Monday, December 24, 2018

Biotin, the miraculous vitamin for hair

Biotin, the miraculous vitamin for hair

Biotin is a very important vitamin for health and beauty, especially hair, because it helps in its growth and fortifies it.

It is widely used to treat problems such as hair loss, dermatitis and even diabetes, since it promotes division and cell growth and tissues; It can be consumed naturally in food or by means of tablets or solutions.

Terra Origin, Healthy Beauty Supplement, Capsules, 30 Servings, for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails with Biotin, Collagen Hydrolysate and Vitamins
Terra Origin, Healthy Beauty Supplement, Capsules, 30 Servings, for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails with Biotin, Collagen Hydrolysate and Vitamins

This vitamin, also known as H or B8, is expelled from the organism quickly through urine and sweat. It is of great importance since they intervene in the metabolism of fats, amino acids, hydrates and purines.

Beauty treatments or biotin tablets can be a bit expensive, so it is ideal to consume them naturally in plant or animal-based foods.

Foods rich in Biotin:

Egg: its   The yolk has a high biotin value, and it is very easy to include it in our diet.

Brewer's yeast: is the main source, of vegetable origin, of biotin Other cereals such as brown rice, flour, oats or wheat also contain this vitamin .

Blue fish: such as sardines, mackerel, tuna, herring or even salmon contain biotin and omega 3, which helps hair a lot more.

Peas: they stand out among the vegetables with the best source of biotin.

Nuts: In addition to containing vitamin H, they are sources of vitamin E and good fats, ideal to consume between meals.

Beef liver: you may not like it, but this is a great source of biotin that also provides protein, iron and zinc for your body. It also does not contain many fats.

Biotin not only stimulates hair growth it also gives it thickness and firmness.

Does biotin promote hair growth?

If you have difficulty growing your hair or preventing it from falling or tightening, there are several remedies that can help you solve those problems. In addition to the surgical treatments and medications that help you grow there are some natural supplements and elements They do the same thing and usually do not cause harmful side effects. One of those elements is Biotin and it has been proven that it increases hair strength and growth over time.

What is biotin?
Biotin is a component of vitamin B that provides the necessary vitamins and nutrients to your body that allows hair and even nails to grow fast and strong. Increases the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins needed to thicken hair and increase growth.

Sometimes biotin is also known as vitamin H and helps protect the body against dryness and brittle hair follicles that prevent hair growth.

It also increases the elasticity of the hair follicles and the hair cortex, to help prevent breakage and greater damage, which prevents it from thickening and growing well. By taking biotin regularly and in the right proportions, your hair will be thicker and it will appear that you have more hair.

Biotin has no side effects but you should always make sure to take the amount prescribed for you.

How much biotin is necessary?
The amount of biotin you need on a daily basis varies with each person. Before deciding the levels of biotin you should take, consult a doctor. You will probably be told that the daily amounts depend on your age, height and weight. Other factors that can also affect are pre-existing medical problems and allergies.

Generally, adults are instructed to take 30 micrograms per day. If you are pregnant, the amount indicated will increase to 35 micrograms daily because your body and hormones are changing. Children should take between 6 and 12 micrograms, when they reach adolescence, they will recommend 15 to 20 grams per day.