Thursday, December 27, 2018

Biotin, an essential vitamin for the body

Biotin, an essential vitamin for the body

Biotin is an essential vitamin for the proper functioning of our body, helps in the metabolism of food and reduces the risk of diabetes.

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a vitamin soluble in water and susceptible to oxidation. It is essential for the degradation of fats in the body.

Biotin or vitamin B7, was discovered and separated from the egg yolk in 1936 and is used by our body for the production of fatty acids and the growth of cells.

Biotin is part of the B vitamins. It can be found in most foods and is very easily absorbed by the body.

vitamin B in blue capsule, vitamin B in small blue letters under a white background

Biotin plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and gives the body the ability to convert food into energy.

In the same way, vitamin B7 has been used to solve problems related to hair loss or the fragility of the nails.

The accelerated way of living today, the need to eat on the street many times the so-called junk food, make it necessary to consume vitamin supplements.

Currently there are no studies that determine the optimal levels of Biotin. However, low levels of Biotin can be treated by vitamin supplements such as ProEnergy that are very convenient to combat malnutrition and weight loss.

HAIRESSENCE - All-Natural Hair Growth Biotin Multivitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Scientifically Formulated w/MCT, Vitamin B5 & D3, Copper & More - Supplement for All Hair Types
HAIRESSENCE - All-Natural Hair Growth Biotin Multivitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Scientifically Formulated w/MCT, Vitamin B5 & D3, Copper & More - Supplement for All Hair Types

According to the age of the individual, a daily dose of Biotin of 7 mcg is recommended for children under 1 year of age, 20 mcg in adolescent age and 30 mcg for adults or pregnant women.

In the case of women who are breastfeeding, the daily dose of Biotin required is 35 mcg.

Having a more specific knowledge about this important vitamin allows us to make the best selection of the nutritional supplement that we require at the right time.

What is the function of Biotin in the body?

Biotin is absorbed by the intestine as a result of bacterial synthesis after food intake. In the same way, Biotin allows to maintain blood glucose levels in a stable manner.

Biotin acts in the body metabolizing fatty acids and sugars to convert them into the energy that the body requires to perform different daily physical activities.

Vitamin B7 or Biotin also helps keep nails, skin and hair healthy and beautiful.

Woman with Abundant and Brilliant Hair

Biotin or vitamin B7 , in our body acts in the form of a coenzyme that allows, through a process called gluconeogenesis, to generate glycogen absorbed from food in the intestine and store it in an ATP molecule.

Glycogenesis is the body's way of storing glucose from food.

Glycogen, which can be found in all those foods with a high content of carbohydrates such as wheat, corn, cereals, after being ingested is sent to the bloodstream in the form of glucose.

Many of these carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles.

Consequently, we could say that glycogen is a reservoir of energy that maintains the organism in the various muscles and in the liver. Therefore, the main function of glycogen is to store energy.

There are two very important benefits of glycogen. First it is stored in a compact way in an ATP cell and, secondly, it is a reserve of glucose that can be converted into energy immediately.

Glycogen is stored in the muscles and is used by the muscle that contains it, and is also stored in the liver, which is what keeps blood sugar levels stable.

Benefits of Biotin for the body

Biotin or vitamin B7 is part of the vitamin B group complex that includes vitamin B6, vitamin B12, riboflavin or vitamin B2 and niacin or vitamin B3.

The entire B complex as a whole, helps in brain functions, the nervous system and the metabolism of carbohydrates as well as other important functions of our body.

Among the many benefits that Biotin can give us, we can mention the following:

It helps the body metabolism

Biotin contributes to the chemical changes that occur in the body and that allow the glucose present in carbohydrate-rich foods to be converted into energy.

The lack of Biotin in the body makes the metabolism slow and can cause fatigue, weight gain or diabetes.

Contribute to the balance of blood sugar

Because Biotin helps in the metabolism of the body facilitating the action of insulin and converts sugars into energy, in the same way it has been shown that vitamin B7 linked to chromium, allows to lower blood sugar levels even in patients who suffer from diabetes.

cubes forming the word diabetes, diabetes uppercase letters in crossword puzzle and sugar pile in a spoon

Keeps skin, nails and hair healthy

It is known to use Biotin in different cosmetic products for the face, hair or skin.

Biotin deficiency can make your hair look dry and brittle and your body's skin irritated.

Help in improving memory

Biotin, like the rest of the B group vitamins, are beneficial for improving the nervous system and memory, and also helps reduce neurodegenerative disorders that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Loss of Alzheimer's memory due to dementia and brain disease, gridded background

Collaborate with the cardiovascular system

Vitamin B7 or Biotin, lowers the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and increases the levels of good HDL cholesterol, preventing heart attacks and cardiovascular accidents.

Collaborate in the formation of hemoglobin

It is part of the production process of hemoglobin that allows the transport of oxygen throughout the body.

Symptoms of Biotin deficiency in the body

Biotin deficiency is not common in people. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin, Biotin is easily absorbed by the body.

However, in the case of people who consume very often the egg white in raw, there may be a case of Biotin deficiency, because the egg white in raw form contains a protein that prevents the absorption of Biotin in the intestine.

There are some symptoms that allow us to think of a deficiency of Biotin which can be treated with vitamin supplements.

These symptoms can be:

Hair loss

According to studies conducted at the University of California, it was concluded that one of the causes for hair loss is the lack of Biotin.

The Depression

The lack of Biotin reduces the generation of glycogen and, consequently, low levels of energy. A person with Biotin deficiency can present a picture of depression and fatigue.

Dry skin

Low levels of Biotin in the body can result in the lack of proper hydration of the skin . Therefore, the skin becomes dry especially under the eyelids.

Muscular pains

Muscle aches can be caused by a lack of calcium, potassium or magnesium.

Through physical exercise, a large amount of water is eliminated through sweating, and with it, water-soluble vitamins of Complex B such as Biotin are eliminated.

The fatigue

Feeling tired constantly can be the direct consequence of a lack of Biotin in the body.

Woman at her desk dressed in a suit with her hand on her forehead. Fatigue

Biotin contributes to the production of energy in the body and, as a result, the lack of this vitamin decreases the vitality of the person.

What foods contain Biotin?

Generally all foods have a Biotin content, only some possess it to a higher degree.

Biotin, being a water-soluble vitamin, is easily absorbed by the body and a low level of this vitamin is unlikely.

Biotin can be found in two different types of food sources, these are: in free state, which can be obtained from plant-type foods and linked to proteins, which are animal-type foods.

Among foods with a high content of Biotin from the animal type, which are linked to proteins, are those visceral meat products such as kidneys or liver.

Other foods of animal origin that contain biotin are milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and butter, fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon and different types of shellfish and eggs. Two types of meat on top of a wooden board, next to it cheese and jug of milk, egg, cereal.

In the specific case of eggs, it is important to cook the egg white sufficiently because, although this food contains in its yolk a large amount of Biotin, the egg white in raw form has a protein that decreases the absorption of Biotin.

Consequently, a diet with a high content of egg white can generate Biotin deficiency in the body.

Among the foods with a high content of Biotin from the vegetable type, where Biotin is found in free state and therefore easier to absorb, we can mention:

Nuts such as peanuts and nuts , which provide between 30 and 40 micrograms of Biotin per 100 grams consumed.

Sunflower seeds that, in addition to providing 66 grams of Biotin per 100-gram dose, are rich in antioxidants.

Different types of nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chestnuts, pinto, soybeans, flax seeds, chia, red beans and nuts placed on the white wooden table.

The pulses and, specifically, the green peas for each 100 gram ration provide 40 micrograms of Biotin in the fresh state and 70 micrograms in the dry state.

Cauliflower is a source of vitamin C, and a portion of this vegetable provides the body with 5% of the daily requirements of Biotin.

Banana, in addition to providing fiber and minerals such as potassium, iron and calcium, supplies 120 micrograms of Biotin per serving of 100 grams.

Cereals such as rice, oats and barley provide the body with an average of 65 micrograms of Biotin per serving

The avocado has about 6 micrograms of Biotin so its consumption is recommended

Other foods that contribute Biotin to our body are carrots, tomatoes, fruits and green leafy vegetables.
What is the daily amount of Biotin that should be consumed?

At present there is no type of studies conducted to establish what is the amount of Biotin required daily by the body.

However, taking into consideration that Biotin is a water soluble vitamin, its intake even when it may be excessive, the excess can be easily eliminated from the body through the urine.

As a general rule, it can be considered that an adult person requires more Biotin than a child due to the type of physical effort that each person performs.

In the same way, a pregnant or lactating woman, needs a greater consumption of this type of vitamins so much for the good development of the fetus as for the healthy feeding of the child.

In the opinion of the National Academy of Medicine of the United States, the dose of Biotin required according to age is as follows:

  • Children under 1 year of age, 7 mcg
  • Children up to 8 years of age, between 10 and 12 mcg
  • Adolescents up to 18 years of age, between 20 and 25 mcg
  • Adults and pregnant women, 30 mcg
  • Nursing women, 35 mcg

In cases in which the person requires Biotin due to problems with hair loss, it is recommended to take a daily dose of 500 mcg of Biotin, therefore, the use of vitamin supplements such as ProEnergy is beneficial .
Food supplements with Biotin

Even though Biotin is a vitamin easily absorbed by the body and that is present in a large number of the foods we consume daily, there are certain pathologies that require a greater supply of this vitamin.

Among the existing pathologies we can mention the lack of biotinidase, which is a genetic condition; renal patients undergoing dialysis replacement therapy and smokers.

Hand holding a cigar

All of these people may be susceptible to higher Biotin requirements, so we recommend the ProEnergy product which, for each capsule that is taken, provides 100 micrograms of Biotin in addition to other vitamins, natural herbs and minerals.

ProEnergy is a calorie-free energy supplement that provides energy to the body for physical effort.

The composition of ProEnergy of different vitamins of group B, herbs such as ginseng and spirulina algae plus the addition of different minerals, make it a product that allows to increase sexual vigor and energy, balances blood glucose values ​​and improves the memory.

A group of people who can obtain great benefits by consuming a vitamin supplement such as ProEnergy are those with problems in dry skin, brittle hair or brittle nails.

Each ProEnergy capsule provides the body with 100 mcg of Biotin in addition to other B Complex vitamins, as well as natural herbs and mineral body benefits.

For all the above described we recommend the regular consumption of Biotin to improve their quality of life.