Monday, December 31, 2018

Do you know how many types of condoms exist?

Do you know how many types of condoms exist?

This night is the night! Finally, you will meet your partner in bed, so you decide to be cautious and have condoms at hand. You enter the pharmacy, find the condom hall and face the great dilemma of choosing which package to buy. Do you know how many types of condoms exist?

Trojan Stimulations Ultra Ribbed Lubricated Condoms, 36ct
Trojan Stimulations Ultra Ribbed Lubricated Condoms, 36ct

Wisdom That Helps: According to the Mexican Youth Institute (IMJ) Currently 36% of young Mexicans do not use a condom in their sexual relations

Your parents, teachers, friends and even the media repeated to you that you should be responsible for sex and that the condom is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies; however, no one told you there were several types of condoms.

Yes of course, you are aware that there are female condoms and that male condoms can come in various sizes, but ... fluorescent, flavored and textured?

To clear your doubts and next time you find it easier to buy them, here we present the different types of condom.

Do you know how many types of condoms exist?

  •     Change of temperature . These condoms contain a thermal lubricant that will raise the temperature of your sexual encounter and provide you with greater pleasure.
  •     Fluorescent These condoms are photosensitive, so they glow in the dark. They are ideal to give a fun touch to your nights of passion.
  •     Flavors If your partner and you like oral sex, you can not stop trying these condoms, they will give an exotic touch to your meetings.
  •     Textured These condoms have become popular in recent times, because the texture of the surface will raise your sensitivity and allow you to enjoy more of your partner. This variety is usually recommended for women who say sex is more enjoyable without a condom.
  •     Lubricant These are the most used condoms and their only purpose is to facilitate penetration.
  •     Retardant Although few men accept it, many suffer from premature ejaculation , which is why these condoms were created that contain anesthetic substances that delay orgasm.
  •     Spermicide. These condoms contain a substance, both inside and on the surface, that nullifies the function of sperm.
  •     Aromatics Like flavored condoms and fluorescents, aromatics will give a special touch to your encounters. You can even choose a scent that will help you relax.
  •     With vibrator . Although they are more expensive than other condoms, this variety guarantees you reach the climax, since its vibrating ring stimulates the clitoris during penetration.
  •     Extra thin . Its very name says, these condoms are made with the thinnest latex exists, so the two will have greater sensitivity during sex. And do not worry, the fact that they are thin does not mean they break easily.