Thursday, December 27, 2018

What is biotin and what foods can you find it

What is biotin and what foods can you find it

Biotin is a very important vitamin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7. It belongs to the spectrum of water-soluble vitamins and plays a key role in the metabolism of food and the production of health inside the body.
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The enzymes of biotin participate in the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids and in obtaining energy . They are also extremely remarkable for the synthesis of DNA. Among its benefits, relieves the onset of stress , stabilizes blood sugar, strengthens hair, skin or nails, prevents the early appearance of gray or wrinkles and contributes to better recall and concentration .

On the other hand, biotin insufficiency can cause problems depending on the hair loss, the fragility in the nails, the appearance of diabetes, rashes contours of the eyes, nose and mouth, depression, distraction, tingling or muscle cramps. If you want to incorporate it into your diet on a regular basis, these are some of the foods richest in biotin.

Bulksupplements Pure Biotin (Vitamin B7) Powder (25 grams)
Bulksupplements Pure Biotin (Vitamin B7) Powder (25 grams)


A cooked egg provides 25 micrograms of biotin to the body in the near future, soon 80% of the daily recommendation for adults.


If you prepare raw cauliflower , eating a single serving will soon offer you 17 micrograms of biotin, which is more than half of the daily ratio required.


There are sixteen micrograms of biotin per 100 grams of mushrooms , which would make you consume more than 50% of your daily requirement of this vitamin.


Although different varieties of cheese may be different in biotin, most contain between one and two micrograms per ounce, as this scientific investigation shows .


One of the superior food sources of biotin is this dried fruit, charge that feeding half a cup would provide 100% of the necessary intake every day.


Another very rich source of biotin in food resides in beef liver, which contains between 25 and 35 micrograms of biotin in each serving.

Beer yeast

Although it depends on the type, each package of brewer's yeast can contain between two and four micrograms of biotin.


Although already in smaller proportion than other foods mentioned, 85 grams of salmon contain some five micrograms , soon 18% of the recommended daily biotin ratio.


An avocado of medium size will soon offer six micrograms of biotin, among the many other antioxidants and good fatty acids of this exquisite tropical fruit .

Sweet potato

It is one of the superior vegetables for the cost of biotin , since half a cup provides 2.5 micrograms of this vitamin.