Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry

5 paper towel utilities that you did not know and that will make your life easier

Come on: what's the paper towel for? You may well think of your role in quickly packing or taking away liquid dirt from a small accident , such as a melting ice cream or a splashing juice - after all, it has great absorption power. But did you know that paper towel can be a great ally of household chores and even facilitate your job of cooking more efficiently and keeping the house in order? Here are 5 utilities that it has and you probably had no idea:

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry
 Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, 2 Family Rolls, White, Prime Pantry

1. Leave the cold drink faster

Okay, this tip is not exactly related to cooking or cleaning, but it is still a hand on the wheel. You know that urge to have a very cold drink, but the can is hot because you just bought it? So know that this problem stayed in the past, because the paper towel comes as a great ally for these situations. To do this simply wrap it in the can or bottle and then wet everything well. Then just put it in the freezer and that's it! In a few minutes the liquid will already be cold, just the way the Brazilian likes it.
2. Coffee strainer

You come home with that urge to have a cup of coffee and relax when you realize the colander is gone. End of the world? None of this! The solution is to use the same towel paper. For this you just put some of your leaves on top of a sieve and coar the coffee normally. Believe me: this is a gambiarra that really works.
3. Increase the shelf life of some vegetables

Do you know when you buy a hard food, do not use everything in the kitchen and then get a lot of throwing the rest away because you know it will ruin ? Well, the paper towel is a good ally for anyone who wants this type of food to last longer! Just roll the vegetables onto the paper and store the contents in the refrigerator. Remembering this just keeps the leaves from spoiling fast, but if you do not use them they will rot anyway.
4. Remove lint from maize.

Those who like corn know that the only bad thing about eating their spikes is having to get rid of the flat lice that are practically stuck in the food. After all, a bite is enough to run the risk of having those wires attached to your teeth in a very irritating way. But did you know that it is possible to end this problem? Just wet the paper towel and rub it well into the spike. You will notice that the unwanted lint will get stuck in the sheet, which will end any future discomfort.
5. To give the finishing touch in the cleaning of the glasses

Maybe you've heard that old story that the newspaper is good for cleaning glasses . Well, in fact it can be more disruptive than helping, since it has paint, but the same does not apply to paper towels. Here the idea is not simply to pass the item in the window that the problem is solved, since it is necessary to yes wash everything normally with a cloth. But at the end of the cleaning, it is common for some of the threads of this fabric to stick together. Then yes you use the paper towels, which will remove these unwanted lint from the windows of your house. The tip is valid for other types of materials that may be with some unwanted thread and that you want to take.