Saturday, December 22, 2018

Biotin for hair growth: treatments and doses

Biotin for hair growth: treatments and doses

How to make our hair look healthy and strong? Biotin, a vitamin with extra benefits for hair health.

Hair loss can be more than an aesthetic problem. Loss that can be motivated by stress, hormonal changes, vitamin deficiencies or the use of certain products with chemical components. Hair needs care to look strong and healthy for longer. Habits such as following a healthy and varied diet or practicing exercise on a regular basis also have an impact on your good health. And also, nowadays, we have some extra allies, like biotin. A vitamin, also known as vitamin H or B7 or vitamin B8 (vitamin B complex), which intervenes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids and in the transformation of glucose into energy for the cells of tissues such as hair, skin or nails. Its lack causes the loss of elasticity of the hair and its fall.

Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets
Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets

Benefits biotin
The benefits attributed to biotin include promoting healthy hair growth, avoiding dryness, preventing hair weakness and becoming brittle, recovering shine and strengthening its elasticity. Biotin is a vitamin found naturally in foods such as bananas, eggs, salmon, chicken meat, brewer's yeast, whole grains or nuts (hazelnuts, almonds).

Biotin for hair dose
To promote hair health, hair treatments with biotin have become one of the most innovative solutions. The most common is based on biotin supplements (or a combination of biotin with other vitamins such as folic acid or vitamins A, C, D). The dose varies according to weight and age, although the recommended average dose will be 30 micrograms for adults over 18 years of age. To begin to notice the effects it is advisable to take biotin for a minimum of 3 to 6 months.

Another alternative is to use biotin shampoo for hair, a solution to strengthen the hair and to eliminate dandruff problems.


Biotin (vitamin B7) has become known for its role in the health and beauty of hair, skin and nails. Since biotin is natural, it can be found in beans, breads, cauliflower, egg yolks, fish, kidney, legumes, liver, meat, dairy products, nuts, oatmeal, oysters, peanut butter, poultry and whole grains. . This water-soluble B vitamin is essential for healthy hair growth and also protects against dryness. In addition to maintaining existing hair growth, biotin many other benefits for hair, including the ability to increase the elasticity of the hair cortex, thus preventing breakage.

In addition to biotin, there are other nutrients that can promote healthy hair like hydrolyzed collagen with strengthening of amino acids, MSM for vitality, and the boost of Horsetail and silica.

Supplements containing these nutrients, such as Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins, can fill gaps in your diet to give your hair the nutrition it needs to be healthier. However, it is also very important to properly take care of your hair so that it does not break. The prevention of breakage is the most important step when trying to grow a healthier hair. The break can limit the maximum length of your hair, no matter how fast your hair is growing. Why? Well think about it this way, if your hair grew an inch per month (which is very fast), but I was cutting it an inch per month, would you notice any difference in length? The answer is no. You may notice an increase in thickness, but no change in length, since you would be cutting as fast as you would be growing. Now, think about the increase in your hair growth if you eliminate the breakage. Taking proper care of your hair and ensuring that you have a nutritionally healthy diet are essential elements for healthy hair.