Friday, December 7, 2018

Properties of biotin for the organism

Properties of biotin for the organism

This article gives us to know the properties of biotin (vitamin H or vitamin B8) Biotin is essential for proper functioning of the body


Biotin also called Vitamin B7 or vitamin H, has a very important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, is stored in liver and kidney.

As we have already said, biotin belongs to the B vitamins. It is a water-soluble vitamin, that is, it is soluble in water and is eliminated by the urine that was discovered in 1935.

Properties of Biotin

Biotin is necessary for our body. These are some of its benefits:

  •     Prevents baldness
  •     Involved in the formation of hemoglobin.
  •     It helps keep nails, hair and skin in good condition.
  •     Contributes to stabilize blood sugar levels.
  •     It is necessary for the metabolism of proteins and lipids.
  •     Biotin relieves muscle pain.
  •     It helps keep the skin well hydrated.
  •     It helps fight insomnia and depression.
  •     It works in conjunction with folic acid and pantothenic acid.
Biotin Supplements

What is biotin for?

Biotin is important for its various effects on our body, such as the metabolism of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates, so it is very useful in case of diabetes, hair loss, weak nails and skin care and intervenes in the production of hemoglobin.

Symptoms of biotin or vitamin H deficiency

If we follow a varied diet and balance is very difficult to produce a deficiency of vitamin B8, if the symptoms are:
  •     Loss of appetite
  •     Appearance of sores on the tongue.
  •     Hair loss.
  •     Vomiting and nausea.
  •     Dryness and rashes on the skin
  •     Appearance of insomnia, anxiety and even depression.

Biotin sources

We can find it in a large amount of food so, as we have said, suffering from a lack of this vitamin is difficult.

The foods that give us biotin are:

    Food of animal origin: meat, egg yolk and viscera especially the liver. Milk is also a source of biotin.
    Plant-based foods: brewer's yeast, whole grains, mushrooms, nuts, soybeans, peas, chickpeas and in some fruits such as bananas, grapes or watermelons.

Is it worth supplementing? and in what cases?

In some cases if it is necessary to take biotin supplements:

Hair loss, weak and brittle nails (both hands and feet), diabetes, when intervening in the formation of hemoglobin is important in cases of anemia due to lack of iron.

Sometimes the lack of iron is associated with hair loss and brittle nails, so that biotin supplementation will benefit us greatly for the formation of hemoglobin.

Did you know…?

Biotin is absorbed by the intestine, so a good diet that provides biotin-rich foods is the most appropriate way to provide the body with this vitamin. But, we always have the alternative of supplementation.

Biotin 5000 mcg - that is, side effects, dosage

Biotin 5000 mcg - that is, side effects, dosage

Biotin 5000 mcg is a supplement of biotin which is a water-soluble vitamin that is a part of the family of vitamin b. Your body needs biotin to help convert certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin and nails. If you are not getting enough biotin, you may experience loss of hair or scaly rashes.

Its deficiency is rare since which is obtained from your diet is enough to get you the health benefits offered. Many people are increasing the consumption of vitamins for receiving extra benefits.

Biotin 5000 mcg is safe to use but it is important to consult your doctor before using any of these vitamins to rule out the risk of unwanted effects, especially if you are pregnant. The effectiveness of biotin with increased dose still not been checked leaving space for one take a decision about how often and how much can really work for you. Also manufactured in format of 10000 mcg biotin and biotin 1000 mcg.

There is no age limit when it comes to using biotin. However, adequate amounts of intake for each age are recommended. Even when one tries to biotin supplement, it is also important to ensure that you maintain what body makes naturally by that smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating more than two egg whites a day can lower levels of biotin.

Biotin Supplements

  • Precautions to help you to use Biotin 5000 mcg
  • Take adequate amounts of water to aid in the absorption
  • Start with a minimal dose and gradually increase with a meal

It is recommended to take biotin with other multivitamins to prevent imbalance

Benefits of biotin 5000 mcg

Biotin helps the body to metabolize fats and carbohydrates, biotin has been linked to the improved health of the hair and maintain the proper nervous system function. Although it is uncommon to have deficient in biotin, chronic smokers, alcoholics, pregnant women, or taking many processed foods are more likely to have a deficiency.

The symptoms are often revealed through dry eyes, cracks in the sides of the mouth, flaky skin, depression and hair loss.

Hair and nails

A biotin deficiency cause hair loss and worsening of the nails. Biotin 5000 mcg can also help thicken the nail cuticles and prevent their breakage. Many aesthetic of the hair care products are now including biotin products although it is suggested that you have to take oral biotin for optimal results.


Biotin deficiency can lead to a variety of skin problems including acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, rashes and itching. B vitamins play a key role in the function of the nervous system and affect the hormonal function, which suggests why the exhaustion of biotin levels can in turn play an important role in the health of the skin. If skin is not nurtured by inside out are manifested on the surface of the skin. This is one of the biggest signs that suggest a biotin deficiency.


Biotin plays a fundamental role in the support to the metabolic function and works as a Coenzyme to help break down the food, including carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This reaction is accelerated even more when using biotin 5000 mcg chromium. Your resting metabolic rate rises and food decompose more quickly when taking biotin, so there is a link to the biotin and the acceleration of the loss of weight. Biotin can be found in many foods such hard-cooked eggs, yolks of egg, soy, nuts, whole grains, beans and vegetables.

Lower cholesterol

It plays a role in the reduction of cholesterol in animal studies. You can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels when they are too high can lead to heart disease.

Doses of biotin 5000 mcg

Biotin 5000mcg is the most popular supplement of all supplements of biotin. For those who take biotin 5000, it is advisable to take these pills in the morning and another at night. Others prefer to take it every night. Either way, it is important to remember to take your vitamins with food to prevent stomach disorders and for better absorption of vitamins.

Side effects of Biotin 5000 mcg

This vitamin is well tolerated when taken in recommended doses. It is important to note that a doctor should be consulted in cases of pregnancy and breastfeeding. People undergoing kidney dialysis may require extra biotin. Biotin is also known to reduce the effectiveness of anti-seizure drugs and cholesterol-lowering.

There are other side effects that you may be aware of biotin 5000 mcg are just as allergic reactions and this depends on the sensitivity of each. Highly sensitive people may experience skin rashes, itching of the skin rash.

Some individuals claim that they have increased weight after taking biotin for a time. Some have argued that the biotin 5000mcg did gain weight but our bodies react or respond to different substances not in the same way but has not been demonstrated.

Biotin - the ESSENTIAL Vitamin for Hair, Skin and Nails

Biotin - the ESSENTIAL Vitamin for Hair, Skin and Nails

Biotin can enhance your beauty much more than the most expensive cosmetic products on the market. A deficiency of biotin manifests itself not only in the appearance of skin and hair, but also in the energy of metabolism. Biotin deficiency causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels and food cravings.

What is biotin?

Biotin, also called vitamin B7, is a water soluble vitamin and classified within the B complex.

The B vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the metabolism, nerves, digestion, heart and circulation.

Biotin acts as a coenzyme and is necessary for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. That is, when we eat foods that contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates, biotin must be present to convert these macronutrients into energy so that the body can use them in their physical activity and brain function.

Biotin also plays an essential role in the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin, so it helps to stay young and attractive. This nutrient is widely used in the world of cosmetics, especially in beauty products for hair. However, it does not have as much use in the products for the skin, since it is not absorbed as well as in the hair.

Biotin Supplements

How is a biotin deficiency manifested?

Biotin is soluble in water , which means that it flows into the bloodstream and any excess that is not used is excreted through urine .

The body does not conserve biotin reserves, so in order to have an adequate supply, biotin must be taken every day. People at risk of suffering from a biotin deficiency: [1]

  •     Those that use medications for seizures for long periods
  •     Those who take antibiotics for prolonged periods
  •     People suffering from digestive tract problems or severe digestive disorders, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease or Leaky-Gut syndrome

The most frequent symptoms of a biotin deficiency are the following:

  •     Dry and irritated skin
  •     Fragile hair or hair loss
  •     Lack of energy or chronic fatigue
  •     Problems in the digestive tract
  •     Muscle pain
  •     Nervous problems
  •     Sudden changes of mood
  •     Cramps
  •     Tingling in the extremities
  •     Cognitive impairment

Recommended daily amount of biotin

Nutritionists recommend the following daily intake:

  •     5 mcg daily for babies
  •     5-10 mcg daily for babies of 4-12 months
  •     10-20 mcg daily for children from 1-10 years
  •     20-35 mcg per day for children aged 10-15 years
  •     25 mcg for teenagers
  •     30-60 mcg for adults over 19 years old
  •     30-60 mcg for pregnant and lactating women

Biotin as a nutritional supplement

Biotin is usually found among the dietary supplements of the B complex . They usually include a full spectrum of B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 , vitamin B2 and vitamin B3 (niacin).

This complex helps the functioning of metabolic activity , brain function, the nervous system and other basic processes of the organism. Also, they work better together, so it is advised to take it in this way to get the best results .

Foods that contain biotin

The main foods that contain biotin are the following:

  •     liver
  •     eggs
  •     yeast
  •     Salmon
  •     cheese
  •     avocado
  •     raspberries
  •     cauliflower
  •     whole wheat bread

In addition, berries, fungi and fish of some species are also good sources of biotin.

Benefits and effects of biotin

1. Biotin stimulates the health of hair, skin and nails

Biotin is essential to keep hair, skin and nails healthy . Therefore, a deficiency of biotin can cause dermatitis, brittle hair or dry and irritated skin. Because of this, many cosmetic facial creams, hair treatments and other beauty products include biotin among its ingredients.

These benefits were first discovered when horses were effectively treated with biotin to correct problems in their hooves, which had become brittle. Biotin also helps prevent acne, rashes and dry skin as well as fungal infections.

2. Biotin helps maintain a healthy metabolism

Biotin regulates gene function , which is essential for metabolism. [two]

Biotin, along with other B vitamins, is necessary to convert the food we eat into useful energy to maintain the health of the metabolism.

Biotin contributes to this process in several ways:

Normal, healthy metabolic activity is only possible when the body can use the macronutrients in foods and convert them into energy.

Biotin also improves metabolism and the use of glucose, which is extremely beneficial in our environment, in which type 2 diabetes is very common. When the body does not have enough biotin may appear symptoms of a slow metabolism, such as low energy level, fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, as well as a possible development of diabetes, appetite changes, moodiness, and other symptoms.

3. Biotin protects brain function and combats cognitive dysfunction

Biotin is beneficial for the health of the nervous system, since it plays an essential role in the transmission of nerve signals and in the activity of neurotransmitters.

All B vitamins work together in the functioning of memory and prevent cognitive dysfunction associated with aging, such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

4. Biotin helps control glucose intolerance and balance the level of sugar in the blood

It has been shown that biotin, especially when combined with chromium, helps reduce the blood sugar level of people with diabetes. This is especially useful in people with a high blood sugar level that can not be controlled optimally with medication.

Biotin reduces the production of enzymes that stimulate the increase of glucose in the liver and release less sugar into the bloodstream. For this reason, a biotin deficiency has been linked to impaired glucose tolerance and a reduction in glucose utilization, which are risk factors for diabetes.

Biotin also helps reduce the symptoms of diabetes , including pain and nerve disorders.

5. Biotin helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system

The B vitamins, such as vitamin B7, play an important role in protecting the body against cardiovascular diseases, including inflammation, atherosclerosis (or the formation of plaque in the arteries), heart attacks and strokes.

6. Biotin helps thyroid and adrenal function

The B vitamins, such as biotin, are necessary in thyroid activity that protects against adrenal fatigue syndrome. The thyroid and adrenal glands are "master glands" responsible for multiple bodily conditions, including hunger, sleep, pain perception, mood and energy.

A deficiency of B vitamins can cause thyroid and adrenal problems, resulting in fatigue, sudden weight gain or loss, sleep disturbances and other problems.

7. Biotin is important for building and repairing muscles and tissues

Biotin helps the growth and maintenance of body tissue, including repair and muscle building. When the tissues or muscles break down, the B vitamins, such as biotin, ensure that the strength of muscles and tissues is rebuilt, resulting in regeneration and growth of the same.

The B vitamins also help reduce inflammation, muscle or joint pain and movement difficulties. The lack of biotin and other vitamins is more serious when their deficiency causes lack of proper development in fetuses and babies . This is one of the reasons why it is particularly important to take enough biotin during pregnancy and the rest of the B vitamins.

Biotin deficiency

There are certain risk factors and physical dysfunctions that predispose to develop a biotin deficiency. Some people are at high risk if they have a chronic lack of biotin.

Interestingly, this intense binding of avidin and biotin is used in various diagnostic tests against cancer to identify specific molecular groups. [7] If the enzymes are lost, the body needs to absorb the biotin and the process (as in the case of congenital biotinidase and Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency) can have serious health consequences (hearing loss and mental disability). However, a dose of biotin of 5 to 10 micrograms in the form of nutritional supplement is enough to avoid damage and counteract, biotin deficiency.

In addition to the beneficial properties for health, biotin can also have preventive and therapeutic benefits for certain diseases and problems, such as: [8]

  •     Fragile nails (based on the successful treatment of nail diseases in horses)
  •     Treatments for cancer (brain tumors, breast cancer, intestinal cancer and lymphoma)
  •     Diabetes
  •     Hair loss
  •     Heart disease
  •     Nervous system disorders
  •     Diseases of the skin
  •     Wound healing

Causes of biotin deficiency

Certain health problems can produce a deficiency of biotin available to the body, manifesting itself with some symptoms, such as hair loss. Clinical studies have shown that pregnancies can significantly reduce the level of biotin in the body.

In addition, hormonal changes after childbirth cause hair loss in a percentage of between 30% and 40% of women. Long periods of lactation are also related to the lack of biotin and other nutrients, as well as chronic hair fragility. Studies have shown that biotin can slow hair loss and stimulate hair growth:

Biotinidase deficiency

Biotinidase is the necessary enzyme that releases biotin from the protein to which it is bound and makes it available to the body. Biotinidase deficiency causes hair loss and severe neurological disorders, but biotin supplementation can prevent or stop the onset of certain symptoms of this genetic disorder.

In a study conducted on this subject, a 5-month-old baby had convulsions several times a day and fell into a coma. The doctors discovered that the child had a biotin deficiency due to insufficient biotinidase and was given 5 mg of biotin and 25 mg of vitamin B1 twice a day, which resulted in a complete recovery in three days. The parents were instructed to continue giving the child biotin and vitamin B1 daily. However, at the age of six, the parents stopped administering biotin, which resulted in the child's hospital admission with severe neurological disorders and complete hair loss.

As a treatment, the child was given a supplement of 10 mg of biotin and 50 mg of vitamin B1 twice a day for six months. After this period, the child became walking, talking and recovering the hair and eyebrows, which grew back. Unfortunately, it could not be cured of a partial hearing loss that was attributed to nerve damage caused during the interruption of biotin treatment. [eleven]

Medications to treat epilepsy and biotinidase

According to studies, valproic acid used to treat epilepsy (VPA) can interfere with the mitochondria in the liver and inhibit the production of biotinidase necessary for the absorption of biotin by the body. The resulting biotin deficiency causes hair loss and skin irritation. In a clinical study conducted on 75 patients who were on treatment with VPA, these symptoms were reduced after receiving a daily dose of 10 mg biotin as a nutritional supplement.


Biotin and zinc are carriers of important proteins for certain micronutrients that are ingested in the duodenum and around the proximal jejunum located in the trunk. In one case studied on a 16-year-old patient, after partial removal of the pancreas along with duodenum deficiency (pancreaticoduodenectomy), the patient suffered from numerous symptoms, including hair loss from head hair and loss full body hair. The complementation with biotin and zinc managed to improve the clinical picture of the patient. 

Who is particularly susceptible to biotin deficiency?

Although in principle it could be thought that biotin deficiency is rare, there are certain nutritional aspects and health disorders that can cause this deficiency.

The main factors are the following:

  •     Antibiotics: orally administered antibiotics greatly reduce the amount of biotin synthesized by intestinal bacteria and can cause a biotin deficiency.
  •     Anticonvulsants: Taking anticonvulsant medications for prolonged periods may increase the risk of biotin deficiency.
  •     Diabetes: there is evidence that diabetes can cause biotin deficiency.
  •     Dialysis: the level of biotin in patients who are on dialysis treatment may be lower than in healthy people.
  •     Eat raw eggs: eating raw eggs daily for several months produces a deficiency of biotin because the avidin protein contained in egg whites binds biotin and prevents it from being absorbed by the body. The consumption of boiled egg white, on the other hand, avoids the deficiency of biotin, since heat destroys the chemical composition of avidin.
  •     Hereditary diseases: hereditary recessive metabolic disorders, commonly called multiple carboxylase deficiency, can produce biotin deficiency if left untreated.
  •     An excessive carbohydrate diet: An important part of biotin, which is found in carbohydrate-rich foods, is not well absorbed by the body, so if you do not complete the diet with meats, eggs and dairy products you suffer the risk of malnutrition and lack of biotin.
  •     Inadequate dietary intake: people who lose weight quickly and patients who take medications over a long period of time may experience a biotin deficiency.
  •     Poor absorption (malabsorption): people who undergo surgical removal of the stomach or large parts of the small intestine (short bowel syndrome) can not absorb biotin adequately.
  •     Pregnancy: Low levels of biotin are very common in pregnant women. According to clinical studies, the percentage could range between 30% and 70% of pregnancies.
  •     Smoking: Studies indicate that biotin is broken down more rapidly by tobacco use, which could lead to its deficiency to the limit.

Symptoms of biotin deficiency

The symptoms of biotin deficiency are very different, since biotin plays a role in different biochemical processes.

The most frequent symptoms include:

  •     Anemia
  •     Ataxia
  •     Depression
  •     Delay in development
  •     Increase in cholesterol levels
  •     Fatigue
  •     Hair loss or brittle hair
  •     Hallucinations
  •     Cardiac dysfunction
  •     Increased number of bacterial infections and fungal infections due to a deteriorated immune system
  •     Insomnia
  •     Leiner's disease
  •     Loss of appetite
  •     Hair discoloration
  •     Hearing loss
  •     Mental disabilities
  •     Muscle pain
  •     Muscular weakness
  •     Numbness, burning and tingling in arms, legs, hands and feet.
  •     Pallor
  •     Red eruptions (around the eyes, mouth, nose and genitals); Generally the tests for fungal infections of Candida give positive results
  •     Seizures and other neurological problems
  •     Irritated tongue
  •     Unusual smell of urine
  •     Disorders of the vision

Biotin deficiency may increase the risk of defects in the fetus

Research indicates that a nutritional deficiency can cause defects in the fetus , but that these can be avoided with a vitamin supplement. In a study with a control group, the incidence of severe congenital defects was 48% lower in women who took vitamin supplements before birth compared to those who received a placebo.

Low levels of biotin are quite common in pregnant women, they occur in 30% to 50% of pregnancies. Biotin levels can decrease rapidly during pregnancy due to the high biotin demand of the body due to the fast cell division of the fetus in the growth phase. Although the effects of these low levels on mothers do not produce any noticeable symptoms, there is a significant risk that the baby will suffer birth defects.

In almost 100% of the cases of the clinical experiments performed with mice, there was a deficiency of biotin that showed no symptoms in the pregnant mouse, and that manifested itself in or abnormalities in the limbs of the offspring.

Some researchers believe that these studies may boost more clinical trials to determine the risk of birth defects in babies whose mothers were not adequately fed with biotin during pregnancy when they did not present clinically relevant symptoms. An intake of micrograms of biotin per day is enough to prevent the lack in adult women , both those who are pregnant and those who are not pregnant.

Biotinidase deficiency

Biotinidase deficiency is a hereditary recessive disease produced by the lack of the enzyme that the body needs to dissolve the biotin of the protein to which it is chemically bound. As a result of this deficiency, the body does not have enough biotin available.

This hereditary disease can be total or partial, depending on the level of biotin deficiency. The disease occurs, usually, between the date of birth and ten years of age. In some countries, tests for biotinidase deficiency in newborns are quite routine. Biotinidase deficiency reaches the range of disease when the activity of the biotinidase enzyme in blood reaches only 10% of the normal activity in healthy people. The partial deficiency of biotinidase is between 10 and 30%.

Most symptoms of this disease are calmed by taking 5 to 10 mg of biotin orally, which is quickly completely absorbed by the body. When the biotinidase deficiency is not treated, affected children may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  •     Alopecia (hair loss)
  •     Blurry vision
  •     Delays in development
  •     Hearing loss
  •     Muscular weakness
  •     Nervous system disorders
  •     Cramps
  •     Eruptions
  •     Degenerative destruction in the spinal cord
  •     Fungal infections

The symptoms caused by biotinidase deficiency are different from those caused by a biotin deficiency derived from other factors (such as malnutrition). Some neurological damage associated with biotinidase deficiency (such as, for example, irreversible loss of hearing, vision problems) does not occur in cases of a biotin deficiency due to non-hereditary causes or due to an insufficient supply of the enzyme holocarboxylase synthetase.

For experts, biotin is a basic substance for hair health

Researchers at Harvard University said in 2000 that biotin plays an essential role in keeping hair healthy .

Biotin helps to nourish the hair follicles. In clinical studies conducted in animals it has been discovered that biotin deficiency has a negative effect on the regeneration of cells forming hair follicles.  Research suggests that one of the main factors for biotin to be so important in hair health lies in the role it plays in the conversion of fatty acids. A deficiency in biotin can alter the metabolism of fatty acids, which causes hair loss.

In addition, the molecule of biotin contains sulfur and the amino acid cystine, based on sulfur, is very important for hair.  Alopecia or hair loss has a devastating psychological effect. Hair loss that affects men is often considered normal. However, women can also lose their hair and the effects are much more serious. Genes play a crucial role in the development of androgenetic alopecia. But this is not the only cause.

The systemic loss of the hair or an eventual loss (telogen effluvium) can occur due to hormonal imbalances, side effects of the drugs and other triggers. Diffuse or eventual hair loss may be due to a temporary or chronic disorder. An acute disorder can cause, in some cases, androgenetic alopecia. In addition, malnutrition, which includes low levels of biotin, protein and calories, can also cause these hair loss.

Biotin prevents against hair loss and promotes growth

In recently performed laboratory studies biotin was combined with the tripeptide GHK resulting in an increase in hair length from 58 to 120%. 58% of the increase corresponded to the biotinylated molecule and the action of minoxidil. A study was conducted on nine participants who suffered hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia and diffuse hair loss (telogen effluvium).

In most cases these are products such as shampoos, conditioners and hair tonics. The rest is included in makeup and skin care products. The concentration of biotin in many of these products ranges between 0.0001% and 0.6%. The highest concentrations are found in products for facial cleansing (with the exception of shaving products).

Biotin promotes the health of nails

Brittle nails are characterized by a brittle, brittle appearance, with cracks, grooves and various layers that detach easily. It is a fairly frequent problem, which affects around 20% of the population and manifests itself in women in twice as many cases.

The strength and hardness of the nails is mainly due to the high content of sulfur that stabilizes the fibrous proteins of the keratin in the nail plate. More than 75% of people with brittle nails have lower levels of sulfur compared to people with healthy nails, while the concentration of other trace elements responsible for nail strength (such as calcium) has no significant differences. The lower levels of sulfur molecules are associated with age, which explains why brittle nails are more common in the elderly.

The factors that affect the health, growth and deep structure of the nails and that, therefore, can produce brittle nails are the following:

  • Anemia
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Low blood circulation
  • Fungal infections
  • Damage caused by very aggressive nail care products
  • Damage caused by nail polish
  • Tumors of nails
  • Physical injuries
  • Nail polish remover
  • Psoriasis
  • Serious chronic infectious diseases Broken nails are not just an aesthetic problem.

In a study conducted on more than 1738 patients with psoriasis it was found that they also suffered pain related to the condition of the nails. In another study it was found that 75% of respondents complained of discomfort or pain when wearing shoes. It has been shown that this physical ailment also has a negative impact on people's self-esteem and quality of life.

Biotin helps treat brittle nails

The benefits of biotin in the treatment of horse helmet abnormalities has discovered the properties of this vitamin to treat people with brittle nails. Given the biochemical similarities between the hooves of horses and the nails of humans, it has been proven in clinical studies to the effect that biotin strengthens the nails.

Clinical evidence of the benefits of biotin on brittle nails

Some experts believe that the daily intake of high doses of biotin (2.5 to 5 mg) helps improve the health of the nails. A small number of clinical studies suggest that taking a biotin nutritional supplement is beneficial for brittle nails.

In a clinical study it was shown that the consumption of a biotin dietary supplement (2.5 mg / day) strengthens brittle nails. The participants in this study increased the thickness of the nails by 25% and managed to improve the appearance of the nails, eliminating cracks and fractures. The study lasted 6 to 15 months and all participants reported that the condition of their nails had improved compared to the control group, which did not receive biotin treatment. In another additional study performed in a period of 1.5 to 7 months, 67% of the participants treated with biotin also presented an improvement in the structure of the nails.

The results of a clinical study published in 2006 demonstrated the benefits of biotin over brittle nails. The study included 54 patients (mainly women) with brittle, cracked or soft nails that were divided into two groups - one received 2.5 mg of biotin daily and the other a placebo. In this double-blind study, neither the researchers nor the patients knew which group they belonged to until the end of the study.

Although the improvement in the quality of the nails was evident in the group that had taken biotin at three months, the results were statistically significant at six months. In another study with patients, mostly women, who suffered from brittle nails, after taking 2.5 mg of biotin a day, 91% said they had firmer nails and fewer breaks. The rest of the participants indicated slight improvements. However, after eight months the improvement increased. This is because this is the approximate period in which nails take time to completely renew.

Biotin keeps skin healthy

Biotin is an essential nutrient that keeps skin healthy and helps it heal faster.

An insufficient supply of biotin can cause numerous skin diseases, such as:

  •     Conjunctivitis
  •     Eczema
  •     Ichthyosis (non-malignant disease)
  •     Leiner's disease

Research suggests that this is due to the role that biotin plays in the synthesis of fatty acids. Biotin is necessary for the activation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, an enzyme in which the building blocks for the production of fat are assembled. A metabolism that has altered the fatty acids associated with a biotin deficiency is one of the main causes of skin problems.

Fats are necessary to maintain cellular function throughout the body.Skin cells depend to a large extent on the production of fat in the body because they are exposed to external influences. They die quickly and, therefore, they need to constantly renew themselves. Often, the first signs of a biotin deficiency manifest themselves in the state of the skin.

It has been shown that the additional administration of a dose of 1 to 10 mg of biotin a day cures skin rashes, even in severe cases of seborrheic dermatitis. The result was spectacular on the skin of children with seborrheic dermatitis, who were breastfed by malnourished mothers. However, the cause of seborrheic dermatitis in infants is not always due to biotin deficiency.

To optimize the effects it is useful to take manganese along with biotin. Experts suggest that manganese increases the healing effects of biotin in certain skin conditions (such as psoriasis and acne). Biotin needs certain enzymes to work properly on the skin, and manganese helps activate these enzymes.

Biotin accelerates wound healing

Clinical studies have shown that vitamin B complex supplements, including biotin, accelerate wound healing . The results of a small placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted with patients with periodontitis who had undergone surgery confirmed the beneficial effects of vitamin B.

The 30 adults who participated were randomly assigned to one of the two test groups. Half received a vitamin B complex and the other half received a placebo. The preparation contained, among others, 50 μg of biotin.  The healing was evaluated at the beginning of the treatment and after an interval of one week, two weeks, one month, three months and six months, and its result was analyzed according to the use of the probe, bleeding, gingival index, plaque index, clinical insertion level and a BANA test for bacterial infections.

In some evaluation criteria, no significant differences were found between the placebo groups and the group that took vitamin B, but the result was significantly better with respect to the state of the superficial and deep surgical wounds. Based on this, it was concluded that vitamin B, including biotin, used after surgery has superior healing properties to the wound.

Interactions of biotin

Excessive consumption of biotin poses no danger and, so far, there have been very few cases of biotin toxicity. However, the level of biotin in the blood can be affected in the case of people who take, at the same time, drugs for seizures or oral antibiotics, or in the cases of people who have a digestive disorder that interferes with intestinal bacterial levels. normal.

Certain medications, including the skin medication isotretinoin (Accutane), which are prescribed for acne, can reduce the activity of biotin. High doses of other B vitamins, such as pantothenic acid, can also reduce the level of biotin in the body. To get the best results it is always recommended to take all the B vitamins together with supplements of the vitamin B complex.

Side effects of biotin

Biotin is generally very safe and is usually well tolerated. Side effects are unknown, unless a dose of up to 10 mg / day is exceeded (although there is no full safety at higher doses).

Many medications, such as antibiotics, can cause biotin deficiency. The ingestion of biotin can also alter certain laboratory tests for thyroid function. Blood tests by themselves are not considered an adequate method to assess the level of biotin in the body, so it is recommended to also perform a urine test to determine more accurately the amount of biotin in the body.

Biotin can also be used to fight against the side effects of certain medications for epilepsy.

What the experts say about biotin:

1. Biotin helps repair brittle nails and stimulates hair growth

A clinical study has shown that biotin is involved in hair growth (so it has an important role in preventing hair loss), the dermis and nails. Taking biotin for several months increases the thickness and strength of these structures by twenty-five percent.

2. Biotin deficiency during pregnancy

Several clinical studies have shown that at least one third of pregnant women have a biotin deficiency. Research has found evidence that even a slight deficiency of biotin can cause defects in the fetus. Therefore it is advisable to take biotin supplements during pregnancy.

Shampoo with biotin for hair: Fraud or magic solution?

Shampoo with biotin for hair: Fraud or magic solution?

Biotin is the word of the moment in the entire hair industry. It is a phenomenon of feminine beauty, so much so that every woman who respects herself demands biotin in a large part of the products that she applies to her hair. The shampoo with biotin is not the exception, in fact it is the favorite of many.

A decade ago the term biotin had to be looked up in a dictionary, to confirm if that word indeed existed. Now, biotin is a sensation in the taste of women interested in projecting with their hair the best of themselves.

In the heat of dryers and irons, while you fix your wonderful hair, you have to ask yourself: is biotin as magical as it is shown, was always with us and we did not realize it? Is it really real and effective its effects on the beautiful scalps that roam the world?

Those, and other questions, will be answered in this post. After reading it, your perception of biotin will not be the same. Do not stay behind, information is power to be more beautiful . Enjoy it!

Biotin Supplements

How did the shampoo with biotin come about?

In order for you to handle clear and truthful information, you must understand how biotin got into the life of our beautiful hair.

The antecedent of shampoo with biotin is horse shampoo. Surely you have heard of this controversy. It all started with a shampoo, made and applied exclusively for horses. As the horses that received this formula always walked with their shiny hair, some daring began to taste that product in their hair.

Obviously the results were fatal: fallen hairs, shattered scalps and severely affected cuticle. However, this fashion / concussion luck was so great that others joined in to try it out. There was a need to inform the female population that this shampoo is suitable only for horses, not for human beings.

The controversy grew as the foam of the product, when some celebrities of the show said that their hair was a success thanks to the horse shampoo. The truth is that they never showed proof that they were using it. But the doubt had been sown, and then that was the search for millions of women for the product.

Can I use the shampoo with biotin?

Years later the truth was discovered: what made the horses' hair glow was biotin. It is a vitamin that favors the growth of the strands, when suffering from disproportionate hair loss.

But although horse shampoo contained biotin, it could not be used by humans, because that product contains other ingredients totally harmful to the scalp of a woman or man.

In the midst of misinformation, the beauty industry created a shampoo with biotin, this time appropriate and suitable for human use. From there, there are many hair treatments-including shampoo, waxes and rinses-that ensure biotin is the main element.

To date, there are still products that mention biotin as the saving component of damaged , opaque, dry or full of dandruff hair . Is it true that any shampoo with biotin that passes through your hands fulfills these miraculous effects?

What is biotin really?

Fast and simple: it is vitamin B8, B7 and H. This vitamin differs from the others because it strengthens the structure of each strand, even the tendency to break the tips disappears by magic. How are you?

The latest scientific studies of three laboratories in Europe revealed to a scientific journal that this vitamin plays a regenerative role on the scalp. The laboratories also announced that high doses of biotin help grow hair and nails.

With a luxury addition: biotin is considered by medical science a stimulator of the body's defenses, so that its positive properties are lost sight of on the horizon.

Does the shampoo with biotin for the hair?

Not at all. It is a fraud. Surprise!

Yes, it is all a hoax. If you check in the Internet search engines you will find more than one post with presumed benefits of biotin shampoo. Hair experts know it's fake.

One thing is that biotin benefits the health of our hair, and quite another is that the shampoo with biotin do the same. They are two dissimilar aspects, they do not keep any type of link between them.

The reason? The wonder of biotin is not absorbed by the skin, much less by the scalp. That is proven by science ad nauseam, but does not have good media coverage. So if you try to give your biotin hair through a shampoo, you waste your time, and your money too.

Biotin shampoos do not save your hair in bad conditions. That work does it effectively with a shampoo made with natural ingredients, that makes your hair grow in a few weeks of use and gives back the radiance that you dreamed so much. In the immense variety variety of the market, by clicking here you will find the indicated one.

So let my dear friend be clear: biotin is absorbed by the intestine, never by the hair or the scalp . It is two dishes: you must take oral doses of biotin, but only if necessary in your case. In the following lines find out if it is your turn or not to add more biotin to your body.

Can I produce biotin myself without the need for a product?

Yes. You do not need to look for homemade products around you. Your own body produces it in piles. It is more: your intestinal flora has the capacity to produce the necessary biotin, which is distributed for the good of your whole body.

Why do some doctors order it?

Because certain conditions apply. Not all bodies are the same. Some produce more biotins than others. Usually, it is very rare that your body is not equipped with biotin.

But if you want to leave doubts, go to your doctor and ask him to review and apply a test to assess the levels of this vitamin in your body. In the worst case, that you are diagnosed with a low biotin, it is common to be prescribed some nutritional supplements, with added biotin, to restore the levels in your body.

Mind you: be careful with some tendentious campaigns in social networks. These are confusing messages that make you believe that your hair is withered and lifeless due to the lack of biotin. Then they tell you that if you do not use this or that product with biotin, your hair will fall completely.

It is a terror campaign, in which you must be cured in mental health. As experts in comprehensive beauty, we always recommend using quality hair products, preferably made with plant and mineral extracts, and free of chemical agents.

A fact: if you feel that you need more biotin in your body to favor your hair, you should only find this vitamin in the revealing subtitle that we present below.

Where can I get biotin?

If you were surprised with the data never divulged about biotin, then we tell you that this vitamin can be found in the foods that you consume every day. Yes, as you read. No chemical supplements.

In food there are large amounts of biotin. We name you some for your delight and know:

-Vegetarian food

Legumes, vegetables are at the top of the list. Also nuts, especially nuts, pistachios and hazelnuts.

In addition, this sector includes whole grains and their derivatives: beer yeast, wheat flour, corn, oats, rice, etc.

Ah! Do not forget the fruits, there you have a load of biotin that will make your hair look like a diva on the red carpet. Among the most wanted fruits with biotin are apples, grapes, bananas and blackberries.

-Food of animal origin

Fish. Its intake provides the body with high amounts of biotin. The blue ones are the most recommended: salmon, sardine or tuna.

Other foods of animal origin that you can consume are egg yolks and livers, or viscera of beef and poultry. These last ones well prepared in stews and asopados are a delight difficult to avoid.

What can make my hair grow as well or better than biotin?

A product that matches the effects of biotin on hair is the Super Regen Shampoo . Undoubtedly, years of hard scientific research resulted in this product, capable of providing all the nutrients for your hair to be a natural spectacle, a privilege for the men who watch you.

This shampoo has the ability to focus its action on the scalp. Not in vain, thousands of users claim that their hair has regained the well-being they were looking for.

All coincide in indicating an interesting fact after using the product: in a few weeks of use they notice that their hair looks healthier, prettier and, if that were not enough, up to four times longer.

The importance of biotin, collagen and iron

The importance of biotin, collagen and iron

Among the good supplements for health we find three that are key: biotin, collagen and iron. What are they for:

Biotin: This is a vital vita-mine that we must contribute to our body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and amino acids. In turn, biotin, also known as Vitamin B8, B7 or Vitamin H, is responsible for transforming glucose into energy, maintaining healthy tissue cells such as skin, hair or nails, as well as the creation of hemoglobin .

Although it is difficult to have a lack of biotin, in the cases that occur, it can cause health problems that affect the skin, hair or nervous system. These problems of lack of biotin can occur in vomiting, muscle aches, lack of muscle mass or sores on the tongue.

Biotin is well known due to the properties it has to improve our hair. This vitamin provides a greater shine and strength to hair, so in recent years have come all kinds of hair treatments with biotin.

Biotin Supplements


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, representing between 20% and 30% of the total proteins of an adult. Among the benefits is decreasing pain, inflammation, edema and stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis and gout.

It intervenes in the repair of cartilaginous tissue, strengthens bones, joints and nails, improves the firmness of the skin and helps to heal wounds, strengthens hair, favors the recovery of the body after exercise and helps to lose weight.


Iron (Fe) is an essential element for the human organism within the group of minerals. Without the necessary iron, our body becomes slow because one of its most important functions is to oxidize glucose to convert it into energy.

Iron intervenes in the proper functioning of the breath. It combines with proteins to form hemoglobin (red pigment in the blood) and thus be able to transport oxygen to tissues. The liver, spleen and bones accumulate most of the rest. It also serves to activate the group of vitamins B, stimulates immunity and physical resistance.

Effect of biotin in dogs and cats

Effect of biotin in dogs and cats

Biotin is a vitamin B complex, specifically vitamin B7, although it is popularly known as vitamin H. Currently we hear a lot about biotin but do we know what its functions are? And what is its importance for the health of our dogs and cats?
To place ourselves, it belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins, which means that the body can not store it, so it must be replaced daily by feeding.
It is an essential vitamin for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. It acts as a cofactor of enzymes that are involved in essential metabolic reactions to synthesize fatty acids and also in gluconeogenesis, which is essential for a correct functioning of the metabolism.

Biotin is also necessary for cell growth, which plays an important role in the development of our dog or cat.

Biotin Supplements

There are three main reasons why it is necessary to maintain an adequate intake of biotin:

  • 1. Maintenance of a correct metabolic function, as we have indicated before
  • 2. Maintenance of skin, mucous membranes and hair
  • 3. Normal functioning of the nervous system

In pets, biotin is recommended for the treatment of allergic reactions and health conditions that affect the skin. Its efficiency in the treatment of allergic reactions is greater if it is combined with fatty acids, although always as adjuvant therapy once the cause has been ascertained.

A deficiency of vitamin B7 can cause dermatological disorders. This will result in dry and itchy skin, scales and dry and brittle hair.

These deficiencies are not frequent, as long as the dog or cat consumes a balanced and complete nutritional diet. As we explained in a previous entry, we should avoid giving our pet raw egg whites, since the absorption of biotin is inhibited when consuming them, due to the action of an enzyme that they contain called avidin.
It is important to note that, although shampoos with biotin have lately become fashionable to improve the condition of hair, this use has no basis since biotin is not absorbed topically, which does not serve its application at all.
On the other hand it is also true that biotin deficiency causes hair loss and poor condition, but it has not been shown that a greater oral contribution of hair improves its condition, that is, if the minimum requirements are covered, for more amount of biotin that we supply we will not have a more abundant and lustrous hair.

What biotin is for

What biotin is for

Biotin is a fat-soluble substance belonging to the group of vitamin B. This vitamin is also known as vitamin B8 or vitamin H, although it is considered to belong to the group B complex.

Biotin is water soluble in both water and alcohol and has the characteristic that it does not decompose or alter when boiling the foods that contain it, such as egg yolk, organ meats, and some seeds and plants.

Biotin was discovered in the mid-twentieth century by scientists Kogl and Tonnis, who after extensive experiments managed to isolate it from the egg yolk, because this food is the one that contains it most. This vitamin owes its name to the Greek word Bios, which means life, because its functions in the body are very important for life as they help to transform carbohydrates and some lipids into glucose.

Biotin is not stored properly by the body, but intestinal bacteria are those that synthesize allowing it to be absorbed mostly by the intestines.

The main function of biotin in the organism of mammals is to serve for good cellular reproduction, because when it binds with lysine it is transformed into bioticin, which is a coenzyme that helps carry and remove the carbon dioxide from the cells. other enzymes.

A large number of foods contain biotin, especially egg yolk, the egg white on the other hand contains a substance called avidin that is antagonistic to biotin and does not allow it to be absorbed by the intestines.

That is why it is recommended to consume the egg white cooked, because being raw is that neutralizes biotin.

Biotin Supplements

But what can biotin use to help me?

Although biotin deficiency is rare, there are cases where a diet rich in raw egg white can cause deficiencies of this vitamin. Also when you have a deficient diet both in animal proteins and in the fruits and vegetables that contain it.

In cases where this vitamin is lacking, the common symptoms are mild depression, chronic fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, wrinkled or aged skin, anemia and mild mental disorders.
Biotin serves to:

• Produce healthy cells
• Metabolize fatty acids
• Improve the health and appearance of the hair
• Improve brittle nails
• Address chronic fatigue
• It serves to reduce muscle pain
• Intervenes in the production of glucose
• Type II diabetes
• Seborrheic dermatitis
• Problems of mild baldness
• Help in cases of mild depression
• Facilitates the transport of carbon dioxide through the body
• Helps reduce insulin resistance
• It serves to lower stress levels
• Prevents certain deformations in pregnancy
• Help in the formation of hemoglobin
• Reduces diabetic neuropathy

Biotin is used to improve the skin, hair and nails

Currently the most popular use of biotin is in products and food supplements to improve the skin, especially nails hair loss. Biotin is involved in tissue formation and cell repair, so it is used both topically in shampoos, creams and masks to reduce mild baldness, soften the skin and strengthen the nails. In some treatments against hair loss, doses of up to 5000 mcg are used, without it being proven that this amount makes any difference, because being a water-soluble vitamin, the excess is excreted in the urine and feces.

Biotin is used in type II diabetes

The intake of biotin is related to a lower resistance to insulin, which helps patients to have more controlled their diabetes. Although biotin intervenes in the formation of glucose, it does not significantly elevate glucose levels in patients, but rather helps them to take advantage of it in energy. Another advantage of this vitamin is that it reduces neuropathic pains and mental problems such as mild depression, stress and irritability of diabetic patients.

Biotin helps repair muscles and tissues:

When transformed into a coenzyme, biotin intervenes in the homeostasis of the body, this translates into a better cellular repair, therefore the muscles, tissues and organs are repaired better.

Can I take biotin without a prescription, is there a risk of overdose?

Being a water-soluble vitamin, the surpluses are discarded in the urine and faeces, which is why there have been no significant reports of overdose of this vitamin. Generally, the normal dose is 30 mcg for adults and pregnant women, 7 mcg for babies under one year of age and 12 mcg for 25 mcg for children between 4 and 14 years old. Always under medical supervision.

Biotin is sold without a prescription, and in general there are no drug interactions, but it is not advisable to take it together with pantothenic acid because they use the same type of absorbed mechanism and are opposed.

This is an informative article and does not supply any professional medical opinion. Consult a doctor.

Biotin (vitamin B7, B8 or H)

Biotin (vitamin B7, B8 or H)

Group B vitamin , also known as vitamin H , stable to heat, soluble (in water and alcohol) and susceptible to oxidation, is available in food supplements and, in a natural form, in small quantities of foods such as wheat germ, products dairy products, nuts (such as almonds, peanuts and nuts), chard, salmon and chicken, among others. It is generally protein bound and has a relatively poor absorption.

Biotin , which is also considered as vitamin B 7 or vitamin B 8 is a necessary component of enzymes that break down substances such as carbohydrates and fats, among others; It is necessary for cell growth, as well as in the metabolism of amino acids and purines.

As a supplement, it is used to prevent or treat biotin deficiency associated with pregnancy , malnutrition , long-term tube feeding and rapid weight loss, among other disorders. Since there is no test to detect this extremely rare insufficiency, it is identified by symptoms such as hair loss , conjunctivitis , red and scaly eruptions in eyes, nose and mouth, as well as depression and tingling in extremities .

Biotin is also used in food supplements for hair loss , brittle nails, baby skin rash (seborrheic dermatitis) and diabetes, although scientific evidence of its effectiveness in these uses is insufficient.

Biotin Supplements

How is biotin used?

Vitamin H is available in capsules, tablets and chewable tablets, as well as in intramuscular vials. The following doses of biotin are recommendations of the Food and Nutrition Commission of the Institute of Medicine of the United States:

Intramuscular route :

    In adults, low doses of biotin are suggested intramuscularly (in the muscle) of 150 to 200 micrograms (mcg) daily, although in some cases higher doses of 10 to 40 mcg are recommended, which can be applied in muscles or veins .


  •     Babies The dose of oral biotin suitable for newborns of up to 6 months is 5 mcg daily, while for babies of 7 to 12 months it is 6 mcg daily.
  •     Children Doses of 8 mcg per day of biotin are recommended in children up to 3 years of age; 13 mcg daily for those who are 4 to 8 years old and 20 mcg daily for those from 9 to 13 years old.
  •     Adolescents A daily consumption of 25 mcg is recommended for those between 14 and 18 years old.
  •     Adults (over 19 years old) . The dose of biotin in adults over 19 and pregnant women (over 14 years) can be 30 micrograms (mcg) daily. While during lactation, the recommended daily intake is 35 mcg.

Treatment for biotin deficiency and the congenital diseases that cause it must be done under medical supervision. It should be noted that there is no single recommended dose of biotin , so the doctor can prescribe doses different from those mentioned.

Side effects of biotin

Although there have been few side effects of biotin , they can occur, as there are no guarantees regarding the potency, purity or safety of some food supplements . There is scientific evidence of reports, publications and research that suggest that excess biotin doses or prolonged use could cause:

  •     Stomach ache.
  •     Mild rash, skin rashes or even skin infections.
  •     Reduction of insulin levels and increase of blood sugar.

On the other hand, the interactions of biotin (modification of the effect of one drug by the action of another when administered together) must be taken into account.

It should be noted that its effects have not been fully tested in conjunction with other herbs, supplements, drugs or foods. However, their reactions are known with the following medications:

  •     Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as sulfas can alter the intestinal flora that produces vitamin B 8 and, therefore, lower levels of it.
  •     Drugs against epilepsy are related to low levels of biotin , such as phenytoin, primidone, carbamazepine, phenobarbital and valproic acid.
  •     It can increase the effect of some lipid-lowering medications that lower the cholesterol level.
  •     Drugs that fight severe acne, such as isotrethinone, can reduce the activity of biotin .

In addition, while it is used it is not recommended to eat raw egg whites, since they contain avidin that binds biotin with the intestine and prevents its absorption. Eating 2 or more raw egg whites daily for several months can cause biotin deficiency . Similarly, pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5 ) in high doses can lead to inadequate absorption.

When to call a doctor?

A doctor should be consulted before starting a treatment with vitamin H , especially if you have a disease or if you take drugs, herbs or other supplements. Likewise, it is necessary to go to a health center and stop treatment if there is a rash or rashes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

All About Biotin

All About Biotin

Biotin is a B group vitamin , also known as vitamin H, vitamin B7 or coenzyme R. It acts as a coenzyme in many metabolic processes, greatly influences diabetes and generally improves the condition of the nails and hair.

It can be found with other names such as:

  •     Biotine
  •     Biotine-D
  •     Coenzyme R
  •     Vitamin B7
  •     Vitamin H
  •     W factor

It is usually recommended very often when there is a health problem in the hair, because when the hair is thin, it is very likely that there is a lack of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Biotin is taken in oral formulas to improve hair growth, but also in shampoo and serum. According to the laboratories, it protects from dryness of the hair and also stimulates its elasticity.

Biotin Supplements


Biotin is part of enzymes that are involved in different metabolic cycles such as fats and carbohydrates, in the transfer of carbon dioxide. It is produced in the intestines , but can also be found in many foods.


The diet in general if it is balanced usually already have a good contribution of Biotin without the need to take an extra contribution. For the normal metabolism of a person and that is why there are usually not many people with biotin deficiency , perhaps sometimes during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Foods are rich in biotin, such as:

Beans, bread, cauliflower, raw egg yolk, fish, liver, legumes, kidneys, meat, dairy, nuts, barley, oysters, peanuts, poultry and whole grain, wheat germ, whole grains, salmon and bananas. It is found in many other foods in small quantity.


Along with other vitamins such as folic acid, zinc or vitamins A, C, D and Biotin stimulates hair growth and prevents breakage.

If we want to have long hair it is important that it does not break and be strong so it is important to supplement with biotin.

Improves the thickness but not the speed of hair growth.


Improves the health of the skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism and cells. Biotin can treat some nervous pathology resulting from kidney failure or diabetes.

In people with type II diabetes , combining it with chromium, can improve blood sugar levels and improve the resistance of insulin and the nervous problem related to this disease. Improves the strength of the nails, hair loss.

When there is a more important loss of hair an extra contribution is useful: the continued use of biotin, helps to improve the strength and health of the roots and follicles , which improves the strength and filling of the hair.

In children suffering from Alopecia Areata , when they have been supplemented with biotin and zinc, this improvement especially when they are added creams with clobetasol propionate. And hair loss is reduced in this childhood ailment.


It is difficult to detect a deficiency of biotin with a blood analysis so this deficiency can usually be suspected due to the appearance of different symptoms.

It may be a sign of biotin deficiency :

  •     Finer hair, redness and skin eczema , especially around the eyes, nose and mouth.
  •     Depression, exhaustion, hallucinations and tingling in arms and legs.
  •     During pregnancy , there may be a small deficit of biotin, which is why it is quite common for biotin supplements to be prescribed.
  •     People with intubated nutrition, poor nutrition or rapid weight loss.
  •     During diabetes this deficiency may also be common.
  •     Many times it is also used in hair loss , weakness of the nails. Skin irritation in children such as seborrheic dermatitis, diabetes and depression.
  •     There is some evidence that smoking can make you lose some biotin.
  •     Biotin deficiency is quite unusual, sometimes in people who consume a lot of alcohol , or many amounts of raw egg white , which contains a protein that blocks the absorption of biotin.


The real effectiveness of biotin for hair: on the fastest hair growth : it does not make it grow faster but stronger and healthier. As well as improving the nails . So it is useful in alopecia. But if it is a very important alopecia maybe it is not powerful enough.

On shampoos with biotin

The manufacturers say that it improves the thickness of the hair, improves the quantity and the brightness but there are no scientific studies that endorse these benefits.

Some time ago we talked about horse shampoo for hair growth, it was a shampoo rich in biotin, although people's hair is very different from horse hair and they can wash, but also dry their hair too many times. It spoiled too much and the effectiveness in the growth was null.

About hair loss
For hair loss, it has to be combined with zinc and with some topical component such as minoxidil or epidermal growth factor.

In diabetes

Some people use biotin to regulate blood sugar levels , but there is not enough evidence of this action, however, it has to be combined with chromium.

On cholesterol levels, there is also not enough evidence to help lower LDL levels.

If Biotin is taken alone it does not seem to affect blood sugar levels, in people suffering from type II diabetes however if combined with chromium it is observed that it helps to reduce these sugar levels. Some studies also study that this combination is also effective in reducing LDL cholesterol levels compared to HDL ( good ).

It also seems to reduce the nerve pains in diabetes.

Weakness of the nails in hands and feet:

It can help harden the nails when they are weak.


It is safe to take biotin, since they are generally very well tolerated.

Although special precautions must be followed when:

Pregnancy and lactation , it is safe, but always with the medical indication.

Renal dialysis : a biotin supplement is often necessary when you are being treated with renal dialysis.

There are no side effects and it is safe to take supplements with biotin.

It is not toxic , the levels of toxicity should be very high and I have not found references on this, so it is very strange.

Better discuss it in the doctor, especially during pregnancy and lactation.


Many medications are metabolized in the liver , sometimes taking biotin can increase the effects or side effects of these, so it is preferable if you are taking some type of medication to speak with the doctor before taking Biotin.

Like, haloperidol, Imipramine, Olanzapine, propanolol, Tacrine, theophylline, Zolmitriptan, although there are others.



This product together with biotin, can reduce the absorption of one and the other.

Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid

Likewise, when taken together with biotin, the absorption of one and the other can be reduced.


Egg whites , contains a substance that prevents the absorption of biotin by the intestine and prevents its absorption. If you take 2 or more egg whites without cooking it can cause loss of biotin levels.


The most usual dose recommended for adults in laboratories is 30 mcg / day.

But when we are taking supplements to improve hair growth, the recommended doses are much more variable ranging from 500 to 700 mcg / day.

If you increase the dose of biotin as much as 500 mcg, there is no problem of overdose but not much more benefit, since it is going to excrete in the urine, it will turn a yellow color to the urine.

Biotin however in formulas that are specific for hair loss and strengthen it, laboratories recommend up to 5000mcg / day.

To begin to notice effects, a minimum of 3 months up to 6 months has to be taken.

The dose depends a lot on the conditions of each person, age, state of health ...

There is no scientific guideline to determine the appropriate dose of biotin, so the ideal is to follow the guidelines of the laboratory manufacturer of the product to be purchased.
But overall:

  •     7 mcg babies from 0-12 months
  •     8 mcg babies 1-3 years
  •     12 mcg children aged 4-8 years
  •     20 mcg children aged 9-13 years
  •     25 mcg youth of 14-18 years
  •     30 mcg adults over 18, pregnant
  •     35 mcg in women in lactation

Benefits of biotin

Benefits of biotin

Biotin is a vitamin that is part of group B of vitamins. It is also known as vitamin B8. Its properties contribute much to the health and functioning of the body, the benefits of biotin are more than we think.

Biotin Supplements

Biotin is a vitamin that contains mainly carbohydrates and amino acids, these are responsible for producing protein in the body.

These are the benefits of biotin to:

Hair and nails

It has recently been reported that biotin helps the growth and strengthening of hair and nails.

This is due to cellular regeneration . The cells responsible for hair growth and nails are regenerated with biotin .

Nowadays many shampoo and hair treatment contain biotin and very good results are obtained.

  • One of the benefits of biotin is that it can prevent skin problems, especially dermatitis .
  • Dry skin decreases considerably by consuming biotin . Experts say it could prevent infectious diseases on the skin.
  • One of the best benefits of biotin is that it regulates the functioning of the metabolism.
  • Biotin accelerates metabolism and is very helpful as it improves the functioning of intestinal transit .
  • Biotin stabilizes blood levels creating hemoglobin.
  • The lack of hemoglobin in the body is a sign of anemia that can be prevented by means of biotin .
  • One of the benefits of biotin is that it contains properties to relieve muscle aches.
  • It generates an analgesic effect on the muscles and feeling of well-being.

These are the benefits of biotin in the body. This vitamin will make you feel better and look younger.

10 foods with biotin ideal for perfect hair

10 foods with biotin ideal for perfect hair

If you are one of those who every day try to protect your hair, encourage its growth and prevent its fall, we give you a great help that you can easily implement through diet, it is 10 biotin-friendly foods ideal for perfect hair .

Biotin: the best nutrient for your hair

Biotin, also called vitamin H or vitamin B7, is a water soluble nutrient that intervenes fostering cell division and growth, therefore, is essential for many tissues of the body, especially, can be a great nutrient for your hair .

Although this vitamin is synthesized in our body at the intestinal level and therefore, there is rarely a deficit of it in our body, we can take care of its levels through an adequate intake that will also help to take care of the hair.

On our hair, the biotin can stimulate the growth and stop the fall , but in addition, it can favor its strength avoiding that the hair is brittle and weak.

Also, this vitamin can confer thickness and hardness along with other nutrients such as zinc or protein.

For all these reasons, we show you the foods that can help you get biotin , the best nutrient to show off perfect hair.
Biotin Supplements

10 foods with biotin that will nourish your hair

To include biotin in your diet and thus, take care of the hair by feeding it with good nutrients, we recommend adding the following foods to regular food:

  •     Bovine liver : it is a great source of biotin that also provides protein, iron and zinc for your hair. It does not have a lot of fat and we can use it to replace some other meat once a week.
  •     Eggs : it is a very useful source of biotin, since we can incorporate it into different preparations on our table, for example, we can add it to a salad, an omelet, a cake or a breakfast.
  •     Blue fish : fish that contain more biotin, such as tuna, salmon, sardines or herring. In addition, this vitamin that helps to grow and strengthens the hair, are a source of omega 3 that give shine and softness to it.
  •     Peas : among the vegetables are the best source of biotin that can feed our hair, we can add them to a salad, to the filling of a cake or to an omelet.
  •     Nuts : are a great option to include this vitamin between hours, they are also source of vitamin E and good fats that also nourish the hair. Only a handful daily in our diet can be of great help.
  •     Banana : one of the fruits with the highest content of biotin, you can incorporate a daily unit to obtain this nutrient and other good for the health of the organism.
  •     Brown rice : whole grains are a good source of this vitamin, therefore, brown rice can be an ideal food for your hair. Incorporate it as part of a salad, a stew or similar and you will enjoy its benefits.
  •     Tomato : is a good way to add biotin to the diet and also allows you to get vitamin C which also contributes to perfect hair. Therefore, do not forget to incorporate this food as part of your usual diet.
  •     Brewer's yeast : only one teaspoon daily, dissolved in some liquid, can be of great help to obtain this great nutrient for your hair.
  •     Strawberries : they are another fruit that can help you obtain biotin, you can add them to your yogurts or consume them as a dessert or healthy snack.

If you include in your usual diet the above mentioned foods you will have a good quota of biotin to take care of your hair, but remember, not only these foods help to achieve a perfect hair , but also, good habits of life and a balanced diet in general.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle can help you look good.