Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Biotin for hair - What is

Biotin for hair - What is

In this post we are going to talk about biotin and its incidence in hair . We tell you what it is and everything related to it. We already advanced that biotin is a vitamin B group, very important for hair to grow strong and healthy, hence the use of biotin for hair is very well considered.

What is biotin?

Biotin is a vitamin belonging to group B, also known as vitamin B7, B8 or vitamin H.

What is the function of biotin?

Biotin acts as a coenzyme, accelerating chemical reactions that occur in certain situations of the body and are essential to synthesize fatty acids, in gluconeogenesis (synthesis of new glucose) and in the metabolism of leucine.

Healthy Natural Systems - Biotin Chews Berry 5000 mcg. - 30 Chews
Healthy Natural Systems - Biotin Chews Berry 5000 mcg. - 30 Chews

In its role of coenzyme it acts in the transfer of carbon dioxide in numerous enzymes. All these enzymes are fundamental in the development of cell duplication.

For this reason, due to the lack of biotin, these enzymes are not produced and, as this does not happen, cell duplication is not carried out. The lack of cell duplication initially affects the tissues of rapid reproduction (skin, hair, axonal coating cells)

Hence, biotin is used to improve hair, skin and nails.

Biotin also relieves muscle aches, skin problems and helps fight depression and drowsiness.

    "In the absence of biotin, there would be no cell duplication, which would directly affect the skin, hair and axonal coating cells." GINKGO Store .

Biotin for hair - Importance

One of the symptoms due to lack of biotin is hair loss . In these situations an intake of this vitamin makes recover lost hair , as well as get back the desired brightness and strength.

Biotin for hair can be consumed topically (shampoos) or by ingesting the vitamin itself (food supplements or foods that contain it)

People who have used biotin for their hair assure and match the changes that occur in their hair, appreciating faster growth, stronger hair and with greater shine.

Benefits that are attributed to biotin for hair :

  •     Strengthens hair follicles and stems.
  •     Brightens hair
  •     Promotes the rapid growth of hair.
  •     It is considered an anti seborrheic.
  •     Biotin for hair helps fight hair loss.

Just as many benefits are assigned to the consumption of biotin or the use of shampoos with biotin for hair loss , it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence (that is, no scientific studies have been carried out) that may indicate that the consumption of this vitamin and when the organism has an optimal level of it , these benefits for the hair are produced.

It should be noted that the lack of biotin in our body would be strange since our body is able to synthesize up to 50% of daily needs.
Biotin - Contraindications, Side effects, Interactions

There are some situations in which the intake of biotin is not recommended. These cases could be pregnancy, when you are taking medications regularly (eg biotin could interact with cholesterol medications weakening the effects of these) , also some medications can lower biotin levels.

To date, no side effects have been discovered due to excessive intake of biotin. Biotin is a group B water-soluble vitamin (being water-soluble it is easier to eliminate from the body), which when it is presented in the body in higher quantities than its optimum level is eliminated in the urine.

    "Sometimes, the intake of biotin is not recommended. For example, in the case of pregnancy, when you are under certain medical treatments, etc. " GINKGO Store .

The intake of raw egg whites, with a consumption of two whites per day, for example, can interact with biotin, in a way that causes a deficit of this vitamin. In these cases it will be advisable to take them cooked.

Foods that contain biotin

Biotin is present in many foods , such as the ones presented below:

Chard, spinach, nuts (pistachios, almonds, peanuts), liver and organ meats, berries and fruits, milk and dairy products, meat, brewer's yeast, whole grains, fish, cauliflower, soybeans, mushrooms, egg (egg yolk), potato, avocado, peas, royal jelly.

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Biotin and its incidence on hair. We tell you what it is and everything related to it and hair. We already advanced that biotin is a group B vitamin, very important for hair to grow strong and healthy.