Saturday, December 22, 2018

Vitamins for hair growth

Vitamins for hair growth

As the saying goes, "we are what we eat". For this reason, to have healthy hair, you must first have a healthy diet. For this, it is essential to have a diet that provides us with a sufficient amount of essential nutrients. So, what if we know the vitamins for hair growth ?


Did you know that biotin is known as the "hair vitamin"? And is that this vitamin promotes hair growth . It also strengthens it and, thus, prevents our hair from becoming brittle. In fact, when we do not consume it, we are more vulnerable to losing hair, eyebrows and even eyelashes. Now, what foods are rich in biotin ? Mainly, nuts like peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

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HiBiotin? High Dose Biotin 100 X 100mg Capsules

B12 vitamin

It is one of the essential vitamins to have healthy , beautiful and strong hair . Therefore, the lack of vitamin B12 can result not only in hair loss, but in the appearance of premature graying. Keep in mind that consuming vitamin C and iron helps the body to better absorb vitamin B12. It is found in fish, liver, seafood, eggs and beef.

Niacin or vitamin B3

This vitamin improves circulation in the scalp and, consequently, stimulates hair growth . According to studies, niacin or vitamin B3 works best when combined with biotin. Niacin is present in almonds, seeds, beans, green leafy vegetables and carrots, among many other foods.

Vitamin C

Yes, vitamin C is not only good for raising defenses: it also helps to prevent hair loss . It also prevents dryness and brittle hair, as well as premature hair aging. Vitamin C is present in fruits such as kiwi, lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, guavas and strawberries, and in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, spinach and celery.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E creates new blood vessels in the scalp and thus improves the circulation of that area. This makes the quality of the hair optimal and helps prevent its fall. Which foods have vitamin E? Sunflower seeds, nuts, almonds, vegetable oils, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, avocado and turnip.

Vitamin D

Among the many benefits of vitamin D for the body, is an improvement in the health of the scalp and hair. In addition, this vitamin helps absorb calcium, which is essential to keep hair follicles healthy. We find it in fish, eggs, beef liver, liver oils, dairy products and enriched cereals.

Vitamin A

Do you consume enough vitamin A? The lack of it can increase the dryness of the hair, since it stimulates the production of sebum, which is what keeps the hair naturally hydrated and silky. If you do not consume enough vitamin A, in addition, you can suffer hair loss. What foods contain this vitamin? Well, the carrot, the sweet potato, the mango, the spinach, the melon, the dried apricots, the yolk, the milk, among many others.