Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack

Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack

You've used the WRONG paper towel a lifetime!

They are much more useful than you can imagine! Find out why you used WRONG paper towel a lifetime and write down 9 trick with it.

They are even useful in the kitchen, especially when it comes to cleaning small disasters or absorbing fry oil. But, the truth is, if it's not for these ordinary things, no one pays much attention to the paper towel, does it?

From now on, however, such an iniquitous tool will stop being an "extra" to become a protagonist in your daily life, dear reader. Do you want to know why? Because it has 1001 utilities you could never imagine, but that will make your life much simpler.

For example, did you know that the paper towel can become tissue paper? And what can be a great cold compress for your bruises?

Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack
 Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Pack

We bet you did not know about that, did you? And these are far from the only unknown utilities of paper towels, as you will see in the list below, because even the rolls of cardboard in which they are wrapped are not dispensed. Want to see?
Check out 10 amazing uses of the paper towel you do not know:
1. Vacuum cleaner nozzle

Do you know those narrow places that your vacuum cleaner can not reach and that accumulate a lot of dirt like those little corners of the car? Save the cardboard roll when the paper towel has run out and attach to the end of your vacuum cleaner and mold the roll tip so that it fits the thickness you need. To attach, be sure to use an adhesive tape.
2. Cleaning the floor

Want to get dirt off the floor more easily? Cover the mop or a squeegee with a paper towel and do as usual. All the dirt and will adhere to the towel and then just discard it. This is also a great choice when you are going to use some wet product on the floor as it is very efficient in absorbing liquids.
3. Freeze beer

This tip you have already seen here, in the Secrets of the World, in this other matter , where you can meet other very efficient tricks to freeze your beer. With this paper towel technique, in 15 or 20 minutes your beer will already be "on the point".
4. Paper tissues

How about having a cheaper version of Kleenex to clean and disinfect your kitchen instruments and whatever else you want? Simply cut the roll of paper towels to fit into a capped container and remove the cardboard roll from the middle.

Then just prepare a mixture with half of water, half of alcohol and, if you want, an essence that you like. Then just make an "x" on the plastic lid of the container and pull the tip of the handkerchief.
5.Knife cover

Want to keep your knife sharp longer? The secret is to keep it wrapped in a hood to prevent it from contacting other knives or cutlery.

To do this, simply use the paper towel roll of the paper towel. Snap the knife and bend the remaining ends. To secure, use masking tape.

This also prevents several accidents with chipped knives, especially if it is a home with children.
6. Clean windows and mirrors

Have you seen how cloths leave lint on mirrors and glass when used for cleaning? If you use paper towel in place of the cloth, your cleaning will stay flawless and will not leave any lint behind. Paper filters are also very efficient, have you?
7. Towels always at hand

If you do not have your own holder for paper towels at home, do not worry. You can make an economical support and it will leave your paper towel always at hand.

Simply cut the bottom of a plastic hanger in half and use the opening to fit the roller. Then just hang where she can be useful.
8. Cold compress

To relieve the pains of bruises, knocks and other minor accidents, use the paper towel as a cold compress. As you've seen before, when wet it freezes quickly (so the beer gets chilled). Then, just put it on the injured part.
9. Sound amplifier

It looks too sophisticated to do with the paper towel, but the result is magnificent. All you will need is a roll of cardboard, from the middle of the towel; and two plastic cups.

Drill a hole in the middle of the roll to fit your cell phone. Then cut one side of each cup in a circular shape, the same thickness as the roll of cardboard. Then snap everything in and turn the sound on your phone.