Saturday, December 22, 2018

Vitamins for hair

Vitamins for hair

Vitamins are essential to keep hair healthy, hydrated and shiny. How can we know which vitamins are good for the hair? The vitamins and minerals that most influence hair health are the B vitamins, biotin, iron, copper, zinc and selenium. All of them make it easier for the hair to stay strong, hydrated and shiny.

Hair health

Certain vitamins and minerals , such as vitamin B , and especially biotin , vitamin C , zinc or iron , combined with the supply of proteins are essential for hair health. These vitamins act from the inside of the hair structure and favor the growth of the scalp , giving it more strength, shine and elasticity.

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Pure Naturals Biotin 10,000 Mcg, Capsules- Supports Healthy Skin & Hair - Promotes Overall Good Health (400 Capsules)

How to maintain healthy hair?

To have healthy and shiny hair it is necessary to follow a balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are certain vitamins that promote the growth and beauty of hair , especially vitamin B and vitamin B2 complex, B5, B6, B9, as well as biotin, calcium , silicon and trace elements such as zinc, copper , iron and selenium . Due to their properties these nutrients are popularly known as "vitamins for hair".

Why does hair loss occur?

Hair loss can have its origin in several factors, from some kind of disease or pathology, use of certain drugs or medicines (some kind of therapy), a lack of nutrients, hormonal balance ... In this way, any of these causes It can lead to interfering with the hair growth cycle, preventing hair from growing in the hair follicles.

    We lose on average 80-150 hairs per day , being part of the hair's life cycle process. Hair grows an average of ½ inch per month

Even so, we may notice in a short period of time an increase in this hair loss , being a somewhat alarming situation, especially in women, almost forcing us to take action. In addition to hair loss, other symptoms are also frequent, such as thinning hair.

Hair Loss and Depression

Many men and women suffering from hair loss report feelings of depression and / or low self-esteem

How does our hair grow?

It is important to know how hair growth occurs to understand much better the importance of the correct supply of nutrients and know if an extra supply of vitamins for your health is necessary. In this process you can differentiate 3 phases :

  •     Anagen or growth phase: normal hair growth is achieved reaching the corresponding length, in addition to the thickness and health necessary to keep them strong, in addition to the characteristic brightness.
  •     Catagen or transition: there is no growth, and the hair remains in the same state.
  •     Telogenic or resting: is when the hair falls, either by itself or by the birth and thrust of a new or

Loss, thinning or problems with hair growth occurs when your growth cycle is interrupted. This can be caused by conditions such as metabolic imbalances, disease or inadequate nutrition. If there is such disproportion, the number of hairs that will fall will be greater than the time necessary for them to grow, producing a visible loss of hair.

Good habits in hair care, and a diet of chord, can prevent hair loss and promote the maintenance of its shine and strength , in combination with vitamins. In many cases, hair loss, caused by a series of factors (stress, hormonal changes ...), produces the pathology known as "telogen effluvium", a temporary interaction on the hair growth phase .

Take Vitamins for Hair

A notorious effect of maintaining a correct supply of nutrients during the anagen phase is to promote the health of the hair, especially its hardness, brightness and thickness.

Vitamins for hair
How do vitamins act on hair?
Hair vitamins help hair growth, prevent hair loss and help keep hair healthy and hydrated. To enjoy healthy and strong hair it is necessary to provide the nutrients required for its maintenance and growth. A balanced diet , rich in fruits and vegetables will positively influence your hair.

Strong and Healthy Hair

Among the vitamins we need to improve the appearance and health of our hair are fundamentally:

Vitamin A:

This vitamin helps fight hair loss and keep it with a great shine. It favors tissue healing and helps fight infections. The lack of this vitamin causes the fall and lack of shine in the hair. We can find it in foods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy, liver, etc ...

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin :

Combat dermatitis and eczema can be found in foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, wheat germ. The signs of lack of this vitamin in the hair are itching and scaling of the scalp.

Vitamin B3 :

It intervenes in the process of metabolizing certain trace elements that are used to form hair such as lithium, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, cobalt and copper. It also improves blood circulation, thus promoting the arrival of nutrients to the scalp.

Hair Health

Vitamins and minerals that favor hair health : Vitamin B, Biotin, Calcium, Silicon, Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Selenium

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid :

Increases and regulates the speed of hair growth. If you want your hair to grow faster you should consume meats, eggs, legumes, nuts ...

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine :

To combat seborrhea. We can find them in foods such as eggs, meats, oranges, etc ...

Inositol :

To prevent baldness along with other vitamins of group B. We can find them in foods such as nuts, brewer's yeast , egg yolk etc ...

Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid :

It helps maintain a beautiful natural hair color. We can find them in foods such as vegetables, mushrooms, alfalfa, etc ...

Vitamin E :

It also helps to prevent hair loss since the hair does not break. We can find them in foods such as corn, spinach, apples, carrots, asparagus, etc ... Healthy Hair
If you want to know why Vitamin E is considered as the Vitamin of Youth , click here
Benefits of collagen for hair

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, formed by the amino acids glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine , found naturally in tissues, especially bones and connective system. It is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin. In relation to its contribution to improve the health of hair, collagen can be used as a natural treatment:

  •     Strengthening the hair
  •     Reduce split ends
  •     Avoid hair breakage
  •     Avoid tangling and frizz
  •     Protect from heat (dry and fragile hair ...)
  •     Avoid dandruff

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Marine Collagen Formula Hydrolyzed with Vitamin C and Magnesium. Especially suitable for women. Includes ingredients to promote joint health and skin, strengthen hair and nails. Vials flavor lemon
Biotin vitamin for hair

Biotin, also known as B7 or H, is a water soluble vitamin for hair loss, which has properties to promote hair growth , thicken hair strands, and prevent hair loss. Acts along with vitamin B2, B3 and B6, preventing hair loss.
In a diet low in B vitamins, including biotin deficiency, can result in the loss and weakening of hair. We can find it in foods such as organ meats, eggs, brewer's yeast, legumes, nuts ...
Buy Biotin from HSNessentials
Vitamin belonging to group B. Involved in energy metabolism. It helps strengthen hair and nails, and improve the appearance of the skin.
Properties of vitamins for hair
How can we enhance the effects of each vitamin?

The vitamins for the hair must be taken in a combined way so that all its nutrients realize their beneficial properties on the hair. That is, we must ingest each vitamin to act effectively on the scalp. The consumption of this combination enhances the properties of each vitamin and also the individual effects of each of them.
How should we act when we observe that our hair is damaged?

When we observe damage to the hair we must consume a combination that includes each vitamin to repair the damage as soon as possible. In the case that our diet has some deficiency, we must also resort to this combination as it promotes the health of the hair and helps improve its appearance.


How does this combination work?

Vitamin B helps the formation and transformation of carbohydrates , proteins and fats . Vitamin B is also essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The contribution of calcium phosphate is essential for bones. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body. Raw materials combined with trace elements or trace elements are essential to maintain the body's metabolism controlled.
How does vitamin B work on hair?
Vitamin B helps hair growth , prevents hair loss and helps the scalp stay healthier.

How does zinc work on hair?

Zinc is involved in the formation of keratin, an essential substance to give strength and power.

How does copper act on hair?

Copper helps the pigmentation of the hair, and also gives it shine and color.

How does iron act on hair?

The iron helps the capital regeneration and stimulates the softness of the hair. It also prevents it from becoming brittle.

How does silicon and calcium act on hair?

Silicon is the best vitamin for elasticity and another vitamin, like calcium, is the best to maintain healthy hair structure.

Foods for hair growth

A healthy and balanced diet that guarantees us the contribution of adequate doses of the vitamins and minerals involved in hair health is the first step if we want to avoid the worsening of the appearance or hair loss. Among the most suitable foods we can find: fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, wheat bran, oatmeal , brown rice, legumes, yeast, milk and milk products, nuts ...

Foods for Hair Growth

Bet on fresh and natural foods
Know the most delicious foods in Vitamins and Minerals , by clicking here
When to take supplements for hair health?

If we observe the presence of one or more of the following signs, we would recommend acting to protect our hair:

  •     Hair loss
  •     Brittle hair
  •     Dry hair like straw
  •     Premature gray hair
  •     Problems in hair growth
  •     Difficulty for hair regeneration
  •     Hair without strength
  •     Dull hair

Symptoms Hair Loss

If this action is repeated every morning , it would be highly recommended that you consider taking a supplement aimed at hair health.

Vitamin supplements for hair

Although the term "vitamins for hair" is alluded to, the truth is that there are a series of products and supplements, which are not properly vitamins, but under the language you can understand their purpose of providing nutrients and substances that promote hair health.

Omega 3

The omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that promote the optimal state of health. In particular, one of its main actions is to reduce the cases of inflammation, so that they will be involved in those pathologies that directly affect the phase of hair growth. As reflected in this study , an omega-3 supplement can enhance hair maintenance and even increase its thickness.
Buy Ultra Omega 3
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Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: 35% EPA and 25% DHA per dose. With Vitamin E Natural. Anti-inflammatory action and cognitive support.

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B is involved in numerous physiological reactions within the body, acting as cofactors and absorption enzymes in the metabolism of food, and thus obtain nutrients. Among this group, biotin is the one that stands out, as we have seen previously. If the sources of these vitamins do not predominate, their external contribution would be highly recommended.

Voluminous Hair
Buy Vitamin B Complex from HSNessentials
Vitamin B Complex
All the Vitamins of Group B. They intervene in the energetic metabolism, support the nervous system, strengthen the hair, skin and nails ... They are some tasks among an infinity of processes within the organism.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, in addition to helping regulate high cortisol levels. This is one of the main causes that enhance hair loss, and as recent research suggests, it may be to help with hair health.
As time passes, our body loses the faculties to neutralize the external agents, or also generated from internal reactions of the organism, known as free radicals, and that also produce the degradation of the cellular component of the tissues (membrane, DNA ... ). The contribution of vitamin C can be related to the greater luminosity and volume of the hair.
Buy Vitamin C from HSNessentials
Vitamin C
500mg per Capsule. With Citrus Bioflavonoids. Antioxidant effect. Strengthens the immune system. Involved in the production of collagen.

Vitamin D

The hair follicles are very sensitive to hormones, and just like vitamin D, it is a hormone that plays an important role in calcium homeostasis, immunoregulation, as well as cell growth differentiation. According to studies , this vitamin can have an important role in the treatment of hair loss.
Buy Vitamin D3 from HSNessentials
Vitamin D3 4000IU
100μg of Vitamin D3 in the form Colecalciferol per dose. Essential Nutrient for the Organism. It contributes to the correct absorption of calcium. Reduced size of the pearl to facilitate its consumption.
How to take vitamins for hair?
How to ingest the vitamins that the hair needs?

The contribution of vitamins for hair must be covered through food , which provide us with each specific vitamin. However, when an unbalanced diet has been followed for a long time, the body may have a deficiency of some vitamin, which affects the health of the scalp.
How should we act in these cases?
It is best to take vitamin supplements for hair that enhance and stimulate the scalp metabolism and prevents hair loss and other problems of the scalp.

Hair Vitamins
For whom are vitamins for hair important?

  •     Athletes and athletes who spend more strength and have more need for energy
  •     For the elderly
  •     People suffering from hair loss
  •     For people who have brittle hair
  •     When menopause is suffered
  •     For pregnant women and nursing mothers
  •     For people with metabolic and hormonal disorders