presents similar sensitivity to the method described by Koch & Menten (4), used for measurement.

Eventually the proposed method may overestimate the incidence of the fungus if it spreads from infected seeds to neighboring ones. This fact, however, is of little importance for S. sclerotiorum, whose tolerance standard is zero. The method has the advantage of making it possible to detect S. sclerotiorum by means of a simple, low sensitivity and cost-sensitive procedure that can be easily applied in routine analyzes and can also be used for the simultaneous detection of other pathogens important for culture of common bean, such as C. lindemuthianum, M. phaseolina and R. solani.

Bounty Essentials Full Sheet Paper Towels, 24 Large Rolls = 30 Regular Rolls

Bounty Essentials Full Sheet Paper Towels, 24 Large Rolls = 30 Regular Rolls

How to choose paper towel for my company

Choosing and buying the supplies for your company's hygiene is not always easy. With many options on the market, paper towel is one of the products that must be chosen carefully to suit the needs of each industry. In addition to fulfilling the role of properly drying the hands, it needs to present above all quality. Check out what you need to know to correctly choose the paper towel from your company:

Bounty Essentials Full Sheet Paper Towels, 24 Large Rolls = 30 Regular Rolls
 Bounty Essentials Full Sheet Paper Towels, 24 Large Rolls = 30 Regular Rolls

What should I know before choosing?

There are a few questions that must be asked before you go out there buying the paper towel to be used by your company:

- Where will this product be used: in a restaurant, hospital, industry, trade or office? Having defined the segment, it is worth checking if there is specific legislation that establishes minimum standards, for example, in restaurants there is a need for the paper to be produced with virgin fibers, according to RDC 216 of ANVISA. Therefore, the pattern would be that of the composition of the paper. Another standard to be established would be the level of absorption, because the higher this level, the lower volume of paper will be required to dry the hands.

"Shall I use paper dispensers or not?" This is a smart move because these devices are perfect for saving paper. It is also worth choosing the type of dispenser, since there are those that harmonize or disagree with your design and some that are more suitable for environments with high flow of people than others, for example.

What impact does this choice have on the environment?

You can reflect and decide whether you will prefer paper that comes from reforestation trees, promoting a neutral environmental impact, since this type of forest has exactly that function. Industries that care about this issue even have certifications that prove impact neutrality.


There are several companies specialized in personal hygiene and certainly are able to provide a combined service of supply of paper towels and dispensers, so it is important also know how to choose your supplier well.

Each supplier also makes available various types of paper and dispensers for use in companies and industries. After understanding the use to be made of this material, you need to choose the model that best suits your needs.

How to economize?

Using paper that has a low consumption to dry your hands is a good request! It pays to acquire and test a small volume of the product in your company to be sure. Nowadays, there are many vendors who have the free trial service and it may be that your company can get that benefit without shelling out more money for it.

Our Solutions

TrevoTHL distributes 100% cellulose papers for institutional use and our current product line is made up of various types of Interleaved Towel Paper or Rolls, Interleaved Toilet Papers or Rollers, Table Napkins and Dispenser Napkins.

The products are offered in a wide variety of sizes and weights, following the market demand for innovation and efficiency.

Our line of paper for institutional use follows a strict quality control, with the choice of suppliers that prove excellence in the production process, distribution and that meet the standards of quality and health surveillance, according to the current legislation.

Kleenex Hand Towels, Disposable Hand Paper Towels, 60 Towels per Box, 6 Pack (360 Towels Total)

Kleenex Hand Towels, Disposable Hand Paper Towels, 60 Towels per Box, 6 Pack (360 Towels Total)

What does the lack of paper towel in the company have to do with your personal finances?

The lack of paper towel in the company bathroom, almost always comes accompanied by that excuse that was missing from the supplier. But to be positive and demonstrate that almost everything can have positive factors, let's know this story and what she has to do with her personal finances .

Lack of paper towels in the company's bathroom X Your personal finances

When I heard a colleague complaining in the bathroom for a lack of paper towels, I swung my knotted hands, tucked them into my pants for a final wipe, and let out a half-sarcastic laugh and told my friend. That Cool! Our finances can greatly improve with this. the lack of paper means that the country's economy is resuming growth.

Kleenex Hand Towels, Disposable Hand Paper Towels, 60 Towels per Box, 6 Pack (360 Towels Total)
 Kleenex Hand Towels, Disposable Hand Paper Towels, 60 Towels per Box, 6 Pack (360 Towels Total)

We are coming out of the crisis!

The friend, not understanding what this had to do with the country's economy and his personal finances, shrugged his shoulders, signaling that he understood nothing.

So I explained, gathering other information I already had about improving the economy. The paper industry is an important thermometer to measure the resumption of industrial activity in a country. When the industry comes back to buy paper, it is because sales are increasing, and when they stop buying is due to their sales are decreasing. The reason that paper was missing from the supplier can be explained in part by the demand that had increased. The supplier was out of stock for a few days.

Then, seeking a positive sense in the even adverse situations, soon I broke the state that the friend had entered of pessimism before the lack of paper towel in the bathroom of the company. We can find positive factors where it seems that there are only problems. Our standard of thinking is that it points to the good or bad side of things. If the economy was in a great recession, with thousands of unemployed, companies closing, and people without means of subsistence, who barely have to spend a paperless day to wipe their hands? The answer is: Nothing! Only the sense we give to things.

Genuine Joe MultifoCSLD Towels, 9.5" x 9.10"

Genuine Joe MultifoCSLD Towels, 9.5" x 9.10"

 What is tissue paper? Check everything there is to know !!

Silk Paper Example

Our intention is to provide you with information, and for this we carry out a lot of research on the products and services we offer at Sol Nascente Papéis . This article is a free translation of the authorship of Rajapack UK .

With winter coming to us, you may find yourself adding fabrics to your shopping list to help with a cold. But tissue paper is also an incredible material for gift wrapping, as well as offering exceptional protection for packaging for fragile or sensitive items.

In this article we are focusing entirely on tissue paper, which can be used to protect some less fragile products in shipping and is commonly used to add decoration and colors to gifts.

Genuine Joe MultifoCSLD Towels, 9.5" x 9.10"
 Genuine Joe MultifoCSLD Towels, 9.5 x 9.10

Colored silk paper for craft or gift wrapping

So, what exactly is tissue paper ?
It's simply a kind of super-light paper, usually made out of recycled paper pulp. The term "tissue paper" covers a wide range of different products, including paper for packaging of footwear, packaging of customized bags, packaging of shirts and pants used at the point of sale, paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissues, a lot more.
So, let's start from the beginning - when was the tissue paper invented?

This is not a simple question to answer because it is not well documented. The earliest known use of paper as wrapping and wrapping material was in China in the second century BC. Over time, product packaging and freight transport have become crucial to business and the global economy, so the thick paper originally used to wrap and protect has evolved into the tissue we know and use today.

It is not known exactly who invented the tissue paper, but the evolution of this material may be linked to the invention of the toilet paper of Joseph Gayetty in 1857, which uses a process of production similar to tissue paper.
How is the tissue paper made?

To understand how this is done, we need to start at the beginning and ask what the tissue paper is made of. The tissue paper is made with paper pulp (wood fiber) or with recycled paper, such as cardboard and newspapers. The wet pulp is then wound in a paper machine until the desired thickness is reached. It is dried in a large steam-heated section of the machine and wrapped in huge cylinders called logs ready to be cut in size.

Sometimes, as the tissue paper ages, it can become acidic and brittle. This acidity can cause damage to sensitive items stored inside it, such as clothes and books. This led to the creation of acid-free tissue paper.

But exactly what is acid free tissue paper and how does it differ from the standard fabric?
Acid-free tissue paper is specifically processed to remove the agents from the standard tissue which becomes acidic over time. This makes it ideal for storing products or items such as jewelry, fabrics, dinnerware, ornaments and antiques.

You may wonder if every tissue paper is sour? Simply put: no - both types of silk are available and are used for different purposes. Acid-free tissue paper has a wide range of uses with more fragile or delicate items, however standard silk paper can be used for many things including general wrapping, bottle wrapping, such as filling for gift boxes, gift bags and countless other uses.

Silk paper is a relatively cheap way to enhance the unboxing experience by adding another layer of excitement to the theater of receiving this one. The huge range of colors and finishes available make it suitable for any occasion from weddings to birthdays, birthdays, etc.
What is the difference between crepe paper and tissue paper?

Crepe paper is similar to tissue paper, but the difference between the two begins in the manufacturing process. The crepe paper begins life as tissue paper, and then a thin layer of adhesive is applied onto the tissue paper and scraped with a razor blade. This creates a gathered and wrinkled effect. Crepe paper is often used in crafts and is also the support for various types of tape, including masking tape and insulation tape.
What is a ream of tissue paper?

Silk paper ream You will have no doubt about the term - a "ream", which is a paper unit in which the sheets are all of the same size and quality. Reams are regulated in the United Kingdom by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to ensure that manufacturers and retailers sell the same amount of paper in a single ream. But how many sheets are there in a ream of tissue paper? The international standard quantity for a ream of tissue paper is 480 sheets.

With 480 sheets in a ream, you may be wondering how much silk paper weighs? A ream of tissue paper that is equal to 3 liters of water.

Logo without text The Rising Sun Roles has a genuine concern for the environment. Our intention is to take information that really makes the difference by thinking the whole systemically and globally. Come to know more about our products and services on our website , and make a quote with us.

Viva Multi-Surface Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Cloth-Like Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)

Viva Multi-Surface Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Cloth-Like Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)

 HOW TO CHOOSE: Paper towel for my company

What should I know before choosing?

Where will this product be used? In a restaurant, hospital, industry, commerce or office? Once the segment is defined, it is worth checking if there is specific legislation that establishes minimum standards. For example, in restaurants there is a need for the paper to be produced with virgin fibers. According to RDC 216 of ANVISA. Therefore, the pattern would be that of the composition of the paper. That's it! For it can be made from virgin or recycled fibers, the latter being from a variety of sources, and garbage may be one of them.

Another standard to be established would be the level of absorption, because the higher this level, the lower volume of paper will be required to dry the hands.

Will I use paper dispensers or not? This is a smart move because these devices are perfect for saving paper. It is also worth choosing what type of dispenser to have, since there are those that harmonize or disrupt your design and some that are more suited to high flow environments than others.

Viva Multi-Surface Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Cloth-Like Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)
 Viva Multi-Surface Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Cloth-Like Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)

What impact does this choice have on our lives?

You can reflect and decide whether you will prefer papers that come from reforestation trees, promoting a neutral environmental impact, since this type of forest has exactly that function; responsible industries even have certifications that prove the neutrality of the impact.

Of course, your company's need to provide towels to employees and customers, and the health and well-being of these users will be influenced by their quality level decision.

Imagine if employees get sicker than usual? This impacts directly on the flow of your business activities.

Companies specialized in personal hygiene exist today in the different regions of the country and certainly are able to provide a combined service of supply of paper towels and dispensers, without your company having to pay something extra for it!

Several types of paper dispensers are available in the market and by 2016 good deals can be made due to the monetary tightening, and it is even possible to install these powerful "economizers" of your money without your company paying a penny for them.
Unexpected Results
paper towel 2

If your company opts for purchases made through monthly quotes, the result is usually higher than expected expense, since we ended up choosing products based on unit price only, falling into low quality traps, fewer sheets or less than the specified packages , towels that get small in their dispensers and even fall in large quantities.

Your customers (external and internal) end up seeing the level of product quality and associating it to the level of your company.
How to economize?

Using paper that has a low consumption to dry your hands is a good measure!

It pays to acquire and test a small volume of the product in your company to be sure.

Companies nowadays have the free trial service and it may be that you can achieve this benefit without depleting resources for so much.
Our Solutions

Papers towels of various weights, measures, absorption index and resistance to humidity.

In its formats, we provide the traditional interleaved as well as those in roll format. You can follow dispensers who will value every cent invested by your company in the towels.

We install paper towel dispensers and keep them free of charge.

There are several types of packaging with different quantity of products and films appropriate to the size of your business.

Count on our professionals to help you choose the most suitable product for your company. So counting it with a few or hundreds of thousands of visitors monthly.

Solimo Basic Flex-Sheets Paper Towels, 24 Value Rolls, White, 102 Sheets per Roll

Solimo Basic Flex-Sheets Paper Towels, 24 Value Rolls, White, 102 Sheets per Roll

After all, how many trees are needed to produce a sheet of paper?

Do you know how many trees are needed to produce a sheet of paper? To answer this question from a purely mathematical logic, one must know how many leaves one can produce from a single tree.

Consider that a standard tree in paper production, which is eucalyptus, is capable of producing 20 reams of paper. As each ream has 500 sheets, 20 reams have 10 thousand A4 sheets of 75 g / m2 of weight per trunk. If a tree is capable of giving life to 10 thousand of these leaves, this means that to produce a sheet of paper it takes 1 / 10,000 of tree.

Although this appears to be an irrelevant number, the problem goes far beyond a simple sheet of paper. This is because, currently, most of the paper produced in Brazil comes from reforestation, which helps to solve the environmental damage associated with the deforestation of forests and the consequent depletion of natural resources . Paper consumption, in fact, causes problems associated with the production and disposal process of the material.

Solimo Basic Flex-Sheets Paper Towels, 24 Value Rolls, White, 102 Sheets per Roll
 Solimo Basic Flex-Sheets Paper Towels, 24 Value Rolls, White, 102 Sheets per Roll

Paper Disposal: An Issue Still Open

Paper consumption leads to a number of disposal issues, since this material can take from two weeks to six months to decompose into the environment. Although this is not enough, this is a long enough time to do a lot of damage, mainly due to the amount of paper discarded in streams, rivers and urban areas, which contribute to the flooding and endanger the lives of animals.

In addition, paper production itself can cause a number of environmental damage. Paper recycling , although it contributes to the reduction of disposal in the environment, requires the use of more chemicals in processing, rendering polluting an activity that already has this characteristic when using raw material.
What is the best solution for using paper?

Reforestation solves part of the issue, while recycling contributes at the other end. In addition, reuse of paper may delay the need for disposal, but it is necessary to attack the third vertex of the problem - which is production. In this case, the way is to substitute paper and reduce its use day by day.

For this to happen, the habits of society must be changed. In this respect, the use of technology can be vital: with increasing use of information technology, digital technology and the internet, it is possible to greatly reduce the use of paper in human activity. The question is not how many trees are needed to produce one sheet of paper, but how many sheets of paper should we stop consuming and producing?

Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 6 Count = 15 Regular Rolls

Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 6 Count = 15 Regular Rolls

All About Paper

Paper is one of the most consumed products in the world and, for centuries, is part of the daily life of humanity. As a basic means of education, communication and information for most people, it composes books, newspapers, magazines, documents and letters and thus contributes to the transmission of knowledge. It also serves a wide range of commercial and residential uses, such as cartons, food packaging and hundreds of other products, computer print sheets for a variety of hygiene and cleaning products.

In the wake of technological advances, applications diversify to make life easier for consumers and businesses, governments and institutions.

To meet this need, the production and consumption of paper is paramount within sustainable standards, a challenge for which the industry is attentive, innovates, invests and achieves positive results.

Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 6 Count = 15 Regular Rolls
 Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 6 Count = 15 Regular Rolls

It is important to emphasize that the paper produced in Brazil originates from planted trees, a renewable resource. In addition, the paper is recyclable, that is, much of it returns to the productive cycle after consumption. In addition to these advantages, the industry is advancing with continued improvements to cleaner production and lower impact.

Brazil is a major world producer of paper and, in addition to supplying the domestic market, exports products mainly to countries in Latin America, the European Union and North America.
Types and Applications

Paper has multiple applications. It is used for printing (books, newspapers, magazines) and writing (notebooks, single sheets, commemorative cards), it consists of food packaging, medicines, clothes and dozens of other products and is also used for sanitary purposes (napkins, and absorbents). It also has special utilities, such as stamps, paper money and coffee filters and motor motors, among many other examples.

The roles have varied classifications, according to their characteristics and uses, increasingly diverse as industrial advances and the needs of the consumer. There are Printing and Writing Papers, Packaging Papers, Cardboard Paper, Special Papers, and Toilet Papers.

Also called tissue paper, they make up sheets or rolls of low weight, used for personal hygiene and household cleaning, such as toilet paper, tissues, paper towels and napkins. Besides the virgin fibers, they have as a characteristic of their composition the use of recycled chips of good quality.

The main types of sanitary papers are:

  •     Toilet Paper - Specifically used in toilets, it may have one or more sheets and different degrees of softness.
  •     Napkin - May include chemically treated chips. Texture and absorption are some of its attributes.
  •     Hand Towels - Usually used commercially, consumed in rolls or sheets interleaved.
  •     Kitchen Towels - Destined for residential consumption for general cleaning, such as sinks and stoves.
  •     Handkerchiefs - They can use good quality, chemically treated shavings and have a lower weight and are useful for facial cleansing.

Sparkle Paper Towels, 18 Rolls = 37 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets

Sparkle Paper Towels, 18 Rolls = 37 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets

History of paper and its characteristics

Prior to the invention of paper, man used himself in various ways to express himself through writing. In India palm leaves were used. The Eskimos used whale bones and seal teeth. In China it was written in shells and turtle shells. The most famous raw materials were Papyrus and Parchment.

The first, the papyrus, was invented by the Egyptians and despite its fragility, thousands of papyrus documents came to us. The parchment was much more resistant, since it was animal skin, usually sheep, calf or goat and had a very high cost. The Mayans and Aztecs kept their books of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine in bark, called "tonalamatl."

The word paper originates from the Latin "papyrus". Name given to a vegetable of the family "Cepareas" (Cyperua papyrus). The marrow of his stems was employed, as a support of writing, by the Egyptians, 2,400 years before Christ. However, the Chinese were the first to make the paper as it is today, beginning the production of paper from bamboo fibers and silk.

Sparkle Paper Towels, 18 Rolls = 37 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets
 Sparkle Paper Towels, 18 Rolls = 37 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets

The emergence, in the East

The invention of paper made from vegetable fibers is attributed to the Chinese. The invention would have been the work of the Chinese minister of agriculture Tsai-Lun, in the year 123 BC. The sheet of paper manufactured at the time would be made by the fiber of Morus papyrifer or Broussonetia papurifera, Kodzu and the Chinese herb "Boehmeria", in addition to bamboo.

Around 610 AD, the Korean monks Doncho and Hojo, sent to China by the King of Korea, spread the invention through Korea and also Japan. Among the prisoners who arrived in Samarkand (Central Asia), there were some who learned the techniques of manufacturing. The paper manufactured by the Samarkandos and Koreans, later, were made with remains of fabrics, despising the other fibrous materials. Around 795 a paper mill was set up in Baghdad (Turkey). The industry flourished in the city until the fifteenth century. In Damascus (Syria), in the tenth century, in addition to objects of art, textiles and carpets, the paper called the Damascene letter, which was exported to the West, was made.
Entry through Spain

The manufacture was soon extended to the coasts of North Africa, arriving until Europe by the Iberian peninsula, where around 1150 the Arabs implanted it in Xativa (Spain).

The makers of Játiva produced cotton paper in the eleventh century. The material of fragile consistency, judging by the rough shows of later times that have been preserved, reveal an elaboration obtained with scarce elements based on raw cotton. In addition to Játiva, another Spanish city dominating the production of paper was Toledo, where paper called "Toledo" was made.

The Arabs themselves came to import the paper manufactured in Spain in the ninth and tenth centuries, but the widespread use of the Spanish paper only occurred in the thirteenth century. There are records, albeit controversial, of paper production in Valencia, Gerona and Manresa, in the period. In the fourteenth century, the industry extended to the regions of Aragon and Catalonia, although the skin parchment was still widely used.
The emergence of the press

Hands holding a paper. From the invention of the press, the increase in consumption caused the number of paper mills to increase. If the increase in typographic production, on the one hand consumed infinitely more paper than before, in the time of copyists, the need to import implied for the consumer countries greater difficulty in producing, since the ships carrying the paper manufactured in Flanders or in Italy, carried scraps of fabric used for their countries. Several countries even banned the export of rags, without which the national paper industry could not raise production to meet ever-increasing consumption.
Other countries in Europe

In Germany, the earliest initiatives in paper production date back to the end of the twelfth century. The pioneer cities were Kaufheuren in 1312; Nuremberg in 1319 and Augsburg in 1320. Munich, Leesdorf and Basel, which also set up their factories in the same century, are often followed by the demand of the printing presses linked to the Church and the Universities. In France, where paper was already handmade since 1248, the first mill was found in the town of Troyes in 1350. In England the paper only began to be produced industrially in 1460 in the town of Steuenage and almost a century later (1558) at Dartford.

In Italy paper had already been made since 1200 in Fabriano, where it had been introduced by Pace. There are also those who claim that the first manufacturer would be Bernardo of Prague, while others maintain that the primacy would belong to Master Polese, who is also credited with innovation in the substitution of cotton for linen. The Italian cities, which imported the paper in the thirteenth century, were already supplied in the fourteenth century by the paperwork of Fabriano, Pádia and Caller, where the industry was well developed. Before 1500, there were already industries in Saboia, Lombard, Tosca and Rome.

Until the end of the eighteenth century, papermaking was entirely artisanal. Paper mills were primitive workshops, and the sheets of paper were made one by one in very small quantities. Industry appears only when it is possible to mechanize the process.

The fact that gave the great impulse to the making of paper was undoubtedly the invention of the press and then the Reformation, with the great intellectual resurgence that developed throughout the Renaissance period. This factor was then followed by the continuous paper machine. A French laborer, Louis Robert, in 1799 obtained a patent for a shaking machine which in 1800 was sold to Didot, the director of the Saint-Leger factory. Juan Gamble patented for England and explored it in partnership with Fourdrinier and Donkin, greatly perfecting the machine.
The role in the Americas

The first paper mill in the United States was established in 1690 by Guillermo Rittenhousa in Germantown, Pennsylvania, where the essential raw material was supplied by the population (cotton rags and linen) and water was plentiful. By 1800, there were more than 180 paper mills in the United States, and cloth rags became scarce (and expensive). The first US paper on wood pulp paper was printed in 1863 in Boston, Massachusets (Boston Weekly Journal).
In Brazil

The first paper mill in Brazil comes with the arrival of the Portuguese royal family. Located in Andaraí Pequeno (RJ), it was founded between 1808 and 1810 by Henrique Nunes Cardoso and Joaquim José da Silva. In 1837 the industry of André Gaillar appears and, in 1841, that of Zeferino Ferrez.
Paper Conservation

Most processes related to the care of historical papers, books, and maps are of an overly technical nature. Here you will find the basics and simple processes that can be used safely for the preservation and maintenance of papers. By providing these rules, which are not complete, we observe that much can be done to keep the materials in use condition without causing further damage. A word of caution though: methods should not be applied indiscriminately in all situations. A professional restorer should be consulted when dealing with documents of value or large volume of material in advanced stage of deterioration. Without such advice it is better to do nothing than to do the wrong thing.
The durability of paper

Paper is an organic substance composed of plant cellulose fibers; because of its organic nature, the paper will deteriorate if not properly or stored. Papers made in the period beginning in the twelfth century and ending in the mid nineteenth century were strong and durable; and many books and originals published before 1850 are still in excellent condition. Modern paper is usually made from wood fibers that have been mechanically ground for printing newspapers or produced chemically for writing books and papers. Some thinner papers also contain cotton or flax fibers. Most modern papers, unless they are free of acids or are classified as of permanent durability, have an expected life of less than 50 years.
Causes of deterioration

The rapid deterioration of modern papers results from the use of acids that break the cellulose fibers into ever shorter pieces, thereby weakening the paper. Acid decay can be accompanied by yellowish or brown discoloration, a condition caused by the use of alum-resin compounds as the glue agents that generate sulfuric acid when the atmospheric moisture is normal. The use of low-grade cellulose and impure wood fibers rather than chemically purified pulp is another factor in the deterioration of modern paper. The lignin or "glue" that hold the fibers together with the wood degrades to form acids that weaken the paper. Although most papers contain some unpurified wood fibers, the most common example of low standard paper is the press. Other factors that influence paper deterioration are: air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone; the invisible radiation of sunlight and fluorescent light; the short wavelengths of visible light; the growth of microorganisms such as mold and bacteria; and insects and rodents that feed the paper itself.

High temperatures, combined with high humidity, facilitate acid reactions that contribute to paper deterioration. Thus, paper life can be extended by reducing the storage temperature; theoretically, the life of the paper doubles with the reduction of every 6ºC in the temperature. A constant storage temperature of 20ºC is considered ideal, being quite comfortable to the workers and low enough not to damage materials. Large fluctuations in temperature variation are extremely damaging, as are high temperatures. Consequently, papers and books should never be stored in attic areas where wide fluctuations are common, and temperatures of up to 65 ° C can occur in summer days.

Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to the amount that saturates the air (rh 100%) at a given temperature and at a given air pressure. Relative high humidity (exceeding 68%) causes swelling and warping of paper fibers and accelerates acid deterioration. Also, high moistness in the presence of metal staples and paper clips will cause oxidation stains, even if no actual water damage occurs. Low humidity (below 40%) will cause the paper to dry out and become fragile; often on this scale, the fragile pages will stick together as a result of static electricity, and may tear if care is not taken when flipping them.

Seasonal fluctuations of less than 10% in winter to more than 90% in summer are detrimental to paper. Modern book papers should be stored at 40% to 50% relative humidity; as leather bindings are best kept between 45% and 55%; vellum or parchment 50% to 60%, a good solution is the storage at 50% of humidity of the air, being able to oscillate between 45% to 60%. Fluctuations within the range should be kept to a minimum. Humidity levels in a small storage area can be maintained with a small air conditioner, dehumidifier or humidifier.

Basement storage areas are not desirable due to the risk of flooding and usually high levels of humidity.
Straightening of folded or rolled paper

Papers with folds or rolled for long periods tend to become dry or brittle; and smoothing can cause cellulose fibers to rupture and permanent paper damage. Restoring paper moisture through loosening and softening of the fibers makes the paper flat and smooth more easily.

The best method of restoring moisture is to place the paper in a place of high humidity (around 100% relative humidity) for one or two days. The documents may be placed in a container with water or moistened with a damp sponge so that the water does not come in direct contact with the material. A larger plastic container can be used by placing in the bottom of this a smaller vessel with water (it can be a pan, for example). On this, the volumes or papers, properly protected from the direct contact with the deposited water (use a grid or canvas as support), are placed. Also avoid the contact of the papers with the condensed water that forms in the walls of the container.

Alternatively, the sheets or rolled material may also be applied with a damp sponge. The risk of this method is the possibility of erasing water-resistant inks, or of changing the colors of the illustrations. In any case, once the paper has absorbed moisture, the planing can be processed more easily. Once flattened, the paper should be left to dry under pressure. Loose pages or small bundles of paper can be separated with absorbent paper (paper towel or blotting paper), and over them a piece of heavy wood block, books or other hard material. Hold it for a day or two until it is dry.
Mold or mildew

Storing materials under the suggested conditions of temperature and humidity can prevent mold or mildew. As mold spores are always present in the air and dust that attaches to the documents, if the recommended conditions are not maintained, the danger of mold formation and damage to the documents exists. Relative humidity of 70% combined with high temperatures favor the development of mold or mildew, although many molds grow easily around 5 ° C if the humidity is high. The lack of air circulation is also a favorable condition for the attack of these molds and molds.

Once it has occurred, the mold is difficult to control and serious damage risks can occur before the situation is perceived. Prevention, therefore, is easier than cure. The environment should be monitored periodically to avoid favorable conditions for mold or mildew formation. In the early stages, mold formation may be too small to be considered a problem. Visible evidence can be swept out and material may be stored below recommended conditions without further concern. At a later stage, the mold can digest the material at will upon which it is seated, resulting in misleading internal stains that cause damage to the strength of the material.
Atmospheric pollutants

Damage from airborne pollutants is more evident in old books and piles of old paper when the edges of the pages are discolored by the acids while the crumb remains almost white. Damage caused by certain gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulphate and nitrogen dioxide from fossil fuel combustion are more serious in industrial areas. Generally large and expensive filtration systems are required to remove the pollutants, not to save means of protection is the alternative for the small collector.

Some of the components are not hazardous when combined with other components as they form acids. For example, sulfur dioxide is catalyzed by another element in the air in the form of sulfur trioxide, which, together with water vapor, form sulfuric acid.

Ozone, the penetrating gas generated by the interaction of sunlight and dioxide and nitrogen, cause self-exhaustion and one which is also prevalent over electric motors and after thunderstorms, cause oxidation and leaves the paper brittle.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays and fluorescent lighting causes the paper to deteriorate rapidly. But the most serious deterioration can occur with exposure to visible light, to rays ranging from the red end of the spectrum

Visible light effects include: bleaching and darkening of the paper. The latter usually occurs more quickly with newspapers. The loosening of the fibers, which results in the disintegration of the paper, is not immediately noticed. Unfortunately, the reactions continue after the cause of the problem is withdrawn, although to a lesser extent.

Other factors are equal, paper stored in complete darkness can also suffer as much damage as subjects to light. Storage in the dark is not usually practiced today. Other steps can be taken: Paper should never be stored under direct sunlight or fluorescent light without diffusers. Materials that filter ultraviolet lights can be used to coat windows or fixtures.
Insects and rodents

Insects and rodents are attracted to paper pulp, proteins and carbohydrates in glues, varnishes and other organic substances. The best way to avoid insects and rodents is to practice good domestic habits: do not take food to the storage area, protect windows and eliminate any insects or rodents observed.

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Family Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Family Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

Study finds that paper towel is the most hygienic of methods for drying hands

It is not new to say that hand washing is a very important aspect for microbiological control in any segment, and that its efficiency is due to a correct procedure.

However, little is said about the important role that drying plays in hand hygiene, as there is a greater probability of transmission of microorganisms from wet skin than from dry skin.

And this is not specified in manuals and warnings with the procedure for hand washing, which end in the application of antiseptic product. In Brazilian legislation for food companies, there are requirements for handwashing facilities in production areas, changing rooms and bathrooms, which clarify that sinks should preferably use non-recycled paper towels or another hygienic and hand-drying system. But what other safe system for drying hands would be ideal?

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Family Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls
 Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Family Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

We emphasize that our legislation eliminates the hypothesis of using a cloth towel. According to research led by Professor Mark Wilcox of the Leeds Medical School, who compared the microbial reduction after hand drying as well as the hygiene of dryer surfaces, the environment and users, the three most used hand-drying: air-jet, hot-air dryers, and disposable paper towels, air jet and hot air dryers have greater potential for contamination! Air-jet dryers are excellent hand dryers due to the high air velocity; unfortunately, this means that water droplets with microorganisms will be dispersed over longer distances and some will remain suspended in the air for several minutes (possibly hours) and may spread the contamination to the environment, taking into account that this will depend on the initial contamination and how the hands were washed. For the study, the hands, with gloves, were lined with Lactobacillus strains, to simulate the microbial load. The hands were then poorly washed and then dried. The researchers measured the microbial counts in the air around the equipment and also at distances of 1 m and 2 m. Separate tests were also performed in which the hands were coated with paint to visualize the droplet dispersion in each method. Bacterial air counts near the airflow dryers (70.7 CFU) were 4.5 times greater than around the hot air dryer (15.7 CFU) and 27 times higher when compared to the use of paper (2.6 CFU).

The figure below illustrates this situation. Search And the visual test of paint stains showed that the air-jet dryer caused a greater dispersion of paint droplets. It was also found that, for the air dryer, the bacteria remained beyond the drying time of 15 seconds, 26% more than the other methods. It has been found that drying hands with paper towel reduces friction, the average number of bacteria in the fingers by up to 76% and the palms by up to 77%. In contrast, with the use of electric dryers, the counts of bacteria increased, in some cases, by up to 254%. Given these results, the study concludes that paper towels are the best solution, but this does not eliminate the need for good practices, such as waste management with paper and good cleaning efficiency of the dispenser , walls and even the choice of best dispenser. And for those who have doubts about what is more sustainable, another research gives equivalence to the two methods when using two paper towels.