Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Biotin for Hair and Its Great Benefits

Biotin for Hair and Its Great Benefits

The fall of hair is a problem for both men and women, who at an advanced age begin to notice the excessive fall of their hair, leading them to look for its causes and possible solutions. The biotin hair , is a fundamental vitamin for the body, helps to stop the fall and stimulate hair growth, strengthening the hair follicles of the hair, preventing it from becoming brittle and weak because it acts on the shine, thickness and hardness of the hair.

Among the most common causes of hair loss are stress, vitamin deficiencies, poor diet, inheritance, hormonal problems, among others.

Biotin, also known as vitamin B8 , belongs to the set of vitamins that make up the B complex, essential for the production of energy and to activate the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Thick Hair Growth Vitamins – Anti Hair Loss DHT Blocker Stimulates Fast Hair Growth for Weak, Thinning Hair – Biotin Hair Supplement with Keratin Helps Men & Women Grow Perfect Hair, Made in The U.S.
Thick Hair Growth Vitamins – Anti Hair Loss DHT Blocker Stimulates Fast Hair Growth for Weak, Thinning Hair – Biotin Hair Supplement with Keratin Helps Men & Women Grow Perfect Hair, Made in The U.S.

The benefits of biotin for hair are that it promotes the growth of healthy hair, preventing it from drying out, increasing elasticity, preventing hair breakage and stimulating the growth of hair and skin cells. Other benefits of biotin is that it helps regulate blood sugar levels, relieves muscle aches and fights dermatitis.

How to get the benefits of Biotin Hair?

    Foods rich in biotin

To include all the benefits of biotin in the daily diet, the consumption of certain nutritious foods is recommended, among which are:

  •     Liver of beef: is a great source of vitamins that provides the necessary amounts of iron, protein and zinc for hair. It does not contain many fats and can be consumed once a week.
  •     Eggs: excellent source of biotin, is a very versatile food that can be adapted to many preparations such as breakfasts, salads, cakes, screws, among others.
  •     Blue fish: you make fish with higher levels of biotin, some are tuna, sardines and salmon. In addition to containing biotin hair growth are source of Omega 3, essential to give shine and softness to hair.
  •     Peas: of all the legumes they are those that greater amount of biotin contributes to the body, they can be consumed in salads, rice or tortillas.
  •     Nuts: they are an excellent snack, rich in biotin, vitamin E and healthy fats that nourish the hair. Consume a handful daily.
  •     Banana: is one of the fruits with higher levels of biotin, it is recommended to incorporate into the daily diet to obtain all its nutrients and minerals beneficial to the hair.
  •     Brewer's yeast: great ally to prevent hair loss , it is recommended daily consumption by dissolving a teaspoon in any liquid.

Include the consumption of these foods in the daily diet, dosage the necessary amounts of hair biotin , helping your care and achieve perfect hair, but for better results should be combined with healthy lifestyle habits and a very well balanced diet.

    Hair biotin supplements

Biotin hair pads are mainly used for the most healthy and strong hair growth.

They contain the essential amounts of vitamins to obtain the benefits of biotin on hair, nails and skin .

They are much more effective than the use of shampoos, because the pill is ingested and assimilated by the cells responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin.

Biotin is synthesized in the body at the intestinal level, so it is rare to observe deficiency of this vitamin in the body.

Another way to include biotin in the body is through the intake of B vitamins, the proper dosage will depend on the age and weight of the person. In general, a dose of thirty mcg is recommended for adults over eighteen years of age.

    Shampoo with biotin

Biotin can be found in certain shampoos specially designed to stop hair loss and strengthen hair, it is said that moderate use helps to repair weakened hair.

The use of horse shampoo is due to the biotin hair properties it contains, in the horses it makes your hair look prettier and brighter, for its cleaning properties that keep the PH balanced.

There is no scientific evidence on the use of horse shampoo and its benefits in humans, in principle, the use of products not intended for human consumption should be avoided, since they could contain harmful chemicals such as insecticides or other ingredients that could cause allergies and damage the scalp.

It is recommended to use shampoos that contain biotin acts for human use.

Biotin Deficiency in the Organism

Biotin deficiency is a very rare condition, biotin is present in most foods of the animal and vegetable kingdom that are consumed daily. Additionally, the intestinal flora is able to synthesize the majority of biotin consumed. A deficiency of biotin leads to a deficit of production of cellular enzymes affecting the skin and hair.

When biotin deficiency is present, it is common to see seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, hair loss, eyelashes and eyebrows. Neurological symptoms such as irritability, depression or convulsions can also be observed.

To treat biotin deficiency, the specialist usually recommends the consumption of a vitamin-rich supplement of the B complex.

Biotin for hair has positive benefits for it, it can be considered as a complement to the hair loss remedies used to improve your health.

If the hair is falling at a very alarming rate, noticing a large number of them after daily brushing, on the pillow when getting out of bed, after washing the hair or when they run their hands through their hair, it is time to go to a capillary health specialist, who is the one to recommend the treatment to follow.

It should not be forgotten that hair loss is a natural process of the human being when it reaches a certain age, but it can be accelerated by stress and vitamin deficiencies.