Saturday, December 29, 2018

Biotin: Hair Vitamin

Biotin: Hair Vitamin

Also called vitamin B7 or H, biotin is present in foods and also in supplements and beauty products. The remains of hair due to deficiency of biotin reinforce its use.

A try for information on this vitamin, increased considerably, especially in the case of vir gania, highlighting the nature of the relationship with the vitality of nails and hair.


Besides being important for the sake of a few days, it also needed for two or two correct functioning, liver and nervous system. In gravid, the participates fetal development.

Whole Food Biotin Supplement - Contains Certified Organic Plant Based Biotin from Sesbania Agati Trees - by LifeGarden Naturals. May Support Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails. 60 Non GMO Veggie Capsules.
Whole Food Biotin Supplement - Contains Certified Organic Plant Based Biotin from Sesbania Agati Trees - by LifeGarden Naturals. May Support Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails. 60 Non GMO Veggie Capsules.

Biotin acts in the process of breaking food and sugar to be used as a form of energy.

In spite of the fact that there is no consensus, scientific studies have suggested that the intake of insulin and insulin should not cause any deficiency and could contribute to or develop type 2 diabetes.

In addition to two carbohydrates, she also participates in metabolism of proteins and fat.

Biotin is not stored in the organism, and its supply is required be frequent and continuous.

Its main food sources are: peanuts, nuts, germ of wheat, tomatoes, eggs, meats and milk. It is also produced by intestinal bacteria.

Processes of cooking seem not to decrease significantly to the amount available to us foods. On the other hand, canned products lose percentages relevant vitamin gives in the process.

A recommended daily intake of 25 mcg per day. Women on breastfeeding should ingest a larger dose, 35 mcg a day.

Due to technical difficulties in determining the exact amount of biotin in our diet, we have not calculated the daily intake of the diet. It is believed that the values ​​described are currently underestimated, that is, below two real values ​​gives us vitamin food.
Remains hairy due to deficiency of biotin

Some factors may be predisposed to a hair loss due to deficiency of biotin:

  •     Smoking: studies show that or cigar can accelerate to destruction of biotin in women.
  •     Egg whites: a study in 2009 suggested that ingestion of 2 egg whites a day for 3 months could deficiency of biotin. This is because the clear protein, called avidin, is strongly linked to biotin, impairing its action and absorption. Cooked or fried eggs do not generate this risk, the time that heat or denatura that protein.
  •     Medications: or prolonged use of antibiotics, anticonvulsants or oral isotretinoin can lead to low levels of biotin.

The main manifestations of biotin deficiency are:

  •     Neurological symptoms: depression, slow movements, hallucinations
  •     Peel: redness and scaling around two eyes, nose and mouth, referred to as similar to seborrheic dermatitis.
  •     Eyes: conjunctivitis
  •     Hair: increase of capillary remains

Although not being common, the deficiency of biotin can easily be treated with supplementary doses. There are several supplements containing biotin not market. Some examples are: Eximia Fortalize, Eximia Fortera Kera D, Pantogar Neo, Pill food, Nourkrin, Anacaps, Imecap and Viviscal.

Since used in the recommended doses, to biotin and a safe vitamin, it is tolerated and not toxic.

Even it is recognized as important for the health of nails and hair, even though it is not clear that the exact mechanisms hairs which it operates in these places.

In spite of being frequently used as a supplement for cases of failed nails and hair remains, there is little scientific evidence of its benefit in persons without disabilities. So, the recommendation that your replacement be made only in patients of that vitamin.

Or use of biotin in cosmetics and beauty products lacks scientific evidence.

It remains hair because of deficiency of biotin: or what to do?

It is important that it remains excessively broadly and multifarably, with genetic, endocrine, nutritional, or drug causes at the same time. Treating a patient exclusively with oral biotin will not result in neglecting or delaying the proper treatment.

Therefore, you will notice the increase in the amount of the remaining two or three weeks.

The Clinic Doppio addition to count as a specialist doctor in hair, has professionals has prepared to help comuu problem.