Sunday, December 23, 2018

Biotin, the most sought after vitamin for hair

Biotin, the most sought after vitamin for hair

The use of biotin treatments in hair care is becoming more frequent. In fact, in recent years hundreds of prestigious brands incorporated this component in their formulas, and have managed to offer the public greater quality in the various treatments for hair care.
To date there are thousands of women who seek the best treatments for biotin hair on the recommendation of their friends or their trusted stylists. Undoubtedly, the use of this vitamin has become a phenomenon of mass consumption. Not in vain, shampoos and hair creams containing biotin treatment quickly sell out in stores, while on the Internet we see how millions of people comment on its incredible benefits.

The fever for biotin has been so strong that celebrities like Emily Ratajkowski, Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian and Vannesa Hudgens use the product, even ingest it in capsule format to enhance the regenerative effect on their hair and improve their physical appearance. In social networks, the famous ones have shown the peculiar biotin pills they ingest: dragees in the form of blue rubber bears.

Even the superstar Madonna revealed in interviews with the press that the secret of her eternal youth is to take a cocktail of antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements, among which is biotin. This is how this artist remains active in her grueling tours of the world.

Incite Nutrition Biotin 10,000mcg Hair and Nail Food Supplement, 200 Capsules
Incite Nutrition Biotin 10,000mcg Hair and Nail Food Supplement, 200 Capsules

What is biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is also known as vitamin B7, B8 or H. It is massively sought not only by its effects on hair. Its high demand is also known because it contains multiple benefits: it converts glucose into energy; stabilizes blood sugar; It is key to the formation of hemoglobin and regenerates the skin, nails and, of course, the hair.

The amazing thing is that the organism of the human being, by itself, has the capacity to produce it. Medical specialists consider the absence of this component in the body strange. But certain circumstances make the exception. A poor diet, pregnancy, in addition to certain types of diseases can cause the body not produce more.

Some women who have vitamin deficiency show symptoms such as hair loss, constant breakage of the strands, capillary dryness and ceborrhea. Fortunately, biotin treatment has been very effective in improving these problems.

It all started with the horses

The rise of the famous vitamin in hair treatment began with horses. After the discovery of this vitamin in the decade of the 30s, its subsequent commercialization began with shampoos for grooming the equine , which was beneficial for the maintenance of the mane and the brightness of the entire coat.

Years later, some women took the initiative to use those products designed for animals and test them on their own manes. At first, some women expressed problems because the treatments for horses have high levels of biotin concentration, so some hair was left with a pajosa texture and nothing manageable .

However, science did its miraculous work. The formula for the horses was balanced until achieving the desired effect on human hair. The women with hair mistreated by dyes, the dryer, the iron and the corrugators, appreciated this scientific advance. Now they look more beautiful and feel much better about themselves.

Vitamin in growth

Science is still working on vitamin studies for effective hair growth . Although there are still no conclusive results, the preliminary advances do validate that the absence of this vitamin causes hair loss. This premise is supported by innumerable testimonies of satisfied women, after using biotin treatments in their hair.

These same women-consulted through surveys and public opinion studies-maintain that they have experienced an average growth of up to 4 centimeters of hair per month , a feat for manes whose extension remains practically the same for months.

However, the respondents say that their hair shows an obvious change after using the vitamin: all agree that their strands grow and, soon after, areas of capillary birth appear on the scalp.

Deficiency of the vitamin in pregnancy
  Biotin deficiency is considered by doctors to be unusual, but in pregnancy and lactation some women may be deficient in this vitamin.  This is the reason why many mothers are horrified to experience an abrupt hair fall and decide to wear a short hair until the breastfeeding process lasts.

After overcoming breastfeeding , some women strengthen their scalp with shampoos and conditioners that include hair treatments with biotin. Experts recommend using these shampoos daily to stimulate the birth of new hair that will grow strong, healthy, silky and shiny. The famous vitamin also has a positive emotional effect: it helps mothers look more beautiful and feel better about themselves. Another reason to try biotin.

Eating raw egg whites on an empty stomach is a widespread practice among many athletes who want to eat high protein foods. In fact, the whites are used by some athletes to maintain muscle mass in their workouts.

However, recent studies have determined that consuming two or three whites a day for several months can cause biotin deficiency in the body. The egg whites contain the avidin protein that binds to biotin and prevents its absorption , which causes a significant loss of the vitamin in the body.

To avoid the unwanted effects of biotin deficiency, start cooking the egg whites you consume on a daily basis, since avidin is deactivated during cooking and thus ensure that biotin does not escape from the body. If your hair has already fallen out due to this cause, use the biotin treatment in your shampoo.

Recognizes the symptoms of biotin loss

We have already known the possible causes of vitamin deficiency. Now it is necessary to know how the body behaves when it lacks this fundamental component for the proper development of vital functions.

The first thing that is observed is the appearance of ceborrheic dermatitis , that is, the appearance of scales on the scalp, which in some cases can reach various parts of the body.

Hair loss is another warning sign. In certain cases the fall can be so severe that it affects the eyebrows and eyelashes, but it usually recovers after a good oral treatment prescribed by the doctor and the use of shampoos for the hair with biotin. Other factors that can determine the lack of this vitamin is the appearance of depressive episodes, irritability, seizure attacks, headaches, nausea, insomnia and other varied neurological symptoms.

What the body needs

The University of Maryland Medical Center, in the United States, conducted research on the body's requirements for the famous vitamin . The study showed that lactating children need 5 micrograms (mcg) per day, healthy adults require 30 mcg per day and women who breastfeed demand 35 mcg per day to meet the body's requirements and stay healthy.

There are foods with a good natural source of biotin , including oats, brown rice, mushrooms, pistachios, whole grains, nuts; grains such as lentils, peas and chickpeas. There is also brewer's yeast, sardines, bananas, cauliflower, alfalfa, peaches, in addition to raspberries and watermelons.

Those who need to balance levels of this vitamin can also attend consultation with their trusted doctor to determine if they really suffer from biotin deficiency and prescribe the exact dosage they should consume to be healthy.

Important recommendations

To keep the proper amount of this component in the body is not necessary to make many efforts. If you are active, do physical activity, have a balanced diet, respect sleep schedules and avoid stress, then you will be on the right track.

Avoid the deliberate consumption of alcohol. It has been determined that ingesting excess alcoholic beverages contributes to the deficiency of the vitamin and causes, among other important diseases, the appearance of baldness.

The anticonvulsive treatments can be another factor that generates a deficiency of the vitamin. To counteract the unwanted side effects it is important that you consult with your doctor the medical alternatives towards the loss of biotin in the body by these medications.

The best kept secret

If you have already been diagnosed with a lack of biotin in your body and you start to see that your hair falls off very easily, do not worry. We have already known almost everything about this topic, but you still do not know the secret to keep your hair always abundant, healthy and hydrated: use the products of the FERRANN house .

This prestigious home for hair care has a line of products in high demand among buyers. The totally organic composition of the products, without chemicals added, free of minoxidil and committed to the preservation of animals, are combined in a formula with powerful results.

The solution you need

One of the most demanded products is the Super Regen Shampoo. The FERRANN house conducted multiple tests to ensure that this product is really efficient and the multiple positive comments from users are the greatest guarantee of satisfaction.

This shampoo not only cleans the hair, but paralyzes hair loss for many reasons such as lack of biotin, pregnancy, lactation periods, hormonal imbalances or recent chemotherapy treatments. Men can also use it and many certify the improvement in their alopecia problems.

Effective hair treatment

Another recommended product is Super Regen. It is carefully designed with a powerful formula, achieved as a result of scientific research to regenerate lost hair follicles.

It is packaged in a practical, easy-to-use spray presentation. To obtain the desired results, it is necessary to apply at least eight sprays in all the hair, from the root to the tip and to let it act for at least two hours. If left overnight, the effect will be better.