Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Is Biotin the Answer to Grow Hair?

Is Biotin the Answer to Grow Hair?

Like other B vitamins, biotin is an almost inexplicably important essential nutrient. It helps the body to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. [ 1 ] It is a cofactor in many metabolic reactions driven by enzymes. [ 2 ] And, because biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss (and other effects such as depression or a swollen rash on the face), the use of biotin for hair growth has been associated in a way natural. [ 3 ]

You may have noticed that the labels of many shampoo and conditioner brands boast added vitamins and nutrients, including biotin. It is true that biotin is essential for hair, but biotin is not absorbed through hair or skin in a way that benefits the cells in the body. This means that a shampoo or conditioner with added vitamins will not make your hair grow faster, healthier or thicker. Vitamins must be taken orally to have an effect. In addition, there is still no clear scientific consensus about whether biotin can help or not grow more hair to people with normal levels of biotin.

Amplixin Advanced+ Biotin Supplement - Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth, Stronger Nails & Clearer Skin -...
Amplixin Advanced+ Biotin Supplement - Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth, Stronger Nails & Clearer Skin -...

The Role of Biotin for Hair Growth

All biological processes are complex and hair growth is no exception. Biotin plays a role in the infrastructure of keratin, the protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. [ 4 ] Visible hair, in fact, are cells that have been keratinized, organized in the form of laces [ 5 ] and pushed out of the hair follicle. While they are pushed out of the scalp, they dry, harden and, in fact, die [ 6 ] since, as they move away from the follicle, they no longer have access to the flow of blood and the nutrients it carries. [ 7 ]

Therefore, inside the hair follicle is where the cells are alive and active and where the hair is formed; Adding biotin to hair care products will not benefit those cells. Each hair has three layers: the medulla (the nucleus), the cortex and the cuticle. [ 8 ] Healthy hair is not produced from the outside, but from the inside out. That's why biotin added to shampoo or conditioner is just a commercial term to add more substance to the label.

The health of hair, nails and skin are major indicators of nutritional status. Often, strong, shiny hair is seen as a physical representation of health and youth; No wonder everyone loves it. [ 9 ] On the contrary, fine hair is not only seen by some as an indication of poor nutritional status but, in some cases, may be true. [ 10 ] Inadequate biotin levels have been linked to hair loss [ 11 ] and the increase in hair loss is actually considered a symptom of biotin deficiency. Hair follicles divide more quickly than other cells and hair loss due to a biotin deficiency can manifest as fast as a week. [ 12 ] [ 13 ]

What does the research say?

Thinning and hair loss are worrying disorders that can cause embarrassment and affect self-esteem. [ 14 ] An average person loses 50-100 hairs per day and not everyone will replace lost hairs. [ 15 ] Although biotin deficiency is rare, [ 16 ] the evidence suggests that when inadequate biotin levels are responsible for hair loss, biotin supplementation can help stop the problem and strengthen the keratin infrastructure . [ 4 ] [ 11 ]

In an interesting study, women with temporary hair loss who were given a nutritional supplement with biotin experienced a 52% increase in hair growth density over the course of 3-6 months of continuous use. [ 16 ]
Other Ways to Maintain a Healthy Looking Hair

There are other steps you can take to encourage bright, healthy-looking hair.

  •     Wash your hair with mild products to avoid extracting your natural oils.
  •     Dry your hair at low temperature.
  •     Avoid dying or whitening your hair to prevent it from breaking or drying so much.
  •     Follow a well-balanced diet to achieve full-spectrum nutrition and make the hair look and feel good.

How much Biotin should I take?

At this time, there is no scientific consensus for the daily needs of biotin. Estimates range from 30 micrograms [ 3 ] to 300 micrograms for adults. [ 17 ] Biotin is soluble in water and excess amounts are eliminated from the body. [ 18 ]

It is also important to keep in mind that even if you are getting enough biotin in your diet , your body may not be absorbing enough biotin because certain health and food conditions may impede the absorption of this micronutrient. [ 19 ] In addition, biotin does not operate in vacuum on its own. It is one of the many important nutrients that work together to not only keep the hair healthy, but to take care of the good in general. [ 20 ]

Global Healing Center's biotin supplement will help you make sure you get all the biotin you need. It is formulated with sources of vegetable origin, highly bioavailable, of this essential B vitamin. If you think you are not getting enough biotin, talk to your trusted health professional about your diet and nutritional intake. Together they can find out what their shortcomings are and address them appropriately.

Do you have any other advice to maintain strong and healthy hair? Tell us about it in the comments!