Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)

Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)

How to Install a Paper Towel Mill

One has to get out of common sense when thinking about undertaking. Often doing so is opting for such a logical business that does not seem to yield good profits. That is why today we decide to talk about setting up a paper towel factory .

Before jumping to conclusions about the potential of this business, stop and think: where do I find paper towels? You may not use it in your home, but just walk around the city a bit and realize how common and necessary it is.

Used in large quantities in hospitals, clinics, markets, beauty salons, colleges, schools, courses, malls, museums, theaters, cinemas ... It is in such a place that it is almost impossible to mention all without leaving one out.

Demand! This is a crucial point in choosing to undertake with something. There is no point having the money to invest, good ideas, be innovative if your product has no demand. If there's no one to buy, what's the point of producing?

Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)
Bamboo Towels - Heavy Duty Eco Friendly Machine Washable Reusable Bamboo Towels - One roll Replaces 6 Months of Towels! (1)

Dare in the manufacture of paper towels

Just for this reason, setting up a paper towel factory already needs to be considered. Only in your own neighborhood is it possible to make a lot of money from this product. Imagine if you want to expand to other districts of the city?

A great entrepreneur who has dedicated himself to teaching people to think about entrepreneurship says something very important and we should have said it another time: You have to start small and dream big.

Daring and belief in your own potential is essential. Start small, just the way you do, but do not settle. Think big, set goals, strive every day more. Run back, grow up! The paper towel mill is a great opportunity for you to start small and achieve the success you both want. We'll show you how.

Start a Paper Towel Factory at Home

Are you short on money? Do not have much resources to invest? OK! It is possible to set up a paper towel factory in your home or garage. You just need to have room to accommodate the machine that produces the papers. This is essential.

With the machine, the rest of the investment is small. You will need office supplies and packaging to store and deliver the papers. It suits to start the production in your house and as the growing thing goes to another place.

But starting a business like this with the minimum of possible costs is essential. It is to start two steps forward, saving on the one hand to be able to invest more in the quality of your product and in the forms of sale and dissemination.
Paper towel production steps

The paper will need to undergo a hygienization process where it will be mixed with other chemical compounds to become whiter and softer. Once paper fibers are obtained, it is wrapped in reels to be delivered in packages punctured by the machine. Whether it will be double-leafed or whether it will be perfumed will depend on the entrepreneur.

Although it is a simple manufacturing process, it is essential that employees working at this stage be trained enough to be familiar with the whole process. The quality of the material will also depend on how it will be handled. The amount of paper produced will also depend on the number of people working in that process.
The paper towel making machine

This is the biggest investment and the essentials to assemble the paper towel factory. Without the machine there is no way to produce this type of product. The average price of a machine like this is around R $ 55 thousand. Its production capacity is more than 1 million sheets of paper per day.

With the production of 1100 packs of paper towel per day, it is possible to bill up to R $ 200 thousand Reais per month.

The price of the paper towel bundle (which contains 1000 sheets) will vary according to the quality you present. In the cases of the best elaborated paper, type of first line, its price is around R $ 7 Reais, and the simplest, considered second line, cost R $ 3 Reais.

Paper towels market

The market, as we said earlier in the article, is quite broad. There is a very large demand for this type of product. It is necessary, however, for the small entrepreneur to understand that it is difficult to start production, already serving large supermarkets, for example.

The entrepreneur in this field will look for other ways to enter the market. The most effective ways are through partnerships with schools, kindergartens, colleges, hospitals and clinics, and other smaller establishments in your own neighborhood that need the product.

The sale of the unit product has a very low value, so the gain form with the factory will be with the sale in quantity. You can expand your sales horizons by increasing the types of papers produced, there are several: toilet paper, interleaved paper towels, paper lace towels, paper towels and many others.

Having the machine just does not work

Setting up a business goes far beyond buying a machine and starting to produce a product. Not! It takes above all else much study of the market and the product that you are willing to provide.

After this the entrepreneur needs to make business plans, prepare all the functions necessary to provide a quality product. This goes from the purchase of the materials, to the delivery of the product to the customer.

It is very important that the quality of services (product and service) is a priority. Even with the big demand on the product, catching the consumer's attention is not easy!

Disclosure of your paper towel business

It is necessary to innovate, to show something different and mainly, to invest in quality. Many people buy a much more expensive product just because of the benefits it has. Study ways of presenting the product, ways of attracting customers. Taking such care is essential to success.

Nowadays we still have the advantage of the internet that allows us a greater reach of people to show our products. Invest in this type of disclosure that will certainly have positive effects.

It is not a business for anyone who wants easy money, it is a business for those who have goals and know that it needs a lot of effort to reach them. Setting up a paper towel factory requires hard work and courage. It is a large market that can make a lot of money but is already dominated by big companies. You will need to start with the little ant job until you become one of the great ones.