Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The 10 foods richest in vitamin B8 or Biotin

The 10 foods richest in vitamin B8 or Biotin

Vitamin B8 or H

This vitamin is also known as Biotin, vitamin H or B8 and today, it is placed inside several cosmetics , such as horse shampoo that makes hair grow very fast and with shine.

It is one of the vitamins capable of fixing carbon dioxide in the body by means of fatty acids.

This type of vitamin is also used in cases of diabetes and for seborrheic dermatitis . When you have a notable absence for several months of this vitamin, you can have serious problems of type II diabetes.

If you have problems with this type of vitamin it can be obtained by means of some foods in a natural way. Some of the foods that give a greater contribution of this vitamin are the liver, the yolk of the yeast, the kidneys.

Hair Health Growth Vitamins with Biotin & Keratin - 60 Veggie Capsules. Extra Strength Supplement for Longer Stronger Hair, Skin, Nails. for Women & Men - for Damaged, Thinning & Hair Loss Regrowth
Hair Health Growth Vitamins with Biotin & Keratin - 60 Veggie Capsules. Extra Strength Supplement for Longer Stronger Hair, Skin, Nails. for Women & Men - for Damaged, Thinning & Hair Loss Regrowth

If you want to get the right amount of biotin without having more than you need, the best way to do it is through daily food without having to take any kind of tablets.

Biotin is one of the vitamins that can be eliminated through urine and sweat , which makes it very complicated to have an overdose of this type of vitamin.

Food rich in vitamin B8 vitamin H or Biotin content

From what sources can this vitamin be obtained?

Biotin is a type of vitamin that can be easily obtained because it is found in a lot of sources.

Of animal origin, it is found in the meat and yolk of the eggs, as well as in the viscera. It is also found in foods such as the liver.

From vegetable sources, in this case, foods that have biotin are those found in beer yeast or mushrooms, nuts, barley, soy, among others.

It can also be obtained by means of supplements or capsules.

Benefits of biotin

Vitamin B8 is a type of supplement that is increasingly used in the aesthetic and many beauty centers are using this vitamin in cosmetics.

It also intervenes actively in hemoglobin and in all body processes related to energy .

It is able to obtain energy for the body at any time from the intake of glucose and also must be presented daily in the body because it is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates, as well as lipids .

Biotin works very well for people who have problems with hair loss and nail problems, as well as dry skin problems .

They work in conjunction with folic acid and proteins.

In case of diabetes problems, this vitamin regulates blood sugar levels .

Biotin deficiency

Although it is unlikely that a person has a deficiency , there are cases in which it can occur. They usually occur due to loss of appetite or sores in the mouth and tongue.

The skin begins to feel much drier and you begin to see skin rashes or early seborrheic dermatitis . You can also have problems with vomiting and nausea and alterations related to nerves , such as anxiety , insomnia, among others. In severe cases, depression can be reached.

The recommended daily dose (CDR) for the European Union of biotin in adult person is 50 μg / day (1 mg is equivalent to 1000 μg).

The 10 foods (sources) higher in vitamin B8 or Biotin

The recommended daily amount of vitamin B8 in adults as mentioned above is 50 μg / day.

Among the ten foods richest in vitamin B8 content (Biotin) we find:
VD - Daily value (recommended daily amount).
Cup - Conversion in kitchen, 1 cup = 200 ml.

1. Peanuts

peanuts or peanuts
The peanuts are rich in proteins and omega 6 that goes very well for the control of cholesterol , also to keep blood flowing and thus prevent possible spins which can cause stroke or other circulatory problems.

Its content in vitamin B8 is:

    88% VD or 26.28 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

2. Almonds

They are the most nutritious nuts. They strengthen bones and teeth, prevent cardiovascular diseases and are very good for the brain.

Its content in Biotin is:

    49% DV or 14.72 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

3. Sweet potato

sweet potato or sweet potato
As we have seen, it is very rich in vitamin A and folic acid. Easy to digest and brings a lot of energy.

Your contribution in vitamin B8 or Biotin is:

    29% DV or 8.60 per cup.

4. Eggs

three eggs
They are a great source of protein, according to studies help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration thanks to its content of zeaxanthin and lutein. It is one of the few foods that provides natural vitamin D , helps in heart health and has anti-anemic properties thanks to that favors the production of red blood cells and their iron content.

Its content in B8 is:

    27% VD or 8 micrograms per egg (unit).

5. Onions

onions and raw cut onions
The onion brings many nutrients and benefits to the body. It provides essential amino acids , minerals and trace elements, fiber, essential oils, vitamins of group B and vitamin E and C. It is diuretic and provides expectorant, fungicidal and bactericidal properties.

Its content in vitamin B8 is:

    27% DV or 7.98 micrograms per cup.

6. Oats

oat plant
Oats provide many health benefits. It is depurative, helps in the control of blood sugar levels, is anticarcinogenic, improves digestion, prevents thyroid problems and osteoporosis, good for the heart and central nervous system, good source of energy and is also used to lose weight and Beauty treatments.

Your contribution in B8 is:

    26% VD or 7.80 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

7. Tomatoes

plate with tomatoes
It is rich in vitamin A and C , appetite stimulant, cleanser of organisms and provides many nutrients and benefits to the body.

Your contribution in B8 (biotin) is:

    24% DV or 7.29 micrograms per cup.

8. Carrots

It is also rich in vitamin A and a good source of sulfur, sodium and chlorine. It is diuretic and digestive, stimulates the appetite, helps regulate the menstrual cycle, activates the tanning process, fights constipation, good for the eyes and strengthens nails and hair.

Its content in Biotin or B8 is:

    20% DV or 6.10 micrograms per cup.

9. Walnuts

They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They promote intellectual development, prevent osteoporosis and help reduce bad cholesterol among other properties.

Its content in vitamin B8 is:

    19% VD or 5.70 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

10. Salmon

salmon dish
It is rich in proteins, vitamins B3 , B6 , B12 and essential acids for our health. Its regular consumption helps to have a healthy heart, helps in joint pains, helps in the prevention of cognitive problems, reduces the risk of suffering eye problems and is a powerful antioxidant, helping to prevent cancer .