Friday, December 7, 2018

Shampoo with biotin for hair: Fraud or magic solution?

Shampoo with biotin for hair: Fraud or magic solution?

Biotin is the word of the moment in the entire hair industry. It is a phenomenon of feminine beauty, so much so that every woman who respects herself demands biotin in a large part of the products that she applies to her hair. The shampoo with biotin is not the exception, in fact it is the favorite of many.

A decade ago the term biotin had to be looked up in a dictionary, to confirm if that word indeed existed. Now, biotin is a sensation in the taste of women interested in projecting with their hair the best of themselves.

In the heat of dryers and irons, while you fix your wonderful hair, you have to ask yourself: is biotin as magical as it is shown, was always with us and we did not realize it? Is it really real and effective its effects on the beautiful scalps that roam the world?

Those, and other questions, will be answered in this post. After reading it, your perception of biotin will not be the same. Do not stay behind, information is power to be more beautiful . Enjoy it!

Biotin Supplements

How did the shampoo with biotin come about?

In order for you to handle clear and truthful information, you must understand how biotin got into the life of our beautiful hair.

The antecedent of shampoo with biotin is horse shampoo. Surely you have heard of this controversy. It all started with a shampoo, made and applied exclusively for horses. As the horses that received this formula always walked with their shiny hair, some daring began to taste that product in their hair.

Obviously the results were fatal: fallen hairs, shattered scalps and severely affected cuticle. However, this fashion / concussion luck was so great that others joined in to try it out. There was a need to inform the female population that this shampoo is suitable only for horses, not for human beings.

The controversy grew as the foam of the product, when some celebrities of the show said that their hair was a success thanks to the horse shampoo. The truth is that they never showed proof that they were using it. But the doubt had been sown, and then that was the search for millions of women for the product.

Can I use the shampoo with biotin?

Years later the truth was discovered: what made the horses' hair glow was biotin. It is a vitamin that favors the growth of the strands, when suffering from disproportionate hair loss.

But although horse shampoo contained biotin, it could not be used by humans, because that product contains other ingredients totally harmful to the scalp of a woman or man.

In the midst of misinformation, the beauty industry created a shampoo with biotin, this time appropriate and suitable for human use. From there, there are many hair treatments-including shampoo, waxes and rinses-that ensure biotin is the main element.

To date, there are still products that mention biotin as the saving component of damaged , opaque, dry or full of dandruff hair . Is it true that any shampoo with biotin that passes through your hands fulfills these miraculous effects?

What is biotin really?

Fast and simple: it is vitamin B8, B7 and H. This vitamin differs from the others because it strengthens the structure of each strand, even the tendency to break the tips disappears by magic. How are you?

The latest scientific studies of three laboratories in Europe revealed to a scientific journal that this vitamin plays a regenerative role on the scalp. The laboratories also announced that high doses of biotin help grow hair and nails.

With a luxury addition: biotin is considered by medical science a stimulator of the body's defenses, so that its positive properties are lost sight of on the horizon.

Does the shampoo with biotin for the hair?

Not at all. It is a fraud. Surprise!

Yes, it is all a hoax. If you check in the Internet search engines you will find more than one post with presumed benefits of biotin shampoo. Hair experts know it's fake.

One thing is that biotin benefits the health of our hair, and quite another is that the shampoo with biotin do the same. They are two dissimilar aspects, they do not keep any type of link between them.

The reason? The wonder of biotin is not absorbed by the skin, much less by the scalp. That is proven by science ad nauseam, but does not have good media coverage. So if you try to give your biotin hair through a shampoo, you waste your time, and your money too.

Biotin shampoos do not save your hair in bad conditions. That work does it effectively with a shampoo made with natural ingredients, that makes your hair grow in a few weeks of use and gives back the radiance that you dreamed so much. In the immense variety variety of the market, by clicking here you will find the indicated one.

So let my dear friend be clear: biotin is absorbed by the intestine, never by the hair or the scalp . It is two dishes: you must take oral doses of biotin, but only if necessary in your case. In the following lines find out if it is your turn or not to add more biotin to your body.

Can I produce biotin myself without the need for a product?

Yes. You do not need to look for homemade products around you. Your own body produces it in piles. It is more: your intestinal flora has the capacity to produce the necessary biotin, which is distributed for the good of your whole body.

Why do some doctors order it?

Because certain conditions apply. Not all bodies are the same. Some produce more biotins than others. Usually, it is very rare that your body is not equipped with biotin.

But if you want to leave doubts, go to your doctor and ask him to review and apply a test to assess the levels of this vitamin in your body. In the worst case, that you are diagnosed with a low biotin, it is common to be prescribed some nutritional supplements, with added biotin, to restore the levels in your body.

Mind you: be careful with some tendentious campaigns in social networks. These are confusing messages that make you believe that your hair is withered and lifeless due to the lack of biotin. Then they tell you that if you do not use this or that product with biotin, your hair will fall completely.

It is a terror campaign, in which you must be cured in mental health. As experts in comprehensive beauty, we always recommend using quality hair products, preferably made with plant and mineral extracts, and free of chemical agents.

A fact: if you feel that you need more biotin in your body to favor your hair, you should only find this vitamin in the revealing subtitle that we present below.

Where can I get biotin?

If you were surprised with the data never divulged about biotin, then we tell you that this vitamin can be found in the foods that you consume every day. Yes, as you read. No chemical supplements.

In food there are large amounts of biotin. We name you some for your delight and know:

-Vegetarian food

Legumes, vegetables are at the top of the list. Also nuts, especially nuts, pistachios and hazelnuts.

In addition, this sector includes whole grains and their derivatives: beer yeast, wheat flour, corn, oats, rice, etc.

Ah! Do not forget the fruits, there you have a load of biotin that will make your hair look like a diva on the red carpet. Among the most wanted fruits with biotin are apples, grapes, bananas and blackberries.

-Food of animal origin

Fish. Its intake provides the body with high amounts of biotin. The blue ones are the most recommended: salmon, sardine or tuna.

Other foods of animal origin that you can consume are egg yolks and livers, or viscera of beef and poultry. These last ones well prepared in stews and asopados are a delight difficult to avoid.

What can make my hair grow as well or better than biotin?

A product that matches the effects of biotin on hair is the Super Regen Shampoo . Undoubtedly, years of hard scientific research resulted in this product, capable of providing all the nutrients for your hair to be a natural spectacle, a privilege for the men who watch you.

This shampoo has the ability to focus its action on the scalp. Not in vain, thousands of users claim that their hair has regained the well-being they were looking for.

All coincide in indicating an interesting fact after using the product: in a few weeks of use they notice that their hair looks healthier, prettier and, if that were not enough, up to four times longer.