Sunday, December 23, 2018

Benefits of biotin for your skin: does biotin help treat acne and other skin problems?

Benefits of biotin for your skin: does biotin help treat acne and other skin problems?

Biotin deficiencies can trigger problems such as hair loss, brittle nails and skin rashes, but simple biotin supplementation will help resolve these conditions. Here, we will investigate the benefits or risks of biotin in the treatment of skin imperfections.

The market positioned biotin as a possible aid for patients suffering from hair loss, nail fragility, skin imperfections and lists many other benefits. So far, in our product reviews, we determined that biotin for hair growth can be an effective treatment for hair loss only if you have a deficiency in your biotin levels. If you have average biotin values, there was no difference to recover your hair. If you are thinking "Can biotin strengthen my brittle nails?", We have also discovered that there are also limited benefits of this agent. Systemic diseases or brittle nails due to the side effects of medications are two of the main reasons why biotin will not make any difference in the nails. In this research, we focus on the benefits of biotin for your skin. We will try to answer Does biotin help treat acne?

8oz Biotin Vitamin B7 Liquid Extract, Alcohol Free High Potency Biotin B7 Dietary Supplement for Maintaining Strong Healthy Hair, Nails, Skin and Digestion by HoneyCombs Industries
8oz Biotin Vitamin B7 Liquid Extract, Alcohol Free High Potency Biotin B7 Dietary Supplement for Maintaining Strong Healthy Hair, Nails, Skin and Digestion by HoneyCombs Industries

Skin conditions due to biotin deficiencies

Biotin deficiencies are a rare occurrence, but with specific diets, we inadvertently predispose to low levels of biotin without even knowing it. If your diet is full of egg whites, that may be a good way to reduce cholesterol levels, but unfortunately, this diet has also been linked to lower levels of biotin in your eating habits. In an investigation conducted to determine whether consuming 1 egg white per day for 1 month had a significant impact on biotin levels, it was determined that even eating such small portions of eggs could begin to deplete your body's biotin levels. However, do not worry, there are many other foods rich in biotin that you can eat to replace your missing levels.

If the biotin deficiency becomes severe, you will begin to notice systematic changes throughout your body. Your body will tell you that it has low levels of biotin because biotin is too crucial for physiological reactions in our body to be ignored. Some of the most important changes are hair loss, brittle nails and skin rashes at first and then more serious changes, and some of them are neuronal disorders if biotin levels remain low.

By focusing on the manifestations of biotin deficiency in the skin, the most common skin imperfections will be alopecia and a red scaly (erythematous) rash located around the mouth and anal canal. As the rash progresses, you may be able to begin noticing Candida opportunistic infections that can take advantage of our weakened skin. Candida is a fungus that naturally grows on our skin but does not cause any problems because our skin is a strong barrier to protect us from infections. When there are cuts or rashes on the surface of the skin, this harmless fungus can become more problematic and begin to cause infections such as ulcers, pimples or abscesses.

Will biotin help to treat skin imperfections?

When it comes to determining if there are biotinic benefits for your skin, we can begin to look at treatments for people with severe biotin deficiencies. Several drug studies determined that when patients suffered from congenital biotin deficiencies, it was essential that patients be treated with biotin and corticosteroids to prevent the eruptions from being life-threatening. As a conclusion to these studies, it is obvious that patients who have a biotin deficiency will benefit from the administration of biotin supplements.

Due to the severe systemic involvement of biotin deficiencies, biotin supplementation will not be enough to try to treat changes in the skin that you may notice for yourself. In this case, a conventional medication that doctors often prescribe is called isotretinoin. You may already know this medication in its most familiar form, Accutane . Accutane is an active agent in the treatment of imperfections of your skin; It will solve problems with your acne more than 90 percent of the time.

Accutane is a great help in alleviating problems you may have with your skin, but studies also indicate that Accutane can have a dramatic effect on the level of biotin. In a study of 42 patients with severe cystic acne, the researchers determined that this therapy causes a significant reduction in the level of biotinidase, which is a protein that helps release biotin in the body. When protein levels are low, it is natural that biotin levels also go down. As a result, you should use biotin supplements in addition to Accutane therapy to help benefit your skin.

All in all, we now have a better answer to our question "does biotin help treat acne?" When you suffer from a severe cutaneous manifestation of biotin deficiency, you should take supplements to get the benefits of biotin for your skin. Like our study on biotin for hair growth or as an effective treatment for hair loss, it seems that the only benefits you can see from biotin are when you already have a biotin deficiency.