Saturday, December 29, 2018

Biotin or Vitamin B7

Biotin or Vitamin B7

Biotin, which can also be called vitamin B7, is an important vitamin that integrates the B complex. Because it is soluble in water, the body can not store it and needs its constant production and ingestion.

Benefits of Biotin

Its benefits are several, since it helps the body to convert nutrients into energy, and one of the best known is to maintain the health of hair, nails and skin . In the past, it has been named "Coenzyme R" and "Vitamin H", which comes from the German "Haar" (Hairs) and "Haut" (Pele).

Best Naturals Maximum Potency Biotin 10,000 Mcg for Healthier and Longer Hair Growth Support Formula, 200 Count
Best Naturals Maximum Potency Biotin 10,000 Mcg for Healthier and Longer Hair Growth Support Formula, 200 Count

Biotin: What It Is for

Biotin serves to improve the metabolism of macronutrients in digestion, as it is part of the functioning of various enzymes in the body, known as the carboxylases. Such enzymes activate the production, for example, of fatty acids and glucose (gluconeogenesis), from the breakdown of important amino acids, such as leucine.

Thus, biotin is involved primarily in energy production , participating in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that we eat, which are broken down into nutrients of smaller units and finally can be absorbed by the body.

In addition, the benefits of vitamin B7 benefit the heart and circulatory system because it helps to reduce triglycerides, which are harmful elements in the circulation, and consequently reduces "bad" cholesterol and increases "good" (HDL) cholesterol: which means lessening the risk of hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Biotin is considered important in the production of myelin, which is a protective covering of nerve fibers in the eyes, brain and spinal cord. Those who have Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease, have a progressive destruction in the myelin, so biotin can help to regenerate this tissue.

Pregnant after 3 years!
"After 3 years I found the solution and got pregnant! Know my story and my secret." (Alyne, 4 months pregnant)

Know more!

There are already researches that prove that high doses of biotin produce clinical improvement in patients with Multiple Sclerosis . Bone marrow and other nerve cells can grow or be repaired with biotin.

The gain of muscle mass is similarly provided by biotin, especially when there is damage to the muscles and these need repair - after long training in muscle hypertrophy, for example. Biotin-containing enzymes perform protein synthesis , which is required for muscle growth.

Regulate Glucose

Another benefit of biotin is in regulating sugar levels - glucose - in the body. With its stability, when there is a good functioning of enzymes, biotin prevents the glucose from suffering shortage or excess, balancing insulin levels and insulin sensitivity. This is how Type 2 Diabetes is prevented. But for this, a minimally balanced diet is also needed, without sugar exaggerations.

To demonstrate such a benefit, some controlled studies in diabetics have indicated that biotin supplements in conjunction with mineral chromium may help treat some people with Type 2 Diabetes, as compared to healthy subjects, patients with Type 2 Diabetes may have lack of biotin in the body.

Biotin in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During gestation and breast-feeding , biotin is also a very important component as there is an increased need for vitamin B7. It is estimated that up to half of pregnant women may have a mild biotin deficiency, but this does not always produce noticeable symptoms.

The hypothesis is that this deficiency occurs because of the faster metabolism of biotin in the body during gestation. And this may still interfere with the development of the fetus, so many pregnant women receive supplementation of Complex B by the doctor. And finally, one of the first known benefits of biotin is still the strengthening of the nails and hair.

Biotin for Hair and Nails

The brittle nails are those that easily crack, peel or chip. The estimate is that this condition affects about 20% of the world's population, not necessarily for lack of biotin, but often the vitamin helps to reverse the situation.

Some studies have already been done in which at least 25% of participants with fragile nails who received biotin supplementation had improvement after at least 5 weeks of treatment. In the case of hair, the mechanism is the same: deficiency of vitamin B7 can lead to hair loss, although there are few studies on this.

Biotin Deficiency

Biotin deficiency can still affect the health of the skin, causing seborrheic dermatitis and symptoms such as redness and scaly rash , which can be reversed with a good diet with biotin. The hypothesis is that this benefit to the skin, nails and hair is related to the breakdown of fat provided by biotin, but there is still no scientific evidence.

Sources and Biotin Supplement

Biotin is found in many foods, so it is difficult to need supplementation of vitamin B7, the manipulated biotin. But it may be indicated to improve the health of certain at-risk groups, such as pregnant women, athletes, and the elderly.

There are also rarer cases of hereditary biotin disease, in which biotin supplementation is extremely necessary. The best biotin supplement is for oral use , as ointments and gel for skin and hair usually do not work.

Main Foods

Probiotic bacteria in the gut are capable of producing biotin, and we can also find it in various foods . The main sources of biotin are:

  •     Fish
  •     Bull's liver
  •     Egg yolk
  •     milk
  •     Whole Rice
  •     Potatoes

Still found in other foods like: soy, oats, nuts, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and bananas.

Important: Egg white should always be cooked or fried to deactivate avidin protein, which prevents the absorption of biotin.

Recommended daily intake

The recommended biotin intake per day is 5 mcg for children and 30 mcg for adults . For pregnant or lactating women, this amount may increase to 35 mcg per day .

Biotin deficiency is not very common because bacteria and food usually have enough of the body's needs. And as for weight, biotin does not fatten or supplement. Since it is a vitamin, it has no calories. Biotin may even aid in weight loss if accompanied by a balanced diet.