Saturday, December 29, 2018

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

What is biotin?

Biotin is one of the B vitamins, also known as vitamin B7. It has been called coenzyme R and vitamin H, it is responsible for the health of the hair and skin. Biotin is water soluble, which means the body does not store it. It has many important functions in the body and general health benefits.

Superior Labs – Best Natural Biotin NonGMO Supplement – For Luscious Longer Hair and Lashes – Stronger Nails – Healthy Skin – Energy Booster – Healthy Weight - 5000 mcg, 120 Vegetable Caps
Superior Labs – Best Natural Biotin NonGMO Supplement – For Luscious Longer Hair and Lashes – Stronger Nails – Healthy Skin – Energy Booster – Healthy Weight - 5000 mcg, 120 Vegetable Caps

What is it for?

It is required for the function of various enzymes known as carboxylases. These enzymes, which contain biotin, participate in important metabolic pathways, such as the production of glucose and fatty acids. A commonly recommended intake is 5 μg (micrograms) per day in infants and 30 μg in adults. This is equivalent to 35 mcg per day in lactating women.

Vitamin B7 deficiency is quite rare. However, some groups, such as pregnant women, may experience this mildly. Eating raw eggs can also cause a shortage, but you would have to eat lots of eggs for a long time. Raw egg white contains a protein called avidin, which binds to biotin and prevents its absorption. Avidin is inactivated during cooking.

Benefits of Biotin

Benefits of Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 has several potential benefits, know some of them.

1. Metabolism of macronutrients

Biotin is important for energy production. For example, several enzymes need to function properly. These enzymes are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They initiate critical steps in the metabolic processes of these nutrients.

Vitamin B7 plays an important role in:

Gluconeogenesis: This pathway allows the production of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates, such as amino acids. Biotin-containing enzymes help to initiate this process.

Fatty acid synthesis: Vitamin B7 supports enzymes that trigger reactions that are important for the production of fatty acids.

Amino Acid Degradation: Biotin-containing enzymes are involved in the metabolism of several important amino acids, including leucine

2. Fragile nails

The brittle nails are weak and easily shattered, split or cracked. It is a common disease and is estimated to affect about 20% of the world's population. Biotin may benefit people who suffer from brittle nails.

In one study, 8 people with brittle nails received 2.5 mg of vitamin B7 per day for 6 to 15 months. Nail thickness improved by 25% for the 8 participants. The nail tone was also reduced.

Another study of 35 people with brittle nails found 2.5 mg of vitamin B7 per day for 1.5 to 7 months, improving symptoms in 67% of participants.

3. Hair Health

Biotin for hair

Biotin is often associated with increased hair growth and healthier, stronger hair. In addition, studies prove that a lack of biotin can lead to hair loss, indicating that the vitamin is important for hair.

It is recommended that people with vitamin B7 deficiency take 30 to 100 micrograms (micrograms) per day. Infants and children with vitamin B7 deficiency would need a dose of less than 10 to 30 mcg, respectively. It has not been determined whether hair growth improves in healthy people.

4. Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Biotin is important during pregnancy and lactation. These stages of life are linked to a greater need for this vitamin. In fact, it is estimated that up to 50% of pregnant women may develop mild vitamin B7 deficiency. This means that it can easily affect your well-being, but it is not severe enough to cause noticeable symptoms.

Deficiencies in the metabolism of vitamin B7 in the body are believed to be present during pregnancy. Another major concern is that animal studies have shown that biotin deficiency can lead to birth defects during pregnancy.

However, do not forget to consult your doctor or nutritionist before taking supplements during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Adding foods high in vitamin B7 to your diet does not carry risks.

5. Decreasing blood sugar in people with diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels and impaired insulin function. Researchers have investigated how biotin supplements affect blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.

Some evidence suggests that vitamin B7 concentrations in the blood may be lower in people with diabetes compared to healthy people.

Studies in diabetics receiving only biotin gave mixed results. However, several controlled studies suggest that biotin supplements in combination with chromium ore may reduce blood sugar levels in some patients with type 2 diabetes.

6. Skin health

The role of biotin in skin health is not well understood. However, it is known that you may have red and scaly rashes if you are deficient.

Some studies also suggest that biotin deficiency can sometimes cause a skin disease called seborrheic dermatitis.

The role of vitamin B7 in skin health may be related to its effect on fat metabolism, which is important for the skin and can be affected if the vitamin is absent.


Before you think about buying biotin or any kind of supplement you should always consult your doctor. Vitamin B7 has no known interactions, but your doctor should confirm if there is any drug interaction with the vitamin and other medications you are consuming.

In addition, before adding a new supplement to your routine, your doctor may also provide more specific information about the dose and possible side effects.


Age                            Dose

Newborn up to 6 months 5 mcg

Infants 7-12 months 6 mcg

Babies: 1-3 years 8 mcg

Children aged 4-8 years 12 mcg

Children from 9-13 years 20 mcg

Adolescents aged 14-18 years 25 mcg

Adults over 19 years 30 mcg

Pregnant 30 mcg

Breastfeeding, adolescents and women 35 mcg

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, excess of the vitamin in the body is eliminated by the urine. This makes a possible overdose unlikely. If you develop an unusual or unexpected rash after increasing your vitamin intake, contact your doctor. In rare cases, this is an indication of a possible overdose.

Your doctor will review the following to confirm an overdose:

low levels of vitamin C

low levels of vitamin B6

high blood sugar

decreased insulin production

Based on this information, the doctor confirms it can confirm if you are receiving too much vitamin B7, and reduce the recommended dose.