Saturday, December 29, 2018

Biotin | Vitamin B8 | Benefits, deficiency and foods with Biotin

Biotin | Vitamin B8 | Benefits, deficiency and foods with Biotin

Biotin is a vitamin belonging to the group of B vitamins, and, in fact , is known as vitamin B7, B8 or H , which is responsible for maintaining healthy metabolism and energy. This vitamin depends on the proper functioning of various systems , such as nervous, digestive and cardiovascular.

But in addition to being an indispensable nutrient to turn food into energy for our body's functioning, vitamin B7 is in charge of taking care of our skin and our hair . Therefore, many beauty products for biotin skin care, hair or nails include in their formulas .

However, it has been shown that vitamin B7 is better absorbed through the intake of foods rich in biotin than through the skin.

Bronson Ultra Biotin 10,000 mcg Hair Skin and Nails Supplement, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 120 Vegetarian Capsules
Bronson Ultra Biotin 10,000 mcg Hair Skin and Nails Supplement, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Benefits of Biotin

Vitamin B7 is key to maintaining adequate physical and psychological activity , thanks to its function as a coenzyme that transforms fats, proteins and carbohydrates into energy for the body. But in addition, this vitamin has several benefits , among which stand out:

  •     Maintains a healthy metabolism Vitamin B7 regulates the functions of metabolism, since it helps the metabolization of nutrients from food. Thanks to biotin, the body can convert glucose and carbohydrate energy from sugar, as well as the amino acids of proteins and fatty acids from foods rich in fats.
  •     Helps balance blood sugar and glucose intolerance Biotin not only helps the body control the insulin needed to balance blood sugar, but also helps to slow the generation of glucose in the liver. It also helps to reduce the blood sugar of people with diabetes.
  •     Protects the cardiovascular system Vitamin B7 fights artery inflammation and cholesterol build-up in them, as well as fighting the main causes of heart attacks or strokes.
  •     Helps thyroid and adrenal functions Biotin, along with the rest of vitamin B, are necessary for the thyroid to function properly and to protect the body against adrenal fatigue. This is important because hunger, sleep, pain, mood ... depend on the thyroid and adrenal glands.
  •     Repair the tissues and muscles If there is any muscle damage or body tissue, vitamin B7 helps to repair and regenerate them. But it also helps reduce inflammation that causes pain in muscles and joints.
  •     Combats mental deterioration and protects brain functions Biotin participates in nerve activity and neurotransmitters, benefiting the function of memory and protecting it from deterioration caused by age that can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
  •     Promotes skin, nail and hair health Vitamin B7 intake helps fight against hair and nail weakness and protects the skin from acne, fungus, rashes or dryness.

Biotin deficiency

Suffering from a lack of vitamin B7 is uncommon, since in our diet there are many foods rich in this vitamin and the required amounts are not excessively high. Still, it is important to try to keep the biotin levels balanced, as it is a water-soluble vitamin, and therefore we eliminate it daily in the urine.

To this must be added that there are cases where the likelihood of having a biotin deficiency is higher, such as people who have used some anticonvulsant drugs for a long time, people who have taken antibiotics for a long time, those people with problems to absorb nutrients in the intestine or with digestive problems such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease or leaky gut syndrome.

Symptoms of lack of vitamin B7

Although biotin deficiency is uncommon, when it usually occurs, symptoms such as:

  •     Dry and irritated skin
  •     Weak hair and plentiful fall
  •     Frequent fatigue and chronic fatigue
  •     Gastrointestinal problems
  •     Muscle aches
  •     Nerves damaged
  •     Mood swings
  •     Entumecicmiento of arms and legs
  •     Degeneration of cognitive functions

Recommended Daily Dose of Biotin

Since biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is easily eliminated through the urine. the body can not accumulate large reserves of biotin. Hence it is necessary to replenish vitamin B7 to maintain the proper levels that requires the body to function properly.

The ideal is to consume small but frequent amounts of vitamin B7. Therefore there is a recommended daily amount of biotin, which varies according to the stage of life in which we are:


    CHILDREN1-3 years: 8 mcg / day4-8 years: 12 mcg / day9-14 years: 20 mcg / day


    WOMEN aged 18 years: 30 mcg / dayDuring pregnancy: 30 mcg / day During breastfeeding: 35 mcg / day

    MEN FROM 18: 30 mcg / day

Natural sources rich in biotin

The best way to restore our biotin levels is through feeding . In fact, if we want to take full advantage of the benefits of this vitamin we should consume foods rich in vitamin B7 .

Among them we find both foods of plant origin , among which are avocado, mushrooms or cauliflower, such as animal foods , where the most important are liver, eggs, salmon and goat cheese. To this must be added other foods such as yeast and bread.