Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Everything you need to know about biotin for hair

Everything you need to know about biotin for hair

If you are thinking about taking biotin to fight your alopecia problem, it is best to inform yourself beforehand, and here we tell you everything you need to know ....

The problem of hair loss can be due to the deficiency of vitamins or minerals. It is recommended to go to a doctor for him to indicate if the diet he is taking is adequate. Carrying a good diet can not only solve the problem of hair loss, but also other complications that can be evident in the body.

For good hair growth, it is necessary to consume essential vitamins and minerals and one of these vitamins is biotin, which not only helps stimulate the appearance of hair, it also prevents future hair loss, besides it is beneficial for the skin , hair and nail.

High Potency Pure Biotin 5000 mcg for Hair Growth (5mg) - 60 Count
High Potency Pure Biotin 5000 mcg for Hair Growth (5mg) - 60 Count

What is biotin and what is it for?

Biotin is a natural vitamin found in a wide variety of common foods. It is essential for human health, in general, for several reasons. It is a vitamin B complex and is also called vitamin H.

The proper amount of this vitamin (around 100 to 200 micrograms daily) helps the body metabolize fatty acids and amino acids in the body so that energy can be used efficiently and there is also some research that suggests that it can help stabilize sugar levels.

Biotin insufficiency can cause skin loss, nails and hair loss. even lead to depression, weakness, irritation, fatigue, rash and loss of appetite.

The idea that biotin can also help improve hair care has its roots in science. One of the first signs of a biotin deficiency in the body is unexplained hair loss and hair breakage, as well as dryness of the skin and cracked and brittle nails. Therefore many people feel that if extra biotin is used, logically, the result will be a healthier hair.

Foods with Biotin

Biotin is naturally found in a number of different foods, especially liver, Swiss chard, eggs and some
products of soy and wheat.

Technically most people should get all the biotin they need from their daily diet, but as is the case with most of the poor diets that many of us follow these days, vitamins and minerals are not provided all we need so it is advisable to increase the intake of food with biotin or take a vitamin supplement.

Properties of Biotin

Vitamin B-8: biotin. Among the benefits of biotin we find its influence on the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates and, in addition, it maintains vital skin, hair, nails, hair and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B-8 is eliminated through urine, so an excess in its consumption does not produce, in principle, any type of danger. On the contrary, a lack of this vitamin in the diet can cause dermatitis, vomiting, nausea, paleness, depression, anorexia or fatigue.

Side effects of biotin

There are people who have problems assimilating biotin, since it binds effortlessly to proteins and when this happens it will not be available in the body. This results in a significant deficiency that may trigger deficiencies in hair growth or other problems.

Physicians have shown that people with blood type A, usually has more trouble to assimilate biotin, which is classified as vitamin B. People with heartburn problems or problem that requires anti-acids will also decrease their absorption of this vitamin.

Biotin for hair

Biotin can help hair growth, but it is also necessary to take care of your hair, avoiding excessive chemical processes or high temperature treatments. Submit the hair to the continuous dyes, and the high temperature treatments with a tool such as an iron.

Keeping this in mind, however, if you are concerned about thinning hair, alopecia or simply want to try to make your hair grow faster here we will mention some of the types of products that are available in the market:

Vitamins for hair

These days a large number of people take a vitamin supplement of some kind on a daily basis. Vitamin supplements that are marketed as hair vitamins are formulated with the recommended dose of vitamins that are considered as especially beneficial for healthy hair, including biotin.

Usually, these supplements are designed to be taken daily and constantly, and in addition to vitamins that are sold in natural hair food stores are also on sale in a number of beauty salons and spas, nowadays .
Shampoos and conditioners enriched with biotin

You can find them at any store that sells hair care products and you are likely to be faced with a lot of shampoos with biotin and conditioners to choose from, each with the pretense of offering all kinds of special benefits for your type of hair in particular.

Many of them today contain biotin for hair health - or at least that's what they say on the label. They range from the most affordable to the most expensive, but the price difference tends to be more about the brand than the actual ingredients, which are quite similar across the board.

The controversy about whether or not these hair care products really work, at least in terms of getting biotin for your hair. Some say that shampoos and conditioners enriched with biotin have been shown to help people with alopecia, although taking a vitamin supplement, to deliver biotin internally instead of outside, seems to be more effective.

As we always say, before starting a treatment on your own it is best to consult your doctor or dermatologist, since he is the only one who can tell you if it works for your particular alopecia problem.