Saturday, December 29, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Biotin Deficiency

Everything You Need to Know About Biotin Deficiency

Biotin is a vitamin B also known as vitamin H or B-7.
Helps the body convert carbohydrates to glucose, which is necessary
to produce energy.

Biotin also helps metabolize fats and amino acids, which the body
uses to build protein. Protein is needed to repair and
maintain the cells.

It is rare for a healthy person to eat a balanced diet suffering from
biotin deficiency.

Swanson Timed-Release Biotin 10Vitamin 000 mcg 60 Tabs
Swanson Timed-Release Biotin 10Vitamin 000 mcg 60 Tabs

Quick facts about biotin deficiency:

  •   * Biotin, also known as vitamin H or B-7, is one of the B groups
  •     of vitamins.
  •   * Biotin plays a role in embryonic growth, so it is important to
  •     during pregnancy.
  •   * A deficiency is treated with oral biotin supplements.

    What is biotin?

Bottle of natural vitamin supplements poured into the tabletop of

B vitamins help convert carbohydrates into
glucose, which the body uses as energy.

B vitamins also help the body to process fats and
proteins and the nervous system to function. Sometimes referred to as
B complex vitamins, they are necessary for healthy skin,
hair, eyes and liver function.

Biotin is available in small amounts in some foods.
In addition, the microbiome, which is the bacterial population living in
intestines, produces biotin

Similar to all B vitamins, biotin is water soluble. That
means that it dissolves in the water inside the body and can not be

    Who is at risk for biotin deficiency?

People with health problems that affect how the body absorbs
nutrients, or which are in certain medicines, may be at risk of
develop biotin deficiency.

Biotinidase deficiency (BTD) is the most common cause of disability
of biotin. BTD is a rare inherited disorder in which the body is not
capable of using biotin and leads to biotin deficiency. It is caused by a
mutation in the BTD gene. This gene instructs the body on how to make
enzyme biotinidase, which the body needs to extract biotin from food.

BTD affects approximately one in 60,000 newborns.

Infants with FTD tend to begin to have symptoms of the disease in the
first weeks or months of life. The most common symptoms include:

  •   * hypotonia or weak muscles
  •   convulsions
  •   alopecia or hair loss
  •   eczema
  •   * developmental delay

Between 25 and 50 percent of babies born with BTD exhibit one or more of the
following procedures:

  ataxia or poor coordination
  •   * conjunctivitis or red eye
  •   * Loss of hearing
  •   * lethargy and drowsiness

Between 10 to 25 percent of babies with BTD experience:

  •   * periods of unconsciousness
  •   vomit
  •   * diarrhea
  •   * fungal infections

In less than 10% of cases, children with BTD suffer:

  •   * hepatomegaly or enlargement of the liver
  •   * splenomegaly or (enlarged spleen)
  •   * speech problems

Without treatment, BTD can lead to a coma or be fatal.

All newborns in the United States are screened for BTD. a
physician usually diagnoses BTD by making a family history and a
blood test. Prenatal fluid testing of the uterus sample for the
Biotinidase activity is also available.

Although the symptoms of biotin deficiency usually appear in the
the first months of life, the symptoms may also appear later in the

Conditions and medications

Doctor talking to patient about prescription and condition.

Other factors that put people at risk of developing
biotin deficiency include:

  •   * Being in parenteral nutrition, which means being fed via
  •     intravenous, for long periods.
  •   * Take anti-convulsive medication over a long period of time, which may
  •     biotin levels in the body.
  •   * Taking antibiotics over a long period of time because they can
  •     biotin-producing bacteria in the intestine.
  •   * Having a condition, such as Crohn's disease, that hampers absorption
  •     of nutrients in the intestines.
  •   * Have excessive exposure to alcohol, which inhibits the absorption of biotin.


At least one third of pregnant women will develop disability

    What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of biotin deficiency begin gradually and can
accumulate over time.

Symptoms may include hair loss, loss of hair on the body and
a reddish and scaly rash around the openings of the body,
including the eyes, nose, mouth and anus. Conjunctivitis can also be

Adults with biotin deficiency may suffer:

  •   convulsions
  •   * skin infections
  •   * brittle nails
  •   * neurological problems, such as depression, lethargy, hallucinations, and
  •     paresthesias (pins and needles) in the extremities

    How is this treated?

Vegetables, legumes and beans, arranged in bowls and spoons on the table

Although the symptoms of BTD may disappear with medical assistance,
a person may need to take biotin for the rest of his or her life.

Multivitamins and biotin supplements are available without prescription.
However, a balanced diet is considered to be the best source of
Complex B vitamins.

The recommended daily intake of an adult is 30 micrograms (mcg),
while the recommended intake of a child is 5 micrograms per
day. Pregnant women should seek 35 mcg per day.

People should talk to their doctor before taking a supplement.
of biotin. Biotin may be present in adult or
prenatal care, and there may be dangers in taking high doses.

Anyone who suspects that they may have a disability is advised to
talk to your health care team.

Good sources of biotin include:

  •   * brewer's yeast
  •   * boiled eggs, the particular yolk
  •   sardines
  •   * nuts, especially almonds, peanuts, walnuts and walnuts
  •   * nut butter
  •   * legumes, including soybeans, beans, peas
  •   * whole grains
  •   * cauliflower
  •   * bananas
  •   * mushrooms

It is important to keep in mind that some
food can destroy biotin. It is also important to note that
clear proteins contain a protein called avidin that interferes in the form
how the body absorbs biotin.

      Cosmetic Biotin

Biotin supplements are often promoted for the health of the
hair, skin and nails, but there is little evidence to show that
are effective.

    Take away

Biotin deficiency is reversible. People with BTD will be prescribed
Biotin supplements, which will stop the symptoms, but they usually
need to take supplements in the long run. The FDA does not monitor
supplements as closely as they monitor food and
that a person choose a reputable source.

They should also talk to their doctor about all supplements,
vitamins, herbs and medications before starting new courses.

Most other causes of biotin deficiency can be treated
with changes in diet, although a short period of use of supplements
be recommended in the diagnosis.

Anyone who suspects that they have a biotin deficiency should speak to
a health professional about what to do next.