Saturday, December 29, 2018




Background: In 1916, Bateman observed that rats fed egg white as the sole source of protein developed neuromuscular disorders, dermatitis and hair loss. This syndrome could be prevented if you cook the white or if you added liver or yeast to the diet. In 1936, Kögl and Tönis isolated from the egg yolk a substance that was essential for the growth of yeast and called it biotin. Later, it was found that this factor and the one that prevented the poisoning of cooked egg white were the same.

Synonyms: vitamin B8. Of the biotin there are 3 variants that are the biocitina, the lysine and the dextro and levo sulfoxido of biocitina. They are useful for the growth of certain microorganisms and their usefulness to man is not known.

Le Fair Advanced Hair Skin Nails Formula - Provides Nutritional Support - Contains Biotin, Bamboo Extract, MSM, and Green Tea Extract to Promote Hair, Nail & Toenail and Eyelash Growth - Skin Health,
Le Fair Advanced Hair Skin Nails Formula - Provides Nutritional Support - Contains Biotin, Bamboo Extract, MSM, and Green Tea Extract to Promote Hair, Nail & Toenail and Eyelash Growth - Skin Health,

Recommended daily doses: 100 to 200 micrograms.

Main sources: meats, egg yolks, milk, fish and nuts. Biotin is stable to cooking.

Main functions: important function in the metabolism of sugars and fats.

Manifestations of deficiency: very rare and practically only appear if there is destruction of the intestinal bacteria, administration of biotin antimetabolites and feeding with raw egg white to happen the lack of biotin. In these cases, atrophic glossitis, muscular pains, lack of appetite, flaccidity, dermatitis and electrocardiogram changes occur. People who eat only raw eggs for a long time have presented these manifestations. People who are parenterally may also have signs and symptoms of biotin deficiency. Skin lesions are characterized by severe exfoliative dermatitis and hair loss that are reversible with the administration of biotin.

Children with child seborrhea and people with genetic defects are treated with doses of 5 to 10 mg / day of biotin.

Manifestations of excesses: large doses of biotin can cause diarrhea.

It is part of the B complex

Synonymy: vitamin B7, biotin.


It is a vitamin synthesized by bacteria. It serves as the carrier for activated carbon dioxide. Spontaneous deficiency of erotin occurs rarely, if it occurs in humans the daily requirement is small, and intestinal microbes synthesize sufficient amounts, which can be absorbed without additional nutritional sources. Egg white contains a protein called avidin, which binds to biotin very strongly (very actively). Baking the egg white denatured avidin and abolished biotin binding activity. Biotin has the ability to neutralize the toxic effect of raw egg white by combining neutralizing the effect of the so-called avidin, which is a secretion of the oviduct mucosa of the bird. It works on the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Helps in the preventive treatment of baldness. Calms muscle aches. Relieves eczema and dermatitis. Keeps skin and circulatory system healthy. It breaks fats and proteins. Important role in hair growth. Helps in the work of other B vitamins, antidermático.

Water soluble.


The biotin ingested in the diet is absorbed by the small intestine and is soon afterwards found in the blood and tissues. The skin is especially rich in biotin. Biotin is eliminated in part of urine, and partly through feces. It is impossible to differentiate between the ingested biotin and the biotin synthesized by the intestinal flora in the faeces, and the amounts excreted in the faeces on a daily basis could be twice as much as or even five times the amount ingested.


Depression, drowsiness, muscle aches, anorexia, peeling of the skin, skin disorders (exfoliative dermatitis). Conjunctivitis, lassitude. The syndrome of spontaneous deficiency in man has been observed in individuals who have consumed raw egg whites for a long time.


Biotin is tolerated by humans without side effects, even at high doses.


Liver and kidney of ox, egg yolk, potato, banana, peanut.


The third component of Max Burn, biotin (the other two are phisilium and chitosan) is called by some of vitamin B8, and by others of vitamin H (other than those who call it vitamin B7). It works directly on the metabolism of the skin, the nails and the hair, providing the construction of these tissues from the carbohydrates and the ingested proteins.

Where to find in nature

The human body is not able to synthesize biotin, so we should consume foods rich in this vitamin, such as:

  • flower pollen;
  • wheat germ;
  • yeast;
  • orange;
  • germinated alfalfa;
  • nuts;
  • melon;
  • yogurt;
  • Soy;
  • egg yolk;
  • spinach juice;
  • avocado;
  • oats.

Biotin and hair loss
Biotin became quite famous after television began to show testimonials from celebrities who said they were successfully combating hair loss by taking daily doses of biotin.
Biotin for weight loss

Although it is not the function in which biotin is most efficient, it can be used in the treatments for slimming, by acting directly on the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

However, the main benefit of ingesting biotin during the weight-loss diet is precisely the accelerated regeneration of the skin (which tends to become flabby with the elimination of extra fat). Besides, who does not want to have strong, shiny and beautiful hair and nails?