Sunday, December 23, 2018

Health benefits of biotin supplements

Health benefits of biotin supplements

Biotin is one of the B vitamins that acts as a coenzyme in many body processes. It is also called coenzyme R, vitamin B7 or vitamin H.

Group B vitamins like biotin work as coenzymes to help cells convert carbohydrates from food into simple sugars, which the body uses as fuel to produce energy. They also help to metabolize proteins and fat so that cells can use these nutrients for various functions.

Like other vitamins, biotin is a substance that is not produced by the body and must be obtained from food. It is also soluble in water, as other B vitamins are, and therefore it is not stored in the body for long periods of time. However, since the body needs small amounts, people who consume a regular and balanced diet are not likely to suffer from biotin deficiency.

Nature's Origin Radiant Biotin 10,000 mcg-120 Capsules
Nature's Origin Radiant Biotin 10,000 mcg-120 Capsules

Food sources of biotin

Chances are you have enough biotin in your diet if you eat cooked egg yolks, sardines, nuts, soybeans and other legumes, bananas , cauliflower, mushrooms and brewer's yeast. However, eating raw egg whites can interfere with the absorption of biotin, while food processing can destroy it.

The body needs only a small amount of biotin, unless you have an eating disorder or condition that causes you to eat a nutrient deficient diet, there is no absolute need to take supplements. Some evidence suggests that smoking is associated with biotin deficiency, so it may be better to quit smoking to stay healthy, rather than taking supplements to counteract the effects of smoking.

Biotin supplements

Biotin is often included in multivitamin preparations that are used to supplement the diet. Biotin supplements are used to treat people who are at risk for biotin deficiency such as pregnant women, people suffering from malnutrition or rapid weight loss, and patients who are in long tube feeding term. Biotin is also taken to treat brittle nails, hair loss, diabetes, seborrheic dermatitis , and even mild depression. Due to its possible role in strengthening the nails and hair, biotin is sometimes also found as an ingredient in various hair and skin care products. However, there is not enough evidence as to its efficacy for these effects.

Even though some advertisers claim that biotin can help you lose weight, there is no solid evidence that this is true. Some people believe that since biotin helps break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins, one is likely to lose weight by taking supplemental doses of the vitamin. At most, the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database rates biotin for effective odds for the treatment of biotin deficiency, manifested by thinning changes of the hair and skin (red rashes and scales around the nose, mouth, and eyes) .

There is no recommended dose of biotin, but adequate intake for adults is between 30-35 mcg, which is easily obtained from a healthy and balanced diet.

A wide range of doses is considered safe, and is considered non-toxic even at high doses. Consult your doctor if you are taking other medications to ensure that no drug interactions occur.