Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Biotin for curly hair

Biotin for curly hair

Explanatory note: this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any type of illness or disease. Check with your doctor for diagnosis or treatment of place.

The dreams of all the transitionalists and those that have already gone through the great cut include abundant hair. "What can I do to make my hair grow faster?" Is one of the questions we most often receive, and yet, as they still do not sell patience in 'pot' today I bring you an option that will not make your hair grows faster, it may make it grow healthier: biotin. Also known as vitamin H, vitamin B8 and vitamin B7 is present in our body in small quantities, is responsible for the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins (has a slight slimming effect because it accelerates metabolism). But among its many functions that we are interested in today is that this vitamin is necessary for the growth of hair, nails and for the health of the skin.

Its deficiency in the human being is rare but some of the symptoms of it are: eczema, dry dermatitis, pallor, depression, loss of hair (accompanied by loss of hair color). In short, it is multi-symptomatic but it is not as common as one would think since the body can produce up to 50% of the daily requirement of it.

Now, where can we find biotin to make sure our hair and skin stay in good condition? You can find it in egg yolks, fish, liver, almonds, avocados, mushrooms, milk among other foods.

Better Beauty, Hair, Skin and Nails Supplement, 3,500 mcg Biotin, 70 mcg Selenium, 250 mg Hydrolyzed...
Better Beauty, Hair, Skin and Nails Supplement, 3,500 mcg Biotin, 70 mcg Selenium, 250 mg Hydrolyzed...

There is another way to acquire biotin in our body and it is the one that I have been using since December 2012. There are biotin supplements that you can take daily. They come in doses from 1000mcg (micrograms) to 10,000mcg. They are usually sold at vitamin stores and pharmacies, and like many other vitamin supplements it is not endorsed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a cure for hair loss.

Among the side effects that could appear are the pimples, so it is recommended that you increase your water intake, constipation (as I told you, you have to drink water!) And a slight acceleration of the metabolism that could result in weight loss in some cases.

My experience after 5 months using biotin is that I am not sure if it makes my hair grow or if it is simply my healthy diet, but while I was taking it I had forgotten that we have hair on the whole body. I have always been half 'hairless', that is, I can spend a month without shaving my legs, but since I started taking biotin I've realized that I have to shave my legs and take my eyebrows more often than usual. I have not had cases of pimples or anything like that, but I have heard from other people that it has happened to them.

What I have noticed is that my hair looks thicker and thicker than before. And this is one of the effects of this vitamin: the thickening of the strand. Remember, it is not to grow hair but helps the good health of the hair and scalp.

If you want to start taking it, we recommend you to inform yourself about it, consult your doctor and / or specialist to rule out any possible reaction and remember that before going off to buy vitamins, you can buy it from the foods we have mentioned here. Everything with balance, moderation and variety.