Sunday, December 23, 2018

How to get more biotin in your diet: 8 foods rich in biotin

How to get more biotin in your diet: 8 foods rich in biotin

Biotin deficiencies are rare, but the possible causes of hair loss that you can try to improve through diet. There are numerous food groups that you can use to increase biotin naturally. Read more to find out which food groups can help you.

When it comes to hair loss, some patients turn to biotin as a supplement for a hair loss treatment. As we have seen in our previous research, biotin for hair growth is a possible treatment option if you find that you have an underlying biotin deficiency. Although it was discovered that it is not useful as a supplement to restore hair in patients without a biotin deficiency, there is still a high incidence of biotin deficiency that you should avoid if you do not want to aggravate hair loss. To do this, you need to get more biotin in your diet. Here, I will present eight foods rich in biotin that you can introduce into your diet to maximize your biotin load.

High Dose Biotin Bundle - 4 Bottles of 90 capsules each
High Dose Biotin Bundle - 4 Bottles of 90 capsules each

Daily recommendations for biotin intake

When it comes to creating a diet plan that maximizes your biotin intake, you should focus on particular food groups that will increase your biotin levels. Fortunately, biotin deficiencies are quite rare, and approximately 98 percent of the population will be able to eat enough nutrients to reach their recommended daily levels of biotin. Recommendation levels increase as the patient ages and most adults must take at least 30 micrograms of biotin every day. Levels should reach 35 micrograms daily if women are breastfeeding.

An important food group that you must implement if you are unlucky enough to have a biotin deficiency is the liver. Animal liver has a high level of iron, and cow liver and chicken liver are some of the most potent foods to help you improve your low levels of biotin.

A 3-ounce piece of beef liver contains 31 micrograms of biotin, so if you have a deficiency, you can take care of your daily needs all at once. It may not be the tastiest meal option for the general population, but you will have a better hairline if you are suffering from this biotin deficiency.


Another group of foods that patients can benefit from if they suffer from a biotin deficiency would be the ovules. A boiled egg contains up to 10 micrograms of biotin. Having eggs for breakfast in the morning might be enough to help offset the biotin deficiency. However, you must be careful because "not all eggs are created equal" when it comes to biotin replacement. A trend that is becoming popular in modern society is to drink raw egg whites to increase your protein intake. Avidin is a protein found in raw eggs and binds to biotin, so patients who eat raw eggs exacerbate their problems.


Another valuable source of biotin that you should consider to get more biotin in your diet would be to eat nuts such as almonds, sunflower seeds or peanuts. Although these nuts may not have the highest concentration of biotin per fruit, a handful of nuts contain enough biotin to satisfy about half of the recommended daily intake of biotin.


Fish is another biotin-rich potential food that you should keep in mind when you have a biotin deficiency. Fish such as salmon and tuna have biotin in them, so the daily intake of these products can help. Salmon is much richer in biotin and contains about five micrograms of biotin per serving, while canned tuna has about one microgram. These fish also contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that are also useful in patients suffering from scalp dryness and brittle hair.

Sweet potatoes

We wanted to offer vegetarians more options in case meat dishes are not appropriate for their diet. Sweet potatoes should figure on your menu as another treatment option for hair loss if you suffer from a biotin deficiency. This type of potatoes are rich in biotin and half a cup of sweet potatoes can have up to 3 micrograms of biotin. Unfortunately, the same benefit was not seen in the Idaho potatoes commonly used in French fries, so a trip to McDonald's is not the fastest solution to improving your hair.


Another group of foods that can be expected to find a high level of biotin would be dark leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli and lettuce. Dark leafy vegetables have slightly higher levels of biotin compared to other types of vegetables. Some of the highest levels of biotin can be seen in boiled spinach and fresh broccoli.

Dairy products
Dairy products are a group of foods that also contain biotin. Soft cheddar cheese, yogurt and 1 cup of 2 percent milk contain about 0.5 micrograms of biotin so they can supplement any meal to increase your biotin intake.

However, you can see that numerous food groups can help you get more biotin in your diet. There are several foods rich in biotin that you can select based on your food preferences, so you can create a menu rich in biotin that works for you.