Monday, December 24, 2018

Biotin: the formidable vitamin that helps hair and beard growth

Biotin: the formidable vitamin that helps hair and beard growth

We know that, as part of a change in the climate and the environment, we must have more and better care in our skin at the arrival of the freezing temperatures, but not only is the skin the recent one the decrease of climate degrees but also our hair , that is why we must worry about our hair attractive knowing more about biotin , a vitamin that stimulates the healthy growth of hair naturally.

Bulksupplements Pure Biotin (Vitamin B7) Powder (10 grams)
Bulksupplements Pure Biotin (Vitamin B7) Powder (10 grams)

Like many other nutrients, biotin directly combats the metabolism process of fats, purines, amino acids and hydrates, making it a functional vitamin against the development of diseases such as diabetes and ceborrheic dermatitis, anti-fat properties that have come to the cosmetics market , specifically in hair products.

How is this vitamin acting? By breaking down the fat in our body , it prevents the hair from suffering from an overproduction of sebum, which would mean that the hair follicle is reduced in its normal growth, biotin itself is a natural component that balances the production of fat of the body as well as the follicles causing the hair to develop correctly.

As mentioned before, biotin is a natural compound that can be found in natural foods such as egg yolk, yeast and peanuts, although of course: in the current aesthetic this component has taken a great leap from being used in shampoos for horses to be later adapted to the primordial needs of men in products specifically created for us.

Although biotin is a nutrient that can be safely ingested by some foods, the best way to use its benefits is directly on the hair as a shampoo: the Avalon Organics with biotin will make your hair grow normally without worrying by fat overproduction or dryness. But if you are one of those who bet on natural remedies, health food stores usually sell capsules with biotin that you can use with your usual shampoo without problem.

7 Foods to accelerate hair growth


The Omega-3 fatty acids in this fish strengthen the follicles and stimulate hair growth. Scientific experiments showed that the consumption of these acids during half a year reduces the telogen period (resting phase of the hair follicles). In addition, the salmon has vitamin B12 and iron that also helps the hair to grow faster.


Oysters have a lot of zinc thanks to which the hair not only grows faster, but also gets shine . Only one clam can reward you for the daily dose of this element. Of course it is unlikely that you can eat clams every day, that's why it includes in your diet saved wheat, liver, beef and pork, because in these foods there is also enough zinc.


Chicken meat is rich in animal protein, which we need to produce keratin , a substance that makes up 80% of the hair shaft. Protein deficiency for 2-3 months causes the suspension of growth and hair loss. In other types of meat, such as turkey and rabbit, there is also a lot of animal protein.

The eggs contain elements necessary for the growth and good condition of the hair like protein and biotin. Biotin in the form of food supplement is recommended to take in case of hair loss, but it is healthier if you receive them with food. In addition, eggs contain leucine (responds by cell division) and other amino acids that our hair needs.


Almonds contain vitamin E, which activates hair growth and strengthens it. 30 g of this nut (about 15-20 almonds) contain 70% of the daily dose of this substance. In addition, almonds contain positive elements for hair such as biotin, fatty acids and vitamins of group B.

Pumpkin seeds

The seeds contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4 that respond to hair growth, and also vitamins B5 and B6 that improve the condition of the scalp. To prevent hair loss, you must include pumpkin oil in your diet, because according to research, it helps even in case of alopecia.


Lentils contain a large amount of iron, one of the essential elements for healthy hair growth . A serving of lentil soup contains about half the daily dose of this food. In addition, legumes contain zinc, choline (normalizes blood circulation of the scalp) and other healthy elements.