Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Biotin (vitamin H): Daily needs

Biotin (vitamin H): Daily needs

With a balanced and varied diet, you can usually cover the daily needs of biotin. It is estimated that the daily value needed is between 30 and 60 micrograms (μg) of biotin (vitamin H) per day for adults. Children of school age between seven and ten years have daily needs of around 30 micrograms. In infants and young children, adequate intake is between 5 and 15 micrograms of biotin per day.

Phytoceramides with Biotin 240 Capsules
Phytoceramides with Biotin 240 Capsules

Group     Age     Amount of biotin μg / day
Infants     Up to 12 months     5-10
Children     From 1 to 7 years
From 7 to 10 years
From 10 to 15 years     10-15
Young and adults     From 15 to 65 years old     30-60
Greater     65 years or older     30-60

Pregnant and lactating women may have a greater need for biotin. The same is true for people who use excessive amounts of alcohol or who consume nicotine. Especially people who have a diet based on the consumption of raw eggs should ensure that they consume enough biotin.

Biotin (vitamin H): Its function in the body
Biotin is also called vitamin H. It contributes to the healthy growth of the skin and hair. That is why the use of biotin is recommended when different dermatological problems appear, such as acne .

Biotin plays a central role in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins , in its coenzyme function. Coenzymes are components of enzymes . The enzymes act as catalysts. Without these, some biochemical reactions of the body would not be possible, or would occur very slowly.

An example of one of the chemical reactions in which biotin acts as a coenzyme is that known as gluconeogenesis . In gluconeogenesis sugar (glucose) is obtained from proteins and fats in the body. This mechanism allows blood sugar levels to increase. In periods of hunger, the body does not receive enough sugar (carbohydrates). Gluconeogenesis ensures that there are always adequate levels of sugar in the blood.

Biotin also has a positive effect on the quality of the nails. In people with "weak nails" this vitamin can help improve the thickness and texture of the nails as well as their strength. On the other hand, biotin is important for the growth and life of blood cells, nervous tissue and sebaceous glands.