Friday, December 28, 2018

Vitamin B8 or Biotin

Vitamin B8 or Biotin

We tell you what are the functions of Vitamin B8, what foods contain it, in which cases the supplements are indicated and what are the recommended doses.

Vitamin B8 or Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that the bacteria in our intestines make in small quantities. Although their lack does not produce any specific disease, in some circumstances we may need supplements of this vitamin.

In this report we review what its functions are , the foods richest in Vitamin B8 , which people can benefit from Biotin supplementation and what are the recommended doses .

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SKRZYPOVITA 40+ - 42 Tablets - for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails - is a Product for Mature Women.

Functions of Vitamin B8 or Biotin
  •         It is important in the degradation and utilization of fats
  •         Participate in the synthesis of some amino acids
  •         It is related to cell growth
  •         Stimulates the production of tissues in the body (that's why it is so important in matters of skin , hair , nails, etc.)
  •         Participates in cellular respiration and energy production

Foods rich in Vitamin B8 or Biotin

Vitamin B8 can be obtained from both the animal and vegetable kingdoms . One of the foods richest in Vitamin B8 and other B vitamins ( B1 , B2 , B3 , B5 , B6 , folic acid , inositol , choline and B12 ) is the liver , but we recommend that you take the precaution of buying it organic . The liver, along with other viscera, is one of the most depurative organs and, therefore, is one of the most toxins accumulates . That is to say, if you buy liver from industrial livestock it is quite possible that, along with the meat, you will ingest a few drugs and hormones, in addition to the pesticides coming from the industrial agriculture with which they feed the animals.

That said, let's see which foods are the most rich in Vitamin B8 (in order of importance, that is, those that have the most, first):

  •         Brewer's yeast (well above others)
  •         Liver
  •         Yolk
  •         Oatmeal
  •         Cauliflower
  •         Wheat bran
  •         Wheat germ

Symptoms of Vitamin B8 or Biotin deficiency

Since our body is able to make this vitamin, deficiencies are not common. However, there are some circumstances that can interfere with its use or reduce the levels of Vitamin B8 in the body. These are the symptoms of lack :

  •         Dermatitis or skin problems
  •         Depression
  •         Vomiting
  •         Diarrhea
  •         Pallor
  •         Fatigue
  •         Colitis
  •         Anemia
  •         Loss of hair or hair

Supplements of Vitamin B8 or Biotin

These are the cases in which the dietary supplementation of Vitamin B8 may be indicated, either due to deficiencies or as therapy:

  •         In treatments for skin diseases (eczema, deborheric dermatitis , acne , etc.)
  •         Elderly people who present malnutrition
  •         When a diet low in cholesterol and fats is followed
  •         Some drugs, such as antibiotics or sulfonamides, can cause Vitamin B8 deficiencies
  •         Depression and drowsiness
  •         Alcoholism
  •         Breastfeeding with sudden death of the baby has been associated with a severe lack of this vitamin
  •         Muscle aches
  •         When excess egg white is consumed
  •         In cases in which Type II Diabetes usually has deficiencies in Vitamin B8

Dosage and toxicity of Vitamin B8 or Biotin

There are no studies on what is the recommended daily dose of Vitamin B8 that the body needs. However, a DDR of between 200 to 400mg daily has been established as a safe measure.

So far no side effects are known by very high intakes although, as always, better to act with caution . It is best to act with common sense, investigate conscientiously and, in case of illness, put yourself in the hands of specialists who value all aspects in a global way.